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Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 52: e20230035, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - dentistry (Brazil) | ID: biblio-1530306


Introdução: Cimentos endodônticos à base de silicato de cálcio demonstram maior solubilidade em água destilada. Emprego de metodologias alternativas pode auxiliar em melhor compreensão sobre a solubilidade desses materiais. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da solução de imersão e do tipo de modelo experimental na solubilidade de cimento pronto para uso Bio-C Sealer. Material e método: Modelos circulares de polietileno ou dentina bovina (n = 16) foram confeccionados. Após inserção do cimento, os espécimes foram mantidos em estufa a 37 °C por 48 horas. Posteriormente, as amostras foram pesadas em balança de precisão para determinação da massa inicial. Na sequência, os espécimes foram imersos em 7,5 mL de água destilada (pH 6,5) ou PBS (pH 7,0) (n = 8) por 28 dias. Após isso, as amostras foram removidas das soluções e pesadas a cada 24 horas até a estabilização da massa final (0,001g). Corpos de prova confeccionados com Bio-C Sealer foram empregados como controle. A solubilidade foi avaliada de acordo com a diferença entre a massa inicial e final em porcentagem. Teste ANOVA Two-Way e teste post-hoc de Tukey foram realizados (α = 0,05). Resultado: Imersão em água destilada proporcionou maior solubilidade em comparação com PBS, independentemente do modelo experimental (p < 0,05). Corpos de prova apresentaram maior solubilidade, seguidos dos modelos de polietileno e dentina imersos em água destilada (p < 0,05). Não houve diferença entre os modelos experimentais imersos em PBS (p > 0,05). Conclusão: Bio-C Sealer apresenta solubilidade significativamente maior em água destilada do que em PBS em todas condições. Modelo experimental empregando dentina bovina e PBS como solução de imersão demonstra diminuir a perda de massa de Bio-C Sealer e pode ser uma alternativa valiosa para avaliar a solubilidade de cimentos biocerâmicos

Introduction: Calcium silicate-based sealers demonstrate greater solubility in distilled water. The use of alternative methodologies can help at better understanding the solubility of these materials. Objective: To evaluate the effect of the immersion solution and the type of experimental model on the solubility of readyto-use Bio-C Sealer. Material and method: Circular models of polyethylene or bovine dentin (n = 16) were made. After insertion of the sealer, the specimens were kept in an oven at 37°C and 95% humidity for 48h. Subsequently, the samples were weighed on a precision balance to determine the initial mass. Next, the specimens were immersed in 7.5 mL of distilled water (pH 6.5) or PBS (pH 7.0) (n = 8) for 28 days. After that, the samples were removed from the solutions and weighed every 24 hours until the final mass stabilized (0.001g). Test specimens made with Bio-C Sealer were used as a control. Solubility was evaluated according to the difference between the initial and final mass in percentage. Two-Way ANOVA test and Tukey post-hoc tests were performed (α=0.05). Result: Immersion in distilled water provided greater solubility compared to PBS regardless of the experimental model (p<0.05). The test specimens showed greater solubility, followed by polyethylene and dentin models immersed in distilled water (p<0.05). There was no difference between the experimental models immersed in PBS (p>0.05). Conclusion: Bio-C Sealer presents significantly greater solubility in distilled water than in PBS under all conditions. Experimental model using bovine dentin and PBS as an immersion solution demonstrates reduction in the mass loss of Bio-C Sealer and can be a valuable alternative for evaluating the solubility of bioceramic sealers

Cattle , Solubility , Distilled Water , Calcarea Silicata , Analysis of Variance , Dentin , Physical Phenomena , Dental Cements
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 52: e20230034, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO - dentistry (Brazil) | ID: biblio-1530305


Introdução: Materiais reparadores devem apresentar baixa solubilidade. Solução salina tamponada com fosfato (PBS) permite simular condição clínica e interação com dentina pode ser importante para correta avaliação da perda de massa de cimentos biocerâmicos. Objetivo: Avaliou o efeito da imersão em água destilada (AD) ou PBS na solubilidade de Bio-C Repair (BCR, Angelus) ou MTA Repair HP (MTAHP, Angelus) usando modelo de tubo de dentina. Material e método: Tubos de dentina bovina foram confeccionados com 4 mm de comprimento, 1,5 mm de diâmetro interno e 1 mm aproximadamente de espessura de parede. Os espécimes foram imersos em AD por 24h, posteriormente preenchidos com BCR ou MTAHP (n = 14) e armazenados em estufa a 37°C e umidade 95% por 24h. Após serem pesados em balança de precisão para determinação da massa inicial, os corpos de prova foram imersos em AD (pH 6,5) ou PBS (pH 7,0) (n = 7) por 28 dias. Tubos vazios também foram utilizados para o cálculo de perda de massa da dentina (n=4). Após esse período, os espécimes foram pesados até a estabilização da massa final (0,001g). A solubilidade de cada material foi avaliada. Testes estatísticos ANOVA e Tukey foram realizados (α=0,05). Resultado: BCR e MTAHP apresentaram ganho de massa em AD e perda de massa em PBS (p<0,05). Conclusão: A solução de imersão influencia a solubilidade de BCR e MTAHP usando modelo de tubo de dentina. Nova proposta metodológica poderá ser uma alternativa às normas ISO para testar a solubilidade de cimentos biocerâmicos

Introduction: Repair materials must have low solubility. Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) allows simulating clinical condition and interaction with dentin may be important for the correct evaluate of mass loss of bioceramic cements. Objective: To evaluate the effect of distilled water (DW), or PBS immersion on the solubility of Bio-C Repair (BCR, Angelus) or MTA Repair HP (MTAHP, Angelus) using a dentin tube model. Material and method: Bovine dentin tubes with a length of 4 mm, an internal diameter of 1.5 mm and walls thickness of approximately 1 mm were made. The specimens were immersed in DW for 24h, then filled with BCR or MTAHP (n = 14) and stored in an oven at 37°C and 95% humidity for 24h. After being weighed on a precision balance to determine the initial mass, the specimens were immersed in DW (pH 6.5) or PBS (pH 7.0) (n = 7) for 28 days. Empty tubes also were used for calculating the mass loss of the dentin (n=4). After this period, the specimens were weighed until stabilization of the final mass occurred (0.001g). The solubility of each material was evaluated. ANOVA and Tukey statistical tests were performed (α=0.05). Result: BCR and MTAHP showing gain of mass in DW and mass loss in PBS (p<0.05). Conclusion: The immersion solution influenced the solubility of BCR and MTAHP using dentin tube model. The new methodological proposal could be an alternative to ISO standards for testing the solubility of bioceramic cement

Cattle , Calcarea Silicata , Analysis of Variance , Dental Materials , Dentin , Physical Phenomena
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 21(3): 613-623, 20221229. fig, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1416609


