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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39300809


Rhodolith beds are diverse and globally distributed habitats. Nonetheless, the role of rhodoliths in structuring the associated species community through a hierarchy of positive interactions is yet to be recognised. In this review, we provide evidence that rhodoliths can function as foundation species of multi-level facilitation cascades and, hence, are fundamental for the persistence of hierarchically structured communities within coastal oceans. Rhodoliths generate facilitation cascades by buffering physical stress, reducing consumer pressure and enhancing resource availability. Due to large variations in their shape, size and density, a single rhodolith bed can support multiple taxonomically distant and architecturally distinct habitat-forming species, such as primary producers, sponges or bivalves, thus encompassing a broad range of functional traits and providing a wealth of secondary microhabitat and food resources. In addition, rhodoliths are often mobile, and thus can redistribute associated species, potentially expanding the distribution of species with short-distance dispersal abilities. Key knowledge gaps we have identified include: the experimental assessment of the role of rhodoliths as basal facilitators; the length and temporal stability of facilitation cascades; variations in species interactions within cascades across environmental gradients; and the role of rhodolith beds as climate refugia. Addressing these research priorities will allow the development of evidence-based policy decisions and elevate rhodolith beds within marine conservation strategies.

Conserv Biol ; 38(5): e14337, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248743


Reconciling conservation goals with sustainable resource use requires adaptive management strategies. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) regulates global trade for species listed on Appendix II, partly by requiring member countries (parties) to ensure exports do not damage wild populations (called making positive "nondetriment findings" [NDFs]). Unfortunately, when parties find NDFs difficult, they often suspend legal trade, imposing economic costs and driving trade underground. To make it easier for parties to examine the detrimental nature of exports, we devised a spatial approach and applied it to seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) in Tamil Nadu, India, as an example. Our approach involves mapping answers to 5 key questions on species distribution (QA), pressures (QB), management measures (QC), management implementation (QD), and species' population status (QE). We gathered data from fisher interviews and published literature. Seahorse abundance was greatest in southern Palk Bay and the northern Gulf of Mannar, primarily in seagrasses and coral reefs (QA). Fishing pressure was highest in Palk Bay, primarily from bottom trawlers and dragnetters operating in shallow seahorse habitats near the coastline (QB). Management measures including a marine protected area (MPA), bottom trawl exclusion zone, and closed season were theoretically in place (QC), but their implementation was poor (QD). Fishers reported seahorse catches in 85% of the area covered by the MPA and the exclusion zone; bottom trawlers were responsible for most violations. Seahorses were also captured in Sri Lankan waters, where bottom trawling is banned. Fisher reports indicated declining seahorse catches and reduced body sizes (QE), highlighting unsustainable exploitation. Our results highlight the need for better implementation of existing management measures before a positive NDF can be made and suggest mitigation beyond bans. Such pragmatic spatial analyses can help regulate exports at sustainable levels, supporting CITES implementation for its vast range of species.

Un enfoque práctico para cumplir las obligaciones nacionales para el mercado sustentable bajo CITES Resumen Conciliar los objetivos de conservación con el uso sostenible de los recursos exige estrategias de gestión adaptativa. La Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres (CITES) regula el comercio mundial de las especies incluidas en el Apéndice II, en parte exigiendo a los países miembros (partes) que garanticen que las exportaciones no perjudiquen a las poblaciones silvestres (lo que se conoce como dictámenes de extracción no perjudicial [DENP] positivos). Desgraciadamente, cuando las partes encuentran dificultades para formular DENP, a menudo suspenden el comercio legal, lo que impone costos económicos y lleva al comercio a la clandestinidad. Para facilitar a las partes el examen del carácter perjudicial de las exportaciones, ideamos un enfoque espacial y lo aplicamos a los caballitos de mar (Hippocampus spp.) en Tamil Nadu, India, como un ejemplo. Nuestro planteamiento consiste en responder cinco preguntas clave sobre la distribución de las especies (PA), las presiones (PB), las medidas de gestión (PC), la aplicación de la gestión (PD) y el estado de la población de las especies (PE). Se recopilaron datos de entrevistas con pescadores y de la bibliografía publicada. La abundancia de caballitos de mar era mayor en el sur de la bahía Palk y el norte del Golfo de Mannar, principalmente en las praderas marinas y los arrecifes de coral (QA). La presión pesquera era mayor en la bahía Palk, principalmente por parte de redes de arrastre de fondo y redes de arrastre que operaban en hábitats poco profundos de caballitos de mar cerca de la costa (QB). En teoría existían medidas de gestión, como un área marina protegida (AMP), una zona de exclusión para las redes de arrastre de fondo y una temporada de veda (QC), pero su aplicación era deficiente (QD). Los pescadores reportaron capturas de caballitos de mar en el 85% del área cubierta por el AMP y la zona de exclusión; las redes de arrastre de fondo fueron responsables de la mayoría de las infracciones. También se capturaron hipocampos en aguas de Sri Lanka, donde está prohibida la pesca de arrastre de fondo. Los informes de los pescadores indicaron una disminución de las capturas de caballitos de mar y una reducción del tamaño corporal (QE), lo que expone una explotación insostenible. Nuestros resultados resaltan la necesidad de aplicar mejor las medidas de gestión existentes antes de poder hacer un DENP positivo y sugieren medidas de mitigación más allá de las prohibiciones. Estos análisis espaciales pragmáticos pueden ayudar a regular las exportaciones a niveles sostenibles, apoyando la aplicación para la amplia gama de especies de la CITES.

