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Nature ; 583(7816): 396-399, 2020 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32669698


Curium is unique in the actinide series because its half-filled 5f 7 shell has lower energy than other 5f n configurations, rendering it both redox-inactive and resistant to forming chemical bonds that engage the 5f shell1-3. This is even more pronounced in gadolinium, curium's lanthanide analogue, owing to the contraction of the 4f orbitals with respect to the 5f orbitals4. However, at high pressures metallic curium undergoes a transition from localized to itinerant 5f electrons5. This transition is accompanied by a crystal structure dictated by the magnetic interactions between curium atoms5,6. Therefore, the question arises of whether the frontier metal orbitals in curium(III)-ligand interactions can also be modified by applying pressure, and thus be induced to form metal-ligand bonds with a degree of covalency. Here we report experimental and computational evidence for changes in the relative roles of the 5f/6d orbitals in curium-sulfur bonds in [Cm(pydtc)4]- (pydtc, pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate) at high pressures (up to 11 gigapascals). We compare these results to the spectra of [Nd(pydtc)4]- and of a Cm(III) mellitate that possesses only curium-oxygen bonds. Compared with the changes observed in the [Cm(pydtc)4]- spectra, we observe smaller changes in the f-f transitions in the [Nd(pydtc)4]- absorption spectrum and in the f-f emission spectrum of the Cm(III) mellitate upon pressurization, which are related to the smaller perturbation of the nature of their bonds. These results reveal that the metal orbital contributions to the curium-sulfur bonds are considerably enhanced at high pressures and that the 5f orbital involvement doubles between 0 and 11 gigapascal. Our work implies that covalency in actinides is complex even when dealing with the same ion, but it could guide the selection of ligands to study the effect of pressure on actinide compounds.

J Am Chem Soc ; 146(31): 21509-21524, 2024 Aug 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39047184


Uranyl diacetate dihydrate is a useful reagent for the preparation of uranyl (UO22+) coordination complexes, as it is a well-defined stoichiometric compound featuring moderately basic acetates that can facilitate protonolysis reactivity, unlike other anions commonly used in synthetic actinide chemistry such as halides or nitrate. Despite these attractive features, analogous neptunium (Np) and plutonium (Pu) compounds are unknown to date. Here, a modular synthetic route is reported for accessing stoichiometric neptunyl(VI) and plutonyl(VI) diacetate compounds that can serve as starting materials for transuranic coordination chemistry. The new NpO22+ and PuO22+ complexes, as well as a corresponding molecular UO22+ complex, are isomorphous in the solid state, and in solution show similar solubility properties that facilitate their use in synthesis. In both solid and solution state, the +VI oxidation state (O.S.) is maintained, as demonstrated by vibrational and optical spectroscopy, confirming that acetate anions stabilize the oxidizing, high-valent +VI states of Np and Pu as they do for the more stable U(VI). All three acetate salts readily react with a model diprotic ligand, affording incorporation of U(VI), Np(VI), and Pu(VI) cores into molecular coordination compounds that occurs concomitantly with elimination of acetic acid; the new complexes are high-valent, yet overall charge neutral, facilitating entry into nonaqueous chemistry by rational synthesis. Computational studies reveal that the dianionic ligand framework assists in stabilizing the +VI O.S. via donation to the 5f shells of the actinides, highlighting the potential usefulness of protonolysis reactivity toward preparation of stabilized high-valent transuranic species.

J Am Chem Soc ; 2024 Oct 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39371031


The reaction of [Cp3Th(3,3-diphenylcyclopropenyl)] (Cp = η5-C5H5) with 1 equiv of lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) results in cyclopropenyl ring opening and formation of the thorium allenylidene complex, [Li(Et2O)2][Cp3Th(CCCPh2)] ([Li(Et2O)2][1]), in good yield. Additionally, deprotonation of [Cp3Th(3,3-diphenylcyclopropenyl)] with 1 equiv of LDA, in the presence of 12-crown-4 or 2.2.2-cryptand, results in the formation of discrete cation/anion pairs, [Li(12-crown-4)(THF)][Cp3Th(CCCPh2)] ([Li(12-crown-4)(THF)][1]) and [Li(2.2.2-cryptand)][Cp3Th(CCCPh2)] ([Li(2.2.2-cryptand)][1]), respectively. Interestingly, the complex [Li(Et2O)2][1] undergoes dimerization upon standing at room temperature, resulting in the formation of [Cp2Th(µ:η1:η3-CCCPh2)]2 (2), via loss of LiCp. The reaction of [Li(Et2O)2][1] with MeI results in electrophilic attack at the Cγ carbon atom, leading to the formation of a thorium acetylide complex, [Cp3Th(C≡CC(Me)Ph2)] (3), which can be isolated in 83% yield upon workup, whereas the reaction of [Li(Et2O)2][1] with benzophenone results in the formation of 1,1,4,4-tetraphenylbutatriene (4) in 99% yield, according to integration against an internal standard. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations performed on [1]- and 2 reveal significant electron delocalization across the allenylidene ligand. Additionally, calculations of the 13C NMR chemical shifts for the Cα, Cß, and Cγ nuclei of the allenylidene ligand were in good agreement with the experimental shifts. The calculations reveal modest deshielding induced by spin-orbital effects originating at Th due to the involvement of the 5f orbitals in the Th-C bonds. According to a DFT analysis, the cyclopropenyl ring-opening reaction proceeds via [Cp3Th(η1-3,3-Ph2-cyclo-C3)]- (IM), which features a carbanion character at Cß.

