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Infant Ment Health J ; 44(2): 166-183, 2023 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36859776


Home visiting programs can provide critical support to mothers in recovery from substance use disorders (SUDs) and young children prenatally exposed to substances. However, families impacted by maternal SUDs may not benefit from traditional child-focused developmental home visiting services as much as families not impacted by SUDs, suggesting the need to adjust service provision for this population. Given the need to implement tailored services within home visiting programs for families impacted by SUDs, we sought to investigate the implementation barriers and facilitators to inform future integration of a relationship-based parenting intervention developed specifically for parents with SUDs (Mothering from the Inside Out) into home visiting programs. We conducted nine interviews and five focus groups with a racially diverse sample (N = 38) of parents and providers delivering services for families affected by SUDs in the USA. Qualitative content analysis yielded three most prominent themes related to separate implementation domains and their associated barriers and facilitators: (1) engagement, (2) training, and (3) sustainability. We concluded that the home visiting setting may mitigate the logistical barriers to access for families affected by SUDs, whereas relationship-based services may mitigate the emotional barriers that parents with SUDs experience when referred to home visiting programs.

Los programas de visita a casa pueden ofrecer un apoyo clave a madres en recuperación de trastornos por abusos de sustancias (SUD) y los niños pequeños expuestos a sustancia prenatalmente. Sin embargo, las familias que recibieron el impacto de SUD materno pudieran no beneficiarse de los servicios tradicionales de visita a casa en cuanto al desarrollo enfocados en el niño tanto como las familias que no sufren el impacto de SDU, lo cual sugiere la necesidad de ajustar el ofrecimiento de servicios para este grupo de población. Dada la necesidad de implementar servicios amoldados dentro de los programas de visita a casa para familias que sufren el impacto de SUD, nos propusimos investigar las barreras y los aspectos que facilitan la implementación a manera de informar la futura integración de una intervención de crianza con base en la relación, específicamente desarrollada para progenitores con SUD (Cuidados Maternales Desde Dentro) en los programas de visita a casa. Llevamos a cabo nueve entrevistas y cinco grupos de enfoque con un grupo muestra racialmente diverso (N = 38) de progenitores y proveedores que ofrecen los servicios a familias que sufren el impacto de SUD en los Estados Unidos. Los análisis de contenido cualitativo arrojaron tres temas más prominentes relacionados con dominios de implementación separados y las asociadas barreras y aspectos que la facilitan: (1) involucramiento, (2) entrenamiento, y (3) sostenibilidad. Concluimos que el escenario de visita a casa pudiera mitigar las barreras logísticas de acceso para familias afectadas por SUD, mientras que los servicios con base en la relación pudieran mitigar las barreras emocionales que los progenitores con SUD experimentan cuando se les refiere a programas de visita a casa.

Les programmes de visite à domicile peuvent offrir un soutien critique aux mères qui se rétablissent d'un trouble lié à l'usage d'une substance (TUS) et aux jeunes enfants exposés à des substances avant leur naissance. Cependant les familles impactées par des TUS maternels ne bénéficient pas de services de visite à domicile traditionnels autant que des familles non impactées par un TUS, suggérant le besoin d'ajuster des prestations de service pour cette population. Vu le besoin de mettre en place des services adaptés au sein des programmes de visite à domicile pour les familles impactées par des TUS, nous avons décidé d'étudier les barrières et les facteurs de facilitation de mise en place afin d'éclairer l'intégration future d'une intervention de parentage basée sur une relation développée spécifiquement pour des parents avec des TUS (le maternage de l'intérieur suivant l'anglais Mothering from the Inside Out) dans des programmes de visite à domicile. Nous avons procédé à neuf entretiens et cinq groupes d'étude avec un échantille variés du point de vue racial (N = 38) de parents et de prestataires offrant des services pour des familles affectées par des TUS aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique. Une analyse qualitative de contenu a donné trois groupes importants lié à des domaines de mise en place séparés et les barrières et facteurs de facilitation y étant liés: (1) l'engagement, (2) la formation, et (3) la durabilité. Nous concluons que le contexte de visite à domicile peut mitiger les barrières logistiques à l'accès pour les familles affectées par des TUS, alors que les services relationnels peuvent mitiger les barrières émotionnelles dont les parents avec des TUS font l'expérience lorsqu'on leur recommande des programmes de visite à domicile.

