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Glob Chang Biol ; 30(1): e17130, 2024 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38273509


Changes to the spatiotemporal patterns of wildfire are having profound implications for ecosystems and society globally, but we have limited understanding of the extent to which fire regimes will reorganize in a warming world. While predicting regime shifts remains challenging because of complex climate-vegetation-fire feedbacks, understanding the climate niches of fire regimes provides a simple way to identify locations most at risk of regime change. Using globally available satellite datasets, we constructed 14 metrics describing the spatiotemporal dimensions of fire and then delineated Australia's pyroregions-the geographic area encapsulating a broad fire regime. Cluster analysis revealed 18 pyroregions, notably including the (1) high-intensity, infrequent fires of the temperate forests, (2) high-frequency, smaller fires of the tropical savanna, and (3) low-intensity, diurnal, human-engineered fires of the agricultural zones. To inform the risk of regime shifts, we identified locations where the climate under three CMIP6 scenarios is projected to shift (i) beyond each pyroregion's historical climate niche, and (ii) into climate space that is novel to the Australian continent. Under middle-of-the-road climate projections (SSP2-4.5), an average of 65% of the extent of the pyroregions occurred beyond their historical climate niches by 2081-2100. Further, 52% of pyroregion extents, on average, were projected to occur in climate space without present-day analogues on the Australian continent, implying high risk of shifting to states that also lack present-day counterparts. Pyroregions in tropical and hot-arid climates were most at risk of shifting into both locally and continentally novel climate space because (i) their niches are narrower than southern temperate pyroregions, and (ii) their already-hot climates lead to earlier departure from present-day climate space. Such a shift implies widespread risk of regime shifts and the emergence of no-analogue fire regimes. Our approach can be applied to other regions to assess vulnerability to rapid fire regime change.

Ecosystem , Fires , Humans , Australia , Forests , Climate , Climate Change
J Anim Ecol ; 93(5): 606-618, 2024 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38414265


Human-induced species declines and extinctions have led to the downsizing of large-herbivore assemblages, with implications for many ecosystem processes. Active reintroduction of extirpated large herbivores or their functional equivalents may help to reverse this trend and restore diverse ecosystems and their processes. However, it is unclear whether resource competition between native and non-native herbivores could threaten restoration initiatives, or to what extent (re)introduced species may influence local vegetation dynamics. To answer these questions, we investigated the diets of a novel South American herbivore assemblage that includes resident native species, reintroduced native species and introduced non-native species. We examined plant composition, diet breadth and the overlap between species to describe the local herbivory profile and the potential for resource competition. Using DNA metabarcoding on faecal samples (n = 465), we analysed the diets of the herbivore assemblage in the Rincón del Socorro rewilding area of Iberá National Park, Argentina. We compared the species richness of faecal samples, the occurrence of plant families/growth forms and the compositional similarity of samples (inter- and intraspecifically). Our results indicate species-level taxonomic partitioning of plant resources by herbivores in this system. Differences in sample richness, composition and diet breadth reflected a diverse range of herbivory strategies, from grazers (capybara) to mixed feeders/browsers (brocket deer, lowland tapir). Differences in diet compositional similarity (Jaccard) revealed strong taxonomic resource partitioning. The two herbivores with the most similar diets (Pampas deer and brocket deer) still differed by more than 80%. Furthermore, all but one species (axis deer) had more similar diet composition intraspecifically than compared to the others. Overall, we found little evidence for resource competition between herbivore species. Instead, recently reintroduced native species and historically introduced non-natives are likely expanding the range of herbivory dynamics in the ecosystem. Further research will be needed to determine the full ecological impacts of these (re)introduced herbivores. In conclusion, we show clear differences in diet breadth and composition among native, reintroduced and non-native herbivore species that may be key to promoting resource partitioning, species coexistence and the restoration of ecological function.

