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Nature ; 609(7927): 485-489, 2022 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36104551


The Hubbard model constitutes one of the most celebrated theoretical frameworks of condensed-matter physics. It describes strongly correlated phases of interacting quantum particles confined in lattice potentials1,2. For bosons, the Hubbard Hamiltonian has been deeply scrutinized for short-range on-site interactions3-6. However, accessing longer-range couplings has remained elusive experimentally7. This marks the frontier towards the extended Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, which enables insulating ordered phases at fractional lattice fillings8-12. Here we implement this Hamiltonian by confining semiconductor dipolar excitons in an artificial two-dimensional square lattice. Strong dipolar repulsions between nearest-neighbour lattice sites then stabilize an insulating state at half filling. This characteristic feature of the extended Bose-Hubbard model exhibits the signatures theoretically expected for a chequerboard spatial order. Our work thus highlights that dipolar excitons enable controlled implementations of boson-like arrays with strong off-site interactions, in lattices with programmable geometries and more than 100 sites.

Nature ; 605(7910): 447-452, 2022 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35585343


Bound states in the continuum (BICs)1-3 are peculiar topological states that, when realized in a planar photonic crystal lattice, are symmetry-protected from radiating in the far field despite lying within the light cone4. These BICs possess an invariant topological charge given by the winding number of the polarization vectors5, similar to vortices in quantum fluids such as superfluid helium and atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. In spite of several reports of optical BICs in patterned dielectric slabs with evidence of lasing, their potential as topologically protected states with theoretically infinite lifetime has not yet been fully exploited. Here we show non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensation of polaritons-hybrid light-matter excitations-occurring in a BIC thanks to its peculiar non-radiative nature, which favours polariton accumulation. The combination of the ultralong BIC lifetime and the tight confinement of the waveguide geometry enables the achievement of an extremely low threshold density for condensation, which is reached not in the dispersion minimum but at a saddle point in reciprocal space. By bridging bosonic condensation and symmetry-protected radiation eigenmodes, we reveal ways of imparting topological properties onto macroscopic quantum states with unexplored dispersion features. Such an observation may open a route towards energy-efficient polariton condensation in cost-effective integrated devices, ultimately suited for the development of hybrid light-matter optical circuits.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(17): 176301, 2024 Apr 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38728701


At low Landau level filling factors (ν), Wigner solid phases of two-dimensional electron systems in GaAs are pinned by disorder and exhibit a pinning mode, whose frequency is a measure of the disorder that pins the Wigner solid. Despite numerous studies spanning the past three decades, the origin of the disorder that causes the pinning and determines the pinning mode frequency remains unknown. Here, we present a study of the pinning mode resonance in the low-ν Wigner solid phases of a series of ultralow-disorder GaAs quantum wells which are similar except for their varying well widths d. The pinning mode frequencies f_{p} decrease strongly as d increases, with the widest well exhibiting f_{p} as low as ≃35 MHz. The amount of reduction of f_{p} with increasing d can be explained remarkably well by tails of the wave function impinging into the alloy-disordered Al_{x}Ga_{1-x}As barriers that contain the electrons. However, it is imperative that the model for the confinement and wave function includes the Coulomb repulsion in the growth direction between the electrons as they occupy the quantum well.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(9): 096502, 2024 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38489610


Low-disorder two-dimensional electron systems in the presence of a strong, perpendicular magnetic field terminate at very small Landau level filling factors in a Wigner crystal (WC), where the electrons form an ordered array to minimize the Coulomb repulsion. The nature of this exotic, many-body, quantum phase is yet to be fully understood and experimentally revealed. Here we probe one of WC's most fundamental parameters, namely, the energy gap that determines its low-temperature conductivity, in record mobility, ultrahigh-purity, two-dimensional electrons confined to GaAs quantum wells. The WC domains in these samples contain ≃1000 electrons. The measured gaps are a factor of three larger than previously reported for lower quality samples, and agree remarkably well with values predicted for the lowest-energy, intrinsic, hypercorrelated bubble defects in a WC made of flux-electron composite fermions, rather than bare electrons. The agreement is particularly noteworthy, given that the calculations are done for disorder-free composite fermion WCs, and there are no adjustable parameters. The results reflect the exceptionally high quality of the samples, and suggest that composite fermion WCs are indeed more stable compared to their electron counterparts.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(22): 226503, 2023 Jun 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37327438