J Am Chem Soc ; 146(37): 25640-25655, 2024 Sep 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39241121


The 4f orbitals of Ce(IV) have shown appreciably enhanced covalent mixing with ligand orbitals relative to those of Ce(III). Here, X-ray spectroscopy, magnetic susceptibility measurements, and theoretical methods are used to investigate 4f covalency in CeF62- and CeCl62-. These techniques show covalent mixing between Ce 4f and F 2p orbitals to be about 25% less than mixing between Ce 4f and Cl 3p orbitals, placing CeF62- among the most ionic Ce(IV) compounds to-date. However, ligand field analysis using the experimental data shows significantly higher 4f orbital overlap with the F 2p orbitals compared to the Cl 3p. This result is counterintuitive since the Ce-F bonds display less 4f covalency despite their higher orbital overlap, and greater overlap is traditionally associated with enhanced bond covalency. The weaker covalency is attributed to the large energy gap between Ce 4f and F 2p orbitals strongly counteracting the higher orbital overlap. These results highlight that only a concerted consideration of both atomic orbital overlap and energy matching in f-element systems leads to an accurate picture of their bonding.

J Comput Chem ; 45(24): 2098-2103, 2024 Sep 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38760058


This computational study explores the copper (I) chloride catalyzed synthesis of (E)-1-(2,2-dichloro-1-phenylvinyl)-2-phenyldiazene (2Cl-VD) from readily available hydrazone derivative and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). 2Cl-VD has been extensively utilized to synthesize variety of heterocyclic organic compounds in mild conditions. The present computational investigations primarily focus on understanding the role of copper (I) and N1,N1,N2,N2-tetramethylethane-1,2-diamine (TMEDA) in this reaction, TMEDA often being considered a proton scavenger by experimentalists. Considering TMEDA as a ligand significantly alters the energy barrier. In fact, it is only 8.3 kcal/mol higher compared to the ligand-free (LF) route for the removal of a chlorine atom to form the radical ·CCl3 but the following steps are almost barrierless. This intermediate then participates in attacking the electrophilic carbon in the hydrazone. Crucially, the study reveals that the overall potential energy surface is thermodynamically favorable, and the theoretical turnover frequency (TOF) value is higher in the case of Cu(I)-TMEDA complex catalyzed pathway.

Chemistry ; 30(25): e202400390, 2024 May 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38381600


Reaction of [CuH(PPh3)]6 with 1 equiv. of Tl(OTf) results in formation of [Cu6TlH6(PPh3)6][OTf] ([1]OTf]), which can be isolated in good yields. Variable-temperature 1H NMR spectroscopy, in combination with density functional theory (DFT) calculations, confirms the presence of a rare Tl-H orbital interaction. According to DFT, the 1H chemical shift of the Tl-adjacent hydride ligands of [1]+ includes 7.7 ppm of deshielding due to spin-orbit effects from the heavy Tl atom. This study provides valuable new insights into a rare class of metal hydrides, given that [1][OTf] is only the third isolable species reported to contain a Tl-H interaction.

Inorg Chem ; 63(4): 2082-2089, 2024 Jan 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38207278


Ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) sampling followed by relativistic density functional theory (DFT) 199Hg NMR calculations were performed for Hg organometallic complexes in water, dimethyl sulfoxide, and chloroform. The spin-orbit coupling, a relativistic effect, is a key factor for predicting δ(Hg) and 1J(Hg-C) accurately, in conjunction with a dynamic treatment of the systems. Good agreement between the theoretical and experimental results is reached by adopting implicit (based on a continuum model) and explicit (solvent molecules treated quantum mechanically) solvation models. Broader trends appearing in the experimental data available in the literature are reproduced by the calculations, and therefore, quantum chemistry is able to assist in the assignment and interpretation of 199Hg NMR data. Less pronounced trends, such as changes in the 199Hg chemical shift in different systems with the same atom types bound to Hg, are too weak to be predicted reliably by the current state-of-the-art theoretical methods based on AIMD sampling and relativistic DFT with hybrid functionals for NMR calculations.