La disminución y extinción de especies ocasionada por el hombre ha llevado a la reducción de tamaño de las comunidades de grandes herbívoros, con implicaciones para muchos procesos ecosistémicos. La reintroducción activa de grandes herbívoros extirpados, o sus equivalentes funcionales, puede ayudar a revertir esta tendencia y restaurar diversos ecosistemas y sus procesos. Sin embargo, no está claro si la competencia por recursos entre herbívoros nativos y no nativos podría amenazar las iniciativas de restauración, o en qué medida las especies (re)introducidas pueden influir la dinámica de la vegetación local. Para responder a estas preguntas, investigamos las dietas de una comunidad de herbívoros sudamericanos que incluye especies nativas, especies nativas reintroducidas y especies no nativas introducidas. Examinamos la composición de plantas, la amplitud de la dieta y la superposición entre especies para describir el perfil herbívoro local y el potencial de competencia por los recursos. Utilizando metabarcoding de ADN en muestras fecales (n = 465), analizamos las dietas de la comunidad de herbívoros en el sitio de rewilding Rincón del Socorro dentro del Parque Nacional Iberá, Argentina. Comparamos la riqueza de especies en las muestras fecales, la ocurrencia de familias de plantas/formas de crecimiento y la similitud en la composición de las muestras (interespecíficamente e intraespecíficamente). Nuestros resultados indican la partición taxonómica a nivel de especie de los recursos vegetales por parte de los herbívoros en este sistema. Las diferencias en la riqueza de las muestras, la composición y la amplitud de las dietas reflejaron una amplia gama de estrategias de herbivoría, desde pastoreadores (capibara) hasta herbívoros mixtos/ramoneadores (corzuela, tapir amazónico). Las diferencias en la similitud de la composición de la dieta (Jaccard) revelaron una fuerte partición taxonómica de los recursos. Los dos herbívoros con las dietas más similares (venado de las pampas y corzuela), aún así diferían en más del 80%. Además, todas las especies menos una (ciervo axis) tenían una composición dietética más similar intraespecíficamente que en comparación con las demás. En general, encontramos poca evidencia de competencia por recursos entre las especies de herbívoros. En cambio, las especies nativas reintroducidas recientemente y las no nativas introducidas históricamente probablemente estén ampliando el rango de dinámica de herbivoría en el ecosistema. Se necesitarán más investigaciones para determinar todos los impactos ecológicos de estos herbívoros (re)introducidos. En conclusión, mostramos diferencias claras en la amplitud y composición de la dieta entre especies de herbívoros nativas, reintroducidas y no nativas que pueden ser clave para promover la partición de recursos, la coexistencia de especies y la restauración de las funciones ecológicas.

Diet , Feces , Herbivory , Introduced Species , Animals , Argentina , Diet/veterinary , Plants
Conserv Biol ; : e14270, 2024 Apr 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38628146


International and national conservation policies almost exclusively focus on conserving species in their historic native ranges, thus excluding species that have been introduced by people and some of those that have extended their ranges on their own accord. Given that many of such migrants are threatened in their native ranges, conservation goals that explicitly exclude these populations may overlook opportunities to prevent extinctions and respond dynamically to rapidly changing environmental and climatic conditions. Focusing on terrestrial mammals, we quantified the number of threatened mammals that have established new populations through assisted migration (i.e., introduction). We devised 4 alternative scenarios for the inclusion of assisted-migrant populations in mainstream conservation policy with the aim of preventing global species extinctions. We then used spatial prioritization algorithms to simulate how these scenarios could change global spatial conservation priorities. We found that 22% (70 species out of 265) of all identified assisted-migrant mammals were threatened in their native ranges, mirroring the 25% of all mammals that are threatened. Reassessing global threat statuses by combining native and migrant ranges reduced the threat status of 23 species (∼33% of threatened assisted migrants). Thus, including migrant populations in threat assessments provides a more accurate assessment of actual global extinction risk among species. Spatial prioritization simulations showed that reimagining the role of assisted-migrant populations in preventing species extinction could increase the importance of overlooked landscapes, particularly in central Australia, Europe, and the southwestern United States. Our results indicated that these various and nonexhaustive ways to consider assisted-migrant populations, with due consideration of potential conservation conflicts with resident taxa, may provide unprecedented opportunities to prevent species extinctions.

Prevención de la extinción en una época de migración de especies y cambios planetarios Resumen Las políticas de conservación nacionales e internacionales casi siempre se enfocan en la conservación de las especies dentro de su distribución histórica y nativa, por lo que se excluyen especies que han sido introducidas por el humano y algunas que se han extendido por cuenta propia más allá de su distribución. Ya que muchas de estas especies migrantes están amenazadas dentro de su distribución nativa, los objetivos de conservación que excluyen explícitamente a estas poblaciones pueden ignorar las oportunidades para prevenir extinciones y responder de forma dinámica a las condiciones ambientales y climáticas que cambian con rapidez. Nos enfocamos en los mamíferos terrestres para cuantificar el número de especies amenazadas que han establecido poblaciones nuevas mediante la migración asistida (introducción). Diseñamos cuatro escenarios alternativos para la inclusión de las poblaciones con migración asistida dentro de las políticas de conservación generales con el objetivo de prevenir extinciones globales de especies. Después usamos algoritmos de priorización espacial para simular cómo estos escenarios podrían cambiar las prioridades de conservación espacial en todo el mundo. Descubrimos que el 22% (70 de 765 especies) de todos los mamíferos con migración asistida están amenazados dentro de su distribución nativa, lo que es similar al 25% de especies amenazadas de todas las especies de mamíferos. La reevaluación de los estados mundiales de amenaza mediante la combinación de la distribución nativa y migrante redujo el estado de amenaza de 23 especies (∼33% de los migrantes asistidos amenazados). Por esto, incluir a las poblaciones migrantes en la evaluación de amenazas proporciona una evaluación más certera del riesgo de extinción que existe entre las especies a nivel mundial. Las simulaciones de priorización espacial mostraron que reinventar el papel que tienen las poblaciones con migración asistida en la prevención de la extinción de especies podría incrementar la importancia de los paisajes ignorados, particularmente en Australia central, Europa y el suroeste de los Estados Unidos. Nuestros resultados indican que estas maneras diversas y no exhaustivas de considerar a las poblaciones con migración asistida, con la debida consideración de los potenciales conflictos de conservación con los taxones residentes, puede proporcionar oportunidades sin precedentes para prevenir la extinción de las especies.

