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Crit Rev Toxicol ; 54(8): 485-617, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39150724


The term "glycation compounds" comprises a wide range of structurally diverse compounds that are formed endogenously and in food via the Maillard reaction, a chemical reaction between reducing sugars and amino acids. Glycation compounds produced endogenously are considered to contribute to a range of diseases. This has led to the hypothesis that glycation compounds present in food may also cause adverse effects and thus pose a nutritional risk to human health. In this work, the Senate Commission on Food Safety (SKLM) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) summarized data on formation, occurrence, exposure and toxicity of glycation compounds (Part A) and systematically assessed potential associations between dietary intake of defined glycation compounds and disease, including allergy, diabetes, cardiovascular and renal disease, gut/gastrotoxicity, brain/cognitive impairment and cancer (Part B). A systematic search in Pubmed (Medline), Scopus and Web of Science using a combination of keywords defining individual glycation compounds and relevant disease patterns linked to the subject area of food, nutrition and diet retrieved 253 original publications relevant to the research question. Of these, only 192 were found to comply with previously defined quality criteria and were thus considered suitable to assess potential health risks of dietary glycation compounds. For each adverse health effect considered in this assessment, however, only limited numbers of human, animal and in vitro studies were identified. While studies in humans were often limited due to small cohort size, short study duration, and confounders, experimental studies in animals that allow for controlled exposure to individual glycation compounds provided some evidence for impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, cardiovascular effects and renal injury in response to oral exposure to dicarbonyl compounds, albeit at dose levels by far exceeding estimated human exposures. The overall database was generally inconsistent or inconclusive. Based on this systematic review, the SKLM concludes that there is at present no convincing evidence for a causal association between dietary intake of glycation compounds and adverse health effects.

