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Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553825


Introdução: O conhecimento da magnitude em que a população implementa medidas de proteção emitidas pelas autoridades de saúde pública é essencial na prevenção da doença do novo coronavírus (COVID-19). A eficácia de medidas não farmacológicas de prevenção e das políticas públicas destinadas a reduzir o contágio pela COVID-19 depende de quão bem os indivíduos são informados sobre as consequências da infecção e as medidas que devem adotar para reduzir sua propagação. O entendimento, as atitudes e as práticas das pessoas em relação à COVID-19 e sua prevenção são basilares para a compreensão da dinâmica epidemiológica, demandando a realização de pesquisas sobre o cumprimento de medidas não farmacológicas de prevenção do contágio em diversos territórios. Para isso, em 2020, medidas não farmacológicas contra a COVID-19 foram divulgadas por fontes diversas, estatais e privadas, para a maior parte da população brasileira, com a finalidade de orientar comportamentos para conter a crise sanitária. As equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família têm um papel fundamental neste processo de educação em saúde, pois compreendem elementos socioculturais das suas comunidades, alcançando-as tanto em capilaridade quanto em adequação local da informação técnico-científica. Este artigo abrange uma pesquisa de campo, parte de um projeto multicêntrico nacional. Objetivo: Avaliar se a população do território de uma unidade da Estratégia Saúde da Família da cidade de Condado-PE entende e aplica as informações que recebeu sobre medidas não farmacológicas de prevenção em suas práticas de proteção contra a COVID-19. Mais especificamente, a pesquisa visou determinar que informações foram recebidas pelos respondentes, quais as suas fontes, o grau de confiabilidade atribuído a estas, além da adesão deles às medidas não farmacológicas e sua relação com variáveis sociodemográficas. Métodos: O modelo do estudo foi observacional e descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, a partir da coleta de dados primários com 70 usuários por entrevista presencial com questionário estruturado. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que a população recebeu vasta informação sobre prevenção da doença. Conclusão: Com níveis variados de confiabilidade das fontes, atribuindo importância relevante às medidas de prevenção e adotou a maioria delas, com exceção do isolamento social total.

Introduction: Knowledge of the magnitude to which the population implements protective measures issued by public health authorities is essential in preventing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The effectiveness of non-pharmacological prevention measures (NPM) and public policies aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19 depends on how well individuals are informed about the consequences of the infection and the measures they must adopt to reduce its spread. The understanding, attitudes, and practices of people in relation to COVID-19 and its prevention are fundamental for understanding the epidemiological dynamics, demanding research on compliance with NPM to prevent contagion in different territories. To this end, in 2020, NPM against COVID-19 were released by various sources, state and private, for most of the Brazilian population, with the aim of guiding behaviors to contain the health crisis. The Family Health Strategy (FHS) teams play a key role in this health education process, as they comprise sociocultural elements of their communities, reaching them both in capillarity and in local adequacy of technical-scientific information. This article covers field research, part of a national multicenter project. Objective: To evaluate whether the population of the territory of an FHS unit in the city of Condado, Pernambuco, understands and applies the information it received about NPM prevention in their practices to protect against COVID-19. More specifically, the research aimed to determine what information was received by the respondents, what are their sources, the degree of reliability attributed to these, in addition to their adherence to the NPM and their relationship with sociodemographic variables. Methods: The study model was observational and descriptive, with a quantitative approach, based on the collection of primary data with 70 users through face-to-face interviews with a structured questionnaire. Results: The results showed that the population received extensive information on disease prevention. Conclusion: With varying levels of reliability of the sources, attributing relevant importance to prevention measures and adopted most of them, with the exception of total social isolation.