Comércio , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/legislação & jurisprudência , Animais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção/legislação & jurisprudência , Índia , Smegmamorpha/fisiologia , Pesqueiros/economia , Pesqueiros/legislação & jurisprudência
Plant Physiol Biochem ; 215: 108981, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39163650


The expanding impact of algal blooms on marine areas poses a severe threat to the sustainable development of aquaculture, human health, and the ecological safety of coastal areas. To address this issue, the exploration of natural algicidal compounds with high efficiency, selectivity, and environmental friendliness has gained attention as potential substances for algae removal. However, the integration of related work still needs to be improved. Therefore, an in-depth study of algicidal strategies and applications of algicidal compounds for biodiversity has become crucial. Here, we aim to consolidate the current advancements in research on the sources and types of algicidal compounds. We also delve into various algicidal strategies, including the damage inflicted on algal structures, inhibition of photosynthesis, effects on oxidative damage, and impacts on gene expression. Additionally, we highlight practical applications of algicidal compounds, taking into account their specificities and limitations. This review contributes to the protection of marine biodiversity and the promotion of sustainable environmental development. Furthermore, we provide recommendations for future research on algicidal compounds to overcome existing barriers. By doing so, we hope to offer valuable references for researchers engaged in further studies on managing algal outbreaks.

Proliferação Nociva de Algas , Fotossíntese/efeitos dos fármacos , Produtos Biológicos/farmacologia
Animals (Basel) ; 14(15)2024 Aug 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39123791


This research delves into the molecular and morphological characteristics of myzostomid worms associated with common shallow-water feather stars (Echinodermata: Crinoidea: Comatulidae) in the coastal waters near Sanya, Hainan Island. Through the examination of specimens collected at depths of up to 10 m using scuba diving techniques, we describe three new species (Myzostoma ordinatum sp. nov., M. scopus sp. nov., and M. solare sp. nov.) and report the first record of Myzostoma polycyclus Atkins, 1927 in the South China Sea. The absence of overlap with the seven previously documented Myzostomida species in the shallow waters of Hong Kong and Shenzhen reveals significant gaps in our understanding of marine biodiversity in the South China Sea. These findings, combined with an analysis of available molecular data, underscore the potential existence of unexplored and diverse symbiotic relationships among marine invertebrates within the region.

Mol Ecol Resour ; : e14014, 2024 Aug 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39188124