Conserv Biol ; : e14364, 2024 Sep 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225252


Anthropogenic activities may alter felid assemblage structure, facilitating the persistence of tolerant species (commonly mesopredators), excluding ecologically demanding ones (top predators) and, consequently, changing coexistence rules. We aimed to determine how human activities influence intraguild relationships among top predators and their cascading effects on mesopredators, which remain poorly understood despite evidence of top carnivore decline. We used structural equation modeling at a continental scale to investigate how habitat quality and quantity, livestock density, and other human pressures modified the intraguild relations of the 3 species that are at the top of the food chain in the Neotropics: jaguars (Panthera onca), pumas (Puma concolor), and ocelots (Leopardus pardalis). We included presence-absence data derived from systematic studies compiled in Neocarnivores data set for these felid species at 0.0833° resolution. Human disturbance reduced the probability of jaguar occurrence by -0.35 standard deviations. Unexpectedly, the presence of sheep (Ovis aries) or goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) and jaguars was positively related to the presence of pumas, whereas puma presence was negatively related to the presence of ocelots. Extent of forest cover had more of an effect on jaguar (ß = 0.23) and ocelot (ß = 0.12) occurrences than the extent of protected area, which did not have a significant effect. The lack of effect of human activities on puma presence and the positive effect of small livestock supports the notion that pumas are more adaptable to habitat disturbance than jaguars. Our findings suggest that human disturbance has the potential to reverse the hierarchical competition dominance among large felids, leading to an unbalanced community structure. This shift disadvantages jaguars and elevates the position of pumas in the assemblage hierarchy, resulting in the exclusion of ocelots, despite their relatively lower susceptibility to anthropogenic disturbance. Our results suggest that conservation efforts should extend beyond protected areas to encompass the surrounding landscape, where complexities and potential conflicts are more pronounced.

Efectos de la tolerancia dispareja a las perturbaciones humanas sobre las interacciones de dominancia de los depredadores mayores Resumen Las actividades antropogénicas pueden alterar la estructura de las poblaciones de félidos, lo que facilita la persistencia de especies tolerantes (normalmente mesodepredadores), excluye a otras especies con exigencias ecológicas (depredadores mayores) y, en consecuencia, modifica las reglas de coexistencia. Buscamos determinar cómo influyen las actividades humanas sobre las relaciones entre gremios de los depredadores superiores y sus efectos en cascada sobre los mesodepredadores, que aún son poco conocidos a pesar de las pruebas del declive de los carnívoros superiores. Utilizamos modelos de ecuaciones estructurales a escala continental para investigar cómo la calidad y cantidad del hábitat, la densidad ganadera y otras presiones humanas modifican las relaciones entre gremios de las tres especies que se encuentran en la cima de la cadena trófica en el Neotrópico: jaguares (Panthera onca), pumas (Puma concolor) y ocelotes (Leopardus pardalis). Incluimos datos de presencia­ausencia derivados de estudios sistemáticos recopilados en el conjunto de datos Neocarnivores para estas especies de félidos con una resolución de 0.0833°. Las perturbaciones humanas redujeron la probabilidad de aparición del jaguar en ­0.35 desviaciones estándar. De forma inesperada, la presencia de ovejas (Ovis aries) o cabras (Capra aegargrus hircus) y jaguares tuvo una relación positiva con la presencia de pumas, mientras que la presencia de pumas tuvo una relación negativa con la presencia de ocelotes. La extensión de la cubierta forestal tuvo más efecto sobre la presencia de jaguares (ß = 0.23) y ocelotes (ß = 0.12) que la extensión del área protegida, que no tuvo un efecto significativo. La falta de efectos de las actividades humanas sobre la presencia del puma y el efecto positivo del ganado menor apoyan la idea de que los pumas son más adaptables a las perturbaciones del hábitat que los jaguares. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que las perturbaciones humanas tienen el potencial de invertir la dominancia jerárquica de competencia entre los grandes félidos, lo que lleva a una estructura comunitaria desequilibrada. Este cambio perjudica a los jaguares y eleva la posición de los pumas en la jerarquía del ensamblaje, lo que excluye a los ocelotes, a pesar de su relativamente menor susceptibilidad a las perturbaciones antropogénicas. Nuestros resultados sugieren que los esfuerzos de conservación deberían extenderse más allá de las áreas protegidas para abarcar el paisaje circundante, donde las complejidades y los conflictos potenciales son más pronunciados.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(4)2021 01 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33431649