Introdução: os cimentos endodônticos obturadores à base de silicato de cálcio têm sido amplamente utilizados na endodontia, principalmente em razão de suas reconhecidas propriedades bioativas. Como consequência, uma quantidade expressiva de marcas comerciais foi lançada no mercado, dificultando a compreensão do profissional, principalmente no que diz respeito às diferentes composições químicas, apresentações, formas de uso e custo-benefício. Objetivos: o Objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as diferenças composicionais, técnicas (indicações e apresentação comercial) e comerciais (custo e disponibilidade de venda) dos cimentos endodônticos obturadores à base de silicato de cálcio, disponíveis para uso e comercialização no Brasil. Metodologia: foi realizada uma busca sistemática no site da Anvisa, sendo identificados sete cimentos endodônticos obturadores biocerâmicos para uso no Brasil. As bulas dos produtos foram analisadas para verificação de composição, apresentação e indicação de uso. Sites especializados foram consultados para verificação de preço dos produtos. Resultados: observou-se que a composição química varia bastante, a depender do fabricante, sendo os silicatos tricálcico e dicálcico os componentes mais frequentes. A maioria dos cimentos é apresentada comercialmente pronta para uso, e possui óxido de zircônio como agente radiopacificador. A venda através de sites especializados ainda é restrita a alguns produtos, e o custo varia de acordo com a quantidade de material por embalagem. Conclusão: este trabalho apresentou as características composicionais, técnicas e comerciais de sete cimentos endodônticos obturadores à base de silicato de cálcio registrados na ANVISA e autorizados para uso no Brasil.

Introduction: calcium silicate-based endodontic sealers have been widely used in endodontics, mainly because of their recognized bioactive properties. As a result, a significant number of commercial brands were launched on the market, making it difficult for professionals their comprehension, especially with regard to different chemical compositions, presentations, forms of use and cost-effectiveness. Objective: the Objective of this work was to analyze the compositional, technical (indications and commercial presentation) and commercial (cost and availability) differences of calcium silicate-based endodontic sealers, available for use and commercialization in Brazil. Methodology: a systematic search was carried out on the Anvisa website, and seven bioceramic endodontic sealers for use in Brazil were identified. Product leaflets were analyzed to verify composition, presentation and indication of use. Specialized websites were consulted to verify the price of the products. Results: it was observed that the chemical composition varies a lot, depending on the manufacturer, with tricalcium and dicalcium silicates being the most frequent components. Most sealers are commercially available ready-to-use, and have zirconium oxide as a radiopacifying agent. The sale through specialized websites is still restricted to some products, and the cost varies according to the amount of material per package. Conclusion: this work presented the compositional, technical and commercial characteristics of seven calcium silicate-based endodontic sealers registered at ANVISA and authorized for use in Brazil.

Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Obturation , Silicate Cement , Calcarea Silicata , Dental Cements , Endodontics
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 22: e210185, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO - dentistry (Brazil) | ID: biblio-1422268


Abstract Objective: To compare the cytotoxicity level of a new calcium silicate-based resin cement (TheraCem) with two commonly used cements, including a conventional self-adhesive resin cement (Panavia SA) and a resinmodified glass ionomer cement (FujiCem2), on the human gingival fibroblast cells after 24 and 48 hours. Material and Methods: Twelve discs of each cement type were fabricated. The extract of cement disks was made by incubating them in the cell medium. Human gingival fibroblast cells were cultured and exposed to cement extracts for 24 h and 48 h. MTT assay was performed on extracts and optical density and cell viability rates were calculated by the spectrophotometer device at 570 nm. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey HSD tests. Results: The cell viability rates after 24 hours and 48 hours were as follows: TheraCem: 89.24% and 85.46%, Panavia SA: 49.51% and 46.57% and FujiCem2: 50.63% and 47.36%. TheraCem represented the highest cell viability rate. However, no significant difference was noted between Panavia SA and FujiCem2. Time had no significant effect on cell viability. Conclusion: TheraCem exhibited the best results among three tested cements and was considered non-toxic. Panavia SA and FujiCem2 were not significantly different regarding the cell viability rate. Time had no significant effect on the cytotoxicity level of cements (AU).

Calcarea Silicata , Resin Cements , Fibroblasts/microbiology , Glass Ionomer Cements , Cell Survival , Spectrophotometers , Analysis of Variance
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 110(2): 1100832, may.-ago. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418507


Objetivo: Describir el tratamiento de un paciente que pre- sentó un incisivo superior permanente con exposición pulpar y desarrollo radicular incompleto utilizando Biodentine como material para la protección pulpar directa. Caso clínico: Un paciente de 9 años fue derivado para la evaluación y el tratamiento del diente 11. El examen clínico y radiográfico reveló la presencia de una fractura amelodentinaria, con exposición pulpar y desarrollo radicular incompleto. Luego de lavar y desinfectar el área de la fractura, se protegió la pulpa expuesta con Biodentine y se restauró la cavidad. El paciente fue citado para control a los 18 y 25 meses. En los controles se comprobó que el diente se mantuvo asintomático y funcional. Luego de 25 meses, el examen clínico y radiográfico confirmó la presencia de pulpa vital y el completo desarrollo del remanente radicular. Los resultados obtenidos en el presente caso clínico sugieren que el empleo de Biodentine puede ser considerado como una valiosa alternativa para la protección de la pulpa ex- puesta en dientes con desarrollo radicular incompleto (AU)

Aim: To describe the treatment of a patient that presented a permanent maxillary central incisor with pulp exposure and incomplete root formation, using Biodoentine as the material for direct pulp protection. Clinical case A 9-year-old male patient was referred for evaluation and treatment of tooth 11. The clinical and radio-graphic examination revealed the presence of a dentinoe- namel fracture, with pulp exposure and incomplete root for- mation. After cleaning and disinfecting the area, the exposed pulp was protected with Biodentine and the cavity was re- stored. The patient was scheduled for control after 18 and 25 months. In these evaluations, it was confirmed that the tooth remained asymptomatic and functional. After 25 months, the clinical and radiographic examination showed the presence of vital pulp and a completed development of the root. The obtained results of this clinical case suggest that Biodentine can be considered a valuable alternative for pulp capping in teeth with incomplete root formation (AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Biocompatible Materials/therapeutic use , Dental Pulp Exposure/therapy , Dental Pulp Capping , Apexification , Tooth Fractures/therapy , Calcarea Silicata/therapeutic use
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 37(85): 49-58, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410640