Environmental DNA (eDNA) preserved in marine sediments is increasingly being used to study past ecosystems. However, little is known about how accurately marine biodiversity is recorded in sediment eDNA archives, especially planktonic taxa. Here, we address this question by comparing eukaryotic diversity in 273 eDNA samples from three water depths and the surface sediments of 24 stations in the Nordic Seas. Analysis of 18S-V9 metabarcoding data reveals distinct eukaryotic assemblages between water and sediment eDNA. Only 40% of Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) detected in water were also found in sediment eDNA. Remarkably, the ASVs shared between water and sediment accounted for 80% of total sequence reads suggesting that a large amount of plankton DNA is transported to the seafloor, predominantly from abundant phytoplankton taxa. However, not all plankton taxa were equally archived on the seafloor. The plankton DNA deposited in the sediments was dominated by diatoms and showed an underrepresentation of certain nano- and picoplankton taxa (Picozoa or Prymnesiophyceae). Our study offers the first insights into the patterns of plankton diversity recorded in sediment in relation to seasonality and spatial variability of environmental conditions in the Nordic Seas. Our results suggest that the genetic composition and structure of the plankton community vary considerably throughout the water column and differ from what accumulates in the sediment. Hence, the interpretation of sedimentary eDNA archives should take into account potential taxonomic and abundance biases when reconstructing past changes in marine biodiversity.

Sci Total Environ ; 944: 173837, 2024 Sep 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38866145


Human activities are having a massive negative impact on biodiversity and ecological processes worldwide. The rate and magnitude of ecological transformations induced by climate change, habitat destruction, overexploitation and pollution are now so substantial that a sixth mass extinction event is currently underway. The biodiversity crisis of the Anthropocene urges scientists to put forward a transformative vision to promote the conservation of biodiversity, and thus indirectly the preservation of ecosystem functions. Here, we identify pressing issues in global change biology research and propose an integrative framework based on multilayer biological networks as a tool to support conservation actions and marine risk assessments in multi-stressor scenarios. Multilayer networks can integrate different levels of environmental and biotic complexity, enabling us to combine information on molecular, physiological and behaviour responses, species interactions and biotic communities. The ultimate aim of this framework is to link human-induced environmental changes to species physiology, fitness, biogeography and ecosystem impacts across vast seascapes and time frames, to help guide solutions to address biodiversity loss and ecological tipping points. Further, we also define our current ability to adopt a widespread use of multilayer networks within ecology, evolution and conservation by providing examples of case-studies. We also assess which approaches are ready to be transferred and which ones require further development before use. We conclude that multilayer biological networks will be crucial to inform (using reliable multi-levels integrative indicators) stakeholders and support their decision-making concerning the sustainable use of resources and marine conservation.

Biodiversidade , Mudança Climática , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Organismos Aquáticos/fisiologia , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos
PeerJ ; 12: e17091, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38708339


Monitoring the diversity and distribution of species in an ecosystem is essential to assess the success of restoration strategies. Implementing biomonitoring methods, which provide a comprehensive assessment of species diversity and mitigate biases in data collection, holds significant importance in biodiversity research. Additionally, ensuring that these methods are cost-efficient and require minimal effort is crucial for effective environmental monitoring. In this study we compare the efficiency of species detection, the cost and the effort of two non-destructive sampling techniques: Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) and environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding to survey marine vertebrate species. Comparisons were conducted along the Sussex coast upon the introduction of the Nearshore Trawling Byelaw. This Byelaw aims to boost the recovery of the dense kelp beds and the associated biodiversity that existed in the 1980s. We show that overall BRUV surveys are more affordable than eDNA, however, eDNA detects almost three times as many species as BRUV. eDNA and BRUV surveys are comparable in terms of effort required for each method, unless eDNA analysis is carried out externally, in which case eDNA requires less effort for the lead researchers. Furthermore, we show that increased eDNA replication yields more informative results on community structure. We found that using both methods in conjunction provides a more complete view of biodiversity, with BRUV data supplementing eDNA monitoring by recording species missed by eDNA and by providing additional environmental and life history metrics. The results from this study will serve as a baseline of the marine vertebrate community in Sussex Bay allowing future biodiversity monitoring research projects to understand community structure as the ecosystem recovers following the removal of trawling fishing pressure. Although this study was regional, the findings presented herein have relevance to marine biodiversity and conservation monitoring programs around the globe.