El conocimiento de la magnitud con la que la población implementa las medidas de protección emitidas por las autoridades de salud pública es fundamental en la prevención de la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). La efectividad de las medidas de prevención no farmacológicas (MFN) y de las políticas públicas dirigidas a reducir la propagación de la COVID-19 depende de qué tan bien se informe a las personas sobre las consecuencias de la infección y las medidas que deben adoptar para reducir su propagación. La comprensión, actitudes y prácticas de las personas con relación al COVID-19 y su prevención son fundamentales para comprender la dinámica epidemiológica, exigiendo investigaciones sobre el cumplimiento de las MNF para prevenir el contagio en diferentes territorios. Con ese fin, en 2020, MNF contra el COVID-19 fueron divulgados por diversas fuentes, estatales y privadas, para la mayoría de la población brasileña, con el objetivo de orientar comportamientos para contener la crisis sanitaria. Los equipos de la Estrategia de Salud de la Familia (ESF) juegan un papel fundamental en este proceso de educación en salud, ya que integran elementos socioculturales de sus comunidades, alcanzándolas tanto en la capilaridad como en la adecuación local de la información técnico-científica. Este artículo aborda una investigación de campo, parte de un proyecto multicéntrico nacional, con el objetivo de evaluar si la población del territorio de una unidad de la ESF en la ciudad de Condado-PE comprende y aplica la información recibida sobre la prevención de MNF en sus prácticas de protección contra el COVID -19. Más específicamente, la investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar qué información recibieron los encuestados, cuáles son sus fuentes, el grado de confiabilidad atribuido a estas, además de su adherencia al MNF y su relación con variables sociodemográficas. El modelo de estudio fue observacional y descriptivo, con enfoque cuantitativo, basado en la recolección de datos primarios con 70 usuarios a través de entrevistas cara a cara con un cuestionario estructurado. Los resultados mostraron que la población recibió amplia información sobre prevención de la enfermedad, con diversos niveles de confiabilidad de las fuentes, atribuyendo importancia relevante a las medidas de prevención y adoptando la mayoría de ellas, con excepción del aislamiento social total.

Humanos , Estratégias de Saúde Nacionais , Educação em Saúde , Comunicação em Saúde , COVID-19 , Prevenção Primária
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572099


Introdução: A realização de grupos é uma das possibilidades de atuação das equipes da Atenção Primária à Saúde. Esse tipo de intervenção possibilita o desenvolvimento de ações de cuidado que extrapolam as consultas individuais, propiciando educação em saúde, integração, troca de experiências e ampliação da rede de apoio. Ainda que não tenham necessariamente o propósito de serem terapêuticos em termos de saúde mental, apresentam-se como espaços de promoção de saúde e prevenção de agravos. O trabalho com grupos é capaz de gerar aprimoramento para todas as pessoas envolvidas ­ usuários e profissionais ­ na medida em que possibilita colocar em evidência os saberes da comunidade, abrindo a possibilidade de que as intervenções em saúde sejam criadas em coletivo. Objetivo: Analisar o processo de desenvolvimento da habilidade de facilitação de grupos e os impactos das habilidades adquiridas na sua dinâmica, bem como na sua efetividade como ferramenta de produção de saúde, considerando as habilidades e competências da Medicina de Família e Comunidade. Métodos: Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa desenvolvida na UBS Santa Cecília. Os encontros aconteceram semanalmente pelo período de uma hora durante seis meses. A ferramenta utilizada para acompanhamento do desenvolvimento da habilidade de facilitação se deu pela observação estruturada, baseada em cinco competências básicas para facilitação de grupos. A dinâmica estabelecida consistiu na determinação de uma profissional facilitadora e outra observadora, que registrou as intervenções realizadas, sendo esses papéis invertidos a cada encontro. Quinzenalmente os dados eram analisados, gerando reflexões e sugestões para melhoria das intervenções. Resultados: Cada competência descrita na ferramenta utilizada teve como resultado o desenvolvimento de habilidades primordiais para o funcionamento do grupo. Um dos maiores indicadores do êxito em alcançar as habilidades desejadas ocorreu pela observação de intervenções cada vez menos necessárias, tomando as participantes os papéis de protagonistas e responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento do grupo, questionando, produzindo e obtendo saúde. Conclusões: A utilização de um instrumento de observação e reflexão das competências do agente atuante como facilitador de um grupo permitiu que a dinâmica se estabelecesse de forma fluida com rápido entendimento das participantes sobre seus papéis no contexto geral do grupo. Observou-se também que a relação estabelecida entre elas resultou na formação de rede de apoio, melhoria do autocuidado e conhecimento, informação em saúde e apoio social às envolvidas.

Introduction: Running support groups is one of the actions of Primary Health Care teams. This type of intervention enables the development of actions that go beyond individual consultations as the only space of care, providing health education, integration, exchange of experiences, and an enlargement in the support network. Although these groups do not necessarily have the purpose of being therapeutic in terms of mental health, they are presented as spaces for building health promotion and disease prevention. The alternative of groups as care practice generates improvement for all involved individuals ­ users and professionals ­ as it makes it possible to highlight the community's knowledge, opening the possibility that health interventions are created collectively. Objective: To analyze the process of ability development in regards to the facilitation of support groups and the impacts of the acquired skills on its dynamics, as well as on its effectiveness as a health production tool, considering the skills and competencies in Family and Community Medicine. Methods: Qualitative study developed at Santa Cecilia BHU. The meetings took place for one hour weekly over a six months period and the tool used to monitor the development of the facilitation skill was the instrument "Structured Observation", based on five basic skills for facilitating groups. The dynamics consisted of the determination of a professional facilitator and an observer, who recorded the interventions that were carried out, with these roles being reversed at each meeting. The data were analyzed bi-weekly, with reflections and suggestions for improving interventions. Results: Each competence described in the tool resulted in the development of essential skills for the functioning of the group. One of the major indicators of the achievement of the desired skills occurred by observing interventions that were less and less necessary, with participants taking on the roles of protagonists and becoming responsible for the development of the group, questioning, producing, and acquiring health. Conclusions: The use of an instrument for observing and reflecting on the skills of the agent acting as a group facilitator allows the dynamics to be fluidly established, with a quick understanding of the participants about their roles in the general context of the group. It was also observed that the relationship established between them resulted in the formation of a support network, improvement of self-care and knowledge, health information and social support for those involved.

