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Nature ; 520(7546): 209-11, 2015 Apr 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25855457


The chemical properties of an element are primarily governed by the configuration of electrons in the valence shell. Relativistic effects influence the electronic structure of heavy elements in the sixth row of the periodic table, and these effects increase dramatically in the seventh row--including the actinides--even affecting ground-state configurations. Atomic s and p1/2 orbitals are stabilized by relativistic effects, whereas p3/2, d and f orbitals are destabilized, so that ground-state configurations of heavy elements may differ from those of lighter elements in the same group. The first ionization potential (IP1) is a measure of the energy required to remove one valence electron from a neutral atom, and is an atomic property that reflects the outermost electronic configuration. Precise and accurate experimental determination of IP1 gives information on the binding energy of valence electrons, and also, therefore, on the degree of relativistic stabilization. However, such measurements are hampered by the difficulty in obtaining the heaviest elements on scales of more than one atom at a time. Here we report that the experimentally obtained IP1 of the heaviest actinide, lawrencium (Lr, atomic number 103), is 4.96(+0.08)(-0.07) electronvolts. The IP1 of Lr was measured with (256)Lr (half-life 27 seconds) using an efficient surface ion-source and a radioisotope detection system coupled to a mass separator. The measured IP1 is in excellent agreement with the value of 4.963(15) electronvolts predicted here by state-of-the-art relativistic calculations. The present work provides a reliable benchmark for theoretical calculations and also opens the way for IP1 measurements of superheavy elements (that is, transactinides) on an atom-at-a-time scale.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(17): 173601, 2015 May 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25978231


Readout and retrieval processes are proposed for efficient, high-fidelity quantum state transfer between a matter qubit, encoded in the level structure of a single atom or ion, and a photonic qubit, encoded in a time-reversal-symmetric single-photon wave packet. They are based on controlling spontaneous photon emission and absorption of a matter qubit on demand in free space by stimulated Raman adiabatic passage. As these processes do not involve mode selection by high-finesse cavities or photon transport through optical fibers, they offer interesting perspectives as basic building blocks for free-space quantum-communication protocols.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(11): 112502, 2013 Sep 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24074079


A high-resolution α, x-ray, and γ-ray coincidence spectroscopy experiment was conducted at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung. Thirty correlated α-decay chains were detected following the fusion-evaporation reaction 48Ca + 243Am. The observations are consistent with previous assignments of similar decay chains to originate from element Z=115. For the first time, precise spectroscopy allows the derivation of excitation schemes of isotopes along the decay chains starting with elements Z>112. Comprehensive Monte Carlo simulations accompany the data analysis. Nuclear structure models provide a first level interpretation.

Anal Bioanal Chem ; 404(8): 2163-72, 2012 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22865006


The in-source resonance ionization mass spectrometry technique was applied for quantification of ultratrace amounts of plutonium isotopes as a proof of principle study. In addition to an overall detection limit of 10(4) to 10(5) atoms, this method enables the unambiguous identification and individual quantification of the plutonium isotopes (238)Pu and (241)Pu which are of relevance for dating of radiogenic samples. Due to the element-selective ionization process, these isotopes can be measured even under a high surplus of isobaric contaminations from (238)U or (241)Am, which considerably simplifies chemical preparation. The technique was developed, tested, and characterized on a variety of synthetic and calibration samples and is presently applied to analyze environmental samples.

Mass Spectrometry , Plutonium/analysis , Isotopes/analysis , Limit of Detection
Anal Bioanal Chem ; 404(8): 2173-6, 2012 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22890539


Laser resonance ionization mass spectrometry (RIMS) represents one of the most sensitive and selective techniques for ultra trace determination of long-lived radioisotopes. The isotope (99g)Tc constitutes a specific candidate of high relevance concerning its environmental behavior as well as fundamental research applications. Based on the recent precision determination of the ionization potential of technetium by laser resonance ionization, refined resonant optical excitation pathways have been derived for analytical determination of ultra trace amounts of (99g)Tc by laser mass spectrometric approaches. The state of the art and the specifications of RIMS-based ultra trace determination for (99g)Tc, leading to a level of detection of ε ≈ 3 × 10(-4) atoms (3 µBq), are reported.

Water Sci Technol ; 64(1): 279-85, 2011.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22053486


Economic growth in Vietnam in the last few years has brought about an increasing demand for energy and has had a severe environmental impact. Fish processing is one of the fastest-growing industries that discharge organically-polluted wastewater. To counter these environmental problems, new technologies for energy-efficient treatment are needed. By coupling innovative nitrogen removal systems with anaerobic treatment processes, it is possible to realise such technologies. In the present project, a combined deammonification and anaerobic carbon removal system is presented. Special requirements to enable reliable treatment are discussed, taking industrial wastewater characteristics into consideration. To evaluate energetic efficiency, energy balance calculations based on data from a fish-processing factory are made. The determined specific energy consumption and production rates show that energy recovery is possible, even when COD and nitrogen removal efficiencies of over 90% are achieved. Depending on the pre-treatment employed, energy recovery rates ranging from 0.6 to 2.5 kWh/mt raw fish can be reached.