Parents , Substance-Related Disorders , Female , Humans , Child, Preschool , Parenting/psychology , Mothers , Substance-Related Disorders/therapy , House Calls
Infant Ment Health J ; 44(2): 240-254, 2023 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36857469


The Parental Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (PRFQ) provides an efficient way to measure a parent's capacity to recognize their child's mental states and to understand the relationship between underlying mental states and behavior. To date, limited work evaluates its psychometric properties beyond initial validation studies. Here we examined the reliability and validity of the PRFQ in three samples of varying clinical risk (e.g., community sample, previous mental health diagnosis, substance use disorder diagnosis). Across samples, the majority (e.g., 75%-78%) of mothers identified as White; all mothers were from the USA. We compared the PRFQ to task-based measures of mentalization, the Parent Development Interview (PDI), and measures of the parent-child relationship. The PRFQ was a reliable measure across samples, and it was associated in theoretically consistent ways with task-based measures of mentalization. Parental RF across the PDI and PRFQ were not highly correlated in a sample of mothers with substance use disorders. Existing RF measures may be tapping into a different component of the broader construct of parental reflective functioning (PRF). The PRFQ was further validated by demonstrating relationships with parent-report measures of the parent-child relationship. Taken together, these findings provide additional support for the reliability and validity of the PRFQ.

El Cuestionario del Funcionamiento con Reflexión del Progenitor (PRFQ) aporta una manera eficaz de medir la capacidad del progenitor para reconocer los estados mentales de su niño y comprender la relación entre los estados mentales subyacentes y el comportamiento. A la fecha, un trabajo limitado evalúa sus propiedades sicométricas más allá de los estudios de validación inicial. Aquí examinamos la confiabilidad y validez del PRFQ en tres grupos muestra de riesgo clínico variado (v.g. grupo comunitario, previa diagnosis de salud mental, diagnosis de trastorno por uso de sustancias). A través de los grupos muestra, la mayoría (v.g., 75-78%) de las madres se identifican como blancas; todas las madres eran de los Estados Unidos. Comparamos el PRFQ con medidas de mentalización basadas en tareas, la Entrevista del Desarrollo del Progenitor (PDI), y medidas de la relación progenitor-niño. El PRFQ fue una medida confiable a lo largo de los grupos muestra, y se asoció de maneras teoréticamente consistentes con las medidas de mentalización basadas en tareas. El funcionamiento con reflexión del progenitor a lo largo del PDI y PRFQ no se correlacionaron altamente en un grupo muestra de madres con trastornos de uso de sustancias. Las medidas del funcionamiento con reflexión existentes pudieran sacar provecho de un componente diferente de la más amplia edificación del funcionamiento con reflexión del progenitor. Se validó además el PRFQ por medio de demostrar las relaciones con las medidas auto reportadas por el progenitor de la relación progenitor-niño. Tomados en conjunto, estos resultados aportan un apoyo adicional para la confiabilidad y validez del PRFQ.

Le Questionnaire de Fonctionnement de Réflexion Parental (QFRP) offre une manière efficace de mesurer la capacité d'un parent à reconnaître les états mentaux de leur enfant et de comprendre la relation entre les états mentaux sous-jacents et le comportement. Jusqu'à présent peu d'études ont évalué ses propriétés psychométriques au-delà des études initiales de validation. Nous examinons ici la fiabilité et la validité du QFRP chez trois échantillons de risque clinique varié (soit un échantillon communautaire, un diagnostic de santé mentale précédent, un diagnostic de trouble lié à l'usage d'une substance). Au travers des échantillons la majorité (c'est-à-dire 75-78%) des mères se sont identifiées comme étant blanches et toutes les mères étaient américaines (des USA). Nous avons comparé le QFRP à des mesures de mentalisation faites à partir d'une tâche, à l'Entretien de Développement du Parent (en anglais Parent Development Interview, soit PDI), et à des mesures de la relation parent-enfant. Le QFRP s'est avéré être une mesure fiable au travers des échantillons et était lié de manières théoriquement cohérentes à des mesures de mentalisation (basées sur des tâches). Le FR parental au travers du PDI et le QFRP n'étaient pas fortement liés chez un échantillon de mères avec un trouble lié à l'usage d'une substance. Il est possible que les mesures FR qui existent puisent dans un composant différent de la structure plus large du fonctionnement de réflexion parental, Le QFRP a été en outre validé par la démonstration de la relation entre les mesures rapportées par les parents de la relation parent-enfant. Pris dans l'ensemble ces résultats offrent un soutien supplémentaire pour la fiabilité et la validité du QFRP.