Se comparó el grado de decoloración de la corona clínica en piezas dentarias anteriores humanas ex-traídas, sometidas a procedimientos de regeneración endodóntica, utilizando MTA blanco o sustituto bioac-tivo de la dentina (Biodentine) como barrera cervical, en presencia de coágulo sanguíneo como andamio. En total se prepararon 24 piezas dentarias anterio-res superiores humanas que fueron divididas en dos grupos control (GC) y dos grupos experimentales (GE). Cada uno incluía 6 piezas dentarias. En los GE se colo-có sangre humana fresca en el interior del conducto, y se confeccionó una barrera de Biodentine (GE3) o MTA (GE4). En los GC se colocó una torunda de algo-dón estéril saturada con solución fisiológica estéril, y se confeccionó una barrera de Biodentine (GC1) o MTA (GC2). El color se evaluó de acuerdo con el espa-cio de color CIE L* a* b* utilizando imágenes fotográfi-cas digitales estandarizadas en dos puntos de tiempo: día 0 (T0) y día 35 (T35). La descripción de los datos in-cluyó mediana (Md), primer cuartil (Q1), tercer cuartil (Q3), media y desviación estándar (DE). Se emplea-ron las pruebas de los rangos con signo de Wilcoxon (RSW) y ANOVA de una vía; p < 0,05 fue considerado significativo. Cuando se comparó ∆E se observaron diferencias significativas entre GC1 y el resto de los materiales (p < 0,05). ∆E fue menor en GC1 (media ± DE; 2,1 ± 1,6) que en los grupos restantes que no pre-sentaron diferencias significativas entre sí. En base a estos resultados, la estabilización del coágulo san-guíneo, como así la limpieza de la cavidad previa a la colocación del Biodentine y el uso de barreras cervi-cales, es imprescindible para evitar la coloración de la corona clínica (AU)

Discoloration remains an unfavorable complication of otherwise successful regenerative endodontic procedure of immature teeth with necrotic pulp. Objective: Compare the degree of discoloration of extracted human teeth after regenerative endodontic procedures, using MTA or Biodentine as a cervical barrier with a blood clot as a scaffold. In total 24 human upper anterior teeth were prepared and divided into two control groups (CG) and two experimental groups (EG). In the EG, fresh human blood was placed inside the root and a Biodentine (GE3) or MTA (GE4) barrier was made in. A sterile cotton swab saturated with sterile physiological solution was placed in the GCs and a Biodentine (GC1) or MTA (GC2) barrier was made in. The color was evaluated according to the CIE L* a* b* color space using standardized digital photographic images at two time points: day 0 (T0) and day 35 (T35). The description of the data included median (Md), first quartile (Q1), third quartile (Q3), means, and standard deviation (SD). Wilcoxon signed rank tests (RSW) and one-way ANOVA were used. p < 0.05 was considered significant. When ∆E was compared, significant differences were observed between GC1 and the rest of the materials (p < 0.05). ∆E was lower in CG1 (mean ± SD; 2.1 ± 1.6) than in the remaining groups, which did not present significant differences between them. There was no significant difference between tooth discolorations with materials in the presence of blood. However, in the absence of blood, Biodentine exhibited less tooth discoloration than MTA (AU)

Humans , Tooth Discoloration , Tooth Crown/abnormalities , Regenerative Endodontics , Root Canal Filling Materials/analysis , Biocompatible Materials , Calcarea Silicata/analysis , Analysis of Variance , Dentin , Tissue Scaffolds
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre (Online) ; 62(1): 63-70, jan.-jun. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, BBO - dentistry (Brazil) | ID: biblio-1443429


Introduction: This study aims to analyze the influence of particles size of sol-gel derived calcium silicate particles in the setting reaction of bioactive endodontic cements. Materials and Methods: Sol-gel derived calcium silicate particles were synthesized and sieved to separate the particles in different sizes: CS400, CS200, and CS100. A commercial MTA (Control) was used as control. The particle size and the specific surface area were assessed by laser diffraction and nitrogen adsorption. The cements were prepared with water as the liquid for the reaction. The setting time was conducted according to ISO 6876, and the setting kinetics was analyzed by Fourier trans-formed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) at different time points between 120s to 72h. Results: The particle size varied from 9.45µm (CS400 ) to 31.01 (Control). The higher specific surface area valuer reached 15.14g/cm2 in the CS400. The smallest particle sizes, the higher specific surface area, and the lowest setting time were found for CS400 (p < 0.05). Control presented the highest setting time (p < 0.05). The FTIR analyses showed the differences in materials structure over time, with faster hydration and crystallization for CS400. The setting kinetics was slower for Control even when compared to a sol-gel derived group with similar particle size. Conclusion:The route of synthesis and the particle size influences the setting reaction of calcium silicate-based cements. The reduction of particle size for sol-gel derived calcium silicates lead to the acceleration of the setting reaction of the produced bioactive endodontic cement.

Introdução: Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a influência do tamanho de partículas de silicato de cálcio derivadas de sol-gel na reação de presa de cimentos endodônticos bioativos. Materiais e Métodos: Partículas de silicato de cálcio derivadas de sol-gel foram sintetizadas e peneiradas para separar as partículas em diferentes tamanhos: CS400, CS200 e CS100. Um MTA comercial (Controle) foi usado como controle. O tamanho das partículas e a área superficial específica foram avaliados por difração a laser e adsorção de nitrogênio. Os cimentos foram preparados com água como líquido para a reação. O tempo de presa foi conduzido de acordo com a ISO 6876, e a cinética de presa foi analisada por espectroscopia de infravermelho transformada de Fourier (FTIR) em diferentes pontos de tempo entre 120s a 72h. Resultados: O tamanho de partícula variou entre 9,45µm (CS400) e 31,01 (Controle). A maior área de superfície foi encontrada nas partículas do grupo CS400 (15.14g/cm2). Os menores tamanhos de partícula, a maior área de superfície específica e o menor tempo de presa foram encontrados para CS400 (p < 0,05). O Control apresentou o maior tempo de presa (p < 0,05). As análises de FTIR mostraram as diferenças na estrutura dos materiais ao longo do tempo, com hidratação e cristalização mais rápidas para CS400. A cinética de presa foi mais lenta para Control mesmo quando comparado a um grupo derivado de sol-gel com tamanho de partícula semelhante. Conclusão: A rota de síntese e o tamanho das partículas influenciam a reação de endurecimento dos cimentos à base de silicato de cálcio. A redução do tamanho de partícula para silicatos de cálcio derivados de sol-gel leva à aceleração da reação de pega do cimento endodôntico bioativo produzido.