Disorder and electron-electron interaction play essential roles in the physics of electron systems in condensed matter. In two-dimensional, quantum Hall systems, extensive studies of disorder-induced localization have led to the emergence of a scaling picture with a single extended state, characterized by a power-law divergence of the localization length in the zero-temperature limit. Experimentally, scaling has been investigated via measuring the temperature dependence of plateau-to-plateau transitions between the integer quantum Hall states (IQHSs), yielding a critical exponent κ≃0.42. Here we report scaling measurements in the fractional quantum Hall state (FQHS) regime where interaction plays a dominant role. Our Letter is partly motivated by recent calculations, based on the composite fermion theory, that suggest identical critical exponents in both IQHS and FQHS cases to the extent that the interaction between composite fermions is negligible. The samples used in our experiments are two-dimensional electron systems confined to GaAs quantum wells of exceptionally high quality. We find that κ varies for transitions between different FQHSs observed on the flanks of Landau level filling factor ν=1/2 and has a value close to that reported for the IQHS transitions only for a limited number of transitions between high-order FQHSs with intermediate strength. We discuss possible origins of the nonuniversal κ observed in our experiments.

Electrones , Física , Temperatura
Phys Rev Lett ; 131(5): 056302, 2023 Aug 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37595236


The even-denominator fractional quantum Hall states (FQHSs) in half-filled Landau levels are generally believed to host non-Abelian quasiparticles and be of potential use in topological quantum computing. Of particular interest is the competition and interplay between the even-denominator FQHSs and other ground states, such as anisotropic phases and composite fermion Fermi seas. Here, we report the observation of an even-denominator fractional quantum Hall state with highly anisotropic in-plane transport coefficients at Landau level filling factor ν=3/2. We observe this state in an ultra-high-quality GaAs two-dimensional hole system when a large in-plane magnetic field is applied. By increasing the in-plane field, we observe a sharp transition from an isotropic composite fermion Fermi sea to an anisotropic even-denominator FQHS. Our data and calculations suggest that a unique feature of two-dimensional holes, namely the coupling between heavy-hole and light-hole states, combines different orbital components in the wave function of one Landau level, and leads to the emergence of a highly anisotropic even-denominator fractional quantum Hall state. Our results demonstrate that the GaAs two-dimensional hole system is a unique platform for the exploration of exotic, many-body ground states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(26): 266502, 2023 Dec 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38215363


Single-component fractional quantum Hall states (FQHSs) at even-denominator filling factors may host non-Abelian quasiparticles that are considered to be building blocks of topological quantum computers. Such states, however, are rarely observed in the lowest-energy Landau level, namely at filling factors ν<1. Here, we report evidence for an even-denominator FQHS at ν=1/4 in ultra-high-quality two-dimensional hole systems confined to modulation-doped GaAs quantum wells. We observe a deep minimum in the longitudinal resistance at ν=1/4, superimposed on a highly insulating background, suggesting a close competition between the ν=1/4 FQHS and the magnetic-field-induced, pinned Wigner solid states. Our experimental observations are consistent with the very recent theoretical calculations that predict that substantial Landau level mixing, caused by the large hole effective mass, can induce composite fermion pairing and lead to a non-Abelian FQHS at ν=1/4. Our results demonstrate that Landau level mixing can provide a very potent means for tuning the interaction between composite fermions and creating new non-Abelian FQHSs.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(23): 236501, 2023 Dec 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38134784