Mothers , Parents , Female , Humans , Self Report , Reproducibility of Results , Parents/psychology , Mothers/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires
Infant Ment Health J ; 44(2): 142-165, 2023 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36862381


Mothering from the Inside Out (MIO) is a mentalization-based parenting intervention developed to address challenges common among mothers experiencing substance use disorders (SUDs) and previously deemed effective when delivered by research clinicians. This randomized clinical trial was designed to test the efficacy of MIO when delivered by community-based addiction counselors in Connecticut, USA. Ninety-four mothers [M(SD)age = 31.01(4.01) years; 75.53% White] caring for a child 11-60 months of age were randomly assigned to participate in 12 sessions of either MIO or psychoeducation. Caregiving, psychiatric, and substance use outcomes were assessed repeatedly from baseline through 12-week follow-up. Mothers who participated in MIO showed decreased certainty about their child's mental states, and decreased depression; their children demonstrated increased clarity of cues. Participation in MIO was not associated with the same degree of improvement that was observed in prior trials where MIO was delivered by research clinicians. However, when delivered by community-based clinicians, MIO may be protective against a deterioration in caregiving over time often seen in mothers with addictions. The drop in efficacy of MIO in this trial raises questions about intervention-intervenor fit. Research should examine factors influencing MIO effectiveness to close the science-to-service gap common in the dissemination of empirically validated interventions.

Cuidados Maternales desde Dentro (MIO) es una intervención de crianza con base en la mentalización desarrollada para discutir los retos que son comunes entre las madres que experimentan trastornos de uso de sustancias (SUD) y que previamente eran considerados eficaces cuando los ofrecían los investigadores clínicos. Este ensayo clínico al azar se diseñó para examinar la efectividad de MIO cuando la ofrecen consejeros en asuntos de adicción con base en la comunidad, en Connecticut, Estados Unidos. Noventa y cuatro madres [M(SD) edad = 31.01(4.01) años; 75.53% blancas] con un niño de 11 a 60 meses de edad bajo su cuidado fueron asignadas al azar para participar en 12 sesiones, ya sea de MIO o de psicoeducación. Los resultados del cuidado prestado, los siquiátricos y los de uso de sustancia se evaluaron repetidamente a partir de los datos básicos hasta el seguimiento a las 12 semanas. Las madres que participaron en MIO mostraron una disminución en la certeza acerca de los estados mentales de sus niños, y una disminución en la depresión; sus niños demostraron un aumento en la claridad de las señales. La participación en MIO no se asoció con el mismo grado de mejoramiento que se observó en ensayos previos en los que MIO fue ofrecido por investigadores clínicos. Sin embargo, cuando es ofrecido por clínicos con base comunitaria, MIO pudiera servir de protección contra el deterioro de la prestación de cuidado a lo largo del tiempo, a menudo visto en madres con adicciones. La disminución de la efectividad de MIO en este ensayo genera preguntas acerca de cuán compenetrados está el interventor con la intervención. La investigación debe examinar factores que influyan en la efectividad de MIO para cerrar el vacío entre servicio y ciencia, común en la diseminación de las intervenciones empíricamente validadas.

Le maternage de l'intérieur (abrégé ici MIO pour reprendre l'anglais Mothering from the Inside Out) est une intervention de parentage basée sur la mentalisation, développée afin de répondre aux défis courants chez les mères ayant un trouble lié à l'usage d'une substance (TUS) et préalablement considérée comme efficace lorsque faite par des chercheurs cliniques. Cette étude clinique randomisée a été conçue pour tester l'efficacité du MIO lorsque offert par des intervenants en dépendance communautaires dans l'état du Connecticut aux Etats-Unis. Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf mères [M(SD)âge = 31,01(4,01) ans; 75,53% blanches] prenant soin d'un enfant de 11-60 mois ont été réparties au hasard pour participer soit au MIO soit à une psychoéducation. Les résultats de soins, les résultats psychiatriques et les résultats de toxicomanie ont été évalués de façon répétée de la base jusqu'au suivi à 12 semaines. Les mères ayant participé au MIO ont fait preuve d'une certitude diminuée à propos des états mentaux de leur enfant, et d'une dépression diminuée; leurs enfants ont fait preuve d'une clarté des indices accrue. La participation au MIO n'était pas liée au même degré d'amélioration qui a été observé dans les études préalables quand le MIO a été utilisé par des chercheurs cliniciens. Cependant, lorsqu'administré par des cliniciens communautaires, le MIO pourrait s'avérer protecteur d'une détérioration dans les soins au fil du temps que l'on voit souvent chez les mères toxicomanes. Le déclin d'efficacité du MIO dans cette étude soulève des questions quant à l'ajustement intervention-intervenant. Les recherches devraient se pencher sur les facteurs influençant l'efficacité du MIO pour réduire l'écart de la science au service dans la dissémination d'intervention validées empiriquement.

