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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(19): e2208389120, 2023 05 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37126701


Climate change affects timing of reproduction in many bird species, but few studies have investigated its influence on annual reproductive output. Here, we assess changes in the annual production of young by female breeders in 201 populations of 104 bird species (N = 745,962 clutches) covering all continents between 1970 and 2019. Overall, average offspring production has declined in recent decades, but considerable differences were found among species and populations. A total of 56.7% of populations showed a declining trend in offspring production (significant in 17.4%), whereas 43.3% exhibited an increase (significant in 10.4%). The results show that climatic changes affect offspring production through compounded effects on ecological and life history traits of species. Migratory and larger-bodied species experienced reduced offspring production with increasing temperatures during the chick-rearing period, whereas smaller-bodied, sedentary species tended to produce more offspring. Likewise, multi-brooded species showed increased breeding success with increasing temperatures, whereas rising temperatures were unrelated to reproductive success in single-brooded species. Our study suggests that rapid declines in size of bird populations reported by many studies from different parts of the world are driven only to a small degree by changes in the production of young.

Climate Change , Life History Traits , Animals , Female , Seasons , Chickens , Reproduction
Glob Chang Biol ; 29(23): 6679-6692, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37812027


Identifying when and where organisms are exposed to anthropogenic change is crucial for diagnosing the drivers of biodiversity declines and implementing effective conservation measures. Accurately measuring individual-scale exposure to anthropogenic impacts across the annual cycle as they move across continents requires an approach that is both spatially and temporally explicit-now achievable through recent parallel advances in remote-sensing and individual tracking technologies. We combined 10 years of tracking data for a long-distance migrant, (common cuckoo, Cuculus canorus), with multi-dimensional remote-sensed spatial datasets encompassing thirteen relevant anthropogenic impacts (including infrastructure, hunting, habitat change, and climate change), to quantify mean hourly and total accumulated exposure of tracked individuals to anthropogenic change across each stage of the annual cycle. Although mean hourly exposure to anthropogenic change was greatest in the breeding stage, accumulated exposure to changes associated with direct mortality risks (e.g., built infrastructure) and with climate were greatest during the wintering stage, which comprised 63% of the annual cycle on average for tracked individuals. Exposure to anthropogenic change varied considerably within and between migratory flyways, but there were no clear between-flyway differences in overall exposure during migration stages. However, more easterly autumn migratory routes were significantly associated with lower subsequent exposure to anthropogenic impacts in the winter stage. Cumulative change exposure was not significantly associated with recent local-scale population trends in the breeding range, possibly because cuckoos from shared breeding areas may follow divergent migration routes and therefore encounter very different risk landscapes. Our study highlights the potential for the integration of tracking data and high-resolution remote sensing to generate valuable and detailed new insights into the impacts of environmental change on wild species.

Animal Migration , Remote Sensing Technology , Humans , Animals , Population Dynamics , Birds , Ecosystem , Seasons
Conserv Biol ; 37(1): e14002, 2023 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36073347


The conservation of long-distance migratory birds requires coordination between the multiple countries connected by the movements of these species. The recent expansion of tracking studies is shedding new light on these movements, but much of this information is fragmented and inaccessible to conservation practitioners and policy makers. We synthesized current knowledge on the connectivity established between countries by landbirds and raptors migrating along the African-Eurasian flyway. We reviewed tracking studies to compile migration records for 1229 individual birds, from which we derived 544 migratory links, each link corresponding to a species' connection between a breeding country in Europe and a nonbreeding country in sub-Saharan Africa. We used these migratory links to analyze trends in knowledge over time and spatial patterns of connectivity per country (across species), per species (across countries), and at the flyway scale (across all countries and all species). The number of tracking studies available increased steadily since 2010 (particularly for landbirds), but the coverage of existing tracking data was highly incomplete. An average of 7.5% of migratory landbird species and 14.6% of raptor species were tracked per country. More data existed from central and western European countries, and it was biased toward larger bodied species. We provide species- and country-level syntheses of the migratory links we identified from the reviewed studies, involving 123 populations of 43 species, migrating between 28 European and 43 African countries. Several countries (e.g., Spain, Poland, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo) are strategic priorities for future tracking studies to complement existing data, particularly on landbirds. Despite the limitations in existing tracking data, our data and results can inform discussions under 2 key policy instruments at the flyway scale: the African-Eurasian Migratory Landbirds Action Plan and the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia.