Introducción: La realización de grupos es una de las acciones de los equipos de la Atención Primaria a la Salud. Este tipo de intervención hace posible el desarrollo de acciones que extrapolan las consultas individuales como único espacio de cuidado, ofreciendo educación en salud, integración, intercambio de experiencias y ampliación de la red de apoyo. Aunque estos grupos no tengan necesariamente el propósito de ser terapéutico en términos de salud mental, se presentan como sitios de construcción de promoción de salud y prevención de agravios. La alternativa de los grupos como una práctica asistencial crea una mejora para todas las personas involucradas ­ usuarios y profesionales ­ ya que habilita colocar en evidencia los saberes de la comunidad, abriendo la posibilidad de que las intervenciones en salud sean creadas en colectivo. Objetivo: Analizar el proceso de desarrollo de la habilidad de facilitación de grupos y los impactos de las habilidades adquiridas en la dinámica de este, así como en la efectividad como herramienta de producción de salud, considerando las habilidades y competencias de la Medicina de Familia y Comunidad. Métodos: Se trata de estudio cualitativo llevado a cabo en la UBS Santa Cecília. Los encuentros ocurrieron semanalmente durante una hora por seis meses y la herramienta utilizada para seguimiento del desarrollo de la habilidad de facilitación fue el instrumento Observación Estructurada, basado en cinco competencias básicas para facilitación de grupos. La dinámica establecida consistió en la determinación de una profesional facilitadora y otra observadora, que registró las intervenciones realizadas, siendo esos papeles cambiados a cada encuentro. A cada quince días los datos eran analizados, haciendo reflexiones y sugestiones para mejorar las intervenciones. Resultados: Cada competencia descrita en la herramienta utilizada tuvo como resultado el desarrollo de habilidades primordiales para el funcionamiento del grupo. Uno de los grandes indicadores del éxito en alcanzar las habilidades deseadas ocurrió por la observación de intervenciones cada vez menos necesarias, tomando las participantes los papeles de protagonistas y responsables por el desarrollo del grupo, cuestionando, produciendo y obteniendo salud. Conclusiones: La utilización de un instrumento de observación y reflexión de las competencias del agente actuante como facilitador de un grupo permiten que la dinámica se establezca de forma fluida con rápido entendimiento de las participantes sobre sus papeles en el contexto general del grupo. Se pudo observar también que la relación establecida entre ellas resultó en la formación de red de apoyo, mejora del autocuidado y conocimiento, información en salud y apoyo social a las involucradas.

Humanos , Feminino , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Mulheres , Educação em Saúde , Participação da Comunidade , Prática de Grupo
JACC Case Rep ; 29(17): 102498, 2024 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39359520
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39361474


Incarceration is associated with adverse health outcomes, including higher rates of infectious diseases. Poor health literacy in this population is a likely contributing factor, making health education a potential tool to help address these health disparities. This article aims to describe the implementation of a novel medical student-led educational initiative in the jail setting as a tool to promote health literacy and decrease the infectious disease burden in the correctional setting. A four-part infectious disease health education curriculum was developed and tailored to a carceral context. The course was offered on a voluntary basis to members of a reentry program at a local county jail. Pre- and postcourse surveys were used to evaluate the course effectiveness. The results demonstrated a statistically significant increase in the participants' reported confidence for recognizing the symptoms of and seeking appropriate treatment for common infections, including sexually transmitted, respiratory, and blood-borne infections. To the authors' knowledge, this is one of the first medical student-led programs of its kind to be described in existing literature. This program hopes to continue refining its curricular offerings and serve as a model for medical schools across the country to increase trainee engagement.