Mentalization , Substance-Related Disorders , Child , Female , Humans , Adult , Parenting/psychology , Mothers/psychology , Substance-Related Disorders/therapy , Cues
Dev Psychopathol ; 32(1): 105-122, 2020 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30700335


During South Africa's first two decades as a democracy, the Western Cape Province has undergone radical changes to its healthcare system in an effort to address the extensive socioeconomic inequities that remain in the aftermath of the apartheid era. Although progress has been made, there is a clear need for interventions that support parents and children receiving health services in the public sector who are vulnerable to multiple psychosocial risks associated with extreme poverty. In this mixed-method study, we examined the feasibility and acceptability of adapting an evidence-based parenting intervention called Mothering from the Inside Out that was developed for mothers who are vulnerable to similar risks in the United States. Using qualitative methods, we documented the collaborative process that was guided by principles of community-based participatory research and examined themes in the Western Cape collaborators' perspectives about the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention. Using quantitative methods, we tested the preliminary efficacy of the adapted version of Mothering from the Inside Out for improving maternal reflective functioning and mother-child interactions. Although findings from both study components indicated preliminary promise, a number of obstacles and challenges at multiple levels underscore the need for (a) flexibility and contextual support for intervention research conducted in under-resourced communities, (b) clinical sensitivity to the unique experiences of parents rearing children in highly stressful, under-resourced environments, and (c) equal partnerships that allow the expertise of local providers to inform the design proposals of consulting investigators.

Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Mothers/psychology , Parenting/psychology , Poverty/psychology , Adult , Child , Community-Based Participatory Research , Evidence-Based Medicine , Female , Humans , Male , South Africa , Young Adult
Attach Hum Dev ; 22(3): 332-351, 2020 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30585532


This study evaluated methods for training community-based clinicians to deliver a mentalization-based parenting intervention in an addiction treatment setting. Mothering from the Inside Out (MIO) targets psychological deficits associated with early stages of addiction recovery by fostering improvement in parental reflective functioning, the capacity to make sense of strong emotions in oneself and the child. Fifteen addiction counselors were randomized to training in MIO versus a Parent Education comparison, and completed eight training sessions and a clinically-supervised 12-session training case. As predicted, MIO and PE counselors demonstrated fidelity to their respective interventions during the training case. At the end of training, MIO counselors showed greater improvement than PE counselors in clinical reflective functioning, the capacity to make sense of a patients' mental and emotional experiences. Implications for training community-based counselors in evidence-based attachment interventions are explored.

Counselors/education , Mentalization , Mothers/education , Substance Abuse Treatment Centers/organization & administration , Substance-Related Disorders/epidemiology , Adult , Emotions , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Mother-Child Relations , Object Attachment , Parenting/psychology
Child Youth Serv Rev ; 101: 99-112, 2019 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32831444


Families who enter the Child Welfare System (CWS) as a result of a caregiver's substance use fare worse at every stage from investigation to removal to reunification (Marsh et. al 2007). Intervening with caregivers with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) and their children poses unique challenges related to the structure and focus of the current CWS. Research demonstrates that caregivers with SUDs are at a greater risk for maladaptive parenting practices, including patterns of insecure attachment and difficulties with attunement and responsiveness (Suchman, 2006). Caregivers with SUDs have also often experienced early adversity and trauma. However, traditional addiction services generally offer limited opportunities to focus on parenting or trauma, and traditional parenting programs rarely address the special needs of parents with SUDs. This article details four innovative interventions that integrate trauma-informed addiction treatments with parenting for families involved in the child welfare system. Common mechanisms for change across programs are identified as critical components for intervention. This work suggests the need for a paradigm shift in how cases involving caregivers with substance use disorders are approached in the child welfare system.