Biodiversidade , DNA Ambiental , Monitoramento Ambiental , DNA Ambiental/análise , DNA Ambiental/genética , Animais , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Organismos Aquáticos/genética , Gravação em Vídeo/métodos , Ecossistema , Código de Barras de DNA Taxonômico/métodos
Methods Mol Biol ; 2744: 475-489, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38683336


The MetaZooGene Atlas and Database (MZGdb; ) is an open-access data and metadata portal synchronized with the NCBI GenBank and BOLD data repositories. The MZGdb includes sequences for genes used for the classification and identification of marine organisms based on DNA barcoding and metabarcoding. The focus of the MZGdb is biodiversity of marine ecosystems, including phytoplankton and microbes, zooplankton and invertebrates, fish, and other marine vertebrates (pinnipeds, cetaceans, and sea turtles). DNA sequences currently included are mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI), 12S, and 16S rRNA, and nuclear 18S and 28S rRNA. The MZGdb provides data and mapping tools for assembling and downloading compilations of reference sequence data that are specific to selected genes, taxonomic groups, and/or ocean regions. An additional feature of the MZGdb is the Atlas which summarizes data coverage and proportional completeness based on statistics of species with available sequences versus species commonly found in each ocean region.This chapter is a collaborative effort of the Scientific Committee for Ocean Research (SCOR) Working Group WG157: MetaZooGene: Toward a new global view of marine zooplankton biodiversity based on DNA metabarcoding and reference DNA sequence databases ( ).

Organismos Aquáticos , Biodiversidade , Código de Barras de DNA Taxonômico , Animais , Organismos Aquáticos/genética , Organismos Aquáticos/classificação , Código de Barras de DNA Taxonômico/métodos , Ecossistema , Bases de Dados Genéticas , Bases de Dados de Ácidos Nucleicos
Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc ; 99(4): 1391-1410, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38468189


Fluorescence in marine animals has mainly been studied in Cnidaria but is found in many different phyla such as Annelida, Crustacea, Mollusca, and Chordata. While many fluorescent proteins and molecules have been identified, very little information is available about the biological functions of fluorescence. In this review, we focus on describing the occurrence of fluorescence in marine animals and the behavioural and physiological functions of fluorescent molecules based on experimental approaches. These biological functions of fluorescence range from prey and symbiont attraction, photoprotection, photoenhancement, stress mitigation, mimicry, and aposematism to inter- and intraspecific communication. We provide a comprehensive list of marine taxa that utilise fluorescence, including demonstrated effects on behavioural or physiological responses. We describe the numerous known functions of fluorescence in anthozoans and their underlying molecular mechanisms. We also highlight that other marine taxa should be studied regarding the functions of fluorescence. We suggest that an increase in research effort in this field could contribute to understanding the capacity of marine animals to respond to negative effects of climate change, such as rising sea temperatures and increasing intensities of solar irradiation.

Organismos Aquáticos , Animais , Organismos Aquáticos/fisiologia , Fluorescência , Invertebrados/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia
Animals (Basel) ; 14(6)2024 Mar 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38539975


Crinoids (Echinodermata) exhibit unique morphological and behavioral characteristics that facilitate a wide range of symbiotic relationships with diverse organisms. Our comprehension of their interactions with microscopic copepod crustaceans is, however, still in a nascent and fragmented state. Here, we review and discuss the 166 literature records to date in which a total of 39 copepod species in 6 families have been reported in association with 33 species of the crinoid order Comatulida. Many of these associations have been reported just once. The respective localities cover 5 of the World Ocean's 12 ecoregions, with a notable concentration of both host and symbiont diversity in the Central and Western Indo-Pacific. In contrast, the documentation of copepod-crinoid associations in the Atlantic appears markedly limited. Copepods have been found predominantly in ectosymbiotic relationships with crinoids, with a lower incidence of endosymbiosis. Copepods of the genera Collocheres Canu, 1893 and Pseudanthessius Claus, 1889 are particularly prominent in the list, and the comatulid family Comatulidae displays the most diverse assortment of copepod associations. The current scope of knowledge encompasses a mere 5% of the potential crinoid host diversity, underscoring the need for more extensive research in this area.

Data Brief ; 53: 110200, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38435734


Biodiversity information in the form of species occurrence records is key for monitoring and predicting current and future biodiversity patterns, as well as for guiding conservation and management strategies. However, the reliability and accuracy of this information are frequently undermined by taxonomic and spatial errors. Additionally, biodiversity information facilities often share data in diverse incompatible formats, precluding seamless integration and interoperability. We provide a comprehensive quality-controlled dataset of occurrence records of the Class Demospongiae, which comprises 81% of the entire Porifera phylum. Demosponges are ecologically significant as they structure rich habitats and play a key role in nutrient cycling within marine benthic communities. The dataset aggregates occurrence records from multiple sources, employs dereplication and taxonomic curation techniques, and is flagged for potentially incorrect records based on expert knowledge regarding each species' bathymetric and geographic distributions. It yields 417,626 records of 1,816 accepted demosponge species (of which 321,660 records of 1,495 species are flagged as potentially correct), which are provided under the FAIR principle of Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability in the Darwin Core Standard. This dataset constitutes the most up-to-date baseline for studying demosponge diversity at the global scale, enabling researchers to examine biodiversity patterns (e.g., species richness and endemicity), and forecast potential distributional shifts under future scenarios of climate change.