Considering the implication of endogenous glycation compounds in aging and disease, dietary exposure via consumption of an "AGE (advanced glycation end product) rich diet" is increasingly suggested to pose a potential health risk. However, studies attempting to assess an association between dietary glycation compounds and adverse health effects frequently suffer from insufficient chemical analysis of glycation compounds, including inadequate structural characterization and limited quantitative data. The Senate Commission on Food Safety (SKLM) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) previously defined quality criteria for studies designed to assess the effects of dietary glycation compounds on human health. The aim of the present work is to summarize data on formation, occurrence, exposure and toxicity of glycation compounds (Part A) and to systematically evaluate if the currently available scientific database allows for a conclusive assessment of potential health effects of defined glycation compounds (Part B).The term "glycation compounds" comprises a wide range of structurally diverse compounds that derive from the Maillard reaction, a chemical reaction between reducing carbohydrates and amino compounds that occurs during food processing. In the first stage of the Maillard reaction, reducing sugars such as glucose and fructose react for instance with the ε-amino group of lysine, which is most abundant in food ("glycation" of lysine). Subsequently, these primary reaction products undergo Amadori rearrangement to yield products (ARP) such as fructosyllysine (FL) from glucose and also Heyns rearrangement products (HRPs) such as glucosyl- and mannosyllysine from fructose. While ARPs are rapidly formed during food processing, they are not stable and undergo degradation reactions, predominantly to 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds such as glyoxal (GO), methylglyoxal (MGO) and 3-deoxyglucosone (3-DG), which are highly reactive. The last stage of the Maillard reaction is characterized predominantly by the reaction of these dicarbonyl compounds with nucleophilic groups of proteins. The side-chains of lysine and arginine residues as well as the N-termini of proteins are important reaction sites. Carboxyalkylated amino acids such as N-ε-carboxymethyllysine (CML) and N-ε-carboxyethyllysine (CEL) result from reaction of the ε-amino group of lysine with the dicarbonyl compounds GO and MGO. Dicarbonyl compounds with C5 or C6 chains can form cyclic pyrrole derivatives at the ε-amino group of lysine. The most important example for this reaction is pyrraline, which is formed from reaction of 3-DG and lysine. The reaction of dicarbonyl compounds with the guanidino group of arginine mainly leads to hydroimidazolones, of which the MGO-derived hydroimidazolone 1 (MG-H1) is best described in food systems.ARPs are the most abundant glycation products found in food. Up to 55% of the lysine residues in food may be modified to ARPs at the side-chain. Food items particularly rich in ARPs include bread, rusk, biscuits, chocolate, and powdered infant formulas. Exposure estimates range between 0.6­1.6 mg/kg body weight (bw), although exposure may be as high as 14.3 mg/kg bw in individuals consuming foods with extreme ARP concentrations. Foods particularly rich in dicarbonyl compounds include heat-treated or long-term stored items rich in reducing sugars such as jams, alternative sweeteners, soft drinks, honey, candies, cookies, and vinegars, especially balsamico-type vinegars. The main contributors to the daily intake of MGO, GO, and 3-DG are coffee and bread. Dietary exposure to dicarbonyl compounds has been estimated to range between 0.02­0.29 mg/kg bw/d for MGO, 0.04­0.16 mg/kg bw/d for GO, 0.14­2.3 mg/kg bw/d for 3-DG, and 0.08­0.13 mg/kg bw/d for 3-deoxygalactosone (3-DGal). Dietary intake of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), which can be formed from 3-DG, is estimated to range between 0.0001­0.9 mg/kg bw/d. Exposure estimates for individual glycated amino acids range from 0.03­0.35 mg/kg bw/d for CML, 0.02­0.04 mg/kg bw/d for CEL and 0.19­0.41 mg/kg bw/d for MG-H1. From a model diet consisting of 1 L milk, 500 g bakery products and 400 mL coffee, an intake of pyrraline corresponding to 0.36 mg/kg bw/d for a 70 kg person was estimated.Quantitative analysis of individual glycation compounds or their metabolites in tissues or body fluids as well as their reaction products with amino acids, proteins or DNA may serve to monitor exposure to glycation compounds. However, since glycation compounds are also formed endogenously, these biomarkers reflect the totality of the exposure, making it inherently difficult to define the body burden due to dietary intake against the background of endogenous formation.Information on the toxicokinetics and toxicity of glycation compounds is scarce and mostly limited to the reactive dicarbonyl compounds GO, MGO, 3-DG, HMF, and individual glycated amino acids such as CML and CEL. Acute toxicity of dicarbonyl compounds is low to moderate. There are some data to suggest that rapid detoxification of dicarbonyls in the gastrointestinal tract and liver may limit their oral bioavailability. Biotransformation of GO and MGO occurs predominantly via the glutathione (GSH)-dependent glyoxalase system, and to a lesser extent via glutathione-independent aldo-keto-reductases, which are also responsible for biotransformation of 3-DG. GO, MGO and 3-DG readily react with DNA bases in vitro, giving rise to DNA adducts. There is clear evidence for genotoxicity of GO, MGO and 3-DG. Repeated dose toxicity studies on GO consistently reported reduced body weight gain concomitant with reduced food and water consumption but did not identify compound related changes in clinical chemistry and hematology or histopathological lesions. There is also no evidence for systemic carcinogenicity of GO and MGO based on the available studies. However, initiation/promotion studies indicate that oral exposure to GO may exhibit genotoxic and tumor promoting activity locally in the gastrointestinal tract. From a 2-year chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity study in rats, a NOAEL for systemic toxicity of GO administered via drinking water of 25 mg/kg bw was reported based on reduced body weight and erosions/ulcer in the glandular stomach. Other non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions were not observed. Acute toxicity of HMF is also low. From a 90-day repeated dose toxicity study in mice, a NOAEL of 94 mg/kg bw was derived based on cytoplasmic alterations of proximal tubule epithelial cells of the kidney. HMF was mostly negative in in vitro genotoxicity tests, although positive findings for mutagenicity were obtained under conditions that promote formation of the chemically reactive sulfuric acid ester 5-sulfoxymethylfurfural. There is some evidence of carcinogenic activity of HMF in female B6C3F1 mice based on increased incidences of hepatocellular adenoma, but not in male mice and rats of both sexes. Although data on oral bioavailability of glycated amino acids are mostly limited to CML, it appears that glycated amino acids may be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract after oral exposure to their free and protein bound form. Glycated amino acids that are not absorbed in the intestine may be subject to metabolism by the gut microbiome. Glycated amino acids present in the systemic circulation are rapidly eliminated via the urine. Acute oral toxicity of CML is low. Studies in mice and rats reported changes in clinical chemistry parameters indicative of impaired renal and hepatic function. However, these changes were not dose-related and not supported by histopathological evaluation.Previous risk assessments of individual glycation compounds did not identify a health concern at estimated human exposures (GO, HMF) but also noted the lack of data to draw firm conclusions on health risks associated with exposure to MGO.To identify potential associations between dietary intake of defined glycation compounds and disease a systematic review was carried out according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) model, applying the quality criteria previously defined by the SKLM. Using a combination of keywords defining individual glycation compounds and relevant disease patterns linked to the subject area of food, nutrition and diet, a systematic search in Pubmed (Medline), Scopus and Web of Science was performed. Although the present systematic review identified numerous studies that investigated an association between an "AGE-rich diet" and adverse health effects, only a subset of studies was found to comply with the quality criteria defined by the SKLM and was thus considered suitable to assess potential health risks of dietary glycation compounds.For each adverse health effect considered in this assessment, only limited numbers of human studies were identified. Although studies in humans offer the advantage of investigating effects at relevant human exposures, these studies did not provide compelling evidence for adverse effects of dietary glycation compounds. Animal studies identified in this systematic review provide some evidence for induction of impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, cardiovascular effects and renal injury in response to oral exposure to GO and MGO as representatives of dicarbonyl compounds. Only limited evidence points to a link between high intake of glycated amino acids and metabolic disorders. However, these effects were typically reported to occur at dose levels that exceed human dietary exposure, often by several orders of magnitude. Unfortunately, most studies employed only one dose level, precluding characterization of dose-response and derivation of a point of departure for riskassessment. While in vitro studies provide some evidence for a potential mechanistic link between individual glycation compounds and presumed adverse health effects, the clinical and toxicological relevance of the in vitro findings is often limited by the use of high concentrations of glycation compounds that by far exceed human dietary exposure and by insufficient evidence for corresponding adverse effects in vivo. A key question that has not been adequately considered in most studies investigating systemic effects of glycation compounds is the extent of oral bioavailability of dietary glycation compounds, including the form in which MRPs may be taken up (e.g. free vs. peptide bound glycated amino acids). Understanding how much dietary glycation compounds really add to the significant endogenous background is critical to appraise the relevance of dietary MRPs for human health.While it appears mechanistically plausible that glycation of dietary allergens may affect their allergenic potential, the currently available data do not support the hypothesis that dietary glycation compounds may increase the risk for diet-induced allergies. There are no human studies addressing the immunological effects of dietary AGEs. Accordingly, there are no data on whether dietary AGEs promote the development of allergies, nor whether existing allergies are enhanced or attenuated. In numerous in vitro studies, the IgG/E binding ability of antigens and therefore their allergenic potential has been predominantly reported to be reduced by glycation. However, some in vitro studies showed that glycated proteins bind to receptors of immunological cells, and thus may have promoting effects on immune response and inflammation.Although experimental data from animal studies provide some evidence that high doses of individual glycation compounds such as MGO and protein-bound CML may produce certain adverse health effects, including diabetogenic, cardiovascular, metabolic and renal effects, the doses required to achieve these effects by far exceed human dietary exposures. Of note, in the only long-term study identified, a high dose of MGO administered via drinking water to mice for 18 months had no adverse effects on the kidneys, cardiovascular system, or development of diabetes.Experimental data from animal studies provide evidence that high doses of defined glycation compounds such as MGO or protein-bound CML may affect glucose homeostasis. However, the doses required to produce these effects markedly exceed human dietary exposure. Results from human studies are inconclusive: Three short-term intervention studies suggested that diets rich in AGEs may impair glucose homeostasis, whereas one recent intervention study and two observational studies failed to show such an effect.For the cardiovascular system, there is some evidence from in vitro and in vivo studies that high concentrations of MRPs, well above the dietary exposure of humans, may enhance inflammation in the cardiovascular system, induce endothelial damage, increase blood pressure and increase the risk of thrombosis. Only a limited number of human intervention studies investigated potential effects of short-term exposure and longer-term effects of glycation compounds on the cardiovascular system, and yielded inconsistent results. The few observational studies available either found no association between dietary MRP intake and cardiovascular function or even reported beneficial effects. Therefore, currently no definitive conclusion on potential acute and chronic effects of dietary MRPs on inflammation and cardiovascular function can be drawn. However, there is currently also no convincing evidence that potential adverse effects on the cardiovascular system are triggered by dietary MRP intake.Furthermore, human studies did not provide evidence for an adverse effect of dietary MRPs on kidney function. In animal studies with high levels of oral intake, MGO was reported to cause structural and functional effects in the kidney. Several studies show that the concentration of modified proteins and amino acids, such as CML, increases significantly in kidney tissue after oral intake. One study showed a negative effect of a high-temperature-treated diet containing increased CML concentrations on kidney structure integrity and impaired glomerular filtration. The causative relationship of accumulation of dietary MRPs and a functional decline of the kidneys, however, needs further confirmation.With regard to gut health, there is some evidence for alterations in gut microflora composition and the production of individual short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) upon dietary exposure to glycation compounds. However, this has not been linked to adverse health effects in humans and may rather reflect adaptation of the gut microbiota to changing nutrients. In particular, a human observational study and several animal studies did not find a correlation between the intake of glycation compounds and increased intestinal inflammation. In animal studies, positive effects of glycation compounds on gut tissue damage and dysbiosis during colitis were described.Considering clear evidence for DNA reactivity and genotoxicity of the dicarbonyl compounds GO, MGO and 3-DG, it is plausible to suspect that dicarbonyl compounds may induce mutations and cancer. Although there is some evidence for tumor promoting activity of GO locally in the gastrointestinal tract, the only guideline-compatible chronic rodent bioassays reported erosions and ulcer in the glandular stomach but no treatment-related neoplastic lesions. A recent multinational cohort study with focus on CEL, CML, and MG-H1 found no evidence to support the hypothesis that dietary AGEs are linked to cancer risk.Evidence for an association between human exposure to dietary glycation compounds and detrimental effects on the brain and on cognitive performance is far from being compelling. No human studies fully complying with the defined quality criteria were identified. A few experimental studies reported neuroinflammation and cognitive impairment following dietary MRP exposure, but these can be considered indicative at best and do not support firm conclusions for human health. In addition to utilizing exceedingly high dosages of individual agents like CML, harsh processing conditions causing a multitude of major process-related changes do not allow to convincingly reconcile effects observed with measured/supposed contents of free and protein-bound CML alone.Overall, although dietary glycation compounds have been claimed to contribute to a wide range of adverse health effects, the present critical evaluation of the literature allows the conclusion that the available data are insufficient, inadequate or inconclusive and do not compellingly support the hypothesis of human health risks being related to the presence of glycation compounds in food. The study limitations detailed above, together with the fact that a large number of studies did not comply with the defined quality criteria and therefore had to be excluded highlight the importance of performing adequately designed human or animal studies to inform scientifically reliable health risk assessment.To achieve this, high quality, dependable scientific cooperation within various disciplines is pivotal.