Disaster Med Public Health Prep ; 18: e140, 2024 Oct 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39363877


OBJECTIVE: This study assesses the collective community capacity of the National COVID-19 Resiliency Network (NCRN), a multisectoral network mitigating the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on minoritized populations. METHODS: From January to April 2022, we used two concurrent data collection methods: a Collective Community Capacity (C3) survey (n=65) and key informant interviews (KIIs) (n=26). The C3 assessed capacity for creation of a shared vision, engagement in community change, and distributive leadership. KIIs assessed perspectives on network formation and implementation. We used a convergent design and triangulation for interpretation. RESULTS: NCRN has growing collective community capacity. The C3 survey found high capacity for establishing a shared mission and evidence of mutual commitment, trust, and accountability. About three-quarters of respondents strongly agreed that partners addressed social, economic, and cultural barriers related to COVID-19. Interviewees valued NCRN leaders' openness, availability, and willingness to listen. Partners learned from one another, increased their health communication capacity, and supported sustainability. They sought greater opportunities to partner and support decision-making. CONCLUSIONS: NCRN developed a collaborative network with a shared vision of improving health equity during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, while identifying areas for improvement in distributive leadership. Findings can support other organizations seeking to build collective community capacity to address equity in public health emergencies.

COVID-19 , Saúde Pública , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Saúde Pública/métodos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Fortalecimento Institucional/métodos , Redes Comunitárias/estatística & dados numéricos , Redes Comunitárias/tendências , Redes Comunitárias/organização & administração , SARS-CoV-2 , Resiliência Psicológica , Liderança
J Adv Nurs ; 2024 Oct 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39356037


AIMS: To examine the effects of integrated health education programmes with physical activity among community-dwelling older adults at risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). DESIGN: Integrative review. DATA SOURCES: A systematic search of experimental studies was conducted in six electronic databases and one registry from inception to December 2022. METHODS: Two researchers independently conducted the eligibility screening, quality appraisal and data extraction. A total of 11 studies, which were published between 1996 and 2021, were included in the review and were analysed by narrative synthesis. RESULTS: The 11 included studies involved 1973 participants. The findings indicate that integrated health education programmes with physical activity have potential benefit in short-term weight management among community-dwelling older adults at risk of ASCVD. Nevertheless, the programmes appear ineffective on body mass index, short-term lipid profiles, diastolic blood pressure (BP) and blood glucose. Further investigation is recommended to confirm the programme effects on physical activity level, exercise self-efficacy, systolic BP, waist circumference, long-term lipid profiles, long-term weight management and cardiac endurance. The findings suggest that body mass index may not be a sensitive indicator of obesity in the elderly population and should be measured along with waist circumference to better predict the risk of ASCVD. The available evidence is restricted in its robustness and generalisability. As most included studies were conducted in the United States, more studies should be implemented in other countries to enhance study generalisability. CONCLUSIONS: The effects of integrated health education programmes with physical activity among community-dwelling older adults at risk of ASCVD remain inconclusive. Further research with adequate statistical power and good methodology is warranted. IMPACT: The findings provide insights into whether health education programmes with physical activity effectively improve various outcomes, and suggest that researchers should include exercise self-efficacy and cardiac endurance in future studies. REPORTING METHOD: Adhered to PRISMA reporting guidelines. NO PATIENT OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: This review was conducted without patient or public participation.

BMC Med Educ ; 24(1): 1075, 2024 Sep 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39350222


BACKGROUND: Reliance solely on traditional approaches in health education is no longer considered sufficient, and electronic/digital education can be a complementary approach. Implementing electronic methods in health education requires identifying the requirements from the perspective of the service providers. Therefore, this study aimed to elucidate the experiences and perspectives of community health workers (Behvarzan) regarding the requirements for providing health education for rural people through electronic/digital means. METHODS: This descriptive qualitative study was conducted in 2022 at Alborz University of Medical Sciences. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 14 Behvarzan from Health Houses (HH) in Karaj City. The data were analyzed using the inductive Elo & Kyngas approach and conventional content analysis facilitated with MAXQDA software. RESULTS: After analyzing the results, we extracted 139 open codes, and by merging them for more precise coding and to facilitate the research process, we formed three main themes and ten subthemes. The themes included Technology (technical infrastructure, content production, content delivery methods, and content delivery channels), Facilities and equipment (communication equipment and electronic content repositories), and Stakeholders (training of providers, motivating providers, persuading learners and target groups, and reference groups). CONCLUSION: From the perspective of rural healthcare workers, the implementation of electronic education requires necessary technology, equipment, facilities, processes, and content should be pursued and provided through specialized working groups, extending from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education to local HHs. These resources should be available to the healthcare workers and their target populations. Concurrently, educational programs and incentives should be defined and offered at the university level and within health networks for rural healthcare workers and their populations.