Conectividad entre países establecida por aves terrestres y rapaces que migran a través del corredor aéreo africano-euroasiático Resumen La conservación de las aves que migran grandes distancias requiere de una coordinación entre los varios países conectados por los movimientos de estas especies. La expansión reciente de los estudios de rastreo está descubriendo novedades en estos movimientos, aunque gran parte de esta información está fragmentada y es inaccesible para quienes practican y elaboran las políticas de conservación. Sintetizamos el conocimiento actual sobre la conectividad establecida entre países por las aves terrestres y rapaces que migran a través del corredor aéreo africano-euroasiático. Revisamos los estudios de rastreo para compilar los registros migratorios de 1229 aves, de los cuales derivamos 544 conexiones migratorias, con cada conexión correspondiendo a la conexión que tiene una especie entre un país europeo en donde se reproduce con un país de la África subsahariana en donde no se reproduce. Usamos estas conexiones migratorias para analizar las tendencias informativas en patrones espaciales y temporales de conectividad por país (en todas las especies), por especie (en todos los países) y a escala del corredor aéreo (en todas las especies y en todos los países). El número de estudios de rastreo disponibles incrementó gradualmente a partir de 2010 (particularmente para las aves terrestres), pero la cobertura de los datos de rastreo existentes estaba incompleta. Se rastreó en promedio 7.5% de especies de aves terrestres migratorias y 14.6% de aves rapaces por país. Existían más datos de los países del centro y oeste de Europa, los cuales estaban sesgados hacia las especies de mayor tamaño. Proporcionamos varias síntesis a nivel de especie y país de las conexiones migratorias que identificamos a partir de la revisión de estudios, las cuales involucran a 123 poblaciones de 43 especies que migran entre 28 países europeos y 43 países africanos. Varios países, como España, Polonia, Etiopía y la República Democrática del Congo son prioridades estratégicas para complementar los datos existentes en los siguientes estudios de rastreo, en especial para las aves terrestres. A pesar de las limitaciones que tienen los datos de rastreo existentes, nuestros datos y resultados pueden orientar las discusiones con dos instrumentos claves para las políticas: el Plan de Acción de las Aves Terrestres Migratorias Africanas-Euroasiáticas y el Memorando de Entendimiento sobre la Conservación de las Aves Rapaces Migratorias de África y Eurasia.

Raptors , Animals , Animal Migration , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Birds , Ethiopia , Seasons
Oecologia ; 197(1): 167-178, 2021 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34459984


Life-history theory predicts that animals should develop adaptive trade-offs between survival and reproduction to maximize their fitness. This results in a continuum of life-history strategies among species, ranging from slow to fast paces-of-life. The optimal pace-of-life has been shown to vary within environmental gradients, with a commonly observed pattern of a slow-to-fast continuum from the tropics to the poles. Within species, pace-of-life variability has however received much less attention. In this study, we investigated whether or not the pace-of-life of populations within a species follows the expected slow-fast continuum associated with latitude. We analysed the variability of life-history strategies among populations of the European roller Coracias garrulus, a long-distance migratory species, comparing breeding parameters and adult survival between populations across a latitudinal gradient. The findings showed a negative correlation between survival and clutch size in roller populations, with a slower pace-of-life in the northern populations and a faster pace-of-life in the southern populations: a reverse gradient to what might be expected from inter-specific studies. These results suggest that northern populations would benefit from measures enhancing adult survival probability, such as reduction in harvesting rates, while southern populations would respond better to actions favouring reproductive success, such as nesting site provisioning. This study highlights that life-history traits can vary substantially between populations of a single species with a large latitudinal breeding range, and pinpoint how knowledge about this variability may be key in anticipating different populations' responses to threats as well as to conservation strategies.

