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Am J Bot ; 110(2): e16116, 2023 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36480351


PREMISE: A major goal of systematic biology is to uncover the evolutionary history of organisms and translate that knowledge into stable classification systems. Here, we integrate three sets of genome-wide data to resolve phylogenetic relationships in Cornaceae (containing only Cornus s.l.), reconstruct the biogeographic history of the clade, and provide a revised classification using the PhyloCode to stabilize names for this taxonomically controversial group. METHODS: We conducted phylogenetic analyses using 312 single-copy nuclear genes and 70 plastid genes from Angiosperms353 Hyb-Seq, plus numerous loci from RAD-Seq. We integrated fossils using morphological data and produced a dated phylogeny for biogeographical analysis. RESULTS: A well-resolved, strongly supported, comprehensive phylogeny was obtained. Biogeographic analyses support an origin and rapid diversification of Cornus into four morphologically distinct major clades in the Northern Hemisphere (with an eastern Asian ancestor) during the late Cretaceous. Dispersal into Africa from eastern Asia likely occurred along the Tethys Seaway during the Paleogene, whereas dispersal into South America likely occurred during the Neogene. Diversification within the northern hemisphere likely involved repeated independent colonization of new areas during the Paleogene and Neogene along the Bering Land Bridge, the North Atlantic Land Bridge, and the Tethys Seaway. Thirteen strongly supported clades were named following rules of the PhyloCode. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides an example of integrating genomic and morphological data to produce a robust, explicit species phylogeny that includes fossil taxa, which we translate into an updated classification scheme using the PhyloCode to stabilize names.

Cornaceae , Filogenia , Evolução Biológica , Genômica , África , Filogeografia
PeerJ ; 9: e12362, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34966571


Ornithischians form a large clade of globally distributed Mesozoic dinosaurs, and represent one of their three major radiations. Throughout their evolutionary history, exceeding 134 million years, ornithischians evolved considerable morphological disparity, expressed especially through the cranial and osteodermal features of their most distinguishable representatives. The nearly two-century-long research history on ornithischians has resulted in the recognition of numerous diverse lineages, many of which have been named. Following the formative publications establishing the theoretical foundation of phylogenetic nomenclature throughout the 1980s and 1990s, many of the proposed names of ornithischian clades were provided with phylogenetic definitions. Some of these definitions have proven useful and have not been changed, beyond the way they were formulated, since their introduction. Some names, however, have multiple definitions, making their application ambiguous. Recent implementation of the International Code of Phylogenetic Nomenclature (ICPN, or PhyloCode) offers the opportunity to explore the utility of previously proposed definitions of established taxon names. Since the Articles of the ICPN are not to be applied retroactively, all phylogenetic definitions published prior to its implementation remain informal (and ineffective) in the light of the Code. Here, we revise the nomenclature of ornithischian dinosaur clades; we revisit 76 preexisting ornithischian clade names, review their recent and historical use, and formally establish their phylogenetic definitions. Additionally, we introduce five new clade names: two for robustly supported clades of later-diverging hadrosaurids and ceratopsians, one uniting heterodontosaurids and genasaurs, and two for clades of nodosaurids. Our study marks a key step towards a formal phylogenetic nomenclature of ornithischian dinosaurs.

Am J Bot ; 108(4): 664-679, 2021 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33818757


PREMISE: The Ocotea complex contains the greatest diversity of Lauraceae in the Neotropics. However, the traditional taxonomy of the group has relied on only three main floral characters, and previous molecular analyses have used only a few markers and provided limited support for relationships among the major clades. This lack of useful data has hindered the development of a comprehensive classification, as well as studies of character evolution. METHODS: We used RAD-seq data to infer the phylogenetic relationships of 149 species in the Ocotea complex, generating a reference-based assembly using the Persea americana genome. The results provide the basis for a phylogenetic classification that reflects our current molecular knowledge and for analyses of the evolution of breeding system, stamen number, and number of anther locules. RESULTS: We recovered a well-supported tree that demonstrates the paraphyly of Licaria, Aniba, and Ocotea and clarifies the relationships of Umbellularia, Phyllostemonodaphne, and the Old World species. To begin the development of a new classification and to facilitate precise communication, we also provide phylogenetic definitions for seven major clades. Our ancestral reconstructions show multiple origins for the three floral characters that have routinely been used in Lauraceae systematics, suggesting that these be used with caution in the future. CONCLUSIONS: This study advances our understanding of phylogenetic relationships and character evolution in a taxonomically difficult group using RAD-seq data. Our new phylogenetic names will facilitate unambiguous communication as studies of the Ocotea complex progress.