Agentes Comunitários de Saúde , Educação em Saúde , Pesquisa Qualitativa , População Rural , Humanos , Agentes Comunitários de Saúde/educação , Educação em Saúde/métodos , Feminino , Adulto , Masculino , Serviços de Saúde Rural , Educação a Distância , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Isr J Health Policy Res ; 13(1): 59, 2024 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39375792


BACKGROUND: For decades, Israel's economic policy has favored either outsourcing or privatization of public services, including healthcare, generating an ongoing and prolonged debate of this approach. In 1997 school health services (SHS) for elementary and middle school pupils was outsourced to a sub-contractor firm, reducing budget, but also standards, for nurses and physicians. Consequently, the service has dwindled and was focused more and more on vaccinations. Between 2007 and 2012, under full private contractor delivery, SHS quality diminished substantially, leading to a significant decline in vaccination coverage in the Southern District. In 2012, a decision was made to return SHS to state control. METHODS: This study analyzes the delivery parameters of SHS between the period when the service was operated by a private contractor from 2011to 2/2012, and the subsequent provision of the service directly by Ministry of Health (MoH) between 3/2012 and 2013. We compared the rates of vaccination coverage, screening tests and health education programs. RESULTS: A statistically significant increase in SHS delivery for vaccinations and screening was observed in the Southern District of MoH after the transfer of service from contractor. The increase was variable in different population subgroups, and especially notable in the Bedouin schools of the District, where the MMRV vaccination rose from 19.3% to 96.8%. However, a substantial and significant reduction in health education activities was also noted, overall from 24.9% to 5.0%. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that substantial benefits can be derived from direct provision of SHS by MoH and its regional offices, especially in the areas of reduced accessibility and lower socio-economic status. The case study of SHS in the Southern District of Israel can serve as an important example highlighting the impacts of privatization vs nationalization, with potential implications in other fields. These insights should be integral to future discussions of healthcare service provision.

Privatização , Serviços de Saúde Escolar , Israel , Humanos , Serviços de Saúde Escolar/estatística & dados numéricos , Criança , Masculino , Feminino , Vacinação/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Educação em Saúde/métodos , Cobertura Vacinal/estatística & dados numéricos
Public Health ; 237: 135-140, 2024 Oct 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39383558


OBJECTIVES: The present study was conducted to measure the effectiveness of health literacy education on the health literacy level of children in early adolescence. STUDY DESIGN: A parallel group randomized controlled trial was conducted. METHODS: The study group consisted of sixth and seventh-grade students (aged 12-13 years) studying in a secondary school in Ankara. The study was completed by 80 students, 40 in the intervention group and 40 in the control group. The Health Literacy Education program, consisting of four sessions, was presented to the intervention group. The instruments were administered to both groups before the intervention (pre-test), one month (post-test), and three months after the intervention (follow-up test). The data was analyzed using the chi-square test, and the two-way mixed-design variance analysis with Bonferroni Multiple Comparison Test. RESULTS: Before the study, the adolescents in the intervention and control groups were similar regarding descriptive characteristics (p > 0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the pre-test health literacy mean scores of the intervention and control groups (p > 0.05). After the health literacy education, health literacy post-test scores and follow-up test mean scores of the intervention group increased significantly compared to the control group (p < 0.05). The intervention had a large effect size (F = 414.683; η2 = 0.91) at the 95 % confidence interval. CONCLUSIONS: The study revealed that health literacy education was effective in increasing the level of health literacy in early adolescence. It is recommended that health literacy education be added to the school education curriculum of adolescents.

Health Sci Rep ; 7(10): e70131, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39385765


Objective: The objective of this scoping review is to identify and understand the available evidence on the delivery of dietary messages to patients with type 2 diabetes in a dental setting. The outcome of a scoping review in this area will inform the development of a clinical intervention for dietary counseling at the chairside. Introduction: Diabetics are at a higher risk for developing periodontal disease, and the severity of periodontal disease can impact the ability to control glucose levels. Considering the prevalence of diabetes within the community, dental practitioners are well placed to provide dietary messages to support this cohort during the management of periodontal disease. Inclusion Criteria: Studies that consider the population affected by type 2 diabetes and a dietary intervention in the context of a dental setting will be included. Methods: The databases selected for sources of studies are MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and SCOPUS. The scoping review will be conducted in accordance with the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology for scoping reviews. Only English language studies are eligible for inclusion in this review. Terms relating to dietary advice, diabetes, dental practitioner and health education will be used to search for related studies. Screening based on abstract, and titles will be followed by full text screening with results supplied in PRISMA-SCR diagram. A data extraction tool will be used to chart the details of selected studies then presented in a venn diagram and word map along with a narrative synthesis of results.