Particle Size , Silicate Cement/analysis , Calcarea Silicata , Materials Science , Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared , Fourier Analysis
Rev. ADM ; 78(4): 195-204, jul.-ago. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292500


Desde los sesentas, con la invención del vidrio bioactivo, los tratamientos de remineralización se han popularizado entre los cirujanos dentistas y su utilización es cada vez mayor; la remineralización, en conjunto con las adecuadas medidas de higiene preventiva, representa uno de los mejores abordajes mínimamente invasivos y a un costo comparativamente bajo. Este estudio documental tiene por objetivo establecer una mejor comprensión del uso clínico de los biomateriales que inducen la remineralización de la superficie del esmalte dental y dentina. Se realizó una exploración utilizando motores de búsqueda (bases de datos en PubMed, Medigraphic, y Science Direct). El proceso de localización de los estudios relevantes se efectuó introduciendo palabras clave como: silicatos de calcio, fosfopéptidos de caseína-fosfato de calcio amorfo, remineralización, esmalte y dentina, incluyéndose en el procedimiento artículos de antigüedad no superior a siete años, en español e inglés, publicados en revistas científicas aprobadas por pares.Actualmente, no es posible remineralizar del todo la estructura dentaria, por lo cual, en un futuro cercano, los esfuerzos de la odontología de remineralización deben apuntar al desarrollo de agentes biomiméticos inteligentes que restauren al cien por ciento la estructura dental perdida (AU)

Since the sixties, with the invention of bioactive glass, remineralization treatments have become popular among dental surgeons. Their usage is increasing; remineralization, in conjunction with appropriate preventive hygiene measures, represents one of the best minimally invasive treatments at a relatively low cost. This documentary study aims to establish a better understanding of the clinical use of biomaterials that induce remineralization of the surface of teeth enamel and dentin. A search was conducted using search engines (PubMed and Medigraphic databases, and Science Direct). The search process for the relevant studies was carried out by introducing keywords such as calcium silicates, phosphopeptides of amorphous calcium casein-phosphate, remineralization, enamel and dentin, including in the search articles no older than seven years in Spanish and English published in scientific reviewed journals. Currently, it is not possible to completely remineralize the dentary structure so, in the near future, remineralization dentistry efforts should aim to develop (AU)

Humans , Tooth Remineralization/instrumentation , Biocompatible Materials , Dental Enamel/drug effects , Dentin/drug effects , Phosphopeptides/therapeutic use , Caseins , Calcarea Silicata/therapeutic use
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre ; 61(1): 67-74, jan-jun. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS, BBO - dentistry (Brazil) | ID: biblio-1417647


Introduction: The combination of sol-gel derived calcium silicate particles and glycerol salicylate resins may enhance the pyhisico-chemical properties contribute to the unders-tanding of the interaction between these materials. This study aims to evaluate the physical-chemical properties of resin-based bioactive endodontic cements with glycerol salicylate resins and calcium silicate particles. Materials and methods: Calcium silicate was produced by the sol-gel route, while the resin was produced by mixing 60wt% glycerol salicylate, 30wt% methyl salicylate and 10wt% distilled water. Calcium silicate was added in three different concentrations, 50, 40 and 25% by weight. The cement was tested for setting time, flow, radiopacity and pH. Results: The 50:50 group shows the time of 15min8s while the 75:25 shows the time of 256min13s (p < 0.05). The 50:50 group has a lower flow (15.156mm) compared to 60:40 (23.588 mm) and 75:25 (25.396 mm). All radiopacity values were below 3mmAl. All groups showed a pH increase up to 24 hours and the pH value drop was inversely proportional to the amount of calcium silicate. Discussion: Bioactive calcium silicate particles were used in a composite material with a glycerol salicylate resin. Among the tested cements, the combination of 50wt% calcium silicate particles to 50wt% glycerol salicylate resin showed adequate setting time and promoted an increase in water pH. Conclusion: The 50:50 group showed the setting time and the pH, showing that these materials may be able to promote enhanced biological response. The adjustment of flow and radiopacity should be considered for its clinical application.

Introdução: A combinação entre partículas de silicato de cálcio e glycerol salicilato tem potencial para melhorar as propriedades físico-químicas de cimentos endodônticos bioativos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as propriedades físico-químicas de cimentos resinosos contendo glicerol salicilato e silicatos de cálcio. Materiais e métodos: O silicato de cálcio foi produzido pelo método sol-gel, en-quanto o líquido foi obtido pela mistura de 60% de salicilato de glicerol, 30% de salicilato de metila e 10% de água destilada em peso. O silicato de cálcio foi adicionado em três diferentes concentrações, sendo elas 50, 40 e 25% em peso. O cimento foi testado em relação ao tempo de presa, escoamento, radiopacidade e pH. Resultados: O grupo 50:50 apresentou tempo de presa de 15min8s enquanto o 75:25 apresentou um tempo de 256min13s (p < 0,05). O grupo 50:50 apresentou menor escoamento (15,156mm) em comparação ao 60:40 (23,588mm) e 75:25 (25,396mm). Quanto à radiopacidade, todos obtiveram valores menores que 3mmAl. Todos apresentaram aumento de pH até 24h, e após esse período tiveram quedas inversamente proporcionais a quantidade de silicato de cálcio em cada um. Discussão: Partículas bioativas de silicato de cálcio foram utilizadas em um compósito com base resi-nosa de glicerol salicilato. Dentre os cimentos utilizados, a combinação de 50:50 entre os componentes tem resultados promissores para a aplicação destes materiais. Conclusão: O grupo 50:50 apresentou adequado tempo de presa e pH, indicando que o material pode manter suas propriedades biológicas. A radiopacidade e o escoamento, no entando, devem ser adequadas para aplicação do material.

Materials Testing , Calcarea Silicata , Resin Cements , Glycerol
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 108(3): 113-118, dic. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147645


Objetivo: Analizar cualitativamente la biocompatibilidad y la capacidad osteogénica de dos selladores endodónticos a base de silicato de calcio: el biocerámico Bio-C Sealer (BIOc) y MTA Densell Sealer (MTAd). Materiales y métodos: En la tibia izquierda de 30 ratas Wistar macho se implantó un tubo de silicona obturado con BIOc. De igual forma, en la tibia derecha de cada una se implantó un tubo de silicona obturado con MTAd. Los animales fueron eutanasiados en grupos de 10 a los 7, 30 y 90 días. Las tibias fueron procesadas para su análisis histológico y analizadas con microscopía óptica. Según lo observado, fueron clasificadas en tres categorías: 1: Presencia de cápsula fibrosa sana y neoformación ósea, sin células inflamatorias; 2: Cápsula fibrosa con o sin células inflamatorias, formación inicial de trabéculas óseas y presencia de células inflamatorias en los tejidos circundantes; 3: Ausencia de cápsula y/o tejido óseo y presencia de numerosas células inflamatorias. Los resultados fueron analizados con las pruebas de McNemar y de Kruskal-Wallis (P<0,05). Resultados: A los 7 días, los tejidos en contacto con BIOc y MTAd reaccionaron según la categoría 3. A los 30 días, todos los casos correspondieron a la categoría 2. A los 90 días, los 10 implantes de BIOc fueron clasificados según la categoría 1. MTAd presentó nueve casos de categoría 1 y un caso de categoría 2. No hubo diferencias significativas entre ambos selladores dentro de cada uno de los períodos de observación (P>0,05), pero sí las hubo cuando se compararon los resultados obtenidos entre períodos de observación (P<0,05). Conclusión: Al finalizar el ensayo, Bio-C Sealer y MTA Densell Sealer se comportaron como materiales biocompatibles y osteogénicos en tibias de rata (AU)

