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Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1569898


En la Guerra Civil Española participaron médicos cubanos que integraron la sanidad militar de las fuerzas republicanas; un tema que ha suscitado diversos estudios, pero del que quedan aún aspectos por investigar. El presente trabajo se enfoca en un médico cubano que participó en la gesta internacionalista en España, el doctor Eduardo Odio Pérez. Nació en Santiago de Cuba y se graduó de médico en los EE. UU. El objetivo es contribuir al conocimiento de los médicos cubanos que participaron en la lucha contra el fascismo en España. Los resultados hacen referencia a su participación como integrante de la sanidad militar de la XV Brigada Internacional Abraham Lincoln. Prestó servicios en hospitales militares, donde se atendieron las bajas sanitarias de importantes acciones combativas del conflicto armado, como la batalla del Jarama. Alcanzó el grado de capitán y solicitó el ingreso al Partido Comunista Español. Su contribución a la lucha contra el fascismo en España es una muestra de internacionalismo y un modelo referencial para el trabajo educativo en la formación médica.

Cuban doctors participated in the Spanish Civil War as part of the military health service of the Republican forces; a topic that has been the subject of several studies, but aspects of which still remain to be investigated. The present work focuses on a Cuban physician who participated in the internationalist heroic deed in Spain, Dr. Eduardo Odio Perez. He was born in Santiago de Cuba, and graduated as a doctor in the U.S.A. The objective is to contribute to the knowledge of Cuban doctors who participated in the fight against fascism in Spain. The results refer to his participation as a member of the military health service of the XV International Abraham Lincoln Brigade. He served in military hospitals, where he attended the medical casualties of important combat actions of the armed conflict, such as the battle of Jarama. He reached the rank of captain and applied to join the Spanish Communist Party. His contribution to the fight against fascism in Spain is an example of internationalism and a reference model for educational work in medical training.

Humanos , Masculino , Médicos/história , Início da Vida Humana , Fascismo/história , Médicos de Combate/história , Espanha , Medicina Militar
Psicol. USP ; 35: e220050, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1550634


Resumo A atuação de Donald Trump durante o período em que esteve na presidência dos Estados Unidos suscita a investigação de possíveis semelhanças entre ele e líderes fascistas do passado. A proposta deste ensaio é apresentar reflexões sobre a atuação política de Trump, inspiradas pelas discussões sobre a psicologia e a propaganda fascista na teoria crítica. Embora pareça impossível tomar Trump por um líder fascista clássico, principalmente em razão de contextos históricos muito diferentes, também é impossível desconsiderar o nexo entre suas estratégias políticas e o modus operandi de agitadores fascistas no século XX. Além disso, é inegável que sua política mobiliza elementos sociopsicológicos que remontam às análises da emergência do fascismo histórico, como a identificação com uma figura idealizada e transcendente, a submissão a uma autoridade ou causa superior e a agressividade direcionada às ameaças do out-group.

Abstract Donald Trump's actions during his presidency calls for an investigation regarding possible similarities between him and fascist leaders of the past. This essay is reflects on Trump's political actions inspired by discussions on fascist psychology and propaganda within Critical Theory. Although Trump may escape the category of a classic fascist leader, mainly due to the different historical contexts, the similarities between his political strategies and those of 20th-century fascist agitators is undeniable. Moreover, his politics mobilize socio-psychological elements that date back to the emergence of historical fascism, such as identification with an idealized and transcendent identity, submission to a superior authority or cause, and aggressiveness directed to out-group threats.

Resumen La actuación de Donald Trump durante el período en el que fue presidente de los Estados Unidos plantea la posibilidad de investigar posibles similitudes entre los líderes fascistas del pasado y él. El propósito de este ensayo es presentar reflexiones sobre la actuación política de Trump inspiradas en discusiones sobre psicología y propaganda fascista en teoría crítica. Si bien parece imposible ver a Trump como un líder fascista clásico, principalmente debido a contextos históricos muy diferentes, también es imposible ignorar el nexo entre sus estrategias políticas y el modus operandi de los agitadores fascistas en el siglo XX. Además, es innegable que su política moviliza elementos sociopsicológicos que se remontan al análisis del surgimiento del fascismo histórico, como la identificación con una identidad idealizada y trascendente, la sumisión a una autoridad o causa superior, y agresividad dirigida a amenazas del out-group.

Résumé Les actions de Donald Trump au cours de sa présidence appellent une enquête sur les similitudes possibles entre lui et les leaders fascistes du passé. Cet essai réfléchit aux actions politiques de Trump en s'inspirant des discussions sur la psychologie et la propagande fasciste au sein de la Théorie Critique. Bien que Trump puisse échapper à la catégorie de leader fasciste classique, principalement en raison de contextes historiques très différents, les similitudes entre ses stratégies politiques et celles des agitateurs fascistes du XXe siècle sont indéniable. En outre, sa politique mobilise des éléments socio-psychologiques qui remontent à l'émergence du fascisme historique, tels que l'identification à une identité idéalisée et transcendante, la soumission à une autorité ou à une cause supérieure, et l'agressivité dirigées vers les menaces du out-group.