Ecosystems with a mix of native and introduced species are increasing globally as extinction and introduction rates rise, resulting in novel species interactions. While species interactions are highly vulnerable to disturbance, little is known about the roles that introduced species play in novel interaction networks and what processes underlie such roles. Studying one of the most extreme cases of human-modified ecosystems, the island of O'ahu, Hawaii, we show that introduced species there shape the structure of seed dispersal networks to a greater extent than native species. Although both neutral and niche-based processes influenced network structure, niche-based processes played a larger role, despite theory predicting neutral processes to be predominantly important for islands. In fact, ecological correlates of species' roles (morphology, behavior, abundance) were largely similar to those in native-dominated networks. However, the most important ecological correlates varied with spatial scale and trophic level, highlighting the importance of examining these factors separately to unravel processes determining species contributions to network structure. Although introduced species integrate into interaction networks more deeply than previously thought, by examining the mechanistic basis of species' roles we can use traits to identify species that can be removed from (or added to) a system to improve crucial ecosystem functions, such as seed dispersal.

Ecosystem , Introduced Species , Seed Dispersal/physiology , Animals , Birds/physiology , Fruit/physiology , Hawaii , Humans , Islands , Nutritional Status/physiology , Phenotype
Ecol Lett ; 26(5): 729-741, 2023 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36958810


Human-mediated changes in island vegetation are, among others, largely caused by the introduction and establishment of non-native species. However, data on past changes in non-native plant species abundance that predate historical documentation and censuses are scarce. Islands are among the few places where we can track human arrival in natural systems allowing us to reveal changes in vegetation dynamics with the arrival of non-native species. We matched fossil pollen data with botanical status information (native, non-native), and quantified the timing, trajectories and magnitude of non-native plant vegetational change on 29 islands over the past 5000 years. We recorded a proportional increase in pollen of non-native plant taxa within the last 1000 years. Individual island trajectories are context-dependent and linked to island settlement histories. Our data show that non-native plant introductions have a longer and more dynamic history than is generally recognized, with critical implications for biodiversity baselines and invasion biology.

Biodiversity , Plants , Humans , Pollen , Islands , Introduced Species
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(14): 7871-7878, 2020 04 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32205427


Large-bodied mammalian herbivores dominated Earth's terrestrial ecosystems for several million years before undergoing substantial extinctions and declines during the Late Pleistocene (LP) due to prehistoric human impacts. The decline of large herbivores led to widespread ecological changes due to the loss of their ecological functions, as driven by their unique combinations of traits. However, recently, humans have significantly increased herbivore species richness through introductions in many parts of the world, potentially counteracting LP losses. Here, we assessed the extent to which introduced herbivore species restore lost-or contribute novel-functions relative to preextinction LP assemblages. We constructed multidimensional trait spaces using a trait database for all extant and extinct mammalian herbivores ≥10 kg known from the earliest LP (∼130,000 ybp) to the present day. Extinction-driven contractions of LP trait space have been offset through introductions by ∼39% globally. Analysis of trait space overlap reveals that assemblages with introduced species are overall more similar to those of the LP than native-only assemblages. This is because 64% of introduced species are more similar to extinct rather than extant species within their respective continents. Many introduced herbivores restore trait combinations that have the capacity to influence ecosystem processes, such as wildfire and shrub expansion in drylands. Although introduced species have long been a source of contention, our findings indicate that they may, in part, restore ecological functions reflective of the past several million years before widespread human-driven extinctions.

Biological Evolution , Herbivory/genetics , Introduced Species , Mammals/genetics , Animals , Biodiversity , Ecosystem , Extinction, Biological , Herbivory/physiology , Humans
Ecol Lett ; 25(6): 1497-1509, 2022 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35545440


Anthropogenic disturbance and climate change can result in dramatic increases in the emergence of new, ecologically novel, communities of organisms. We used a standardised framework to detect local novel communities in 2135 pollen time series over the last 25,000 years. Eight thousand years of post-glacial warming coincided with a threefold increase in local novel community emergence relative to glacial estimates. Novel communities emerged predominantly at high latitudes and were linked to global and local temperature change across multi-millennial time intervals. In contrast, emergence of locally novel communities in the last 200 years, although already on par with glacial retreat estimates, occurred at midlatitudes and near high human population densities. Anthropogenic warming does not appear to be strongly associated with modern local novel communities, but may drive widespread emergence in the future, with legacy effects for millennia after warming abates.