Aim: To analyze the biocompatibility and osteogenic capacity of two silicate-based endodontic sealers, the bioceramic Bio C-Sealer (BIOc) and the MTA-based sealer MTA Densell (MTAd). Materials and methods: Silicone tubes filled with BIOc were implanted in the left tibias of 30 white male Wistar rats (one per tibia). In similar fashion, tubes filled with MTAd were implanted in the right tibias. The animals were euthanized in groups of 10 at 7, 30 and 90 days postoperatively. The tibias were removed, processed for histology and analysed under optical microscopy. The observations were classified in three categories: 1: Presence of a healthy fibrous capsule and newly formed bone trabeculae without inflammatory cells. 2: Fibrous capsule with or without inflammatory cells, initial formation of bone trabeculae and presence of inflammatory cells in the surrounding tissues. 3: Absence of a fibrous capsule and/or bone formation with the presence of numerous inflammatory cells. Data was analyzed by the McNemar and the Kruskal-Wallis test (P<0.05). Results: At 7 days: The tissues in contact with BIOc and MTAd reacted as category 3. At 30 days: All cases were classified as category 2. At 90 days: All BIOc cases were in category 1 while MTAd presented nine cases of category 1 and one case of category 2. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) between both sealants BIOc and MTAd in each period group. However, there were significant differences (P<0.05) when the results between periods were compared. Conclusion: At the end of the experiment both, BIOc and MTAd behaved as biocompatible and osteogenic materials in the rats' tibias (AU)

Animals , Rats , Root Canal Filling Materials , Biocompatible Materials , Ceramics , Osteogenesis , Silicones , Materials Testing , Calcarea Silicata , Rats, Wistar , Silicates , Microscopy
Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 62(1): 31-38, jun. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1148166


Se analizan aspectos fármaco-tecnológicos y clínicos de biocerámicos bioabsorbibles compuestos por biovidrios con capacidad osteogénica y microbicida, para ser utilizados como relleno bioactivo en el conducto radicular y como tratamiento terapéutico en el sitio de a lesión apicoperirradicular de origen endodóntico. Mediante un diagrama ternario se consideraron las diversas variables cuyos valores determinan las diferentes fases de los vidrios bioactivos, hasta alcanzar la formación de hidroxiapatita, cuando se someten a un medio biológico. Se analizaron composición y mecanismo de acción en la reparación posendodóntica, que parte de la integración del biomaterial al tejido duro sano, sin formación de fibrosis o proceso inflamatorio inmune (AU)

Pharmacotechnological and clinical aspects of bioabsorbable bioceramics composed of bioglasses with osteogenic and microbicidal capacity are analyzed, to be used as a bioactive filler in the root canal and as a therapeutic treatment at the site of an apicoperiradicular lesion of endodontic origin. By means of a ternary diagram, the various variables whose values determine the different phases of the bioactive glasses were considered, until reaching the formation of hydroxyapatite, when subjected to a biological medium. Composition and mechanism of action were analyzed in post-endodontic repair, which starts from the integration of the biomaterial into healthy hard tissue, without the formation of fibrosis or an immune inflammatory process (AU)

Biocompatible Materials , Ceramics , Durapatite , Absorbable Implants , Glass , Osteogenesis/physiology , Periapical Diseases/therapy , Wound Healing , Calcarea Silicata , Bone Substitutes
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 35(81): 51-56, 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1222848


El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la radiopacidad de distintos materiales utilizados como sustitutos de la dentina según norma ISO 6876. Se utilizaron Biodentine-Septodont (a base de silicato de calcio), Equia Forte ­ GC Corporation (ionómero vítreo convencional), Sure Fill SDR Flow ­ Dentsply Sirona (composite bulk-fill), MTA Densell Reparative - Densell (a base de silicato de calcio). Se confeccionaron 12 probetas cilíndricas, tres por cada material, siguiendo las instrucciones de los respectivos fabricantes y se colocaron en estufa a 37°C durante su fraguado. Se tomaron radiografías oclusales digitales junto a una cuña de aluminio graduada según norma ISO 6876. En cada imagen se determinaron los valores de L de la escala CieLab (negro-blanco) con el programa Photoshop (Adobe). Los resultados se analizaron estadísticamente mediante ANOVA y prueba de Tukey (AU)

Calcarea Silicata , Composite Resins , Chemical Phenomena , Dentin , Glass Ionomer Cements , Materials Testing , Analysis of Variance
Odovtos (En línea) ; 22(3)dic. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386497


Abstract Differences in liquid-to-powder ratio can affect the properties of calcium silicate-based materials. This study assessed the influence of powder-to-gel ratio on physicochemical properties of NeoMTA Plus. Setting time (minutes), flow (mm and mm²), pH (at different periods), radiopacity (mm Al) and solubility (% mass loss) were evaluated using the consistencies for root repair material (NMTAP-RP; 3 scoops of powder to 2 drops of gel) and root canal sealer (NMTAP-SE; 3 scoops of powder to 3 drops of gel), in comparison to Biodentine cement (BIO) and TotalFill BC sealer (TFBC). Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey tests (α=0.05). BIO had the shortest setting time, followed by NMTAP-RP and NMTAP-SE. TFBC showed the highest setting time and radiopacity. BIO, NMTAP-RP, and NMTAP-SE had similar radiopacity. All materials promoted an alkaline pH. NMTAP-RP/SE presented lower solubility than BIO and TFBC. Regarding the flow, TFBC had the highest values, followed by NMTAP-SE, and NMTAP-RP. BIO had the lowest flow. In conclusion, NMTAP in both powder-to-gel ratios showed high pH and low solubility. The increase in the powder ratio decreased the setting time and flow. These findings are important regarding the proper consistency and work time to clinical application.

Resumen Las diferencias en la proporción líquido/polvo pueden afectar las propiedades de los materiales a base de silicato de calcio. Este estudio evaluó la influencia de la proporción polvo/gel en las propiedades fisicoquímicas del cemento NeoMTA Plus. El tiempo de fraguado (minutos), la fluidez (mm y mm²), el pH (en diferentes períodos), la radiopacidad (mmAl) y la solubilidad (% de pérdida de masa) fueron evaluados utilizando las consistencias para el material de reparación radicular (NMTAP-RP; 3 cucharadas de polvo/2 gotas de gel) y para cemento sellador del conducto radicular (NMTAP-SE; 3 cucharadas de polvo/3 gotas de gel), en comparación con el cemento Biodentine (BIO) y el cemento TotalFill BC (TFBC). El análisis estadístico se realizó utilizando las pruebas ANOVA y Tukey unidireccionales (α=0.05). BIO tuvo el tiempo de fraguado más corto, seguido de NMTAP-RP y NMTAP-SE. TFBC mostró el mayor tiempo de fraguado y radiopacidad. BIO, NMTAP-RP y NMTAP-SE tuvieron una radiopacidad similar. Todos los materiales promovieron un pH alcalino. NMTAP-RP/ SE tuvieron una solubilidad menor que BIO y TFBC. Con respecto a la fluidez, TFBC tuvo los valores más altos, seguido de NMTAP-SE y NMTAP-RP. BIO tuvo la fluidez más baja. En conclusión, NMTAP en la relación polvo/gel mostró un pH alto y una baja solubilidad. El aumento en la proporción de polvo disminuyó el tiempo de fraguado y la fluidez. Estos hallazgos son importantes con respecto a su consistencia y tiempo de trabajo durante la aplicación clínica.

