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Phys Rev Lett ; 130(13): 132502, 2023 Mar 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37067317


The new isotope ^{241}U was synthesized and systematic atomic mass measurements of nineteen neutron-rich Pa-Pu isotopes were performed in the multinucleon transfer reactions of the ^{238}U+^{198}Pt system at the KISS facility. The present experimental results demonstrate the crucial role of the multinucleon transfer reactions for accessing unexplored neutron-rich actinide isotopes toward the N=152 shell gap in this region of nuclides.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(1): 012501, 2023 Jan 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36669221


The atomic masses of ^{55}Sc, ^{56,58}Ti, and ^{56-59}V have been determined using the high-precision multireflection time-of-flight technique. The radioisotopes have been produced at RIKEN's Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) and delivered to the novel designed gas cell and multireflection system, which has been recently commissioned downstream of the ZeroDegree spectrometer following the BigRIPS separator. For ^{56,58}Ti and ^{56-59}V, the mass uncertainties have been reduced down to the order of 10 keV, shedding new light on the N=34 shell effect in Ti and V isotopes by the first high-precision mass measurements of the critical species ^{58}Ti and ^{59}V. With the new precision achieved, we reveal the nonexistence of the N=34 empirical two-neutron shell gaps for Ti and V, and the enhanced energy gap above the occupied νp_{3/2} orbit is identified as a feature unique to Ca. We perform new Monte Carlo shell model calculations including the νd_{5/2} and νg_{9/2} orbits and compare the results with conventional shell model calculations, which exclude the νg_{9/2} and the νd_{5/2} orbits. The comparison indicates that the shell gap reduction in Ti is related to a partial occupation of the higher orbitals for the outer two valence neutrons at N=34.

Neutrons , Titanium
Phys Rev Lett ; 131(20): 202501, 2023 Nov 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38039485


The changes in mean-squared charge radii of neutron-deficient gold nuclei have been determined using the in-source, resonance-ionization laser spectroscopy technique, at the ISOLDE facility (CERN). From these new data, nuclear deformations are inferred, revealing a competition between deformed and spherical configurations. The isotopes ^{180,181,182}Au are observed to possess well-deformed ground states and, when moving to lighter masses, a sudden transition to near-spherical shapes is seen in the extremely neutron-deficient nuclides, ^{176,177,179}Au. A case of shape coexistence and shape staggering is identified in ^{178}Au which has a ground and isomeric state with different deformations. These new data reveal a pattern in ground-state deformation unique to the gold isotopes, whereby, when moving from the heavy to light masses, a plateau of well-deformed isotopes exists around the neutron midshell, flanked by near-spherical shapes in the heavier and lighter isotopes-a trend hitherto unseen elsewhere in the nuclear chart. The experimental charge radii are compared to those from Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations using the D1M Gogny interaction and configuration mixing between states of different deformation. The calculations are constrained by the known spins, parities, and magnetic moments of the ground states in gold nuclei and show a good agreement with the experimental results.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(3): 032502, 2021 Jan 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33543945


The mean-square charge radii of ^{207,208}Hg (Z=80, N=127, 128) have been studied for the first time and those of ^{202,203,206}Hg (N=122, 123, 126) remeasured by the application of in-source resonance-ionization laser spectroscopy at ISOLDE (CERN). The characteristic kink in the charge radii at the N=126 neutron shell closure has been revealed, providing the first information on its behavior below the Z=82 proton shell closure. A theoretical analysis has been performed within relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov and nonrelativistic Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approaches, considering both the new mercury results and existing lead data. Contrary to previous interpretations, it is demonstrated that both the kink at N=126 and the odd-even staggering (OES) in its vicinity can be described predominately at the mean-field level and that pairing does not need to play a crucial role in their origin. A new OES mechanism is suggested, related to the staggering in the occupation of the different neutron orbitals in odd- and even-A nuclei, facilitated by particle-vibration coupling for odd-A nuclei.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(19): 192505, 2020 Nov 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33216598


Mass-separated ^{187}Ta_{114} in a high-spin isomeric state has been produced for the first time by multinucleon transfer reactions, employing an argon gas-stopping cell and laser ionization. Internal γ rays revealed a T_{1/2}=7.3±0.9 s isomer at 1778±1 keV, which decays through a rotational band with perturbations associated with the approach to a prolate-oblate shape transition. Model calculations show less influence from triaxiality compared to heavier elements in the same mass region. The isomer-decay reduced E2 hindrance factor f_{ν}=27±1 supports the interpretation that axial symmetry is approximately conserved.