Anthropogenic Effects , Climate Change , Humans , Plants , Pollen
Proc Biol Sci ; 289(1982): 20221490, 2022 09 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36100025


As human-caused extinctions and invasions accumulate across the planet, understanding the processes governing ecological functions mediated by species interactions, and anticipating the effect of species loss on such functions become increasingly urgent. In seed dispersal networks, the mechanisms that influence interaction frequencies may also influence the capacity of a species to switch to alternative partners (rewiring), influencing network robustness. Studying seed dispersal interactions in novel ecosystems on O'ahu island, Hawai'i, we test whether the same mechanisms defining interaction frequencies can regulate rewiring and increase network robustness to simulated species extinctions. We found that spatial and temporal overlaps were the primary mechanisms underlying interaction frequencies, and the loss of the more connected species affected networks to a greater extent. Further, rewiring increased network robustness, and morphological matching and spatial and temporal overlaps between partners were more influential on network robustness than species abundances. We argue that to achieve self-sustaining ecosystems, restoration initiatives can consider optimal morphological matching and spatial and temporal overlaps between consumers and resources to maximize chances of native plant dispersal. Specifically, restoration initiatives may benefit from replacing invasive species with native species possessing characteristics that promote frequent interactions and increase the probability of rewiring (such as long fruiting periods, small seeds and broad distributions).

Seed Dispersal , Ecosystem , Extinction, Biological , Humans , Introduced Species , Plant Dispersal
Glob Chang Biol ; 27(11): 2298-2314, 2021 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33739622


Anthropogenic freshwater habitats may provide undervalued prospects for long-term conservation as part of species conservation planning. This fundamental, but overlooked, issue requires attention considering the pace that humans have been altering natural freshwater ecosystems and the accelerated levels of biodiversity decline in recent decades. We compiled 709 records of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia, Unionida) inhabiting a broad variety of anthropogenic habitat types (from small ponds to large reservoirs and canals) and reviewed their importance as refuges for this faunal group. Most records came from Europe and North America, with a clear dominance of canals and reservoirs. The dataset covered 228 species, including 34 threatened species on the IUCN Red List. We discuss the conservation importance and provide guidance on how these anthropogenic habitats could be managed to provide optimal conservation value to freshwater mussels. This review also shows that some of these habitats may function as ecological traps owing to conflicting management practices or because they act as a sink for some populations. Therefore, anthropogenic habitats should not be seen as a panacea to resolve conservation problems. More information is necessary to better understand the trade-offs between human use and the conservation of freshwater mussels (and other biota) within anthropogenic habitats, given the low number of quantitative studies and the strong biogeographic knowledge bias that persists.

Bivalvia , Ecosystem , Animals , Biodiversity , Conservation of Natural Resources , Europe , Fresh Water , Humans , North America
Glob Chang Biol ; 26(8): 4401-4417, 2020 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32359002


Anthropogenic changes in climate, land use, and disturbance regimes, as well as introductions of non-native species can lead to the transformation of many ecosystems. The resulting novel ecosystems are usually characterized by species assemblages that have not occurred previously in a given area. Quantifying the ecological novelty of communities (i.e., biotic novelty) would enhance the understanding of environmental change. However, quantification remains challenging since current novelty metrics, such as the number and/or proportion of non-native species in a community, fall short of considering both functional and evolutionary aspects of biotic novelty. Here, we propose the Biotic Novelty Index (BNI), an intuitive and flexible multidimensional measure that combines (a) functional differences between native and non-native introduced species with (b) temporal dynamics of species introductions. We show that the BNI is an additive partition of Rao's quadratic entropy, capturing the novel interaction component of the community's functional diversity. Simulations show that the index varies predictably with the relative amount of functional novelty added by recently arrived species, and they illustrate the need to provide an additional standardized version of the index. We present a detailed R code and two applications of the BNI by (a) measuring changes of biotic novelty of dry grassland plant communities along an urbanization gradient in a metropolitan region and (b) determining the biotic novelty of plant species assemblages at a national scale. The results illustrate the applicability of the index across scales and its flexibility in the use of data of different quality. Both case studies revealed strong connections between biotic novelty and increasing urbanization, a measure of abiotic novelty. We conclude that the BNI framework may help building a basis for better understanding the ecological and evolutionary consequences of global change.

Ecosystem , Introduced Species , Biodiversity , Biological Evolution , Plants , Urbanization
J Anim Ecol ; 89(2): 553-564, 2020 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31553816


Biodiversity conservation in transformed landscapes is becoming increasingly important. However, most assessments of the value of modified habitats rely heavily on species presence and/or abundance, masking ecological processes such as habitat selection and phenomena like ecological traps, which may render species persistence uncertain. High species richness has been documented in tropical agroforestry systems, but comparisons with native habitat remnants generally lack detailed information on species demography and habitat use. We generated a multi-species, multi-measure framework to evaluate the role of habitat selection in the adaptation of species to transformed landscapes, and demonstrate that its use could affect how we value the contribution different land uses make to biodiversity conservation. We analysed 7 years of capture-mark-recapture and observation data for twelve species of resident birds present in native forest remnants and shade coffee plantations in a mega-diverse region. We assessed whether species behaved adaptively by evaluating the correlation between measures of habitat preference (occurrence, abundance, fidelity, inter-seasonal variance and age) and performance (body condition, muscle, primary moult, breeding and juveniles) in forest and coffee, and generated hypotheses about their role in species persistence. We documented adaptive habitat selection for seven species, non-ideal selection for four and maladaptive selection for one. While many species showed equal preference and/or equal performance in many traits, in general we found more evidence for birds preferring and/or performing better in forest than coffee, although relationships between our indicators and population adaptation need to be studied further before our proposed framework can be applied to more species and landscapes. While shade coffee can act as a biodiversity-friendly matrix providing complementary or supplementary habitat to a wide range of resident bird species, protecting remnants of native vegetation is still of paramount importance for biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes.