Psychoanal Psychol ; 36(1): 82-92, 2019 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30853749


Although it is known that mothers with substance abuse disorders struggle to provide adequate parenting to their children, little is understood about the mechanisms behind this. This cross-sectional study uses an attachment perspective to examine whether reflective functioning mediates the relationship between mental representations of caregiving and maternal sensitivity, in an ethnically diverse sample of 142 substance-abusing mothers (M [SD] = 29.83 [5.79] years of age) and their toddlers (M [SD] = 24.04 [15.15] months of age). Data were baseline measures from two randomized controlled trials. The three variables of primary interest were positively correlated. As expected, there was a significant relationship between mental representations of caregiving and maternal sensitivity that was largely explained by reflective functioning. Confounding and alternate explanations were not supported by a secondary data analyses. The findings underscore the importance of reflective functioning in positive parenting within this high-risk population of mothers, and they provide support for the development of attachment-based interventions.

Psychoanal Psychol ; 36(1): 9-18, 2019 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31564767


While research suggests that the therapeutic alliance is important in predicting outcomes of psychotherapy, relatively little is known about the development of the alliance or the moment-to-moment components of the relationship and how they combine to create an alliance, which may represent a serious limitation in existing methods of measurement. Language style matching (LSM), or the degree to which unconscious aspects of an interactional partner's language mimic that of the other partner, is a promising, unobtrusive measure of interaction quality that could provide novel insight into the therapist-client alliance. In this article, we present a theoretical argument regarding the trajectory of therapist-client LSM across therapy sessions, as well as potential precursors and consequences of LSM. We then report on a pilot test of our hypotheses that examined how LSM, clients' relational histories, and clients' symptoms were associated within a therapeutic context. Using a small sample of substance dependent mothers (N = 7, 100% Caucasian women) enrolled in a randomized controlled trial of psychodynamic psychotherapy lasting 12 sessions, we examined client and therapist LSM across 4 of the 12 sessions. We found that, on average, LSM decreases over the course of treatment. Furthermore, greater client interpersonal problems prospectively predict lower early LSM in therapist-client dyads, which in turn predicts greater posttreatment psychiatric distress. Results generate questions for future research and support further investigations of LSM as one index of the quality of interactions between therapist and client.

Infant Ment Health J ; 39(1): 92-105, 2018 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29283178


The process of mental health intervention implementation with vulnerable populations is not well-described in the literature. The authors worked as a community-partnered team to adapt and pilot an empirically supported intervention program for mothers of infants and toddlers in an outpatient mental health clinic that primarily serves a low-income community. We used qualitative ethnographic methods to document the adaption of an evidence-based intervention, Mothering from the Inside Out, and the pilot implementation in a community mental health clinic. Seventeen mothers and their identified 0- to 84-month-old children were enrolled in the study. Key lessons from this implementation include (a) the importance of formative work to build community relationships and effectively adapt the intervention to meet the needs of the therapists and their clients, (b) the importance of designing plans for training and reflective supervision that fit within the flow of the clinic and can tolerate disruptions, and (c) that use of an interdisciplinary approach is feasible with the development of a plan for communication and the support of a trained reflective clinical supervisor. These key lessons advance the scientific knowledge available to healthcare managers and researchers who are looking to adapt mental health clinical interventions previously tested in clinical trials to implementation in community settings.

Mothers/education , Parenting/psychology , Adult , Ambulatory Care , Behavior Therapy/methods , Child , Child, Preschool , Community Mental Health Services/organization & administration , Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration , Education, Nonprofessional , Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Mental Health , Pilot Projects , Poverty
Dev Psychopathol ; 29(2): 617-636, 2017 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28401850


Mothers with histories of alcohol and drug addiction have shown greater difficulty parenting young children than mothers with no history of substance misuse. This study was the second randomized clinical trial testing the efficacy of Mothering From the Inside Out (MIO), a 12-week mentalization-based individual therapy designed to address psychological deficits commonly associated with chronic substance use that also interfere with the capacity to parent young children. Eighty-seven mothers caring for a child between 11 and 60 months of age were randomly assigned to receive 12 sessions of MIO versus 12 sessions of parent education (PE), a psychoeducation active control comparison. Maternal reflective functioning, representations of caregiving, mother-child interaction quality, and child attachment were evaluated at baseline and posttreatment and 3-month follow-up. Mother-child interaction quality was assessed again at 12-month follow-up. In comparison with PE mothers, MIO mothers demonstrated a higher capacity for reflective functioning and representational coherence at posttreatment and 3-month follow-up. At 12-month follow-up, compared to PE cohorts, MIO mothers demonstrated greater sensitivity, their children showed greater involvement, and MIO dyads showed greater reciprocity. As addiction severity increased, MIO also appeared to serve as a protective factor for maternal reflective functioning, quality of mother-child interactions, and child attachment status. Results demonstrate the promise of mentalization-based interventions provided concomitant with addiction treatment for mothers and their young children.

Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Mothers/psychology , Parenting/psychology , Psychotherapy/methods , Substance-Related Disorders/therapy , Theory of Mind/physiology , Adult , Child, Preschool , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Infant , Male , Patient Education as Topic , Young Adult
Attach Hum Dev ; 18(6): 596-617, 2016 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27575343


Mothers who are involved with mental health services (for themselves or their children) rarely receive adequate support for their role as parents. Mental illness in a parent or child often exacerbates the challenges of managing psychological distress that is germane to the parenting roll. Mentalization-based approaches to psychotherapy for parents have the potential to address challenges of emotional regulation in parents by supporting their capacity to recognize and modulate negative affect during stressful parenting situations. In this study, we piloted Mothering from the Inside Out (MIO) with 17 mothers receiving services at a community-based mental health clinic. MIO is a 12-week, mentalization-based parenting intervention that demonstrated efficacy in two previous randomized controlled trials with substance using mothers. In this study, we were interested in determining whether community-based clinicians could deliver MIO with sustained fidelity. We were also interested in examining the preliminary feasibility, acceptability and efficacy of MIO when delivered by clinicians in a community mental health center. Finally, we were interested in replicating prior tests of the proposed treatment mechanisms. Treatment outcomes included maternal reflective functioning, psychiatric and parenting stress, and mother-child interaction quality. Our findings indicated that MIO was feasible and acceptable when delivered in the community-based setting and that all maternal indices improved. However, no improvement in mother-child interaction quality was found, possibly because of insufficient time for these changes to consolidate.

Mental Disorders/psychology , Mental Disorders/therapy , Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Object Attachment , Psychotherapy/methods , Adolescent , Adult , Child , Community Mental Health Services , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Mothers/psychology , Parenting/psychology , Pilot Projects , Socioeconomic Factors , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Theory of Mind , Young Adult
Infant Ment Health J ; 37(2): 140-50, 2016.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26938485


As a group, substance-abusing parents are at risk for maladaptive parenting. The association between substance abuse and parenting may result, in part, from parents' emotional disengagement from the parent-child relationship, which makes perceiving and responding to children's cues more challenging. In this study, we examined whether substance-abusing mothers' levels of disengagement from their relationship with their children (ages 2-44 months), operationalized in two different ways using parenting narratives (representational and linguistic disengagement), prospectively predicted children's engagement and disengagement cues during a structured mother-child interaction. Within a sample of 29 mothers, we tested the hypotheses that greater maternal disengagement at Time 1 would predict a decrease in children's engagement and an increase in children's disengagement at Time 2. Results indicated that representational disengagement predicted a decrease in children's engagement cues whereas linguistic disengagement predicted an increase in children's disengagement cues. Results provide partial support for a reciprocal, iterative process in which mothers and children mutually adjust their emotional and behavioral disengagement with one another.

Education, Nonprofessional/methods , Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Mothers/psychology , Parenting/psychology , Substance-Related Disorders/psychology , Substance-Related Disorders/therapy , Adult , Child, Preschool , Cues , Humans , Infant , Longitudinal Studies , Prospective Studies , Psycholinguistics , Regression Analysis , Young Adult
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36873580


Background: The objective of this study was to assess potential challenges, prioritize adaptations, and develop an implementation and research approach to integrate and study a parenting intervention for mothers in recovery from substance use disorders in community-based home-visiting programs. Method: An explanatory mixed-methods design, guided by process mapping with Failure Modes and Effects Analysis tools, and an Advisory Panel of 15 community members, identified potential implementation challenges and recommended solutions for the proposed intervention within five pre-specified domains. Thematic content analysis identified themes from detailed field notes. Results: The Advisory Panel identified 44 potential challenges across all domains. They determined that the recruitment domain was most likely to create challenges. Regarding the potential challenges, two cross-domain themes emerged: (1) development of mistrust in the community and (2) difficulty initiating and sustaining engagement. Potential solutions and adaptations to protocols are reported. Conclusion: Mistrust in the community was cited as a potentially important challenge for the delivery and study of an evidence-based parenting intervention for mothers in recovery through home-visiting programs. Adaptations to research protocols and intervention delivery strategies are needed to prioritize the psychological safety of families, particularly for groups that have been historically stigmatized.