Inorg Chem ; 63(21): 9602-9609, 2024 May 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38507258


The synthesis, luminescence, and electrochemical properties of the Ce(III) compound, [(C5Me5)2(2,6-iPr2C6H3O)Ce(THF)], 1, were investigated. Based on the electrochemical data, treatment of 1 with CuX (X = Cl, Br, I) results in the formation of the corresponding Ce(IV) complexes, [(C5Me5)2(2,6-iPr2C6H3O)Ce(X)]. Each complex has been characterized using NMR, IR, and UV-vis spectroscopy as well as structurally determined using X-ray crystallography. Additionally, the treatment of [(C5Me5)2(2,6-iPr2C6H3O)Ce(Br)] with AgF results in the formation of the putative [(C5Me5)2(2,6-iPr2C6H3O)Ce(F)]. The electronic structure of these Ce(IV)-X complexes was investigated by bond analyses and the Ce(IV)-F moiety using quantum chemistry NMR calculations.

J Chem Phys ; 160(11)2024 Mar 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38497474


Treating 195Pt nuclear magnetic resonance parameters in solution remains a considerable challenge from a quantum chemistry point of view, requiring a high level of theory that simultaneously takes into account the relativistic effects, the dynamic treatment of the solvent-solute system, and the dynamic electron correlation. A combination of Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics (CPMD) and relativistic calculations based on two-component zeroth order regular approximation spin-orbit Kohn-Sham (2c-ZKS) and four-component Dirac-Kohn-Sham (4c-DKS) Hamiltonians is performed to address the solvent effect (water) on the conformational changes and JPtPt1 coupling. A series of bridged PtIII dinuclear complexes [L1-Pt2(NH3)4(Am)2-L2]n+ (Am = α-pyrrolidonate and pivalamidate; L = H2O, Cl-, and Br-) are studied. The computed Pt-Pt coupling is strongly dependent on the conformational dynamics of the complexes, which, in turn, is correlated with the trans influence among axial ligands and with the angle N-C-O from the bridging ligands. The J-coupling is decomposed in terms of dynamic contributions. The decomposition reveals that the vibrational and explicit solvation contributions reduce JPtPt1 of diaquo complexes (L1 = L2 = H2O) in comparison to the static gas-phase magnitude, whereas the implicit solvation and bulk contributions correspond to an increase in JPtPt1 in dihalo (L1 = L2 = X-) and aquahalo (L1 = H2O; L2 = X-) complexes. Relativistic treatment combined with CPMD shows that the 2c-ZKS Hamiltonian performs as well as 4c-DKS for the JPtPt1 coupling.

J Am Chem Soc ; 145(10): 5645-5654, 2023 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36800216


The chemistry of f-block metal-carbon multiple bonds is underdeveloped compared to well-established carbene complexes of the d-block transition metals. Herein, we report two new actinide-rare earth mixed metal carbides and nitrogen carbide cluster fullerenes, USc2C2@D5h(6)-C80 and USc2NC@D5h(6)-C80, which contain U-C bonds with triple bond character and were successfully synthesized and characterized by mass spectrometry, UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, single crystal X-ray diffraction, and DFT calculations. Crystallographic studies show that the two previously unreported clusters, USc2C2 and USc2NC, are stabilized in the D5h(6)-C80 carbon cage and adopt unique trifoliate configurations, in which C2/NC units are almost vertically inserted into the plane defined by the U and two Sc atoms. Combined experimental and theoretical studies further reveal the bonding structure of USc2C2 and USc2NC, which contain C═U(VI)═C and C═U(V)═N bonding motifs. The electronic structures of the two compounds are determined as U6+(Sc2)6+(C4-)2@D5h(6)-C804- and U5+(Sc2)6+(N)3-(C)4-@D5h(6)-C804-, respectively. Quantum-chemical studies confirm that the U-C bonds in both molecules show unprecedented multicenter triple-bond character. The discovery of this unique U-C multiple bond offers a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of uranium chemistry.