Diet , Animals , Humans , Glycation End Products, Advanced/metabolism , Glycation End Products, Advanced/toxicity , Maillard Reaction
Arch Toxicol ; 98(6): 1573-1580, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38573336


Dietary exposure to N-nitrosamines has recently been assessed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to result in margins of exposure that are conceived to indicate concern with respect to human health risk. However, evidence from more than half a century of international research shows that N-nitroso compounds (NOC) can also be formed endogenously. In this commentary of the Senate Commission on Food Safety (SKLM) of the German Research Foundation (DFG), the complex metabolic and physiological biokinetics network of nitrate, nitrite and reactive nitrogen species is discussed with emphasis on its influence on endogenous NOC formation. Pioneering approaches to monitor endogenous NOC have been based on steady-state levels of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in human blood and on DNA adduct levels in blood cells. Further NOC have not been considered yet to a comparable extent, although their generation from endogenous or exogenous precursors is to be expected. The evidence available to date indicates that endogenous NDMA exposure could exceed dietary exposure by about 2-3 orders of magnitude. These findings require consolidation by refined toxicokinetics and DNA adduct monitoring data to achieve a credible and comprehensive human health risk assessment.

DNA Adducts , Dietary Exposure , Dimethylnitrosamine , Nitrosamines , Humans , Risk Assessment , Nitrosamines/toxicity , Nitrosamines/pharmacokinetics , Dietary Exposure/adverse effects , Dimethylnitrosamine/toxicity , Food Contamination , Food Safety , Animals , Nitrites/toxicity , Nitrates/toxicity , Nitrates/pharmacokinetics , Reactive Nitrogen Species/metabolism
Arch Toxicol ; 98(7): 1967-1973, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38806718


Since 2006, the responsible regulatory bodies have proposed five health-based guidance values (HBGV) for bisphenol A (BPA) that differ by a factor of 250,000. This range of HBGVs covers a considerable part of the range from highly toxic to relatively non-toxic substances. As such heterogeneity of regulatory opinions is a challenge not only for scientific risk assessment but also for all stakeholders, the Senate Commission on Food Safety (SKLM) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) analyzed the reasons for the current discrepancy and used this example to suggest improvements for the process of HBGV recommendations. A key aspect for deriving a HBGV is the selection of appropriate studies that allow the identification of a point of departure (PoD) for risk assessment. In the case of BPA, the HBGV derived in the 2023 EFSA assessment was based on a study that reported an increase of Th17 cells in mice with a benchmark dose lower bound (BMDL40) of 0.53 µg/kg bw/day. However, this study does not comply with several criteria that are important for scientific risk assessment: (1) the selected end-point, Th17 cell frequency in the spleen of mice, is insufficiently understood with respect to health outcomes. (2) It is unclear, by which mechanism BPA may cause an increase in Th17 cell frequency. (3) It is unknown, if an increase of Th17 cell frequency in rodents is comparably observed in humans. (4) Toxicokinetics were not addressed. (5) Neither the raw data nor the experimental protocols are available. A further particularly important criterion (6) is independent data confirmation which is not available in the present case. Previous studies using other readouts did not observe immune-related adverse effects such as inflammation, even at doses orders of magnitude higher than in the Th17 cell-based study. The SKLM not only provides here key criteria for the use of such studies, but also suggests that the use of such a "checklist" requires a careful and comprehensive scientific judgement of each item. It is concluded that the Th17 cell-based study data do not represent an adequate basis for risk assessment of BPA.