Food Industry , Industrial Waste , Waste Disposal, Fluid/methods , Aerobiosis , Ammonia/chemistry , Anaerobiosis , Animals , Biological Oxygen Demand Analysis , Carbon/chemistry , Fishes , Nitrogen/chemistry , Nitrogen Cycle , Vietnam , Waste Disposal, Fluid/instrumentation
Front Chem ; 9: 753738, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34917588


Nihonium (Nh, element 113) and flerovium (Fl, element 114) are the first superheavy elements in which the 7p shell is occupied. High volatility and inertness were predicted for Fl due to the strong relativistic stabilization of the closed 7p 1/2 sub-shell, which originates from a large spin-orbit splitting between the 7p 1/2 and 7p 3/2 orbitals. One unpaired electron in the outermost 7p 1/2 sub-shell in Nh is expected to give rise to a higher chemical reactivity. Theoretical predictions of Nh reactivity are discussed, along with results of the first experimental attempts to study Nh chemistry in the gas phase. The experimental observations verify a higher chemical reactivity of Nh atoms compared to its neighbor Fl and call for the development of advanced setups. First tests of a newly developed detection device miniCOMPACT with highly reactive Fr isotopes assure that effective chemical studies of Nh are within reach.

R Soc Open Sci ; 7(5): 192201, 2020 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32537209


We introduce interference-contrast optical activity (ICOA) as a new technique for probing the chirality of anisotropic samples and more. ICOA could underpin a new class of 'chiral microscopes', with potential applications spanning the range of chirality and beyond. Two possible versions of ICOA are described explicitly; one designed to probe the optical rotation of a transparent sample regardless of the sample's linear birefringence (ICOA-OR) and another designed to probe gradients in the optical rotation of a transparent sample (ICOA-GOR). Simulated results for α-quartz lead us to suggest that ICOA-GOR might be applied to help monitor the growth of chiral crystals in the pharmaceutical industry. Possible directions for future research are highlighted.

Anal Bioanal Chem ; 395(6): 1911-8, 2009 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19557397


Micro-particles containing actinides are of interest for risk assessments of contaminated areas, nuclear forensic analyses, and IAEA as well as Euratom safeguards programs. For their analysis, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) has been established as the state-of-the-art standard technique. In the case of actinide mixtures within the particles, however, SIMS suffers from isobaric interferences (e.g., (238)U/(238)Pu, (241)Am/(241)Pu). This can be eliminated by applying resonance ionization mass spectrometry which is based on stepwise resonant excitation and ionization of atoms with laser light, followed by mass spectrometric detection of the produced ions, combining high elemental selectivity with the analysis of isotopic compositions. This paper describes the instrumental modifications for coupling a commercial time-of-flight (TOF)-SIMS apparatus with three-step resonant post-ionization of the sputtered neutrals using a high-repetition-rate (kHz) Nd:YAG laser pumped tunable titanium:sapphire laser system. Spatially resolved ion images obtained from actinide-containing particles in TOF-SIMS mode demonstrate the capability for isotopic and spatial resolution. Results from three-step resonant post-ionization of bulk Gd and Pu samples successfully demonstrate the high elemental selectivity of this process.

Appl Radiat Isot ; 95: 36-43, 2015 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25464174


For measurements of the neutron-induced fission cross section of 242Pu, large-area (42cm2) 242Pu targets were prepared on Ti-coated Si wafers by means of constant current density molecular plating. Radiochemical separations were performed prior to the platings. Quantitative deposition yields (>95%) were determined for all targets by means of alpha-particle spectroscopy. Layer densities in the range of 100-150µg/cm2 were obtained. The homogeneity of the targets was studied by radiographic imaging. A comparative study between the quality of the layers produced on the Ti-coated Si wafers and the quality of layers grown on normal Ti foils was carried out by applying scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Ti-coated Si wafers resulted clearly superior to Ti foils in the production of homogeneous 242Pu layers with minimum defectivity.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 38(15): 2212-2213, 1999 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10425485


With only a few atoms of seaborgium (Sg, element 106), in the form of volatile SgO(2)Cl(2), it was possible to determine the sublimation enthalpy of this compound using gas chromatography. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that in Group 6 Sg is chemically more similar to W than to Mo.

Anal Bioanal Chem ; 378(2): 348-55, 2004 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14523605


Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry (RIMS) is a sensitive and selective method for ultratrace analysis of long-lived radioisotopes and isotope ratio measurements. It provides extremely high isobaric suppression and good overall efficiency. The experimental limits of detection are as low as 10(6) atoms per sample and isotopic selectivities of 5x10(12) have been obtained. The widespread potential of RIMS, using different experimental arrangements, is demonstrated for the determination of the radiotoxic isotopes Pu-238 to Pu-244 and Sr-89/Sr-90 in various environmental samples as well as for Ca-41 in nuclear reactor components and biomedical samples.