Nature ; 498(7454): 346-9, 2013 Jun 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23783629


The properties of exotic nuclei on the verge of existence play a fundamental part in our understanding of nuclear interactions. Exceedingly neutron-rich nuclei become sensitive to new aspects of nuclear forces. Calcium, with its doubly magic isotopes (40)Ca and (48)Ca, is an ideal test for nuclear shell evolution, from the valley of stability to the limits of existence. With a closed proton shell, the calcium isotopes mark the frontier for calculations with three-nucleon forces from chiral effective field theory. Whereas predictions for the masses of (51)Ca and (52)Ca have been validated by direct measurements, it is an open question as to how nuclear masses evolve for heavier calcium isotopes. Here we report the mass determination of the exotic calcium isotopes (53)Ca and (54)Ca, using the multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer of ISOLTRAP at CERN. The measured masses unambiguously establish a prominent shell closure at neutron number N = 32, in excellent agreement with our theoretical calculations. These results increase our understanding of neutron-rich matter and pin down the subtle components of nuclear forces that are at the forefront of theoretical developments constrained by quantum chromodynamics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(15): 152501, 2018 Apr 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29756864


The masses of ^{246}Es, ^{251}Fm, and the transfermium nuclei ^{249-252}Md and ^{254}No, produced by hot- and cold-fusion reactions, in the vicinity of the deformed N=152 neutron shell closure, have been directly measured using a multireflection time-of-flight mass spectrograph. The masses of ^{246}Es and ^{249,250,252}Md were measured for the first time. Using the masses of ^{249,250}Md as anchor points for α decay chains, the masses of heavier nuclei, up to ^{261}Bh and ^{266}Mt, were determined. These new masses were compared with theoretical global mass models and demonstrated to be in good agreement with macroscopic-microscopic models in this region. The empirical shell gap parameter δ_{2n} derived from three isotopic masses was updated with the new masses and corroborates the existence of the deformed N=152 neutron shell closure for Md and Lr.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(23): 232501, 2018 Jun 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29932682


The neutron-rich isotopes ^{58-63}Cr were produced for the first time at the ISOLDE facility and their masses were measured with the ISOLTRAP spectrometer. The new values are up to 300 times more precise than those in the literature and indicate significantly different nuclear structure from the new mass-surface trend. A gradual onset of deformation is found in this proton and neutron midshell region, which is a gateway to the second island of inversion around N=40. In addition to comparisons with density-functional theory and large-scale shell-model calculations, we present predictions from the valence-space formulation of the ab initio in-medium similarity renormalization group, the first such results for open-shell chromium isotopes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(19): 192502, 2017 Nov 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29219497


The masses of the neutron-rich copper isotopes ^{75-79}Cu are determined using the precision mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at the CERN-ISOLDE facility. The trend from the new data differs significantly from that of previous results, offering a first accurate view of the mass surface adjacent to the Z=28, N=50 nuclide ^{78}Ni and supporting a doubly magic character. The new masses compare very well with large-scale shell-model calculations that predict shape coexistence in a doubly magic ^{78}Ni and a new island of inversion for Z<28. A coherent picture of this important exotic region begins to emerge where excitations across Z=28 and N=50 form a delicate equilibrium with a spherical mean field.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(23): 232501, 2015 Dec 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26684113