La conservación de biodiversidad en paisajes transformados es cada vez más importante. Sin embargo, la mayoría de evaluaciones sobre el valor de los hábitats modificados dependen de la presencia y/o abundancia de especies, ocultando procesos ecológicos como la selección de hábitat y fenómenos como las trampas ecológicas, que hacen incierta la persistencia de las especies. Se han documentado altas riquezas en los sistemas agroforestales tropicales pero las comparaciones con remanentes de hábitats nativos generalmente no proveen información detallada sobre demografía y uso de hábitat. Generamos un marco metodológico multi-especies y multi-medidas para evaluar el papel de la selección de hábitat en la adaptación de las especies a los paisajes transformados, y demostramos que su aplicación podría afectar la forma cómo valoramos la contribución que diferentes usos del paisaje hacen a la conservación de la biodiversidad. Analizamos siete años de datos de captura-marca-recaptura y observaciones para doce especies de aves residentes presentes en remanentes de bosque nativo y plantaciones de café con sombra en una región megadiversa. Valoramos si las especies se comportaban de forma adaptativa evaluando la correlación entre medidas de preferencia (ocurrencia, abundancia, fidelidad, varianza inter-estacional y edad) y desempeño (condición corporal, músculo, muda primaria, reproducción y juveniles) en bosques y cafetales, y generamos hipótesis acerca de su papel en la persistencia de especies. Documentamos selección de hábitat adaptativa para siete especies, no-ideal para cuatro y maladaptativa para una. Aunque muchas especies mostraron preferencias y/o desempeño iguales en muchos rasgos, en general encontramos más evidencia de aves prefiriendo y/o desempeñándose mejor en bosques que en cafetales, aunque las relaciones entre nuestros indicadores y la adaptación poblacional deben ser más estudiadas antes de aplicar el marco que proponemos a más especies y paisajes. Aunque los cafetales con sombra pueden actuar como una matriz amigable con la biodiversidad, proveyendo hábitat complementario o suplementario a una gran variedad de aves residentes, para asegurar la conservación de biodiversidad en los paisajes agrícolas es supremamente importante proteger los remanentes de vegetación nativa.

Coffee , Conservation of Natural Resources , Animals , Biodiversity , Birds , Ecosystem , Forests
Bioscience ; 69(11): 888-899, 2019 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31719711


Global change has complex eco-evolutionary consequences for organisms and ecosystems, but related concepts (e.g., novel ecosystems) do not cover their full range. Here we propose an umbrella concept of "ecological novelty" comprising (1) a site-specific and (2) an organism-centered, eco-evolutionary perspective. Under this umbrella, complementary options for studying and communicating effects of global change on organisms, ecosystems, and landscapes can be included in a toolbox. This allows researchers to address ecological novelty from different perspectives, e.g., by defining it based on (a) categorical or continuous measures, (b) reference conditions related to sites or organisms, and (c) types of human activities. We suggest striving for a descriptive, non-normative usage of the term "ecological novelty" in science. Normative evaluations and decisions about conservation policies or management are important, but require additional societal processes and engagement with multiple stakeholders.

Ecol Appl ; 29(7): e01964, 2019 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31243830


Millions of farm ponds have been constructed in agricultural landscapes around the globe. These ponds are built to support a variety of functions, including erosion control, cattle grazing, and recreational fishing, but their role as breeding habitat for amphibians remains poorly understood. We addressed this knowledge gap by studying farm ponds in the eastern Great Plains of the United States, a pond-dense region dominated by agriculture. We used field surveys and occupancy modeling to identify the important biophysical components of amphibian habitat and to assess the species-specific effects of cattle and fish presence on breeding occupancy. We next used a chronosequence to determine whether pond renovation, which often occurs when ponds are about 40 yr old, threatens the development of amphibian habitat. Nine amphibian species bred in the farm ponds that we surveyed, and the relationship between breeding occupancy and habitat variables varied by species. We found that the pH conditions associated with amphibian breeding occupancy were significantly more likely to occur in older ponds (>50 yr old). Emergent vegetation cover was also associated with increased breeding probability and rarely reached high levels in newer ponds. Since the older ponds with suitable habitat are at an age where renovation is likely needed to restore their agricultural function, this habitat may be at risk. We suggest that conservation of amphibians in farm ponds in the United States will require adopting renovation and management practices that balance the multiple uses of these sites and maintain a mosaic of pond successional states.