Ocotea , Evolução Molecular , Filogenia , Melhoramento Vegetal , Análise de Sequência de DNA
PeerJ ; 7: e6899, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31143537


BACKGROUND: Chlorophyceae is one of three most species-rich green algal classes and also the only class in core Chlorophyta whose monophyly remains uncontested as gene and taxon sampling improves. However, some key relationships within Chlorophyceae are less clear-cut and warrant further investigation. The present study combined genome-scale chloroplast data and rich sampling in an attempt to resolve the ordinal classification in Chlorophyceae. The traditional division into Sphaeropleales and Volvocales (SV), and a clade containing Oedogoniales, Chaetopeltidales, and Chaetophorales (OCC) was of particular interest with the addition of deeply branching members of these groups, as well as the placement of several incertae sedis taxa. METHODS: We sequenced 18 chloroplast genomes across Chlorophyceae to compile a data set of 58 protein-coding genes of a total of 68 chlorophycean taxa. We analyzed the concatenated nucleotide and amino acid datasets in the Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood frameworks, supplemented by analyses to examine potential discordant signal among genes. We also examined gene presence and absence data across Chlorophyceae. RESULTS: Concatenated analyses yielded at least two well-supported phylogenies: nucleotide data supported the traditional classification with the inclusion of the enigmatic Treubarinia into Sphaeropleales sensu lato. However, amino acid data yielded equally strong support for Sphaeropleaceae as sister to Volvocales, with the rest of the taxa traditionally classified in Sphaeropleales in a separate clade, and Treubarinia as sister to all of the above. Single-gene and other supplementary analyses indicated that the data have low phylogenetic signal at these critical nodes. Major clades were supported by genomic structural features such as gene losses and trans-spliced intron insertions in the plastome. DISCUSSION: While the sequence and gene order data support the deep split between the SV and OCC lineages, multiple phylogenetic hypotheses are possible for Sphaeropleales s.l. Given this uncertainty as well as the higher-taxonomic disorder seen in other algal groups, dwelling on well-defined, strongly supported Linnaean orders is not currently practical in Chlorophyceae and a less formal clade system may be more useful in the foreseeable future. For example, we identify two strongly and unequivocally supported clades: Treubarinia and Scenedesminia, as well as other smaller groups that could serve a practical purpose as named clades. This system does not preclude future establishment of new orders, or emendment of the current ordinal classification if new data support such conclusions.

IMA Fungus ; 9: 291-298, 2018 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30622884


Phylogenetic taxon definitions (PTDs) are explicit, phylogeny-based statements that specify clades. PTDs are central to the system of rank-free classification that is governed by the PhyloCode, but they can also be used to clarify the meanings of ranked names. We present PTDs for four major groups: Fungi, Dikarya, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota.

Ecol Evol ; 7(21): 8888-8894, 2017 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29152185


In recent times, evolution has become a central tenet of taxonomy, but nomenclature has consistently been decoupled from the tree-thinking process, often leading to significant issues in reconciling traditional (Linnaean) names with clades in the Tree of Life. Recent evolutionary studies on the Roucela clade, a group of endemic plants found in the Mediterranean Basin, motivated the establishment of phylogenetic concepts to formally anchor clade names on the Campanuloideae (Campanulaceae) tree. These concepts facilitate communication of clades that approximate traditionally defined groups, in addition to naming newly discovered cryptic diversity in a phylogenetic framework.