Masses adjacent to the classical waiting-point nuclide ^{130}Cd have been measured by using the Penning-trap spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN. We find a significant deviation of over 400 keV from earlier values evaluated by using nuclear beta-decay data. The new measurements show the reduction of the N=82 shell gap below the doubly magic ^{132}Sn. The nucleosynthesis associated with the ejected wind from type-II supernovae as well as from compact object binary mergers is studied, by using state-of-the-art hydrodynamic simulations. We find a consistent and direct impact of the newly measured masses on the calculated abundances in the A=128-132 region and a reduction of the uncertainties from the precision mass input data.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(20): 202501, 2015 May 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26047224


The recently confirmed neutron-shell closure at N=32 has been investigated for the first time below the magic proton number Z=20 with mass measurements of the exotic isotopes (52,53)K, the latter being the shortest-lived nuclide investigated at the online mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. The resulting two-neutron separation energies reveal a 3 MeV shell gap at N=32, slightly lower than for 52Ca, highlighting the doubly magic nature of this nuclide. Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov and ab initio Gorkov-Green function calculations are challenged by the new measurements but reproduce qualitatively the observed shell effect.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(4): 041101, 2013 Jan 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25166148


Modeling the composition of neutron-star crusts depends strongly on binding energies of neutron-rich nuclides near the N = 50 and N = 82 shell closures. Using a recent development of time-of-flight mass spectrometry for on-line purification of radioactive ion beams to access more exotic species, we have determined for the first time the mass of (82)Zn with the ISOLTRAP setup at the ISOLDE-CERN facility. With a robust neutron-star model based on nuclear energy-density-functional theory, we solve the general relativistic Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations and calculate the neutron-star crust composition based on the new experimental mass. The composition profile is not only altered but now constrained by experimental data deeper into the crust than before.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(6): 062502, 2012 Feb 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22401059


The 110Pd double-ß decay Q value was measured with the Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP to be Q=2017.85(64) keV. This value shifted by 14 keV compared with the literature value and is 17 times more precise, resulting in new phase-space factors for the two-neutrino and neutrinoless decay modes. In addition a new set of the relevant matrix elements has been calculated. The expected half-life of the two-neutrino mode was reevaluated as 1.5(6)×10(20) yr. With its high natural abundance, the new results reveal 110Pd to be an excellent candidate for double-ß decay studies.

Phys Rev Lett ; 105(3): 032502, 2010 Jul 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20867760


Mass measurements of (96,97)Kr using the ISOLTRAP Penning-trap spectrometer at CERN-ISOLDE are reported, extending the mass surface beyond N=60 for Z=36. These new results show behavior in sharp contrast to the heavier neighbors where a sudden and intense deformation is present. We interpret this as the establishment of a nuclear quantum phase transition critical-point boundary. The new masses confirm findings from nuclear mean-square charge-radius measurements up to N=60 but are at variance with conclusions from recent gamma-ray spectroscopy.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(1): 014702, 2020 Jan 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32012634


Achieving the highest possible mass resolving power in a multireflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer requires very high-stability power supplies. To this end, we have developed a programmable high-voltage power supply that can achieve long-term stability in the order of parts-per-million. Herein, we present the design of a stable high-voltage system and bench-top stability measurements up to 1 kV; a stabilization technique can, in principle, be applied up to 15 kV or more. We demonstrate that in the ≤1 Hz band, the output stability is at the level of 1 part per million (ppm) for 1 h, with only slightly more output variation across 3 days. We further demonstrate that the output is largely free of noise in the 1 Hz-200 Hz band. We also demonstrate settling to the ppm level within 1 min following a 100 V step transition. Finally, we demonstrate that when these power supplies are used to bias the electrodes of a multireflection time-of-flight mass spectrograph, the measured time-of-flight is stable at the ppm-level for at least 1 h.

Phys Rev Lett ; 102(11): 112501, 2009 Mar 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19392194


The masses of the neutron-rich radon isotopes {223-229}Rn have been determined for the first time, using the ISOLTRAP setup at CERN ISOLDE. In addition, this experiment marks the first discovery of a new nuclide, 229Rn, by Penning-trap mass measurement. The new, high-accuracy data allow a fine examination of the mass surface, via the valence-nucleon interaction deltaV{pn}. The results reveal intriguing behavior, possibly reflecting either a N=134 subshell closure or an octupolar deformation in this region.