Am J Transl Res ; 16(9): 4379-4389, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39398563


OBJECTIVE: To explore the clinical efficacy of individualized health education (IHE) and care mode based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) combined with Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for lung cancer patients with brain metastases undergoing radiotherapy. METHODS: This retrospective study involved 50 lung cancer patients with brain metastases. Patients were divided into a control group (n=25, conventional care) and an intervention group (n=25, individualized health education (IHE) care) according to their nursing model. Both groups underwent enhanced brain MRI scans. The patients were assessed using the Mini Mental State Scale (MMSE) before and at 1 month after radiotherapy. At the same time, Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) was used to assess the degree of cognitive impairment in both groups before and after the intervention. Finally, the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC QLQ-C30) questionnaire was used to evaluate the overall health status and quality of life (QOL) (including physical function, emotional function, and social function) of the two groups of patients after radiotherapy. The patients' self-care ability in daily life was assessed using Alzheimer's Disease Collaborative Study Activities of Daily Living (ADCS-ADL). RESULTS: Following intervention, there was no significant difference in MMSE total scores between the control and intervention groups (P > 0.05), or in physical function scores (P > 0.05). However, the intervention group had significantly higher overall QOL scores compared to the control group (P < 0.05), particularly in emotional and social function (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in total MoCA scores between the two groups (P > 0.05), but the intervention group showed superior scores in visual-spatial, executive function, naming, and attention compared to the control group (all P < 0.05). Following intervention, the intervention group demonstrated better ADCS-ADL scores than the control group (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The IHE mode effectively improved emotional and social functions and enhanced QOL in lung cancer patients with brain metastases undergoing radiotherapy.

Cureus ; 16(9): e69344, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39398683


Background Osteoarthritis (OA), common in older adults, leads to joint degradation and inflammation, with risk factors including age, obesity, and genetics. OA strongly indicates cardiovascular disease (CVD), with shared risk factors such as lack of exercise and muscle weakness. This study explores the awareness of OA and its relationship to CVD risk factors. Methodology This cross-sectional study in Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia, involved an online self-administered questionnaire distributed via Google Forms to randomly selected adults, with ages ranging from 18 to 65 years. Informed consent was taken from all participants. Data was cleaned in Excel and analyzed using SPSS version 29 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Results Our study assessed the awareness of 381 participants about the relationship between OA and CVD. Most participants were female 312 (81.9%). Overall, 250 (65.6%) participants were aged 18-27, and 362 (95.0%) were Saudi nationals. Further, 210 (55.1%) participants had a bachelor's degree, and 223 (58.5%) were students. Healthcare exposure varied, with 207 (54.3%) having no background, and 157 (41.2%) being healthcare students. Notably, 152 (39.9%) knew someone diagnosed with OA, of whom 55 (14.4%) also had CVD. Significant predictors of awareness included studying in healthcare (Exp(B) = 3.325, p = 0.001), receiving OA information (Exp(B) = 2.222, p = 0.007), sources such as school/university (Exp(B) = 7.851, p = 0.000), and personal experience (Exp(B) = 4.768, p = 0.034). Conclusions This study showed a notable gap in awareness about the link between OA and CVD in Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia. While those with healthcare exposure showed good knowledge, many lacked an understanding of their relationship. Targeted education, particularly for younger and non-healthcare-educated groups, is crucial for improving awareness and promoting effective lifestyle modifications to manage both OA and CVD risks.

Cureus ; 16(9): e69163, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39398687


Background Neonatal jaundice, characterized by the yellow discoloration of an infant's skin and eyes, is a common condition that affects newborns. It results from an elevated level of bilirubin in the blood and, when severe, if left untreated, can lead to complications such as acute bilirubin encephalopathy and kernicterus, which can cause permanent neurological damage or even death. In low-resource settings like Nigeria, delayed recognition and inadequate management of neonatal jaundice are significant contributors to neonatal morbidity and mortality. Parental knowledge and attitudes play a critical role in the early identification and timely intervention of neonatal jaundice. However, there is limited data on the awareness, understanding, and practices of parents regarding this condition in many regions, including Abia State, Nigeria.  Aim This study sought to assess the knowledge and attitudes of parents at Abia State Children's Specialist Hospital, Umuahia, Nigeria, to inform strategies for improving early detection and management of neonatal jaundice. Research methodology This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at Abia State Children's Specialist Hospital. The study population included 385 parents (fathers and mothers) of neonates attending the pediatric and neonatal units. A systematic random sampling technique was used to select participants. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 25, (Released 2017; IBM Corp., Armonk, New York, United States). Results The study revealed that 226 (58.70%) of parents had heard about neonatal jaundice, with the main perceived cause being an immature liver (148, 38.44%). While 216 (56.10%) of the parents recognized neonatal jaundice as a serious condition when severe, only 72 (18.70%) were very confident in identifying its signs. Most parents (369, 95.84%) would seek medical help if they suspected jaundice in their baby, yet 288 (74.81%) believed in the effectiveness of traditional remedies. Educational level and gender were significantly associated with knowledge about neonatal jaundice (p = 0.002 and p = 0.001, respectively). Conclusion The findings highlight a moderate level of awareness but varying confidence in identifying neonatal jaundice among parents. The reliance on traditional remedies suggests a need for enhanced health education to improve knowledge of and attitudes toward neonatal jaundice management.