J Am Chem Soc ; 145(24): 13384-13391, 2023 Jun 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37279382


This study confirms the hypothesis that [MnCl3(OPPh3)2] (1) and acetonitrile-solvated MnCl3 (i.e., [MnCl3(MeCN)x]) can be used as synthons to prepare Mn(III) chloride complexes with facially coordinating ligands. This was achieved through the preparation and characterization of six new {MnIIICl} complexes using anionic ligands TpH (tris(pyrazolyl)borate) and TpMe (tris(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)borate). The MnIII-chloride dissociation and association equilibria (Keq) and MnIII/II reduction potentials were quantified in DCM. These two thermochemical parameters (Keq and E1/2), in addition to the known Cl-atom reduction potential in DCM, enabled the quantification of the Mn-Cl bond dissociation (homolysis) free energy of 21 and 23 ± 7 kcal/mol at room temperature for R = H and Me, respectively. These are in reasonable agreement with the bond dissociation free energy (BDFEM-Cl) of 34 ± 6 kcal/mol calculated using density functional theory. The BDFEM-Cl of 1 was also calculated (25 ± 6 kcal/mol). These energies were used in predictive C-H bond reactivity.

J Am Chem Soc ; 145(2): 781-786, 2023 01 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36603174


Complexes featuring lanthanide-ligand multiple bonds are rare and highly reactive. They are important synthetic targets to understand 4f/5d-bonding in comparison to d-block and actinide congeners. Herein, the isolation and characterization of a bridging cerium(IV)-nitride complex: [(TriNOx)Ce(Li2µ-N)Ce(TriNOx)][BArF4] is reported, the first example of a molecular cerium-nitride. The compound was isolated by deprotonating a monometallic cerium(IV)-ammonia complex: [CeIV(NH3)(TriNOx)][BArF4]. The average Ce═N bond length of [(TriNOx)Ce(Li2µ-N)Ce(TriNOx)][BArF4] was 2.117(3) Å. Vibrational studies of the 15N-isotopomer exhibited a shift of the Ce═N═Ce asymmetric stretch from ν = 644 cm-1 to 640 cm-1, and X-ray spectroscopic studies confirm the +4 oxidation state of cerium. Computational analyses showed strong involvement of the cerium 4f shell in bonding with overall 16% and 11% cerium weight in the σ- and π-bonds of the Ce═N═Ce fragment, respectively.

Cerium , Lanthanoid Series Elements , Cerium/chemistry , Spectrum Analysis , Oxidation-Reduction , Ligands
Chemistry ; 29(41): e202300077, 2023 Jul 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36973189


We report the structural, vibrational, and optical properties of americium formate (Am(CHO2 )3 ) crystals synthesized via the in situ hydrolysis of dimethylformamide (DMF). The coordination polymer features Am3+ ions linked by formate ligands into a three-dimensional network that is isomorphous to several lanthanide analogs, (e. g., Eu3+ , Nd3+ , Tb3+ ). Structure determination revealed a nine-coordinate Am3+ metal center that features a unique local C3v symmetry. The metal-ligand bonding interactions were investigated by vibrational spectroscopy, natural localized molecular orbital calculations, and the quantum theory of atoms in molecules. The results paint a predominantly ionic bond picture and suggest the metal-oxygen bonds increase in strength from Nd-O

Chemistry ; 29(21): e202203477, 2023 Apr 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36645138


The photophysical and chiroptical properties of a novel, chiral helicene-NHC-Re(I) complex bearing an N-(aza[6]helicenyl)-benzimidazolylidene ligand are described, showing its ability to emit yellow circularly polarized luminescence. A comparative analysis of this new system with other helicene-Re(I) complexes reported to date illustrates the impact of structural modifications on the emissive and absorptive properties.

Chemphyschem ; 24(1): e202200667, 2023 01 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36169984


The implementation of fast relativistic methods based on density functional theory, in conjunction with localized molecular orbital (LMO) based analysis, allows straightforward interpretations of NMR parameters in terms of contributions from core shells, lone pairs, and bonds, for compounds containing elements from across the periodic table. We present a conceptual review of a frequently used LMO analysis of NMR parameters calculated in the presence of spin-orbit interactions and other relativistic effects. An accompanying example focuses on the 15 N shielding in a heavy metal complex.