In low-disorder, two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs), the fractional quantum Hall states at very small Landau level fillings (ν) terminate in a Wigner solid (WS) phase, where electrons arrange themselves in a periodic array. The WS is typically pinned by the residual disorder sites and manifests an insulating behavior, with nonlinear current-voltage (I-V) and noise characteristics. We report here measurements on an ultralow-disorder, dilute 2DES, confined to a GaAs quantum well. In the ν<1/5 range, superimposed on a highly insulating longitudinal resistance, the 2DES exhibits a developing fractional quantum Hall state at ν=1/7, attesting to its exceptional high quality and dominance of electron-electron interaction in the low filling regime. In the nearby insulating phases, we observe remarkable nonlinear I-V and noise characteristics as a function of increasing current, with current thresholds delineating three distinct phases of the WS: a pinned phase (P1) with very small noise, a second phase (P2) in which dV/dI fluctuates between positive and negative values and is accompanied by very high noise, and a third phase (P3) where dV/dI is nearly constant and small, and noise is about an order of magnitude lower than in P2. In the depinned (P2 and P3) phases, the noise spectrum also reveals well-defined peaks at frequencies that vary linearly with the applied current, suggestive of washboard frequencies. We discuss the data in light of a recent theory that proposes different dynamic phases for a driven WS.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(12): 126301, 2023 Mar 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37027870


Fractional quantum Hall states (FQHSs) at even-denominator Landau level filling factors (ν) are of prime interest as they are predicted to host exotic, topological states of matter. We report here the observation of a FQHS at ν=1/2 in a two-dimensional electron system of exceptionally high quality, confined to a wide AlAs quantum well, where the electrons can occupy multiple conduction-band valleys with an anisotropic effective mass. The anisotropy and multivalley degree of freedom offer an unprecedented tunability of the ν=1/2 FQHS as we can control both the valley occupancy via the application of in-plane strain, and the ratio between the strengths of the short- and long-range Coulomb interaction by tilting the sample in the magnetic field to change the electron charge distribution. Thanks to this tunability, we observe phase transitions from a compressible Fermi liquid to an incompressible FQHS and then to an insulating phase as a function of tilt angle. We find that this evolution and the energy gap of the ν=1/2 FQHS depend strongly on valley occupancy.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(24): 246901, 2023 Dec 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38181143


The development of patterned multiquantum well heterostructures in GaAs/AlGaAs waveguides has recently made it possible to achieve exciton-polariton condensation in a topologically protected bound state in the continuum (BIC). Polariton condensation was shown to occur above a saddle point of the two-dimensional polariton dispersion in a one-dimensional photonic crystal waveguide. A rigorous analysis of the condensation phenomenon in these systems, as well as the role of the BIC, is still missing. In the present Letter, we theoretically and experimentally fill this gap by showing that polariton confinement resulting from the negative effective mass and the photonic energy gap in the dispersion play a key role in enhancing the relaxation toward the condensed state. In fact, our results show that low-threshold polariton condensation is achieved within the effective trap created by the exciting laser spot, regardless of whether the resulting confined mode is long-lived (polariton BIC) or short-lived (lossy mode). In both cases, the spatial quantization of the polariton condensate and the threshold differences associated to the corresponding state lifetime are measured and characterized. For a given negative mass, a slightly lower condensation threshold from the polariton BIC mode is found and associated to its reduced radiative losses, as compared to the lossy one.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(51): 32244-32250, 2020 Dec 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33273119