Data Brief ; 52: 110023, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38293573


Data on contemporary and future geographical distributions of marine species are crucial for guiding conservation and management policies in face of climate change. However, available distributional patterns have overlooked key ecosystem structuring species, despite their numerous ecological and socioeconomic services. Future range estimates are mostly available for few species at regional scales, and often rely on the outdated Representative Concentration Pathway scenarios of climate change, hindering global biodiversity estimates within the framework of current international climate policies. Here, we provide range maps for 980 marine structuring species of seagrasses, kelps, fucoids, and cold-water corals under present-day conditions (from 2010 to 2020) and future scenarios (from 2090 to 2100) spanning from low carbon emission scenarios aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement (Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 1-1.9), to higher emissions under reduced mitigation strategies (SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5). These models were developed using state-of-the-art and advanced machine learning algorithms linking the most comprehensive and quality-controlled datasets of occurrence records with high-resolution, biologically relevant predictor variables. By integrating the best aspects of species distribution modelling over key ecosystem structuring species, our datasets hold the potential to enhance the ability to inform strategic and effective conservation policy, ultimately supporting the resilience of ocean ecosystems.

Int J Parasitol ; 54(2): 65-88, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37838302


Coral-associated fauna predominantly consists of invertebrates and constitutes an important component of coral reef biodiversity. The symbionts depend on their hosts for food, shelter and substrate. They may act as parasites by feeding on their hosts, by overgowing their polyps, or by excavating their skeletons. Because some of these species partly reside inside their hosts, they may be cryptic and can easily be overlooked in biodiversity surveys. Since no quantitative overview is available about these inter-specific relationships, this present study adresses variation in host ranges and specificity across four large coral-associated taxa and between the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific oceans. These taxa are: coral barnacles (Pyrgomatidae, n = 95), coral gall crabs (Cryptochiridae, n = 54), tubeworms (Serpulidae, n = 31), and date mussels (Lithophaginae, n = 23). A total of 335 host coral species was recorded. An index of host specificity (STD) was calculated per symbiont species, based on distinctness in taxonomic host range levels (species, genus, family, etc.). Mean indices were statistically compared among the four associated taxa and the two oceanic coral reef regions. Barnacles were the most host-specific, tubeworms the least. Indo-Pacific associates were approximately 10 times richer in species and two times more host-specific than their Atlantic counterparts. Coral families varied in the number of associates, with some hosting none. This variation could be linked to host traits (coral growth form, maximum host size) and is most probably also a result of the evolutionary history of the interspecific relationships.

Antozoários , Recifes de Corais , Animais , Biodiversidade , Evolução Biológica , Especificidade de Hospedeiro
Mar Environ Res ; 193: 106289, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38048659


Coastal ecosystems have received international interest for their possible role in climate change mitigation, highlighting the importance of being able to assess and predict how changes in habitat distributions and their associated communities may impact the greenhouse gas sink potential of these vegetated seascapes. Importantly, the range and diversity of macrophytes within the vegetated seascape have different capacities to store C within their biomass and potentially sequester C depending on their functional trait characteristics. To bridge the present knowledge gaps in linking macrophyte traits to C storage in tissue, we (1) quantified biomass-bound C stocks within diverse macrophyte communities, separately for soft and hard bottom habitats and (2) explored the links between various traits of both vascular plants and macroalgae and their respective biomass-bound C stocks using structural equation modeling (SEM). We conducted a field survey where we sampled 6 soft bottom locations dominated by aquatic vascular plants and 6 hard bottom locations dominated by the brown algae Fucus vesiculosus in the Finnish archipelago. Macrophyte carbon stocks of hard bottom locations were an order of magnitude higher than those found in soft bottom locations. Biodiversity was associated with aquatic plant carbon stocks through mass ratio effects, highlighting that carbon stocks were positively influenced by the dominance of species with more acquisitive resource strategies, whereas age was the main driver of carbon in the mono-specific macroalgal communities. Overall, our results demonstrate that habitat type and dominating life-history strategies influenced the size of the organism-bound carbon stocks. Moreover, we showed the importance of accounting for the diversity of different traits to determine the drivers underpinning carbon storage in heterogenous seascapes composed of macrophyte communities with high functional diversity.