Benzhydryl Compounds , Phenols , Benzhydryl Compounds/toxicity , Phenols/toxicity , Risk Assessment/methods , Animals , Humans , Mice , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Guidelines as Topic
Arch Pharm (Weinheim) ; 357(6): e2300689, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38400693


The phytosteroid ecdysterone is classified as an anabolic agent and has been included on the monitoring list of the World Anti-Doping Agency since 2020. Therefore, the consumption of food rich in ecdysterone, such as quinoa and spinach, is the focus of a lively debate. Thus, the urinary excretion of ecdysterone and its metabolites in humans was investigated following quinoa consumption alone and in combination with spinach. Eight participants (four male and four female) were included, and they ingested 368 ± 61 g cooked quinoa alone and in combination with 809 ± 115 g spinach after a washout. Post-administration urines were analyzed by LC-MS/MS. After intake of both preparations, ecdysterone and two metabolites were excreted in the urine. The maximum concentration of ecdysterone ranged from 0.44 to 5.5 µg/mL after quinoa and from 0.34 to 4.1 µg/mL after quinoa with spinach. The total urinary excreted amount as parent drug plus metabolites was 2.61 ± 1.1% following quinoa intake and 1.7 ± 0.9% in combination with spinach. Significant differences were found in the total urinary excreted amount of ecdysterone, 14-deoxy-ecdysterone, and 14-deoxy-poststerone. Only small portions of ecdysterone from quinoa and the combination with spinach were excreted in the urine, suggesting that both quinoa and spinach are poor sources of ecdysterone in terms of bioavailability.

Chenopodium quinoa , Spinacia oleracea , Chenopodium quinoa/chemistry , Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Tandem Mass Spectrometry , Chromatography, Liquid
Horm Metab Res ; 55(1): 51-58, 2023 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36446567


Levothyroxine is commonly used to treat hypothyroidism. This study investigates how far the intake of L-T4 influences body composition, energy expenditure, respiratory quotient as well as strength, endurance and mobility in premenopausal women who suffer from subclinical hypothyroidism. Twenty-five women (27.36±5.77 years) with subclinical hypothyroidism were included in the study. The intake of levothyroxine was assumed. Subjects were examined immediately after study inclusion, after two months of levothyroxine use, and after TSH was fully adjusted to the reference range. In all measurements TSH, fT3 and fT4 were determined, body weight, body composition, energy expenditure and the respiratory quotient were measured, and a test battery was performed to identify strength, mobility and endurance capacity. TSH decreased from 5.95±0.99 µIU/ml at study inclusion to 1.2±0.33 µIU/ml after final trial. No change in weight, BMI, muscle mass, fat mass, energy expenditure and respiratory quotient was observed (p>0.05). A significant improvement in chest press (p=0.002), leg extension (p<0.001), right-hand grip strength (p=0.009) shoulder mobility (p<0.001), hip mobility (p=0.07), explosive strength (p=0.041) and the anaerobic threshold (p=0.13) was identified. Likewise, a non-significant (p=0.298) increase in left-hand grip strength could be detected.In summary, although levothyroxine does not positively affect body composition, energy expenditure and respiratory quotient, it can improve strength, mobility and endurance performance. For this reason, treatment with levothyroxine is recommended to improve exercise capacity in subclinical hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism , Thyroxine , Female , Humans , Thyroxine/therapeutic use , Hand Strength , Hypothyroidism/drug therapy , Body Composition , Thyrotropin , Physical Functional Performance
Arch Toxicol ; 97(11): 3005-3017, 2023 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37615677


Exposure to multiple substances is a challenge for risk evaluation. Currently, there is an ongoing debate if generic "mixture assessment/allocation factors" (MAF) should be introduced to increase public health protection. Here, we explore concepts of mixture toxicity and the potential influence of mixture regulation concepts for human health protection. Based on this analysis, we provide recommendations for research and risk assessment. One of the concepts of mixture toxicity is additivity. Substances may act additively by affecting the same molecular mechanism within a common target cell, for example, dioxin-like substances. In a second concept, an "enhancer substance" may act by increasing the target site concentration and aggravating the adverse effect of a "driver substance". For both concepts, adequate risk management of individual substances can reliably prevent adverse effects to humans. Furthermore, we discuss the hypothesis that the large number of substances to which humans are exposed at very low and individually safe doses may interact to cause adverse effects. This commentary identifies knowledge gaps, such as the lack of a comprehensive overview of substances regulated under different silos, including food, environmentally and occupationally relevant substances, the absence of reliable human exposure data and the missing accessibility of ratios of current human exposure to threshold values, which are considered safe for individual substances. Moreover, a comprehensive overview of the molecular mechanisms and most susceptible target cells is required. We conclude that, currently, there is no scientific evidence supporting the need for a generic MAF. Rather, we recommend taking more specific measures, which focus on compounds with relatively small ratios between human exposure and doses, at which adverse effects can be expected.

Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins , Humans , Food , Public Health , Risk Assessment
BMC Womens Health ; 23(1): 526, 2023 10 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37803287


BACKGROUND: Resistance training (RT) is effective in counteracting the age- and menopause-related loss of muscle mass (MM) and strength in middle-aged women (40-60 years). Research on RT with free weights is limited in pre- and post-menopausal women. Based on this, a 20-week training intervention was conducted with this population to investigate the effects of systematic RT with free weights on strength capacity and body composition. METHOD: Forty-one healthy women (52.0 ± 3.6 years) participated in this study. After 10-week control phase (no RT, T0-T1) followed by a 10-week intervention phase (T1-T2) with RT twice a week and 6-8 sets of each muscle per week. Subjects were randomly assigned to a low-intensity (50% 1-RM) or moderate-intensity (75% 1-RM) RT group and divided into pre-menopausal and post-menopausal according to their hormone profile. Fat-free mass (FFM), MM, fat mass (FM), muscle thickness (Vastus lateralis (VL), Rectus femoris (RF), Triceps brachii (TB)), grip strength, 1-RM squat and bench press were assessed before and after each phase. Statistical analysis was performed using a linear mixed model to account for fixed (time and group) and random (individual) effects. RESULTS: A total of 31 women successfully completed the study. No injuries occurred during the intervention. Significant increases in 1-RM squat and bench press were observed in all groups. No interaction effect was observed for the strength parameters. In pre-menopausal women, FFM, MM and RF muscle thickness increased significantly, while VL showed a trend. These effects were not present in post-menopausal women regardless of RT intensity. CONCLUSION: RT with free weight is safe and effective for middle-aged women to increase 1-RM. Hypertrophy effects were found exclusively in pre-menopausal women. To achieve hypertrophy and/or body composition changes in post-menopausal women, larger training volumes (> 6-8 sets/muscle per week) are likely required.

Muscle Strength , Resistance Training , Middle Aged , Humans , Female , Muscle Strength/physiology , Muscle, Skeletal/physiology , Body Composition , Menopause , Hypertrophy
Int J Sports Med ; 44(10): 692-703, 2023 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37253363


The use of plant steroids to improve physical health and performance is becoming increasingly popular. One of these plant steroids is diosgenin, which is mainly available in fenugreek. As a result, some studies have been conducted to improve physical health. Fenugreek extracts are also becoming increasingly popular in the context of athletic performance. Based on these assumptions, a systematic review with meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate the promoting effects of fenugreek on strength performance, body composition, and hormone concentration. Four databases were screened according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The current version of ReviewManager (RevMan) was used for the statistical evaluation. Seven studies with 449 participants (378 male, 71 female) met the inclusion criteria. A small effect of fenugreek was detected for total testosterone (standard mean difference (SMD): 0.32; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.09 0.55), free testosterone (SMD: 0.24; 95% CI: -0.04, 0.52), lean body mass (SMD: 0.19; 95% CI: -0.10, 0.49), fat mass (SMD: -0.19; 95% CI: -0.44, 0.05), and leg press performance (SMD: 0.22; 95% CI: -0.02, 0.47), in male athletes. The meta-analysis shows that chronic application of fenugreek has performance-enhancing and anabolic effects in male athletes, but no statements can be made for female athletes.

Anabolic Agents , Phytosterols , Trigonella , Humans , Anabolic Agents/pharmacology , Testosterone , Athletes
Arch Toxicol ; 96(6): 1905-1914, 2022 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35504979


Subsequent to the dietary uptake of nitrate/nitrite in combination with acetaldehyde/ethanol, combination effects resulting from the sustained endogenous exposure to nitrite and acetaldehyde may be expected. This may imply locoregional effects in the upper gastrointestinal tract as well as systemic effects, such as a potential influence on endogenous formation of N-nitroso compounds (NOC). Salivary concentrations of the individual components nitrate and nitrite and acetaldehyde are known to rise after ingestion, absorption and systemic distribution, thereby reflecting their respective plasma kinetics and parallel secretion through the salivary glands as well as the microbial/enzymatic metabolism in the oral cavity. Salivary excretion may also occur with certain drug molecules and food constituents and their metabolites. Therefore, putative combination effects in the oral cavity and the upper digestive tract may occur, but this has remained largely unexplored up to now. In this Guest Editorial, published evidence on exposure levels and biokinetics of nitrate/nitrite/NOx, NOC and acetaldehyde in the organism is reviewed and knowledge gaps concerning combination effects are identified. Research is suggested to be initiated to study the related unresolved issues.

Nitrites , Upper Gastrointestinal Tract , Acetaldehyde/metabolism , Humans , Nitrates/metabolism , Nitrites/metabolism , Nitroso Compounds/metabolism , Saliva/metabolism , Upper Gastrointestinal Tract/metabolism
Arch Toxicol ; 95(7): 2571-2587, 2021 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34095968


Since the addition of fluoride to drinking water in the 1940s, there have been frequent and sometimes heated discussions regarding its benefits and risks. In a recently published review, we addressed the question if current exposure levels in Europe represent a risk to human health. This review was discussed in an editorial asking why we did not calculate benchmark doses (BMD) of fluoride neurotoxicity for humans. Here, we address the question, why it is problematic to calculate BMDs based on the currently available data. Briefly, the conclusions of the available studies are not homogeneous, reporting negative as well as positive results; moreover, the positive studies lack control of confounding factors such as the influence of well-known neurotoxicants. We also discuss the limitations of several further epidemiological studies that did not meet the inclusion criteria of our review. Finally, it is important to not only focus on epidemiological studies. Rather, risk analysis should consider all available data, including epidemiological, animal, as well as in vitro studies. Despite remaining uncertainties, the totality of evidence does not support the notion that fluoride should be considered a human developmental neurotoxicant at current exposure levels in European countries.