Infant Ment Health J ; 33(1): 1-9, 2012 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22685362


Although it has been well-documented that parents and children who experience homelessness often have compromised health and well-being, few studies have examined the potential implications of homelessness on the process of parenting young children. In this review, we consider how parents of young children might function under the circumstances of homelessness. We begin with a brief overview of the psychological, social, and medical characteristics of homeless mothers and their young children. Using a developmental attachment perspective, we next briefly review the central tasks of parenting during the first 5 years of life, including emotion regulation and fostering of child autonomy, with an eye toward how homelessness may compromise a mother's ability to complete these tasks. Finally, we provide suggestions for further research that incorporate a developmental attachment perspective and other relevant viewpoints. Because of the paucity of research in this area, our review seeks to provide a heuristic framework for future research, intervention development, and policy.

Infant Ment Health J ; 33(5): 506-519, 2012.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23049148


Parenting and emotion regulation are two known, and potentially interrelated, areas of impairment among substance-abusing mothers. In this study, we examine substance -abusing mothers' (positive and negative) emotion language word use during their discussion of negative parenting experiences on the Parent Development Interview for its association with reflective functioning (RF), recent substance-use history, and sensitivity to child cues. Within a sample of 47 methadone-maintained mothers, we evaluate the hypothesis that linguistic evidence of emotional avoidance (more frequent positive feeling words and less frequent negative emotion words) will be associated with lower RF, more recent substance use, and more insensitive parenting. Further, we evaluate whether language use mediates the association between self-focused RF and insensitive parenting. Results of hierarchical regressions suggest that more frequent positive feeling word use, but not negative emotion word use, is associated with lower RF, more recent substance use, and lower sensitivity to child cues. Positive feeling word use partially mediates the association between self-focused RF and insensitive parenting. Results are discussed in the context of their contribution to the literature on emotion and parenting in substance-abusing populations.

Infant Ment Health J ; 33(4): 360-371, 2012 Jul 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23024442


Although randomized controlled trials examining the efficacy of attachment-based interventions have been increasing in recent years, adequate measurement of treatment integrity, integrity-outcome associations, and mechanisms of change has been rare. The aim of this investigation was to conduct a rigorous test of proposed mechanisms of change in the Mothers and Toddlers Program (MTP) treatment model, a 12-session, attachment-based individual therapy for substance-using mothers of children birth to 3 years of age. The MTP aims to improve maternal reflective functioning (RF) and representation quality (RQ) to bring about second-order change in maternal caregiving behavior. Following guidelines from M.K. Nock (2007), it was hypothesized that (a) therapist adherence to unique MTP treatment components would uniquely predict improvement in RF and RQ and that (b) improvement in RF and RQ would function as unique mechanisms of change (when compared with other potential mechanisms-reduction in depression and increase in abstinence from drug use) in the improvement of caregiving behavior. Findings supported each hypothesis, confirming the proposed mechanisms of the treatment model. However, improvement in maternal depression also uniquely predicted improvement in caregiving behavior. Results underscore the potential value of attachment-based parenting interventions for improving mother-child relations and the importance of providing these interventions in clinic settings where mothers have access to comprehensive care (e.g., psychiatric services).

Infant Ment Health J ; 33(1): 70-81, 2012 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22899872


A residential treatment program has been developed specifically for substance-abusing pregnant and parenting women in Finland, focusing on simultaneously supporting maternal abstinence from substances and the mother-baby relationship. The aims of the study are to explore maternal pre- and postnatal reflective functioning and its association with background factors, maternal exposure to trauma, and psychiatric symptoms, postnatal interaction, child development, and later child foster care placement. Participants were 34 mother-baby pairs living in three residential program units during the pre- to postnatal period. We employed self-report questionnaires on background, trauma history, and psychiatric symptoms (Brief Symptom Inventory: L.R. Derogatis, 1993; Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale: J.L. Cox, J.M. Holden, & R. Sagovsky, 1987; Traumatic Antecedents Questionnaire: B. Van der Kolk, 2003), videotaped mother-child interactions coded for sensitivity, control, and unresponsiveness (Care Index for Infants and Toddlers: P. Crittenden, 2003); a standardized test of child development (Bayley Scales of Infant Development-II: N. Bayley, 1993); and semistructured interviews for maternal reflective functioning (Pregnancy Interview: A. Slade, E. Bernbach, J. Grienenberger, D.W. Levy, & A. Locker, 2002; Parent Development Interview: A. Slade et al., 2005). Pre- and postnatal maternal reflective functioning (RF) was on average low, but varied considerably across participants. Average RF increased significantly during the intervention. Increase in RF level was found to be associated with type of abused substance and maternal trauma history. Mothers who showed lower postnatal RF levels relapsed to substance use more often after completing a residential treatment period, and their children were more likely to be placed in foster care. The intensive focus on maternal RF is an important direction in the development of efficacious treatment for this very high risk population.