Calcarea Silicata/analysis , Chemistry, Physical , Dental Cementum
Rev. cient. odontol ; 8(2): e020, mayo-ago. 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1119298


Objetivo: Comparar la capacidad de sellado de dos materiales para obturación retrógrada en dientes permanentes unirradiculares: el agregado de trióxido mineral (MTA®) y el silicato tricálcico (Biodentine®). Materiales y métodos: Se seleccionaron 38 dientes permanentes unirradiculares con cierre apical completo, los cuales fueron divididos aleatoriamente en dos grupos experimentales (n = 15): Grupo 1: MTA®, Grupo 2: Biodentine®. Además, se usaron controles positivos y negativos. El tratamiento radicular se realizó con el sistema rotatorio Mtwo y la obturación mediante el sistema termoplástico de onda continua (Beefill), y se usó como sellador el cemento tipo Grossman. Se realizó la apicectomía del extremo apical, luego la preparación de cavidades retroapicales estandarizadas y las respectivas obturaciones con MTA® y Biodentine®, según grupo. Posteriormente, los especímenes se sometieron a un proceso de filtración apical de tinta china y de transparentación, mientras que la filtración apical fue evaluada por medio de un microscopio estereoscópico. Los datos fueron analizados con la prueba U de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: El análisis inferencial mostró que Biodentine® tuvo una menor microfiltración que el MTA®, con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa al 95% (p < 0,034). Conclusión: El cemento Biodentine® mostró una mayor capacidad de sellado a nivel apical que el cemento MTA® en obturaciones retrógradas de dientes unirradiculares ex vivo. (AU)

Aim: To compare the sealing capacity of mineral trioxide (MTA®) and tricalcium silicate (Biodentine®) for retrograde filling in single-root permanent teeth. Materials and methods: Thirty-eight permanent single-root teeth with complete apical closure were selected and randomly divided into two experimental groups (n = 15): Group 1: MTA®, and Group 2: Biodentine®, in addition to positive and negative controls. Root treatment was performed with the MTWO rotary system, and obturation was carried out by means of the continuous wave thermoplastic system (Beefill) using Grossman-type cement as a sealant. Apical end apicoectomy was performed followed by the preparation of standardized retro-apical cavities and the respective fillings with MTA ® and Biodentine® according to the study group. Subsequently, the specimens were subjected to an apical filtration process of Chinese ink and transparency, while the apical filtration was evaluated with a stereoscopic microscope. The data were analyzed with the Mann-Whitney U test. Results: Inferential analysis showed that Biodentine® had less microleakage than MTA® with a statistically significant difference of 95% (p <0.034). Conclusion: Biodentine® cement showed greater apical sealing capacity than MTA® cement in retrograde fillings of single-root teeth ex vivo. (AU)

Humans , Pit and Fissure Sealants , Retrograde Obturation , Silicate Cement , Calcarea Silicata
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 35(2): 527-539, mar./apr. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048608


Silicon (Si) plays specific functions in agriculture. Si is a beneficial element, as it accumulates at high amounts in plant tissue. Si accumulation in cell walls reduces water loss by transpiration and may be an adaptation factor to water stress. This study evaluated the efficiency of different corn crops using calcium silicate as a reducer of hydric stress. The experiment was organized in a factorial scheme, completely randomized, with two doses of calcium silicate (0 and 100 % according to soil liming) with two irrigation depths: (30 and 100 % of necessary water reposition in the soil) and two corn cultivars: (cv. BRS-1010) considered sensitive to hydric stress and (cv. DKB-390) tolerant to hydric stress. The study comprised four repetitions. We studied dry matter production on leaves and stem, weight of 1000 seeds and crop yield. We measured efficiency of gas exchange and water use to compare the different treatments. The results for stem and leaves dry matter were better in both cultivars when using calcium silicate, regardless of irrigation depth. Both corn cultivars cv. BRS-1010, sensitive to hydric stress, and cv. DKB-390, tolerant to hydric stress, had greater yield in the presence of calcium silicate, when at the smallest irrigation dose was applied. The treatment with calcium silicate was the most efficient in water use, using 30% of irrigation depth. Cv. DKB 390 was the most productive, with greater tolerance to water stress.

O silício (Si) desempenha funções específicas na agricultura, sendo considerado um elemento benéfico, pois se acumula em quantidades elevadas no tecido da planta. O acúmulo de Si nas paredes celulares reduz a perda de água pela transpiração e pode ser um fator de adaptação ao estresse hídrico. Este estudo avaliou a eficiência de diferentes cultivares de milho utilizando o silicato de cálcio como amenizador do estresse hídrico. O experimento foi organizado em esquema fatorial, inteiramente casualizado, com duas doses de silicato de cálcio (0 e 100% de acordo com a calagem do solo), com duas lâminas de irrigação (30 e 100% de reposição de água necessária no solo) e duas cultivares de milho: a (cv. BRS-1010) considerada sensível ao estresse hídrico e a (cv. DKB-390) tolerante ao estresse hídrico, com quatro repetições. Estudamos a produção de matéria seca em folhas e caule, o peso de 1000 sementes e o rendimento da cultura. Medimos a eficiência das trocas gasosas e do uso da água para comparar os diferentes tratamentos. Os resultados para matéria seca do caule e das folhas foram melhores em ambas as cultivares, quando utilizadas o silicato de cálcio, independente da lâmina de irrigação. As duas cultivares de milho estudadas, cv. BRS-1010 tolerante ao estresse hídrico e o DKB-390 tolerante ao estresse hídrico apresentaram maior produção na presença de silicato de cálcio, quando a menor lâmina de água foi aplicada. A maior eficiência no uso da água foi obtida no tratamento com silicato de cálcio, utilizando 30% de irrigação. A cv. DKB 390 foi a mais produtiva, com maior tolerância ao déficit hídrico.