Front Public Health ; 12: 1456579, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39399699


This study investigates the influence of COVID-19 on the mental health of Chinese college students and evaluates the current status of mental health literacy (MHL) education. With mental health issues among students becoming increasingly prominent due to the pandemic and rapid social changes, enhancing MHL is critical. The research highlights the necessity of integrating mental health education with MHL to foster resilience and effective coping strategies. It proposes a model combining online and offline education to maximize accessibility and engagement. By examining both domestic and international perspectives, the study underscores the importance of comprehensive mental health education reform in the post-pandemic era. This integrated approach aims to improve students' mental well-being, reduce stigma, and encourage help-seeking behaviors, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more supportive campus environment.

COVID-19 , Letramento em Saúde , Saúde Mental , Estudantes , Humanos , COVID-19/psicologia , Estudantes/psicologia , China , Universidades , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , Educação em Saúde , Adulto , SARS-CoV-2
Digit Health ; 10: 20552076241286799, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39372810


Objective: The types and number of day surgeries have significantly increased, but the construction of the whole process nursing service system (WPNSS) for preoperative education, intraoperative cooperation, postoperative knowledge, and follow-up for day surgery patients is still in the exploratory stage. The aim of this study is to establish the WPNSS for day surgery patients using the Kano model and to preliminarily assess its efficacy. Methods: WPNSS for day surgery was devised leveraging Internet hospital information systems and patient mobile terminals (WeChat), guided by the World Health Organization's conceptual framework for scaling-up strategies. The system was methodically developed, progressing from defining the overall framework to delineating modular functions and developing specific educational materials and tools. A pilot test was conducted in a hospital in China. Results: WPNSS, a patient-centric remote education and monitoring system, seamlessly amalgamates health education, online consultations, and follow-up functionalities; offering semi-automated surgical consultations, inquiry services, and postoperative follow-ups, as well as autonomously disseminating perioperative health education content. Comprising both client and server components, patients utilizing the system are inclined to recommend day surgery at the hospital to others. Conclusions: WPNSS delivers personalized and precise health education, consultation, and postoperative follow-up services for day surgery patients. Current results suggest that the WPNSS may improve patients' experience. Trial Registration: Chinese Clinical Trial Register (ChiCTR2200066782).

JMIR Serious Games ; 12: e54968, 2024 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39405084


Background: Public health education plays a crucial role in effectively addressing infectious diseases such as COVID-19. However, existing educational materials often provide only foundational information, and traditional group education faces challenges due to social distancing policies. Objective: Addressing these gaps, our study introduces a serious game called "Flattening the Curve." This interactive experience immerses learners in the role of quarantine policy managers, offering unique insights into the effects and challenges of social distancing policies. Methods: The development of the game adhered to the SERES framework, ensuring a scientifically designed foundation. To achieve its learning objectives, the game incorporated learning and game mechanics including an agent-based infection model, a social distancing policy model, and an economic model, which were developed based on previous literature. After defining a broad concept of scientific and design foundations, we used a participatory design process. This study included 16 undergraduates and took place over one semester. Participants played the game, gave feedback, and answered surveys. The game was improved based on participants' feedback throughout the process. Participants' feedback was analyzed based on the Design, Play, and Experience framework. Surveys were conducted before and after the activity and analyzed to assess participants' evaluation of and satisfaction with the game. Results: The game successfully achieved its learning objectives, encompassing a comprehensive understanding of infectious disease characteristics; the disease transmission process; the necessity and efficacy of quarantine policies and their delicate balance with economic factors; and the concept of flattening the curve. To achieve this, the game includes the following: (1) an agent-based infection model based on the modified Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Hospitalized-Recovered (SEIHR) model with five infectious disease scenarios; (2) a quarantine policy model with social distancing, travel control, and intensive care unit management; and (3) an economic model that allows users to consider the impact of quarantine policies on a community's economy. In response to participatory design feedback, the game underwent meticulous modifications, including refining game systems, parameters, design elements, the user interface, and interactions. Key feedback included requests for more scenarios and engaging yet simple game elements, as well as suggestions for improving the scoring system and design features. Notably, concerns about the fairness of the outcome evaluation system (star rating system), which could incentivize prioritizing economic activity over minimizing casualties, were raised and addressed by replacing the star rating system with a progress-based vaccine development system. Quantitative evaluation results reflect participants' positive assessments of the game through the learner-centric approach. Conclusions: The serious game "Flattening the Curve," developed through a participatory design approach, emerges as a valuable tool for public health education, particularly concerning social distancing policies. The game and its source code are openly accessible online, enabling widespread use for research and educational purposes.