Carbono , Ecossistema , Biomassa , Biodiversidade , Plantas
Pathogens ; 12(11)2023 Nov 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38003830


Red mullet (Mullus barbatus) is a commercially relevant fish species, yet epidemiological data on anisakid nematode infestation in M. barbatus are scarce. To fill this gap, we report the occurrence of Anisakis larvae in red mullet in the Ligurian Sea (western Mediterranean). This survey was performed between 2018 and 2020 on fresh specimens of M. barbatus (n = 838) from two commercial fishing areas (Imperia, n = 190; Savona, n = 648) in the Ligurian Sea. Larvae morphologically identified as Anisakis spp. (n = 544) were characterized using PCR-RFLP as Anisakis pegreffii. The overall prevalence of A. pegreffii was 24.46%; the prevalence at each sampling site was 6.32% for Imperia and 29.78% for Savona. Furthermore, 3300 larvae of Hysterothylacium spp. were detected in the visceral organs of fish coinfected with A. pegreffii, showing that coinfection with two parasitic species is not rare. This study provides a timely update on the prevalence of ascaridoid nematodes in red mullet of the Ligurian Sea, an important commercial fishing area in the Mediterranean.

Mar Environ Res ; 191: 106130, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37625953


Coastal ecosystems and their marine populations are increasingly threatened by global environmental changes. Bivalves have emerged as crucial bioindicators within these ecosystems, offering valuable insights into biodiversity and overall ecosystem health. In particular, bivalves serve as hosts to trematode parasites, making them a focal point of study. Trematodes, with their life cycles intricately linked to external factors, provide excellent indicators of environmental changes and exhibit a unique ability to accumulate pollutants beyond ambient levels. Thus, they act as living sentinels, reflecting the ecological condition of their habitats. This paper presents a comprehensive review of recent research on the use of bivalve species as hosts for trematodes, examining the interactions between these organisms. The study also investigates the combined impact of trematode infections and other pollutants on bivalve molluscs. Trematode infections have multifaceted consequences for bivalve species, influencing various aspects of their physiology and behavior, including population-wide mortality. Furthermore, the coexistence of trematode infections and other sources of pollution compromises host resistance, disrupts parasite transmission, and reduces the abundance of intermediate hosts for complex-living parasites. The accumulation process of these parasites is influenced not only by external factors but also by host physiology. Consequently, the implications of climate change and environmental factors, such as temperature, salinity, and ocean acidification, are critical considerations. In summary, the intricate relationship between bivalves, trematode parasites, and their surrounding environment provides valuable insights into the health and sustainability of coastal ecosystems. A comprehensive understanding of these interactions, along with the influence of climate change and environmental parameters, is essential for effective management and conservation strategies aimed at preserving these delicate ecosystems and the diverse array of species that rely on them.

Bivalves , Poluentes Ambientais , Trematódeos , Infecções por Trematódeos , Animais , Ecossistema , Mudança Climática , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Água do Mar , Bivalves/parasitologia , Infecções por Trematódeos/veterinária , Infecções por Trematódeos/parasitologia
Microorganisms ; 11(7)2023 Jun 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37512841


The emergence of open ocean global-scale studies provided important information about the genomics of oceanic microbial communities. Metagenomic analyses shed light on the structure of marine habitats, unraveling the biodiversity of different water masses. Many biological and environmental factors can contribute to marine organism composition, such as depth. However, much remains unknown about microbial communities' taxonomic and functional features in different water layer depths. Here, we performed a metagenomic analysis of 76 publicly available samples from the Tara Ocean Project, distributed in 8 collection stations located in tropical or subtropical regions, and sampled from three layers of depth (surface water layer-SRF, deep chlorophyll maximum layer-DCM, and mesopelagic zone-MES). The SRF and DCM depth layers are similar in abundance and diversity, while the MES layer presents greater diversity than the other layers. Diversity clustering analysis shows differences regarding the taxonomic content of samples. At the domain level, bacteria prevail in most samples, and the MES layer presents the highest proportion of archaea among all samples. Taken together, our results indicate that the depth layer influences microbial sample composition and diversity.