Humanos , Masculino , Idoso , Fascismo/história , Teoria Crítica , Comportamento de Massa , Psicologia Social , Comunismo
Hist Psychiatry ; 32(1): 52-68, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33207959


In the late 1930s, when colonial psychiatry was well established in the Maghreb, the diagnosis 'psychosis of civilization' appeared in some psychiatrists' writings. Through the clinical case of a Libyan woman treated by the Italian psychiatrist Angelo Bravi in Tripoli, this article explores its emergence and its specificity in a differential approach, and highlights its main characteristics. The term applied to subjects poised between two worlds: incapable of becoming 'like' Europeans - a goal to which they seem to aspire - but too far from their 'ancestral habits' to revert for a quiet life. The visits of these subjects to colonial psychiatric institutions, provided valuable new material for psychiatrists: to see how colonization impacted inner life and to raise awareness of the long-term socio-political dangers.

Aculturação/história , Colonialismo/história , Psiquiatria/história , Transtornos Psicóticos/história , Civilização , Fascismo/história , Feminino , História do Século XX , Hospitalização , Humanos , Itália , Líbia , Masculino , Medicina Tradicional/história
Br J Hist Sci ; 53(1): 67-88, 2020 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31933444


This essay explores how hormone treatments were used to optimize and normalize individuals under Italian Fascism. It does so by taking the activities of the Biotypological Orthogenetic Institute - an Italian eugenics and endocrinological centre founded by Nicola Pende in 1926 - as the prime example of a version of eugenics, biotypology, which was based on hormone therapies. This essay first demonstrates that Italian Fascist biopolitics was not only concerned with increasing the size of the Italian population, but also with improving its quality. It suggests that under the Italian Fascist regime hormone therapies became eugenic tools of intervention to improve the Italian race. Second, while Pende's institute purportedly enhanced men and women, its activities show the extent to which the 'techniques of normalization' pursued by the Fascist regime were both systematic and invasive.

Eugenia (Ciência)/história , Fascismo/história , Terapia de Reposição Hormonal/história , Anatomia/classificação , Anatomia/história , Eugenia (Ciência)/métodos , Feminino , História do Século XX , Corpo Humano , Humanos , Itália , Masculino , Valores de Referência
Gac Sanit ; 32(6): 582-583, 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29891133


The aim of this note is to introduce the report on the health system of Spain written in 1967 by the WHO expert on Public Health Administration, and retired professor of the University of Manchester, Prof. CF Brockington, I summarise along general lines the relationships established between Spain and the WHO, describe the role of consultants, give an outline of the character of this author and the political context of the time. I also describe the difficulties encountered with his recommendations, which can nevertheless be viewed as seminal contributions to the major changes that were to take place during the Spanish Democratic Transition. The full text of the Report, in Spanish, can be accessed in the online Appendix of this article.

Fascismo/história , Programas Nacionais de Saúde/história , Saúde Pública/história , Organização Mundial da Saúde/história , Conflitos Armados , Política de Saúde , História do Século XX , Programas Nacionais de Saúde/organização & administração , Espanha
J Anthropol Sci ; 95: 109-136, 2017 Dec 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28600906


Giuseppe Sergi (1841-1936) was one of the most important anthropologists and psychologists of the age of positivism and this article focuses on three domains of his scientific research: degeneration, eugenics and race. His concept of degeneration is defined as the development of special forms of human adaptation to the environment. This issue is closely related to his theory of the "stratification of character", which had a profound impact on Italian psychiatry and criminal anthropology in the late nineteenth century. Thus, special emphasis is placed on the differences between Sergi and Cesare Lombroso regarding their definitions of criminality and genius. Concerning eugenics, the article analyzes Sergi's key role in the Italian context, discussing his eugenic program based on both repression and education. His remedies against the spread of degeneration included not only radical and repressive measures, but also the improvement of popular education and the living conditions of the working class. In the field of physical anthropology, the article examines Sergi's morphological method of classifying ethnic groups. Although sharply criticized in Italy and abroad, this method had two major effects. First, it led to the definitive split between Sergi and Paolo Mantegazza and to the foundation of the Societá Romana di Antropologia in 1893. Second, it was the starting point for Sergi's theory of Mediterranean "stock", which claimed that European populations were of African origin in contrast to contemporary theories of Aryan supremacy. The article ends with a look at the heated debate over Sergi's Mediterraneanism during the period of Fascism.

Antropologia Física/história , Fascismo/história , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Migração Humana , Humanos , Itália , Masculino , Região do Mediterrâneo , Grupos Raciais
Med Hist (Barc) ; (2): 4-18, 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29693833


Biopolitics has played an important role in fascist totalitarianism and the-Francoist regime was no exception. From the and with ultimate goal or regulating the population, measures were implemented to increase, care for and indoctrinate the population. This present study analyses the selection and promotion measures of some populations and the marginalisation of others proposed the Spanish Falangist Movement's official publication in the field of medicine, the journal Ser, Revista Medico-Social by the National Delegation of Health of the Traditionalist Spanish Phalanx of the Committees of the National Syndicalist Offensivie (F.E.T y de las J. O. N. S. 1942-1957). In this respect, the analysis of eugenic ideas and practice defended therein become especially interesting, claiming that, through indoctrination and health development, the race would be improved both physically and mentally. From the systematic analysis of the journals's contenets it has been demonstrated that this was one of the instruments used by the dictatorial regime to reconfigure eugenics in accordance with Catholic morals and national syndicalist politics.

Eugenia (Ciência)/história , Fascismo/história , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/história , Catolicismo/história , História do Século XX , Humanos , Religião e Medicina