Amphibians , Ponds , Agriculture , Animals , Breeding , Cattle , Ecosystem , Farms
Ecol Appl ; 29(7): e01955, 2019 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31199539


Multiple global change drivers are increasing the present and future novelty of environments and ecological communities. However, most assessments of environmental novelty have focused only on future climate and were conducted at scales too broad to be useful for land management or conservation. Here, using historical county-level data sets of agricultural land use, forest composition, and climate, we conduct a regional-scale assessment of environmental novelty for Wisconsin landscapes from ca. 1890 to 2012. Agricultural land-use data include six cropland types, livestock densities for four livestock species, and human populations. Forestry data comprise biomass-weighted relative abundances for 15 tree genera. Climate data comprise seasonal means for temperature and precipitation. We found that forestry and land use are the strongest cause of environmental novelty (NoveltyForest  = 3.66, NoveltyAg  = 2.83, NoveltyClimate  = 1.60, with Wisconsin's forests transformed by early 20th-century logging and its legacies and multiple waves of agricultural innovation and obsolescence. Climate change is the smallest contributor to contemporary novelty, with precipitation signals stronger than temperature. Magnitudes and causes of environmental novelty are strongly spatially patterned, with novelty in southern Wisconsin roughly twice that in northern Wisconsin. Forestry is the most important cause of novelty in the north, land use and climate change are jointly important in the southwestern Wisconsin, and land use and forest composition are most important in central and eastern Wisconsin. Areas of high regional novelty tend also to be areas of high local change, but local change has not pushed all counties beyond regional baselines. Seven counties serve as the best historical analogues for over one-half of contemporary Wisconsin counties (40/72), and so can offer useful historical counterparts for contemporary systems and help managers coordinate to tackle similar environmental challenges. Multi-dimensional environmental novelty analyses, like those presented here, can help identify the best historical analogues for contemporary ecosystems, places where new management rules and practices may be needed because novelty is already high, and the main causes of novelty. Separating regional novelty clearly from local change and measuring both across many dimensions and at multiple scales thus helps advance ecology and sustainability science alike.

Ecosystem , Forestry , Forests , Humans , Trees , Wisconsin
Bull Entomol Res ; 109(2): 141-149, 2019 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29665874


Accidental and intentional global movement of species has increased the frequency of novel plant-insect interactions. In Patagonia, the European woodwasp, Sirex noctilio, has invaded commercial plantations of North American pines. We compared the patterns of resin defenses and S. noctilio-caused mortality at two mixed-species forests near San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. We observed lower levels of resin flow and higher levels of mortality in Pinus contorta compared with Pinus ponderosa. In general, S. noctilio attacked trees with lower resin compared with neighboring trees. Resin production in P. ponderosa was not related to growth rates, but for P. contorta, slower growing trees produced less resin than faster growing conspecifics. For all infested trees, attack density and number of drills (ovipositor probes) per attack did not vary with resin production. Most attacks resulted in one or two drills. Attack rates and drills/attack were basically uniform across the bole of the tree except for a decrease in both drills/attack and attack density in the upper portion of the crown, and an increase in the attack density for the bottom 10% of the tree. Planted pines in Patagonia grow faster than their counterparts in North America, and produce less resin, consistent with the growth-differentiation balance hypothesis. Limited resin defenses may help to explain the high susceptibility of P. contorta to woodwasps in Patagonia.

Hymenoptera , Pinus ponderosa/metabolism , Resins, Plant/metabolism , Animals , Behavior, Animal
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 113(23): 6388-96, 2016 Jun 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27274046


The exhibition of increasingly intensive and complex niche construction behaviors through time is a key feature of human evolution, culminating in the advanced capacity for ecosystem engineering exhibited by Homo sapiens A crucial outcome of such behaviors has been the dramatic reshaping of the global biosphere, a transformation whose early origins are increasingly apparent from cumulative archaeological and paleoecological datasets. Such data suggest that, by the Late Pleistocene, humans had begun to engage in activities that have led to alterations in the distributions of a vast array of species across most, if not all, taxonomic groups. Changes to biodiversity have included extinctions, extirpations, and shifts in species composition, diversity, and community structure. We outline key examples of these changes, highlighting findings from the study of new datasets, like ancient DNA (aDNA), stable isotopes, and microfossils, as well as the application of new statistical and computational methods to datasets that have accumulated significantly in recent decades. We focus on four major phases that witnessed broad anthropogenic alterations to biodiversity-the Late Pleistocene global human expansion, the Neolithic spread of agriculture, the era of island colonization, and the emergence of early urbanized societies and commercial networks. Archaeological evidence documents millennia of anthropogenic transformations that have created novel ecosystems around the world. This record has implications for ecological and evolutionary research, conservation strategies, and the maintenance of ecosystem services, pointing to a significant need for broader cross-disciplinary engagement between archaeology and the biological and environmental sciences.