Fresenius J Anal Chem ; 370(5): 508-12, 2001 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11496979


41Ca ultratrace determination by diode-laser-based resonance ionization mass spectrometry with extremely high isotopic selectivity is presented. Application to environmental dosimetry of nuclear reactor components, to cosmochemical investigations of production cross sections, and biomedical isotope-tracer studies of human calcium kinetics are discussed. Future investigations are possible use in 41Ca-radiodating. Depending on the application, 41Ca isotopic abundances in the range of 10(-9) to 10(-15) relative to the dominant stable isotope 40Ca must be determined. Either double- or triple-resonance optical excitation with narrow-band extended cavity diode lasers and subsequent non-resonant photoionization of calcium in a collimated atomic beam were used. The resulting photoions are detected with a quadrupole mass spectrometer optimized for background reduction and neighboring mass suppression. Applying the full triple-resonance scheme provides a selectivity of approximately 5 x 10(12) in the suppression of neighboring isotopes and > 10(8) for isobars, together with an overall detection efficiency of approximately 5 x 10(-5). Measurements on a variety of sample types are discussed; the accuracy and reproducibility of the resulting 41Ca/40Ca isotope ratios was better than 5%.

Calcium Radioisotopes/urine , Humans , Mass Spectrometry
Pflugers Arch ; 438(4): 437-44, 1999 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10519135


Colonic crypt cells possess basolateral Ca(2+)-regulated K+ channels which support Cl- secretion by providing the necessary driving force. The pharmacological characteristics of these channels were examined in Ussing chamber experiments of rat and rabbit colon mucosa by the use of blockers. The chromanol 293B, a blocker of KVLQT1 channels, and clotrimazole (CTZ), a blocker of small Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels, blocked stimulated Cl- secretion completely. Small-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels (SK) in excised basolateral patches of rat colonic crypts were inhibited concentration dependently by the imidazoles CTZ, NS004 and NS1619 and activated by 1-EBIO. These properties are similar to those of the known human SK channel (hSK4). hSK4-expressing Xenopus laevis oocytes showed ionomycin-activated and CTZ-inhibited K+ currents. When P2Y2 receptors were coexpressed these currents were also activated by ATP. The concentration/response curve was identical to that of rat SK channels. In human colonocytes (T84) exposed to hSK4 antisense probes, but not to sense probes, carbachol-induced K+ currents were attenuated. With RT-PCR an hSK4 could be demonstrated in human colon and in T84 colonocytes. By homology cloning the SK of the rat colon (rSK4) was identified. This protein has a high homology to hSK4 and mouse IK1. These data indicate that the Ca(2+)-activated and imidazole-inhibited basolateral K+ current in the colon is caused by SK4 channels.

Colon/metabolism , Potassium Channels, Calcium-Activated , Potassium Channels/genetics , Potassium Channels/metabolism , Animals , Carbachol/pharmacology , Cell Line , Chlorides/metabolism , Clotrimazole/pharmacology , Colon/cytology , Colon/drug effects , Electric Conductivity , Humans , Imidazoles/pharmacology , Intermediate-Conductance Calcium-Activated Potassium Channels , Intestinal Mucosa/cytology , Intestinal Mucosa/drug effects , Intestinal Mucosa/metabolism , Oocytes/metabolism , Potassium Channel Blockers , RNA, Messenger/metabolism , Rabbits , Rats , Xenopus laevis
Phys Rev Lett ; 90(16): 163002, 2003 Apr 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12731975


The atomic level structure of the element fermium was investigated for the first time using a sample of 2.7x10(10) atoms of the isotope 255Fm with a half-life of 20.1 h. The atoms were evaporated from a filament and stored in the argon buffer gas of an optical cell. Atomic levels were sought by the method of resonance ionization spectroscopy using an excimer-dye-laser combination. Two atomic levels were found at wave numbers (25 099.8+/-0.2) and (25 111.8+/-0.2) cm(-1). Partial transition rates to the 5f(12)7s(2) (3)H(e)(6) ground state have been determined from their saturation characteristics. Multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations suggest that the leading orders of these levels could be the 5f(12)7s7p (5)I(o)(6) and 5f(12)7s7p (5)G(o)(5) terms.

Nature ; 418(6900): 859-62, 2002 Aug 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12192405


The periodic table provides a classification of the chemical properties of the elements. But for the heaviest elements, the transactinides, this role of the periodic table reaches its limits because increasingly strong relativistic effects on the valence electron shells can induce deviations from known trends in chemical properties. In the case of the first two transactinides, elements 104 and 105, relativistic effects do indeed influence their chemical properties, whereas elements 106 and 107 both behave as expected from their position within the periodic table. Here we report the chemical separation and characterization of only seven detected atoms of element 108 (hassium, Hs), which were generated as isotopes (269)Hs (refs 8, 9) and (270)Hs (ref. 10) in the fusion reaction between (26)Mg and (248)Cm. The hassium atoms are immediately oxidized to a highly volatile oxide, presumably HsO(4), for which we determine an enthalpy of adsorption on our detector surface that is comparable to the adsorption enthalpy determined under identical conditions for the osmium oxide OsO(4). These results provide evidence that the chemical properties of hassium and its lighter homologue osmium are similar, thus confirming that hassium exhibits properties as expected from its position in group 8 of the periodic table.