Front Psychol ; 13: 911069, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36312152


Parental reflective functioning (RF) is often cited as an important domain in which mothers with addictions struggle in their roles as parents, though the links between addiction and RF remain unclear. Exposure to attachment trauma associated with parental mental illness and substance use is commonly associated with both addiction and lower RF. We thus examined how family history of parental mental illness and substance use may relate to the RF of mothers with addictions. One hundred ninety-four mothers in outpatient substance use treatment completed the Parent Development Interview and provided information about whether their mothers and fathers experienced mental illness or problems with substance use. Univariate ANOVAs revealed an interaction between family history of maternal mental illness and maternal substance use. Among mothers with a history of maternal substance use, those with a history of maternal mental illness had higher RF than those who had no history of maternal mental illness. Among mothers who did not report a family history of maternal mental illness, mothers who had a family history of maternal substance use exhibited significantly lower RF than mothers with no family history of maternal substance use. Exposure to paternal mental illness or substance use was not associated with mothers' RF. These findings highlight the importance of disentangling the contributions of attachment trauma to mothers' RF and utilizing interventions that support mothers' capacity to reflect about how their early experiences of being cared for by a mother with a mental illness or addiction may impact their current caregiving behaviors.

Infant Ment Health J ; 32(4): 427-449, 2011 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22685361


Previously, we reported posttreatment findings from a randomized pilot study testing a new attachment-based parenting intervention for mothers enrolled in substance-use treatment and caring for children ages birth to 3 years (N.E. Suchman, C. DeCoste, N. Castiglioni, T. McMahon, B. Rounsaville, & L. Mayes, 2010). The Mothers and Toddlers Program (MTP) is a 12-session, weekly individual parenting therapy that aims to enhance maternal capacity for reflective functioning and soften harsh and distorted mental representations of parenting. In a randomized pilot study, 47 mothers who were enrolled in outpatient substance-abuse treatment and caring for children between birth and 3 years of age were randomized to the MTP versus the Parent Education Program (PE), a comparison intervention that provided individual case management and developmental guidance. At the end of treatment, mothers in the MTP condition demonstrated better reflective functioning, representation quality, and caregiving behavior than did mothers in the PE condition. In this investigation, we examined whether the benefits of MTP at posttreatment were sustained at the 6-week follow-up. Recently, we also identified two components of parental reflective functioning: (a) a self-focused component representing the parent's capacity to mentalize about strong personal emotions (e.g., anger, guilt, or pain) and their impact on the child and (b) a child-focused component representing the parent's capacity to mentalize about the child's emotions and their impact on the mother (N. Suchman, C. DeCoste, D. Leigh, & J. Borelli, 2010). In this study, we reexamined posttreatment outcomes using these two related, but distinct, constructs.

Curr Addict Rep ; 8(4): 605-615, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34306964


Purpose of Review: Mothers with substance use disorders are often referred for parenting support, though commonly available programs may miss the mark for families impacted by addiction. This may be related to a lack of attention to children's emotional needs, mothers' histories of adversity, and the neurobiological differences seen in mothers with addictions. We review the implications of addiction, adversity, and attachment for parenting interventions. We then describe Mothering from the Inside Out (MIO), an evidence-based parenting intervention designed specifically for mothers with addictions. Recent Findings: Evidence from clinical trials suggests that MIO improves outcomes for two generations: both mothers with addictions and their children. Recent trials demonstrate that MIO may be delivered effectively by community-based clinicians and may be beneficial for parents with other chronic stressors. Summary: Addressing addiction, adversity, and attachment simultaneously may have a positive synergistic effect. Future research should study the implementation of MIO in real-world settings and examine the impact of MIO on maternal neurobiology.