Life History Traits , Passeriformes , Animals , Clutch Size , Geography , Reproduction
Parasitology ; 148(8): 904-912, 2021 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33729107


Coloniality in birds is often associated with an increase in parasite burden, but whether the co-occurrence of several host species influences the prevalence and abundance of ectoparasites and their relationship with colony size or density remains poorly known. Here, we studied mixed-species breeding colonies formed after the provision of artificial breeding structures for restoring the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) population in Portugal, to investigate the influence of colony traits on ectoparasite infestation. We sampled four groups of ectoparasites (carnid flies, haematophagous mites, louse flies and chewing lice) in four hosts: lesser kestrels, European rollers (Coracias garrulus), feral pigeons (Columba livia) and spotless starlings (Sturnus unicolor). Each host species had a distinct infracommunity of ectoparasites, regardless of colony traits such as size, density or host richness. The abundance of the most common ectoparasite, Carnus hemapterus, was influenced by colony composition ­ number of nests of each host species ­ rather than by colony size or density, with its abundance being diluted with increasing numbers of less suitable hosts such as starlings. The increased contact between multiple species of hosts in breeding colonies may complexify host­parasite interactions and challenge our current knowledge on the ecological relationships between host sociality and parasitism.

Bird Diseases/parasitology , Ectoparasitic Infestations/veterinary , Animals , Bird Diseases/epidemiology , Birds/classification , Breeding , Ectoparasitic Infestations/epidemiology , Ectoparasitic Infestations/parasitology , Host-Parasite Interactions , Population Dynamics , Portugal/epidemiology , Prevalence , Social Environment
J Environ Manage ; 294: 113149, 2021 Sep 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34218073


Anthropogenic structures are increasingly encroaching wildlife habitats, creating conflicts between humans and animals. Scaling up renewable energy requires new infrastructures such as power lines, that cause high mortality among birds since they act as obstacles to flight and are used for perching and nesting, which can result in collisions or electrocutions. These interactions often endanger wildlife populations and may also result in high financial costs for companies. Flight behaviour plays a crucial role in collision risk, and the study of flight altitudes enables us to understand what drives birds to fly at collision risk altitudes. This allows the identification of high-risk areas, conditions and bird behaviours, and the implementation of mitigation measures by power line companies. In this study, we use boosted random tree modelling to identify drivers of white stork (Ciconia ciconia) flight altitudes and to investigate the factors that lead them to fly at collision risk altitudes. We found that the main drivers of flight altitude for this soaring bird species were time of day, distance to the nearest landfill site and cloud cover density. Bird age, habitat type and season were comparatively less important. Collision risk increases during crepuscular hours near landfill sites, also in days with high cloud cover density and during the breeding season. In recent years, hundreds to thousands of storks congregate daily at landfill sites to take advantage of the predictability and superabundance of anthropogenic food waste. Some of these sites have high density of power lines, becoming collision risk hotspots for storks and other landfill users. Despite being susceptible to collision, our results suggest that white storks can avoid power lines to a certain extent, by changing their flight altitude at ca. 80 m from these structures. This study shows that the implementation of mitigation measures for existing power lines should be prioritized in areas in the vicinity of landfill sites within white stork distribution ranges, and the projection of new lines should avoid those areas. These measures would benefit species vulnerable to mortality due to power line collision, and it would also reduce associated power outages and economic costs.

Altitude , Refuse Disposal , Animals , Birds , Flight, Animal , Food , Humans , Plant Breeding , Waste Disposal Facilities
J Anim Ecol ; 89(3): 678-690, 2020 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31777950