Silicon , Calcarea Silicata , Zea mays , Agricultural Irrigation , Dehydration
Odovtos (En línea) ; 21(2): 73-81, May.-Aug. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BBO - dentistry (Brazil) | ID: biblio-1091483


RESUMEN Los materiales a base de silicato de calcio han demostrado ser bioactivos debido a su capacidad para producir apatita carbonatada biológicamente compatible. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la bioactividad de Biodentine™ y MTA Repair HP® en contacto con discos de dentina humana, que se obturaron y dividieron aleatoriamente para formar cuatro grupos: grupo 1 Biodentine™, grupo 2 MTA Repair HP®, grupo control positivo MTA Angelus® y grupo control negativo IRM®, los cuales se incubaron en solución PBS durante 10 días, para posterior análisis por medio de MEB-EDS y Espectroscopía Raman. Los tres materiales a base de silicato de calcio analizados en este estudio demostraron ser bioactivos pues al entrar en contacto con una solución a base de fosfato desencadenaron la precipitación inicial de fosfato de calcio amorfo, que actúa como precursor durante la formación de apatita carbonatada.

ABSTRACT Calcium silicate-based materials have been shown to be bioactive due to their ability to produce biologically compatible carbonated apatite. The objective of this study was to analyze the bioactivity of Biodentine ™ and MTA Repair HP® in contact with human dentine discs, which were sealed and divided randomly to form four groups: group 1 Biodentine™, group 2 MTA Repair HP®, positive control group MTA Angelus® and negative control group IRM®, which were incubated in PBS solution for 10 days, for a subsequent analysis by means of MEB-EDS and Raman spectroscopy. The three calcium-based materials analyzed in this study proved to be bioactive because upon contact with a phosphate-based solution they were triggered at the onset of amorphous calcium phosphate, as the precursor during the formation of carbonated apatite.

Apatites/analysis , Spectrum Analysis, Raman , Calcarea Silicata/analysis , Dental Materials/analysis , Drug Synergism
Braz. j. oral sci ; 18: e191600, jan.-dez. 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO - dentistry (Brazil) | ID: biblio-1095235


Aim: Calcium silicate-based fillings have been widely used in surgical endodontic treatment because of hard-tissue conductive and inductive properties. The aim of present study is to investigate the bond strength of different calcium silicate-based fillings in retrograde cavities. Methods: Forty-four maxillary single rooted teeth were endodontically treated. The apical portions of the teeth were removed and root-end cavities were prepared using an ultrasonic tip. The roots were randomly divided into four experimental groups (n = 11) according to the material used; (1) MTA-FILLAPEX, (2) MTA Repair HP, (3) MTA-FILLAPEX+ MTA Repair HP, and (4) MTA Plus. Two horizontal cross sections (1±0.1 mm thick) from each specimen were resected from the apices. These sections were placed in a universal testing machine to evaluate the push-out bond strength force required for dislodgement of the root end filling was recorded. The failure type was also evaluated by using a stereomicroscope. The differences in bond strength were analyzed using the two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: MTA-FILLAPEX and MTA Plus displayed the lowest and highest dislocation resistance, respectively (P < 0.05). In the apical level, bond strength was significantly higher than the coronal level in all groups except for MTA-FILLAPEX. Mixed failure was prevalent in all groups, except for MTA-FILLAPEX, which showed purely cohesive failures. Conclusions: Investigated calcium silicate-based filling materials showed different bond strength to the root-end cavity. The bond strength was significantly decreased when the prior application of MTA-FILLAPEX before delivery of MTA Repair HP

Retrograde Obturation , Root Canal Filling Materials , Calcarea Silicata , Calcium Compounds , Endodontics
Braz. j. oral sci ; 17: e18148, 2018. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO - dentistry (Brazil) | ID: biblio-963805


Aim: This study investigated the sealing ability produced by AH Plus (Dentsply DeTrey, Konstaz, Germany), EndoSequence BC sealer (Brasseler USA, Savannah, GA, USA), GuttaFlow (Coltène/Whaledent, Altstätten, France) and MTA Fillapex (Angelus, Londrina, Brazil). Methdos: A total of forty-six single-root human canines were prepared and randomly divided into four experimental groups (n=10): MTA Fillapex, EndoSequence BC Sealer, AH Plus or GuttaFlow. Teeth with intact crowns served as negative controls (n=3) and teeth filled with only gutta-percha served as positive controls (n=3). Teeth were mounted in a two-chamber apparatus and exposed to Enterococcus faecalis. The number of days over a 60-days period was recorded for the appearance of turbidity in the lower chamber. Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate the survival curves. The nonparametric log-rank test was used to compare the survival curves using a significance level of 0.05. Results: The results at the end of the observation time were further analyzed by chi-square testing. All positive controls leaked within 24 h, whereas none of the negative controls leaked after 60 days. EndoSequence BC Sealer and MTA Fillapex had significant less bacterial leakage (P<0.05) than the other tested sealers. No significant difference between AH Plus and GuttaFlow was observed (P>0.05). Conclusion: In conclusion, calcium-silicate based root canal sealers promoted improved sealing ability when compared to other endodontic sealers

Animals , Dogs , Calcarea Silicata , Dental Materials , Dental Pulp Cavity , Endodontics , Enterococcus faecalis
Araçatuba; s.n; 2022. 125 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - dentistry (Brazil) | ID: biblio-1444801


O objetivo desse estudo de revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises foi responder se os cimentos biocerâmicos resultam melhores efeitos para a dor pós operatória, capacidade em penetração em túbulos dentinários e atividade antimicrobiana em comparação ao cimento AH Plus®. Foram conduzidas duas revisões sistemáticas, orientadas pelas diretrizes PRISMA e foram registradas na PROSPERO (CRD4202125928) (Capítulo 1) e na Open Science Framework (OSF) Registries ( (Capítulo 2). Uma pergunta foi feita com base na população, intervenção, comparação e resultado (PICO), Capítulo 1: "O uso dos cimentos biocerâmicos resulta em menos dor pós operatória em comparação ao uso do cimento AH Plus® em pacientes tratados endodonticamente?"; Capítulo 2: "Os cimentos obturadores biocerâmicos apresentam superioridade na penetração em túbulos dentinários e atividade antimicrobiana ao cimento obturador AH Plus®?". Foram definidas as estratégias de buscas e realizadas buscas nas bases de dados: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, Cochrane Library, e OpenGrey. O Capítulo 1 utilizou a escala Cochrane para avaliar o risco de viés e a ferramenta GRADE para avaliar a qualidade das evidências. Enquanto, o Capítulo 2 utilizou a escala The Joanna Briggs para avaliar o risco de viés de estudos in vitro. As metaanálises foram conduzidas usando o "Meta" package, version 3.6.3, a diferença média (MD) medida de efeito foi calculada para variáveis quantitativas e odds ratio (OR) (Capítulo 1) e diferenças de médias padronizadas (SMD) (Capítulo 2), com um intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95%. Os resultados do Capítulo 1, foram incluídos 13 artigos na revisão sistemática, 11 foram incluídos na meta-análise. Para as variáveis quantitativas, o cimento biocerâmico apresentou menor ocorrência de dor pós-operatória do que o cimento AH Plus® em 24h (MD - 0,4101 [-0,80; -0,02], p = 0,0386) e 48h (MD -0,31 [-0,59; -0,03], p = 0,0295). Para as variáveis binárias, não houve diferença observada entre os cimentos avaliados: 24h (OR 1,12 [0,69; 1,80] p = 0,6476), 48h (OR 1,56 [0,76; 3,20] p = 0,2267), 72h (OR 1,38 [0,55; 3,45] p = 0,4893) e 7 dias (OR 2,10 [0,55; 8,01], p = 0,2790). Em relação à análise de risco de viés, observou-se baixo risco para a maioria dos domínios, exceto alocação que foi considerada pouco clara, enquanto a certeza da evidência variou de moderada a baixa. Os resultados do Capítulo 2, foram um total de 54 estudos foram incluídos, e 16 estudos foram incluídos na meta-análise. De modo geral, os estudos apresentaram baixo risco de viés. Não foi observado diferença estatística entre os cimentos avaliados para penetração em túbulos dentinários, independentemente dos terços: coronal SMD 0.58 [0.14; 1.31], p = 0.12; médio SMD 0.07 [0.54; 0.39], p = 0.75; e apical: SMD 0.08 [0.73; 0.56], p = 0.80. Os cimentos biocerâmicos e AH Plus® demonstraram similar ação antimicrobiana SMD [3.42; 5.32], p = 0.67 e SMD 0.67 [1.89; 0.55], p = 0.2825. Dessa forma, conclui-se que os cimentos biocerâmicos apresentam menor dor pós operatória nas primeiras 24 e 48 horas, e apresentam respostas similares para penetração em túbulos dentinários e atividade antimicrobiana quando comparado ao cimento AH Plus®(AU)