J Pediatr Surg ; : 161951, 2024 Sep 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39370382


PURPOSE: Pediatric trauma education remains expensive and available only to a few providers worldwide. Innovative educational technologies like virtual reality (VR) can be key to decentralizing trauma education. This preliminary validation study evaluates the face and content validity of a VR software designed to enhance pediatric trauma skills. METHODS: Physicians were invited to test a VR software simulating a child with blunt head and truncal trauma. After the simulation, they filled out surveys assessing the face and content validity of the scenario, including the software's realism, interaction, ease of use, and educational content. Additionally, they completed a cybersickness questionnaire. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed. RESULTS: Eleven physicians from eight different countries tested the VR software. Most found it valuable, and realistic and would prefer using it over high-fidelity mannequins for training. The software received more favorable evaluations for non-technical skills training than for technical skills. Regarding cybersickness most participants reported discomfort during the simulation. CONCLUSION: Participants agreed that a VR platform for pediatric trauma is realistic and immersive, and they endorsed it for enhancing performance, particularly in non-technical skills. Most participants, however, faced some discomfort with the technology, and efforts to minimize cybersickness should be made in future implementation, feasibility, and effectiveness studies. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: IV.

Public Health Rep ; : 333549241283173, 2024 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39370776


The COVID-19 pandemic challenged school health professionals to navigate a dynamic public health emergency and to stay aware of changing recommendations. This study aimed to determine the value of the COVID Just-in-Time ECHO (Extension for Community Health Outcomes) Learning Series for Schools among participating school health personnel and to describe their ongoing information needs during the pandemic. School health, public health, and education professionals across Colorado participated in this ECHO series. Participants attended 1-hour sessions every 2 to 4 weeks from March 2020 through December 2021 for a total of 34 sessions. Data collection included postsession and postseries surveys assessing what participants found most valuable and what additional information they needed. School nurses represented 113 of 224 participants (50%). ECHO content noted as being the most valuable included epidemiology updates and special topics as chosen by participant input. Postseries surveys identified the value of experiencing shared knowledge among Just-in-Time ECHO participants. Participants identified ongoing needs for information about COVID-19 guidance and risk mitigation in schools throughout the sessions. In postseries surveys, participants reported additional ongoing information needs related to COVID-19 outside schools. This ECHO series delivered reliable and time-sensitive information for school health personnel and school leaders and may provide a useful model for information sharing among education and public health professionals.

Tech Coloproctol ; 28(1): 141, 2024 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39373909


BACKGROUND: Pelvic floor rehabilitation is common in patients with colorectal cancer, the purpose of this study is to analyze the role of pelvic floor rehabilitation in patients with colorectal cancer and to understand the specific details of pelvic floor rehabilitation intervention in patients with colorectal cancer. METHODS: Six databases were searched for this scoping review and reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for scoping reviews. RESULTS: A total of 1014 studies were searched, and 12 studies were finally included for analysis. The study found that pelvic floor rehabilitation for colorectal cancer patients can help improve bowel symptoms, quality of life, and psychological status of colorectal cancer patients after surgery, but details of the interventions for pelvic floor rehabilitation for colorectal cancer patients are not standardized. CONCLUSIONS: Pelvic floor rehabilitation has shown positive significance in patients with colorectal cancer, but there is a lack of uniform standards in the process of pelvic floor rehabilitation intervention in patients with colorectal cancer.

Neoplasias Colorretais , Diafragma da Pelve , Qualidade de Vida , Humanos , Neoplasias Colorretais/reabilitação , Neoplasias Colorretais/cirurgia , Diafragma da Pelve/fisiopatologia , Feminino , Distúrbios do Assoalho Pélvico/reabilitação , Masculino , Terapia por Exercício/métodos , Incontinência Fecal/reabilitação , Incontinência Fecal/etiologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Resultado do Tratamento