Partial migration-wherein migratory and non-migratory individuals exist within the same population-represents a behavioural dimorphism; for it to persist over time, both strategies should yield equal individual fitness. This balance may be maintained through trade-offs where migrants gain survival benefits by avoiding unfavourable conditions, while residents gain breeding benefits from early access to resources. There has been little overarching quantitative analysis of the evidence for this fitness balance. As migrants-especially long-distance migrants-may be particularly vulnerable to environmental change, it is possible that recent anthropogenic impacts could drive shifts in fitness balances within these populations. We tested these predictions using a multi-taxa meta-analysis. Of 2,939 reviewed studies, 23 contained suitable information for meta-analysis, yielding 129 effect sizes. Of these, 73% (n = 94) reported higher resident fitness, 22% (n = 28) reported higher migrant fitness, and 5% (n = 7) reported equal fitness. Once weighted for precision, we found balanced fitness benefits across the entire dataset, but a consistently higher fitness of residents over migrants in birds and herpetofauna (the best-sampled groups). Residency benefits were generally associated with survival, not breeding success, and increased with the number of years of data over which effect sizes were calculated, suggesting deviations from fitness parity are not due to sampling artefacts. A pervasive survival benefit to residency documented in recent literature could indicate that increased exposure to threats associated with anthropogenic change faced by migrating individuals may be shifting the relative fitness balance between strategies.

La migration partielle - dans laquelle les migrants et les résidents existent dans une seul population - représente un dimorphisme comportemental; pour qu'elles persiste au fil du temps, les deux stratégies doivent conférer la même valeur adaptive (fitness) individuelle. Cet équilibre peut être maintenu par un compromis où les migrants obtiennent des bénéfices de survie en évitant des conditions défavorables, tandis que les résidents obtiennent des avantages reproductifs grâce á un accès précoce aux ressources. Peu d'analyses quantitatives ont été entreprise sur les preuves de cet équilibre de fitness. Étant donné que les migrants - en particulier les migrants de longue distance - peuvent être particulièrement vulnérables aux changements environnementaux, il est possible que les impacts anthropiques récents puissent entraîner une modification dans l'équilibre de fitness au sein de ces populations. Nous avons testé ces prédictions en utilisant une méta-analyse multi-taxa. Sur 2,939 études examinées, 23 contenaient des informations appropriées pour la méta-analyse, donnant 129 tailles d'effet. Parmi eux, 73% (n = 94) ont déclaré un fitness supérieur pour les résidents, 22% (n = 28) un fitness supérieur pour les migrants, et 5% (n = 7) une égalité de fitness entre les deux. Après avoir pondéré les données par la précision, nous avons trouvé des avantages équilibrés sur le fitness sur l'ensemble des données, mais parmi les oiseaux et l'herpétofaune (les groupes les mieux échantillonnés), de manière cohérente, les résidents étaient associés à un meilleur fitness comparé à celle des migrants. Les bénéfices d'être résident étaient associés à la survie, et non au succès reproductif, et augmente avec le nombre d'années de données pendant lesquelles la taille d'effet a été calculé; cela suggérerait que les écarts par rapport à la parité de fitness ne sont pas dus à des artefacts d'échantillonnage. Cet avantage de survie pour les résidents, documenté dans la littérature récente, pourrait indiquer qu'une exposition accrue aux menaces associées aux changements anthropiques rencontrés par les individus migrateurs pourrait modifier l'équilibre entre les stratégies.

Animal Migration , Birds , Animals , Seasons
Ecology ; 104(10): e4151, 2023 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37535019


Alternative migratory strategies can coexist within animal populations and species. Anthropogenic impacts can shift the fitness balance between these strategies leading to changes in migratory behaviors. Yet some of the mechanisms that drive such changes remain poorly understood. Here we investigate the phenotypic differences, and the energetic, behavioral, and fitness trade-offs associated with four different movement strategies (long-distance and short-distance migration, and regional and local residency) in a population of white storks (Ciconia ciconia) that has shifted its migratory behavior over the last decades, from fully long-distance migration toward year-round residency. To do this, we tracked 75 adult storks fitted with GPS/GSM loggers with tri-axial acceleration sensors over 5 years, and estimated individual displacement, behavior, and overall dynamic body acceleration, a proxy for activity-related energy expenditure. Additionally, we monitored nesting colonies to assess individual survival and breeding success. We found that long-distance migrants traveled thousands of kilometers more throughout the year, spent more energy, and >10% less time resting compared with short-distance migrants and residents. Long-distance migrants also spent on average more energy per unit of time while foraging, and less energy per unit of time while soaring. Migratory individuals also occupied their nests later than resident ones, later occupation led to later laying dates and a lower number of fledglings. However, we did not find significant differences in survival probability. Finally, we found phenotypic differences in the migratory probability, as smaller sized individuals were more likely to migrate, and they might be incurring higher energetic and fitness costs than larger ones. Our results shed light on the shifting migratory strategies in a partially migratory population and highlight the nuances of anthropogenic impacts on species behavior, fitness, and evolutionary dynamics.