Drinking Water , Fluorides , Animals , Epidemiologic Studies , Europe , Fluorides/toxicity , Longitudinal Studies
Arch Toxicol ; 94(5): 1375-1415, 2020 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32382957


Recently, epidemiological studies have suggested that fluoride is a human developmental neurotoxicant that reduces measures of intelligence in children, placing it into the same category as toxic metals (lead, methylmercury, arsenic) and polychlorinated biphenyls. If true, this assessment would be highly relevant considering the widespread fluoridation of drinking water and the worldwide use of fluoride in oral hygiene products such as toothpaste. To gain a deeper understanding of these assertions, we reviewed the levels of human exposure, as well as results from animal experiments, particularly focusing on developmental toxicity, and the molecular mechanisms by which fluoride can cause adverse effects. Moreover, in vitro studies investigating fluoride in neuronal cells and precursor/stem cells were analyzed, and 23 epidemiological studies published since 2012 were considered. The results show that the margin of exposure (MoE) between no observed adverse effect levels (NOAELs) in animal studies and the current adequate intake (AI) of fluoride (50 µg/kg b.w./day) in humans ranges between 50 and 210, depending on the specific animal experiment used as reference. Even for unusually high fluoride exposure levels, an MoE of at least ten was obtained. Furthermore, concentrations of fluoride in human plasma are much lower than fluoride concentrations, causing effects in cell cultures. In contrast, 21 of 23 recent epidemiological studies report an association between high fluoride exposure and reduced intelligence. The discrepancy between experimental and epidemiological evidence may be reconciled with deficiencies inherent in most of these epidemiological studies on a putative association between fluoride and intelligence, especially with respect to adequate consideration of potential confounding factors, e.g., socioeconomic status, residence, breast feeding, low birth weight, maternal intelligence, and exposure to other neurotoxic chemicals. In conclusion, based on the totality of currently available scientific evidence, the present review does not support the presumption that fluoride should be assessed as a human developmental neurotoxicant at the current exposure levels in Europe.

Environmental Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Fluorides/toxicity , Neurotoxicity Syndromes/epidemiology , Animal Experimentation , Animals , Arsenic , Child , Drinking Water , Epidemiologic Studies , Europe , Female , Humans , Methylmercury Compounds , No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level
Arch Toxicol ; 93(7): 1807-1816, 2019 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31123801


Recent studies suggest that the anabolic effect of ecdysterone, a naturally occurring steroid hormone claimed to enhance physical performance, is mediated by estrogen receptor (ER) binding. In comparison with the prohibited anabolic agents (e.g., metandienone and others), ecdysterone revealed to be even more effective in a recent study performed in rats. However, scientific studies in humans are very rarely accessible. Thus, our project aimed at investigating the effects of ecdysterone-containing products on human sport exercise. A 10-week intervention study of strength training of young men (n = 46) was carried out. Different doses of ecdysterone-containing supplements have been administered during the study to evaluate the performance-enhancing effect. Analysis of blood and urine samples for ecdysterone and potential biomarkers of performance enhancement has been conducted. To ensure the specificity of the effects measured, a comprehensive screening for prohibited performance-enhancing substances was also carried out. Furthermore, the administered supplement has been tested for the absence of anabolic steroid contaminations prior to administration. Significantly higher increases in muscle mass were observed in those participants that were dosed with ecdysterone. The same hypertrophic effects were also detected in vitro in C2C12 myotubes. Even more relevant with respect to sports performance, significantly more pronounced increases in one-repetition bench press performance were observed. No increase in biomarkers for liver or kidney toxicity was noticed. These data underline the effectivity of an ecdysterone supplementation with respect to sports performance. Our results strongly suggest the inclusion of ecdysterone in the list of prohibited substances and methods in sports in class S1.2 "other anabolic agents".

Anabolic Agents/pharmacology , Dietary Supplements , Ecdysterone/pharmacology , Performance-Enhancing Substances/pharmacology , Adult , Anabolic Agents/administration & dosage , Animals , Athletic Performance/physiology , Biomarkers/metabolism , Cell Line , Double-Blind Method , Ecdysterone/administration & dosage , Humans , Male , Mice , Myoblasts/drug effects , Performance-Enhancing Substances/administration & dosage , Resistance Training , Young Adult
Planta Med ; 84(14): 1022-1029, 2018 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29649842


Isoflavones have been reported to stimulate muscle growth. The aim of this in vitro study was to examine anabolic activity and associated molecular mechanisms of a soy extract (SoyEx), isoflavone aglycones, and a mixture simulating the composition of SoyEx in C2C12 myotubes. C2C12 cells were differentiated into myotubes. The effects of SoyEx, genistein, daidzein, glycitein, and the mixture of genistein-daidzein-glycitein (Mix) on myotube diameter and number were determined. In addition, the expression of genes and proteins associated with anabolic activity was analyzed. Treatment with SoyEx, genistein, and Mix led to a significant increase of myotube diameter and an increase of the number of myotubes per area compared to the control cell. The increase of diameter by SoyEx was antagonized by an antiestrogen, not by an antiandrogen. Furthermore, gene expressions of insulin growth factor (IGF)-1 and its receptor (IGF-1R), as well as protein expression of myosin heavy chain (MHC), were significantly increased by SoyEx, genistein, and Mix. The effects induced by genistein and Mix were comparable to SoyEx. In conclusion, SoyEx displays an anabolic activity in C2C12 myotubes by binding to ER and modulating IGF-1 and MHC expression. Our studies with isoflavone aglycones and Mix indicate that the isoflavone aglycone with the highest anabolic bioactivity in SoyEx is genistein.

Anabolic Agents/pharmacology , Glycine max/chemistry , Isoflavones/pharmacology , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/drug effects , Myoblasts/drug effects , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Animals , Cell Line , Drug Therapy, Combination , Genistein/administration & dosage , Genistein/pharmacology , In Vitro Techniques , Insulin-Like Growth Factor I/metabolism , Isoflavones/administration & dosage , Mice , Myoblasts/metabolism , Myosin Heavy Chains/metabolism , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Receptor, IGF Type 1/metabolism
Arch Toxicol ; 91(4): 1649-1661, 2017 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27743010