Microorganisms ; 11(7)2023 Jul 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37512939


The order Saprospirales, a group of bacteria involved in complex degradation pathways, comprises three officially described families: Saprospiraceae, Lewinellaceae, and Haliscomenobacteraceae. These collectively contain 17 genera and 31 species. The current knowledge on Saprospirales diversity is the product of traditional isolation methods, with the inherited limitations of culture-based approaches. This study utilized the extensive information available in public sequence repositories combined with recent analytical tools to evaluate the global evidence-based diversity of the Saprospirales order. Our analysis resulted in 1183 novel molecular families, 15,033 novel molecular genera, and 188 K novel molecular species. Of those, 7 novel families, 464 novel genera, and 1565 species appeared in abundances at ≥0.1%. Saprospirales were detected in various environments, such as saline water, freshwater, soil, various hosts, wastewater treatment plants, and other bioreactors. Overall, saline water was the environment showing the highest prevalence of Saprospirales, with bioreactors and wastewater treatment plants being the environments where they occurred with the highest abundance. Lewinellaceae was the family containing the majority of the most prevalent species detected, while Saprospiraceae was the family with the majority of the most abundant species found. This analysis should prime researchers to further explore, in a more targeted way, the Saprospirales proportion of microbial dark matter.

Data Brief ; 48: 109223, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37383736


Species distribution data are key for monitoring present and future biodiversity patterns and informing conservation and management strategies. Large biodiversity information facilities often contain spatial and taxonomic errors that reduce the quality of the provided data. Moreover, datasets are frequently shared in varying formats, inhibiting proper integration and interoperability. Here, we provide a quality-controlled dataset of the diversity and distribution of cold-water corals, which provide key ecosystem services and are considered vulnerable to human activities and climate change effects. We use the common term cold-water corals to refer to species of the orders Alcyonacea, Antipatharia, Pennatulacea, Scleractinia, Zoantharia of the subphylum Anthozoa, and order Anthoathecata of the class Hydrozoa. Distribution records were collated from multiple sources, standardized using the Darwin Core Standard, dereplicated, taxonomically corrected and flagged for potential vertical and geographic distribution errors based on peer-reviewed published literature and expert consulting. This resulted in 817,559 quality-controlled records of 1,170 accepted species of cold-water corals, openly available under the FAIR principle of Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability of data. The dataset represents the most updated baseline for the global cold-water coral diversity, and it can be used by the broad scientific community to provide insights into biodiversity patterns and their drivers, identify regions of high biodiversity and endemicity, and project potential redistribution under future climate change. It can also be used by managers and stakeholders to guide biodiversity conservation and prioritization actions against biodiversity loss.

Natl Sci Rev ; 10(6): nwac241, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37181093


Marine biodiversity plays important roles in ocean ecosystem services and has substantial economic value. Species diversity, genetic diversity and phylogenetic diversity, which reflect the number, evolutionary potential and evolutionary history of species in ecosystem functioning, are three important dimensions of biodiversity. Marine-protected areas have been demonstrated as an effective area-based tool for protecting marine biodiversity, but only 2.8% of the ocean has been fully protected. It is urgent to identify global conservation priority areas and percentage of the ocean across multiple dimensions of biodiversity based on Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Here, we investigate the spatial distribution of marine genetic and phylogenetic diversity using 80 075 mitochondrial DNA barcode sequences from 4316 species and a newly constructed phylogenetic tree of 8166 species. We identify that the Central Indo-Pacific Ocean, Central Pacific Ocean and Western Indian Ocean harbor high levels of biodiversity across three dimensions of biodiversity, which could be designated as conservation priority areas. We also find that strategically protecting ∼22% of the ocean would allow us to reach the target of conserving ∼95% of currently known taxonomic, genetic and phylogenetic diversity. Our study provides insights into the spatial distribution pattern of multiple marine diversities and the findings would help to design comprehensive conservation schemes for global marine biodiversity.