Animal Migration , Birds , Humans , Animals , Seasons , Breeding , Energy Metabolism
Mov Ecol ; 10(1): 28, 2022 Jun 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35725653


BACKGROUND: Migration phenology is shifting for many long-distance migrants due to global climate change, however the timing and duration of migration may influence the environmental conditions individuals encounter, with potential fitness consequences. Species with asynchronous migrations, i.e., with variability in migration timing, provide an excellent opportunity to investigate how of the conditions individuals experience during migration can vary and affect the migratory performance, route, and destination of migrants. METHODS: Here, we use GPS tracking and accelerometer data to examine if timing of autumn migration influences the migratory performance (duration, distance, route straightness, energy expenditure) and migration destinations of a long-distance, asynchronous, migrant, the white stork (Ciconia ciconia). We also compare the weather conditions (wind speed, wind direction, and boundary layer height) encountered on migration and examine the influence of wind direction on storks' flight directions. RESULTS: From 2016 to 2020, we tracked 172 white storks and obtained 75 complete migrations from the breeding grounds in Europe to the sub-Saharan wintering areas. Autumn migration season spanned over a 3-month period (July-October) and arrival destinations covered a broad area of the Sahel, 2450 km apart, from Senegal to Niger. We found that timing of migration influenced both the performance and conditions individuals experienced: later storks spent fewer days on migration, adopted shorter and more direct routes in the Sahara Desert and consumed more energy when flying, as they were exposed to less supportive weather conditions. In the Desert, storks' flight directions were significantly influenced by wind direction, with later individuals facing stronger easterly winds (i.e., winds blowing to the west), hence being more likely to end their migration in western areas of the Sahel region. Contrastingly, early storks encountered more supportive weather conditions, spent less energy on migration and were exposed to westerly winds, thus being more likely to end migration in eastern Sahel. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that the timing of migration influences the environmental conditions individuals face, the energetic costs of migration, and the wintering destinations, where birds may be exposed to different environmental conditions and distinct threats. These findings highlight that on-going changes in migration phenology, due to environmental change, may have critical fitness consequences for long-distance soaring migrants.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 935, 2021 01 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33441826


Migration may expose individuals to a wide range of increasing anthropogenic threats. In addition to direct mortality effects, this exposure may influence post-migratory reproductive fitness. Partial migration-where a population comprises migrants and residents-represents a powerful opportunity to explore carryover effects of migration. Studies of partial migration in birds typically examine short-distance systems; here we studied an unusual system where residents breed in mixed colonies alongside long-distance trans-Saharan migrants (lesser kestrels (Falco naumanni) in Spain). Combining geolocator data, stable isotope analysis and resighting data, we examined the effects of this stark difference in migratory strategy on body condition, breeding phenology and breeding success. We monitored four colonies in two regions of southern Spain for five consecutive years (2014-2018), yielding 1962 captures, determining migratory strategy for 141 adult bird-years. Despite a 3000-km difference in distance travelled, we find no effect of strategy on breeding parameters. We find weak evidence for a short-term negative carryover effect of migration on body condition, but this was only apparent in the breeding region with lower primary productivity. Our results indicate that carryover effects of even highly divergent migratory strategies may be minimal relative to effects of conditions experienced on breeding grounds.