The aim of this study of systematic reviews and meta-analyses was to answer whether bioceramic sealers have better effects on postoperative pain, ability to penetrate dentinal tubules and antimicrobial activity compared to AH Plus® sealer. Two systematic reviews, guided by PRISMA guidelines, were conducted and registered in PROSPERO (CRD4202125928) (Chapter 1) and Open Science Framework (OSF) Registries ( (Chapter 2). A question was asked based on population, intervention, comparison and outcome (PICO), Chapter 1: "Does the use of bioceramic sealers result in less postoperative pain compared to the use of AH Plus® sealer in endodontically treated patients?"; Chapter 2: "Do bioceramic filling sealers have superior penetration into dentinal tubules and antimicrobial activity compared to AH Plus® filling sealer?". Search strategies were defined and searches performed in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, Cochrane Library, and OpenGrey. Chapter 1 used the Cochrane scale to assess the risk of bias and the GRADE tool to assess the quality of evidence. Meanwhile, Chapter 2 used The Joanna Briggs scale to assess the risk of bias from in vitro studies. Meta-analyses were conducted using the "Meta" package, version 3.6.3, the mean difference (MD) effect measure was calculated for quantitative variables and odds ratio (OR) (Chapter 1) and standardized mean differences (SMD) (Chapter 2), with a 95% confidence interval (CI). The results of Chapter 1 were included 13 articles in the systematic review, 11 were included in the meta-analysis. For quantitative variables, the bioceramic sealer had a lower occurrence of postoperative pain than the AH Plus® sealer in 24 hours (MD - 0.4101 [-0.80; - 0.02], p = 0.0386) and 48h (MD -0.31 [-0.59; -0.03], p = 0.0295). For the binary variables, there was no difference observed between the sealers evaluated: 24h (OR 1.12 [0.69; 1.80] p = 0.6476), 48h (OR 1.56 [0.76; 3.20] p = 0.2267), 72h (OR 1.38 [0.55; 3.45] p = 0.4893) and 7 days (OR 2.10 [0.55; 8.01], p = 0 .2790). Regarding the risk of bias analysis, a low risk was observed for most domains, except for allocation that was considered unclear, while the certainty of evidence ranged from moderate to low. The results of Chapter 2 were a total of 54 studies included, and 16 studies were included in the meta-analysis. Overall, the studies had a low risk of bias. There was no statistical difference between the sealers evaluated for penetration into dentinal tubules, regardless of the thirds: coronal SMD 0.58 [0.14; 1.31], p = 0.12; average SMD 0.07 [0.54; 0.39], p = 0.75; and apical: SMD 0.08 [0.73; 0.56], p = 0.80. Bioceramic sealers and AH Plus® demonstrated similar antimicrobial action to SMD [3.42; 5.32], p = 0.67 and SMD 0.67 [1.89; 0.55], p = 0.2825. Thus, it is concluded that bioceramic sealers have less postoperative pain in the first 24 and 48 hours, and have similar responses for penetration into dentinal tubules and antimicrobial activity when compared to AH Plus® sealer(AU)

Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Obturation , Dental Cements , Anti-Infective Agents , Root Canal Therapy , Ceramics , Calcarea Silicata , Epoxy Resins
Dent. press endod ; 9(3): 29-36, Sept-Dec.2019. Tab, Ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1343630


Objetivo: o objetivo desse estudo é realizar uma revisão de literatura em relação às propriedades físico- -químicas e biológicas do Biodentine, seu emprego na Endodontia e discutir, com base nas evidências científicas encontradas na literatura, se esse material poderá ser um substituto ao MTA. Métodos: foi realizada uma busca na literatura na base de dados PubMed, usando os termos em inglês: Biodentine, calcium silicate, MTA, properties, setting time, radiopacity, solubility, physicochemical properties, porosity, hydration, biocompatibility, bioactivity, microhardness, compressive strength, bond strength, irrigants, furcal perforation, retrograde filling material, revitalization, revascularization, endodontics, apexification. Cinquenta artigos foram incluídos. Resultados: os artigos revisados sugerem que o Biodentine tem características favoráveis e que tem alcançado resultados promissores em relação ao MTA. Conclusão: o Biodentine pode ser considerado um eventual substituto ao MTA (AU).

Introduction: This study aim to review the literature about the physicochemical and biological characteristics of Biodentine, a cement used in endodontics, and discussed whether this material might be an alternative to MTA according to the scientific evidence found in the literature. Methods: A literature search was performed on PubMed using the following terms: Biodentine, calcium silicate, MTA, properties, setting time, radiopacity, solubility, physicochemical properties, porosity, hydration, biocompatibility, bioactivity, microhardness, compressive strength, bond strength, irrigants, furcal perforation, retrograde filling, revitalization, revascularization, endodontics, apexification. Fifty studies met inclusion criteria. Results: Biodentine seems to have favorable characteristics, and the results of its use are promising when compared with those of MTA. Conclusion: Biodentine may be a possible alternative to MTA (AU).

Root Canal Filling Materials , Materials Testing , Dental Cements , Biological Products , Calcarea Silicata , Apexification