Genistein and daidzein are the main isoflavones in soy. Their potential beneficial or adverse effects in males like the prevention of prostate cancer or the impact on reproductive functions are controversially discussed. Major determinants of their bioactivity are the absorption and biotransformation of isoflavones. In this study, we focused on the influence of testosterone on plasma availability and phase II metabolism of isoflavones. Male Wistar rats, receiving an isoflavones rich diet, were randomized into three groups: Two groups were orchiectomized (ORX) at postnatal day (PND) 80 and treated for 11 days with testosterone propionate (TP) (ORX TP group) or a vehicle (ORX group) after a 7 days lasting hormonal decline. The third group served as control and remained intact. Rats were sacrificed at PND 98. ORX rats had reduced isoflavones plasma levels. Differently regulated mRNA expressions of transporters relevant for transport of phase II metabolites in liver and kidney may be responsible for this reduction, more precisely Slc10a1 and Slc21a1 in kidney as well as Slc22a8 in liver. While main phase II metabolites in intact rats were disulfates and sulfoglucuronides, the amount of sulfate conjugates was significantly diminished by ORX. In accordance with that, mRNA expression of different sulfotransferases was reduced in liver by ORX. The observed effects could be almost restored by TP treatment. In conclusion, testosterone, and likely further androgens, has a huge impact on phase II metabolism and availability of isoflavones by influencing the expression of different sulfotransferases and transporters.

Isoflavones/pharmacokinetics , Membrane Transport Proteins/genetics , Testosterone Propionate/pharmacology , Animals , Kidney/metabolism , Liver/metabolism , Male , Orchiectomy , Organic Anion Transporters, Sodium-Dependent/genetics , Organic Anion Transporters, Sodium-Independent/genetics , RNA, Messenger/metabolism , Random Allocation , Rats , Rats, Wistar , Glycine max/chemistry , Symporters/genetics
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28054115


Menopause is for many females associated with an occurrence of a variety of health complaints and a decrease in quality in life. Hot flashes, sleep disturbances and a variety of other symptoms result in a strong psychological strain. Hormone replacement therapy for treatment of climacteric complaints is discussed controversially regarding associated side effects. This is a major reason to propose treatment with plant derived extracts and compounds as an alternative. Such compounds are available either as drugs but mostly as nutritional supplements. Here we have to distinguish between so-called phytoestrogens which are postulated to act via estrogen receptors such as hop extracts, soy extracts, pomegranate extracts and red clover extracts. A second group of compounds addresses postmenopausal complaints independent of estrogen receptors. This group includes yams, actaea racemosa, agnus castus, rhei radix extracts and spinach extracts. For none of the mentioned substances and extracts could a clear proven effectiveness for the treatment of postmenopausal complaints be demonstrated. In contrast, for some of the mentioned substances, for example isoflavones, there are concerns regarding side effects and safety. The free availability of such nutritional supplements results in an uncontrolled consumption. Different products were combined and consumed in doses far higher than recommend by the manufacturers.

Dietary Supplements/adverse effects , Hot Flashes/prevention & control , Menopause/drug effects , Phytoestrogens/administration & dosage , Phytoestrogens/adverse effects , Sleep Wake Disorders/prevention & control , Administration, Oral , Evidence-Based Medicine , Female , Hot Flashes/diagnosis , Humans , Risk Assessment , Sleep Wake Disorders/diagnosis , Treatment Outcome
Arch Toxicol ; 90(6): 1335-47, 2016 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26838042


Soy isoflavones (IF) are in the focus of biomedical research since more than two decades. To assess their bioactivity, IF are investigated in rats and mice as a model. As the biological activity of IF is affected by their biotransformation, our aim was to comprehensively compare the conjugative and microbial metabolism of daidzein and genistein in adult humans, rats and mice of both sexes. One identical soy extract and a validated LC-MS method were used for all studies. We detected considerable differences between the three species. In rats and mice, sex-specific differences were observed in addition. The major plasma phase II metabolites in humans were the 7-sulfo-4'-glucuronides (39-49 %) and, in case of genistein, also the diglucuronide (34 %), whereas in mice monosulfates (33-41 %) and monoglucuronides (30-40 %) predominated. In male rats the disulfates (23-62 %) and 7-sulfo-4'-glucuronides (19-54 %) were predominant, while in female rats the 7-glucuronides (81-93 %) exhibited highest concentrations. The portion of aglycones was low in humans (0.5-1.3 %) and rats (0.5-3.1 %) but comparatively high in mice (3.1-26.0 %), especially in the case of daidzein. Furthermore, substantial differences were observed between daidzein and genistein metabolism. In contrast to humans, all rats and mice were equol producer, independent of their sex. In conclusion, there are marked differences between humans, rats and mice in the profile of major metabolites following IF phase II metabolism. These differences may contribute to resolve inconsistencies in results concerning the bioactivity of IF and should be considered when applying findings of animal studies to humans, e.g., for risk assessment.

Genistein/metabolism , Glycine max/chemistry , Isoflavones/metabolism , Postmenopause/metabolism , Adult , Animals , Biotransformation , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Female , Genistein/blood , Humans , Isoflavones/blood , Limit of Detection , Male , Mass Spectrometry , Metabolic Detoxication, Phase II , Mice, Inbred BALB C , Middle Aged , Postmenopause/blood , Rats, Wistar , Sex Factors , Species Specificity
Pharm Biol ; 54(5): 835-44, 2016.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26641735


CONTEXT: Eythrina excelsa Baker (Fabaceae) is a medicinal plant used to treat various ailments including those of the female genital tract. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to investigate the estrogenic and cytotoxic effects of the ethanol extract of the stem bark of E. excelsa. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Erythrina excelsa was evaluated in vitro using the yeast estrogen screen (YES). The extract was then tested in a 3-day uterotrophic assay on ovariectomised Wistar rats at doses of 50 and 100 mg/kg BW/d. Cytotoxic effects were assessed on breast (MCF-7) and colon (HT-29) cancer cell lines using the MTT cell viability assay. Additionally, a LC-PDA-ESI (+)-HRMS and HRMS/MS method was developed and applied for the identification of representative secondary metabolites scaffolds in the extract. RESULTS: In the YES, the extract stimulated the transactivation of the estrogen receptor in a dose-dependent manner with an EC50 value of 1.8 µg/mL. In rats, E. excelsa increased uterine wet weight, uterine epithelial height, and the mRNA expression of estrogen-responsive genes in the uterus and liver at 50 whereas at 100 mg/kg BW/d anti-estrogenic effects were observed. In the MTT-assay, a dose-dependent decrease of the viability of both cell lines was observed with EC50 values of 13.6 µg/mL (MCF-7) and 27.7 µg/mL (HT-29). The phytochemical analysis revealed that the extract is rich in isoflavonoids, mainly prenylated and pyran-derivatives thereof. CONCLUSION: Erythrina excelsa is rich in prenylated and pyran-substituted isoflavonoids, exhibits estrogenic/anti-estrogenic and cytotoxic effects and warrant sufficient interest for deeper investigations.