Animal Migration/physiology , Falconiformes/physiology , Genetic Fitness/physiology , Animals , Birds/physiology , Breeding , Reproduction/physiology , Seasons , Spain
Ambio ; 47(6): 650-656, 2018 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29478183


Power-line grids are increasingly expanding worldwide, as well as their negative impacts on avifauna, namely the direct mortality through collision and electrocution, the reduction of breeding performance, and the barrier effect. On the other hand, some bird species can apparently benefit from the presence of power lines, for example perching for hunting purposes or nesting on electricity towers. In this perspective essay, we reviewed the scientific literature on both costs and benefits for avifauna coexisting with power lines. Overall, we detected a generalized lack of studies focusing on these costs or benefits at a population level. We suggest that a switch in research approach to a larger spatio-temporal scale would greatly improve our knowledge about the actual effects of power lines on bird populations. This research approach would facilitate suitable landscape planning encompassing both mitigation of costs and promotion of benefits for bird populations coexisting with power lines. For example, the strategic route planning of electricity infrastructures would limit collision risk or barrier effects for threatened bird populations. Concurrently, this strategic route planning would promote the range expansion of threatened populations of other bird species, by providing nesting structures in treeless but potentially suitable landscapes. We suggest establishing a collaborative dialogue among the scientific community, governments, and electricity companies, with the aim to produce a win-win scenario in which both biodiversity conservation and infrastructure development are integrated in a common strategy.

Biodiversity , Birds , Conservation of Natural Resources , Electricity , Animals , Cost-Benefit Analysis
Mar Pollut Bull ; 129(2): 829-834, 2018 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29079301


Sixty sediment samples from four sites in the Bijagós archipelago were characterized for fine fraction, loss on ignition, major, minor and trace elemental composition (Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Ti, P, Zr, Mn, Cr, Sr, Ba, B, V, Li, Zn, Ni, Pb, As, Co, U, Cu, Cs and Cd), and the elements of the La-Lu series. Element concentrations were largely explained by the Al content and the proportion of fine fraction content, with the exception of Ca and Sr. Sediments showed enhanced Ti, U, Cr, As and Cd concentrations with respect to estimated upper crust values, most likely mirroring a regional signature. Rare earth elements were in deficit relatively to the North American Shale Composite (NASC), mainly in coarser material. No pronounced Ce-anomaly was observed, while Eu-anomalies were positive in most analyzed sediments.

Environmental Monitoring/methods , Geologic Sediments/chemistry , Metals, Rare Earth/analysis , Trace Elements/analysis , Guinea-Bissau , Principal Component Analysis
Zookeys ; (691): 19-48, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29200922


With the increasing awareness of the need for Orthoptera conservation, greater efforts must be gathered to implement specific monitoring schemes. Despite recent surveys, little is known about Portuguese Orthoptera populations. This study was performed in 2014 and 2015 mainly in Castro Verde Special Protection Area (SPA), southern Portugal, and is the first Orthoptera inventory conducted in the area. A total of 35 Orthoptera species was recorded, with two new species reported for Portugal. We provide species' habitat occurrences within the protected area and use information on the conservation status and the Iberian distribution of each documented species to discuss the importance of Castro Verde SPA for Orthoptera conservation. The data presented here sheds new light on Castro Verde SPA biodiversity and emphasizes the inclusion of this area in the conservation of Orthoptera diversity, particularly in the protection of threatened endemic species.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 24(32): 24896-24906, 2017 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28918583


Shellfish harvesting in intertidal areas is a widespread and economically important activity in many countries across West Africa. However, in some areas, there is virtually no information concerning the levels of contaminants (and other elements related to nutritional aspects) in the harvested species. We collected sediments and several individuals of the West African bloody cockle Senilia senilis and of the razor clam Tagelus adansoni during the dry season of 2015 nearby three islands in the Bijagós archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. Aluminium, Ca, Fe, Mg, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined in sediments and whole soft tissues of the two bivalves. Sediments showed uniformly low trace element concentrations, pointing to an ecosystem with low levels of trace element contamination. T. adansoni presented higher concentrations of most elements than S. senilis, with the exception of Cd that showed up to 40 times higher values in S. senilis than in T. adansoni from the same sites. Furthermore, Cd concentrations (25±8.7 mg kg-1, dw) in S. senilis are clearly above the maximum level established for human consumption. Future studies should clarify whether biological factors are the major responsible for this unusual situation.