Demography , Ecosystem , Agriculture , Animals , Human Activities , Humans , Islands , Urbanization
J Fish Biol ; 94(6): 865-881, 2019 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31017660


Gravel pit lakes are novel ecosystems that can be colonized by fish through natural or anthropogenic pathways. In central Europe, many of them are managed by recreational anglers and thus experience regular fish stocking. However, also unmanaged gravel pits may be affected by stocking, either through illegal fish introductions or, occasionally, by immigration from connected water bodies. We sampled 23 small (< 20 ha) gravel pit lakes (16 managed and 7 unmanaged) in north-western Germany using littoral electrofishing and multimesh gillnets. Our objective was to compare the fish biodiversity in gravel pit lakes in the presence or absence of recreational fisheries. Given the size of the sampled lakes, we expected species poor communities and elevated fish diversity in the managed systems due to regular stocking of game fish species. Our study lakes were primarily mesotrophic and did not differ in key abiotic and biotic environmental characteristics. Lakes of both management types hosted similar fish abundances and biomasses, but were substantially different in terms of fish community structure and species richness. Fish were present in all lakes, with a minimum of three species. Higher α-diversity and lower ß-diversity was discovered in managed gravel pit lakes compared to unmanaged lakes. Consequently, recreational-fisheries management fostered homogenization of fish communities, by stocking a similar set of fish species desired by anglers such as piscivorous fish and large bodied cyprinids. However, unmanaged gravel pit lakes were also affected by human-mediated colonization, presumably by illegal fish releases. Hardly any non-native species were detected, suggesting that recreational-fisheries management did not foster the spread of exotic species in our study region.

Biodiversity , Fishes , Lakes , Animals , Ecosystem , Endangered Species , Fisheries , Germany , Humans , Introduced Species , Recreation , Seafood
Ecology ; 99(12): 2751-2762, 2018 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30368794


Invasive ecosystem engineers both positively and negatively affect their recipient ecosystems by generating novel habitats. Many studies have focused on alterations to ecosystem properties and to native species diversity and abundance caused by invasive engineers. However, relatively few studies have documented the extent to which behaviors of native species are affected. The red seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Rhodophyta) invaded estuaries of the southeastern United States within the last few decades and now provides abundant aboveground vegetative cover on intertidal mudflats that were historically devoid of seaweeds. We hypothesized that G. vermiculophylla would affect the foraging behavior of native shorebirds positively for birds that target seaweed-associated invertebrates or negatively for birds that target prey on or within the sediment now covered with seaweed. Visual surveys of mudflats >1 ha in size revealed that more shorebirds occurred on mudflats with G. vermiculophylla relative to mudflats without G. vermiculophylla. This increased density was consistent across 7 of 8 species, with the one exception being the semipalmated plover Charadrius semipalmatus. A regression-based analysis indicated that while algal presence predicted shorebird density, densities of some bird species depended on sediment composition and infaunal invertebrate densities. At smaller spatial scales (200 m2 and <1 m2 ), experimental removals and additions of G. vermiculophylla and focal observations showed strong variation in behavioral response to G. vermiculophylla among bird species. Birds preferentially foraged in bare mud (e.g., C. semipalmatus), in G. vermiculophylla (e.g., Arenaria interpres), or displayed no preference for either habitat (e.g., Tringa semipalmata). Thus, while the presence of the invasive ecosystem engineer on a mudflat appeared to attract greater numbers of these predators, shorebird species differed in their behavioral responses at the smaller spatial scales that affect their foraging. Our research illuminates the need to account for species identity, individual behavior, and scale when predicting the impacts of invasive species on native communities.

Charadriiformes , Ecosystem , Animals , Birds , Introduced Species , Invertebrates
Glob Chang Biol ; 24(6): 2463-2475, 2018 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29476633


Nonanalogous climates (NACs), climates without modern analogs on Earth, challenge our understanding of eco-evolutionary processes that shape global biodiversity, particularly because of their propensity to promote novel ecosystems. However, NAC studies are generally inadequate and partial. Specifically, systematic comparisons between the future and the past are generally lacking, and hydraulic NACs tend to be underemphasized. In the present study, by adopting a frequency distribution-based method that facilitates the procedures of contributions parsing and conducting multiple comparisons, we provide a global overview of multidimensional NACs for both the past and the future within a unified framework. We show that NACs are globally prevalent, covering roughly half of the land area across the time-periods under investigation, and have a high degree of spatial structure. Patterns of NACs differ dramatically between the past and the future. Hydraulic NACs are more complex both in spatial patterns and in major contributions of variables than are thermal NACs. However, hydraulic NACs are more predictable than originally thought. Generally, hydraulic NACs in the future (2100 AD) exhibit comparable predictability to thermal NACs in the last glacial maximum (LGM) (21k BP). Identifying these NAC patterns has potential implications on climate-adaptive managements and preparing in advance to possibly frequent novel ecosystems. However, a learning-from-the-past strategy might be of limited utility for management under present circumstances.

Climate Change , Ecosystem , Biodiversity , Biological Evolution , Climate , Forecasting , Models, Theoretical