Breast Neoplasms , Colonic Neoplasms , Cytotoxins/pharmacology , Erythrina , Estrogens/pharmacology , Animals , Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy , Breast Neoplasms/metabolism , Cell Survival/drug effects , Cell Survival/physiology , Colonic Neoplasms/drug therapy , Colonic Neoplasms/metabolism , Cytotoxins/isolation & purification , Cytotoxins/therapeutic use , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Estrogens/isolation & purification , Estrogens/therapeutic use , Female , HT29 Cells , Humans , MCF-7 Cells , Rats , Rats, Wistar
Planta Med ; 81(7): 578-85, 2015 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26018796


Skeletal muscle loss during menopause is associated with a higher risk of developing diabetes type II and the general development of the metabolic syndrome. Therefore, strategies combining nutritional and training interventions to prevent muscle loss are necessary. Danshen Si Wu is a traditional Chinese medicine used for menopausal complains. One of the main compounds of Danshen Si Wu is tanshinone IIA. Physiological effects of tanshinone IIA have been described as being mediated via the estrogen receptor. Therefore, it was the aim of this study to determine its tissue specific ERα- and ERß-mediated estrogenic activity, to investigate its antiestrogenic properties, and, particularly, to study estrogen receptor-mediated biological responses to tanshinone IIA on skeletal muscle cells. The purity of tanshinone IIA was analyzed by LC-DAD-MS/MS analysis. ERα/ERß-mediated activity was dose-dependently analyzed in HEK 239 cells transfected with ERα or ERß expression vectors and respective reporter genes. Androgenic, antiandrogenic, and antiestrogenic properties of tanshinone IIA were analyzed in a yeast reporter gene assay. The effects of tanshinone IIA on proliferation and cell cycle distribution were investigated in ERα positive T47D breast cancer cells. The ability of tanshinone IIA to stimulate estrogen receptor-mediated myotube hypertrophy was studied in C2C12 myoblastoma cells. Our data show that tanshinone IIA is quite potent at stimulating ERα and ERß reporter genes with comparable efficacy. Tanshinone IIA displayed antiestrogenic and also antiandrogenic properties in a yeast reporter gene assay. It inhibited the growth of T47D breast cancer cells by suppressing proliferation and arresting the cells in G0/G1. Tanshinone IIA also stimulated the hypertrophy of C2C12 myotubes via an estrogen receptor-mediated mechanism. Summarizing our results, tanshinone IIA can be characterized as an estrogen receptor partial agonist with antiandrogenic properties. It seems to inhibit ERα-mediated cell proliferation but induces ERß-related biological responses like hypertrophy of myotubes. These findings are interesting with respect to the treatment of a variety of complains of postmenopausal females, including muscle wasting.

Abietanes/pharmacology , Estrogen Receptor alpha/metabolism , Estrogens/pharmacology , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/drug effects , Muscular Atrophy/metabolism , Receptors, Estrogen/metabolism , Salvia miltiorrhiza/chemistry , Abietanes/therapeutic use , Anabolic Agents/pharmacology , Anabolic Agents/therapeutic use , Androgen Receptor Antagonists/pharmacology , Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic/pharmacology , Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic/therapeutic use , Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy , Breast Neoplasms/metabolism , Cell Line, Tumor , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/pharmacology , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic use , Estrogen Antagonists/pharmacology , Estrogen Antagonists/therapeutic use , Estrogen Receptor beta/metabolism , Estrogens/therapeutic use , HEK293 Cells , Humans , Hypertrophy , Muscular Atrophy/prevention & control , Phytotherapy , Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators/pharmacology , Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators/therapeutic use
Arch Toxicol ; 88(3): 625-35, 2014 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24504162


The function of genistein (GEN) on tumor prevention and tumor promotion is discussed controversially. A possible interference of GEN with chemotherapy has been only rarely addressed so far. In this study, effects of GEN on the anti-tumor activity of cisplatin (CIS) were investigated in the presence and absence of estradiol (10(-10) M) in MCF-7 breast and HT-29 colon cancer cells. Cells were treated with graded concentrations of GEN (10(-4)-10(-6) M), E2, CIS and combinations. Cell growth, proliferation and apoptosis were determined as well as the expression level of PCNA, Ki67 and BCL-2 family members. CIS and GEN 10(-4) M inhibited cell growth and induced apoptosis in MCF-7 and HT-29 cells in the presence and absence of E2. Co-treatment with CIS and 10(-4)M GEN resulted in additive effects. In concentrations of 10(-5) and 10(-6) M, GEN stimulated cell growth in MCF-7 cells. It promoted proliferation, inhibited apoptosis and counteracted the anti-tumor activity of CIS in MCF-7 and HT-29 cells. Particularly the ability of CIS to induce apoptosis was antagonized. In ER alpha-positive MCF-7 cells, but not in ER alpha-negative HT-29 cells, E2 was able to neutralize the anti-CIS effects of GEN. Our data provide evidence that GEN in the absence of E2, a situation which occurs in postmenopausal women, directly affects the anti-tumor activity of cytostatic drugs like CIS. The exact molecular mechanism has to be investigated in future studies.

Antineoplastic Agents/pharmacology , Cisplatin/pharmacology , Genistein/pharmacology , HT29 Cells/drug effects , MCF-7 Cells/drug effects , Apoptosis/drug effects , Cell Proliferation/drug effects , Drug Interactions , Estradiol/pharmacology , Estrogen Receptor alpha/metabolism , Female , Humans