Aluminum/analysis , Cadmium/analysis , Trace Elements/analysis , Africa, Western , Aluminum/chemistry , Animals , Bivalvia , Cadmium/chemistry , Cardiidae , Ecosystem , Environmental Monitoring , Geologic Sediments , Guinea-Bissau , Humans , Seasons
Mov Ecol ; 4: 7, 2016.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26981250


BACKGROUND: The migratory patterns of animals are changing in response to global environmental change with many species forming resident populations in areas where they were once migratory. The white stork (Ciconia ciconia) was wholly migratory in Europe but recently guaranteed, year-round food from landfill sites has facilitated the establishment of resident populations in Iberia. In this study 17 resident white storks were fitted with GPS/GSM data loggers (including accelerometer) and tracked for 9.1 ± 3.7 months to quantify the extent and consistency of landfill attendance by individuals during the non-breeding and breeding seasons and to assess the influence of landfill use on daily distances travelled, percentage of GPS fixes spent foraging and non-landfill foraging ranges. RESULTS: Resident white storks used landfill more during non-breeding (20.1 % ± 2.3 of foraging GPS fixes) than during breeding (14.9 % ± 2.2). Landfill attendance declined with increasing distance between nest and landfill in both seasons. During non-breeding a large percentage of GPS fixes occurred on the nest throughout the day (27 % ± 3.0 of fixes) in the majority of tagged storks. This study provides first confirmation of year-round nest use by resident white storks. The percentage of GPS fixes on the nest was not influenced by the distance between nest and the landfill site. Storks travelled up to 48.2 km to visit landfills during non-breeding and a maximum of 28.1 km during breeding, notably further than previous estimates. Storks nesting close to landfill sites used landfill more and had smaller foraging ranges in non-landfill habitat indicating higher reliance on landfill. The majority of non-landfill foraging occurred around the nest and long distance trips were made specifically to visit landfill. CONCLUSIONS: The continuous availability of food resources on landfill has facilitated year-round nest use in white storks and is influencing their home ranges and movement behaviour. White storks rely on landfill sites for foraging especially during the non-breeding season when other food resources are scarcer and this artificial food supplementation probably facilitated the establishment of resident populations. The closure of landfills, as required by EU Landfill Directives, will likely cause dramatic impacts on white stork populations.

PLoS One ; 8(3): e58320, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23484016


Among birds, breeding numbers are mainly limited by two resources of major importance: food supply and nest-site availability. Here, we investigated how differences in land-use and nest-site availability affected the foraging behaviour, breeding success and population trends of the colonial cavity-dependent lesser kestrel Falco naumanni inhabiting two protected areas. Both areas were provided with artificial nests to increase nest-site availability. The first area is a pseudo-steppe characterized by traditional extensive cereal cultivation, whereas the second area is a previous agricultural zone now abandoned or replaced by forested areas. In both areas, lesser kestrels selected extensive agricultural habitats, such as fallows and cereal fields, and avoided scrubland and forests. In the second area, tracked birds from one colony travelled significantly farther distances (6.2 km ± 1.7 vs. 1.8 km ± 0.4 and 1.9 km ± 0.6) and had significant larger foraging-ranges (144 km(2) vs. 18.8 and 14.8 km(2)) when compared to the birds of two colonies in the extensive agricultural area. Longer foraging trips were reflected in lower chick feeding rates, lower fledging success and reduced chick fitness. Availability and occupation of artificial nests was high in both areas but population followed opposite trends, with a positive increment recorded exclusively in the first area with a large proportion of agricultural areas. Progressive habitat loss around the studied colony in the second area (suitable habitat decreased from 32% in 1990 to only 7% in 2002) is likely the main driver of the recorded population decline and suggests that the effectiveness of bird species conservation based on nest-site provisioning is highly constrained by habitat quality in the surrounding areas. Therefore, the conservation of cavity-dependent species may be enhanced firstly by finding the best areas of remaining habitat and secondly by increasing the carrying capacity of high-quality habitat areas through safe nest-site provisioning.

Appetitive Behavior/physiology , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Ecosystem , Falconiformes/physiology , Nesting Behavior/physiology , Animals , Fertility/physiology , Population Dynamics , Portugal