Coordination Complexes , Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Chemphyschem ; 24(1): e202200891, 2023 01 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36594715


The front cover artwork is provided by Dr. Alberto Fernández-Alarcón. The image symbolizes the interactions of a molecule, via its orbitals, with an electromagnetic field, to produce the spectroscopic signals observed in NMR. Read the full text of the Concept at 10.1002/cphc.202200667.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Inorg Chem ; 62(39): 15891-15901, 2023 Oct 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37721450


BaPuO3 and SrPuO3 were synthesized, and their structures were refined in the orthorhombic space group Pbnm, a common distortion from the classic Pm3̅m cubic perovskite. Magnetic-susceptibility measurements, obtained as a function of temperature over the range of 1.8-320 K, exhibit temperature-dependent behavior, with evidence of long-range magnetic order at temperatures higher than their lanthanide and actinide analogues: BaPuO3 below 164(1) K and SrPuO3 below 76(1) K. Effective moments of 1.66(10)µB for BaPuO3 and 1.84(8)µB for SrPuO3 were obtained by fitting their paramagnetic susceptibilities using the Curie-Weiss law. Both are below the free-ion value of 2.68 µB expected for a Pu4+ 5I4 ground level. Ab initio wave function calculations, performed at the relativistic complete active space level including spin-orbit coupling and with an embedded cluster approach that neglects interactions between Pu centers, were used to generate embedded-cluster Pu4+ magnetic susceptibilities. The calculations agree well with experimental data at higher temperatures, providing evidence that a single-ion representation is sufficient to account for the observed paramagnetic behavior without the need to invoke charge transfer, disproportionation, strong covalent bonding, or other more complex electronic behavior.

Inorg Chem ; 2023 Oct 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37788299


Reaction of [UO2Cl2(THF)2]2 with in situ generated LiFmes (FmesH = 1,3,5-(CF3)3C6H3) in Et2O resulted in the formation of the uranyl aryl complexes [Li(THF)3][UO2(Fmes)3] ([Li(THF)3][1]) and [Li(Et2O)3(THF)][UO2(Fmes)3] ([Li(Et2O)3(THF)][1]) in good to moderate yields after crystallization from hexanes and Et2O, respectively. Both complexes were characterized by X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. DFT calculations reveal that the Cispo resonance in [1]- exhibits a deshielding of 51 ppm from spin-orbit coupling effects originating at uranium, which indicates an appreciable covalency in the U-C bonding interaction.

Inorg Chem ; 62(12): 4814-4822, 2023 Mar 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36920249


A novel actinide-containing coordination polymer, [Am(C2O4)(H2O)3Cl] (Am-1), has been synthesized and structurally characterized. The crystallographic analysis reveals that the structure is two-dimensional and comprised of pseudo-dimeric Am3+ nodes that are bridged by oxalate ligands to form sheets. Each metal center is nine-coordinate, forming a distorted capped square antiprism geometry with a C1 symmetry, and features bound oxalate, aqua, and chloro ligands. The Am3+-ligand bonds were probed computationally using the quantum theory of atoms in molecules nd natural localized molecular orbital approaches to investigate the underlying mechanisms and hybrid atomic orbital contributions therein. The analyses indicate that the bonds within Am-1 are predominantly ionic and the 5f shell of the Am3+ metal centers does not add a significant covalent contribution to the bonds. Our bonding assessment is supported by measurements on the optical properties of Am-1 using diffuse reflectance and photoluminescence spectroscopies. The position of the principal absorption band at 507 nm (5L6' ← 7F0') is notable because it is consistent with previously reported americium oxalate complexes in solution, indicating similarities in the electronic structure and ionic bonding. Compound Am-1 is an active phosphor, featuring strong bright-blue oxalate-based luminescence with no evidence of metal-centered emission.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(12): 8624-8630, 2023 Mar 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36891907


Experimentally conducted reactions between CO2 and various substrates (i.e., ethylenediamine (EDA), ethanolamine (ETA), ethylene glycol (EG), mercaptoethanol (ME), and ethylene dithiol (EDT)) are considered in a computational study. The reactions were previously conducted under harsh conditions utilizing toxic metal catalysts. We computationally utilize Brønsted acidic ionic liquid (IL) [Et2NH2]HSO4 as a catalyst aiming to investigate and propose 'greener' pathways for future experimental studies. Computations show that EDA is the best to fixate CO2 among the tested substrates: the nucleophilic EDA attack on CO2 is calculated to have a very small energy barrier to overcome (TS1EDA, ΔG‡ = 1.4 kcal mol-1) and form I1EDA (carbamic acid adduct). The formed intermediate is converted to cyclic urea (PEDA, imidazolidin-2-one) via ring closure and dehydration of the concerted transition state (TS2EDA, ΔG‡ = 32.8 kcal mol-1). Solvation model analysis demonstrates that nonpolar solvents (hexane, THF) are better for fixing CO2 with EDA. Attaching electron-donating and -withdrawing groups to EDA does not reduce the energy barriers. Modifying the IL via changing the anion part (HSO4-) central S atom with 6 A and 5 A group elements (Se, P, and As) shows that a Se-based IL can be utilized for the same purpose. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations reveal that the IL ion pairs can hold substrates and CO2 molecules via noncovalent interactions to ease nucleophilic attack on CO2.