What are the ground states of an interacting, low-density electron system? In the absence of disorder, it has long been expected that as the electron density is lowered, the exchange energy gained by aligning the electron spins should exceed the enhancement in the kinetic (Fermi) energy, leading to a (Bloch) ferromagnetic transition. At even lower densities, another transition to a (Wigner) solid, an ordered array of electrons, should occur. Experimental access to these regimes, however, has been limited because of the absence of a material platform that supports an electron system with very high quality (low disorder) and low density simultaneously. Here we explore the ground states of interacting electrons in an exceptionally clean, two-dimensional electron system confined to a modulation-doped AlAs quantum well. The large electron effective mass in this system allows us to reach very large values of the interaction parameter [Formula: see text], defined as the ratio of the Coulomb to Fermi energies. As we lower the electron density via gate bias, we find a sequence of phases, qualitatively consistent with the above scenario: a paramagnetic phase at large densities, a spontaneous transition to a ferromagnetic state when [Formula: see text] surpasses 35, and then a phase with strongly nonlinear current-voltage characteristics, suggestive of a pinned Wigner solid, when [Formula: see text] exceeds [Formula: see text] However, our sample makes a transition to an insulating state at [Formula: see text], preceding the onset of the spontaneous ferromagnetism, implying that besides interaction, the role of disorder must also be taken into account in understanding the different phases of a realistic dilute electron system.

Nat Mater ; 20(5): 632-637, 2021 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33633355


Two-dimensional electrons confined to GaAs quantum wells are hallmark platforms for probing electron-electron interactions. Many key observations have been made in these systems as sample quality has improved over the years. Here, we present a breakthrough in sample quality via source-material purification and innovation in GaAs molecular beam epitaxy vacuum chamber design. Our samples display an ultra-high mobility of 44 × 106 cm2 V-1 s-1 at an electron density of 2.0 × 1011 cm-2. These results imply only 1 residual impurity for every 1010 Ga/As atoms. The impact of such low impurity concentration is manifold. Robust stripe and bubble phases are observed, and several new fractional quantum Hall states emerge. Furthermore, the activation gap (Δ) of the fractional quantum Hall state at the Landau-level filling (ν) = 5/2, which is widely believed to be non-Abelian and of potential use for topological quantum computing, reaches Δ ≈ 820 mK. We expect that our results will stimulate further research on interaction-driven physics in a two-dimensional setting and substantially advance the field.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(15): 156801, 2022 Oct 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36269975


Fractional quantum Hall states (FQHSs) exemplify exotic phases of low-disorder two-dimensional (2D) electron systems when electron-electron interaction dominates over the thermal and kinetic energies. Particularly intriguing among the FQHSs are those observed at even-denominator Landau level filling factors, as their quasiparticles are generally believed to obey non-Abelian statistics and be of potential use in topological quantum computing. Such states, however, are very rare and fragile, and are typically observed in the excited Landau level of 2D electron systems with the lowest amount of disorder. Here we report the observation of a new and unexpected even-denominator FQHS at filling factor ν=3/4 in a GaAs 2D hole system with an exceptionally high quality (mobility). Our magnetotransport measurements reveal a strong minimum in the longitudinal resistance at ν=3/4, accompanied by a developing Hall plateau centered at (h/e^{2})/(3/4). This even-denominator FQHS is very unusual as it is observed in the lowest Landau level and in a 2D hole system. While its origin is unclear, it is likely a non-Abelian state, emerging from the residual interaction between composite fermions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(19): 196801, 2022 Nov 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36399735


In a low-disorder two-dimensional electron system, when two Landau levels of opposite spin or pseudospin cross at the Fermi level, the dominance of the exchange energy can lead to a ferromagnetic, quantum Hall ground state whose gap is determined by the exchange energy and has skyrmions as its excitations. This is normally achieved via applying either hydrostatic pressure or uniaxial strain. We study here a very high-quality, low-density, two-dimensional hole system, confined to a 30-nm-wide (001) GaAs quantum well, in which the two lowest-energy Landau levels can be gate tuned to cross at and near filling factor ν=1. As we tune the field position of the crossing from one side of ν=1 to the other by changing the hole density, the energy gap for the quantum Hall state at ν=1 remains exceptionally large, and only shows a small dip near the crossing. The gap overall follows a sqrt[B] dependence, expected for the exchange energy. Our data are consistent with a robust quantum Hall ferromagnet as the ground state.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(3): 036601, 2022 Jul 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35905352


The interplay between the Fermi sea anisotropy, electron-electron interaction, and localization phenomena can give rise to exotic many-body phases. An exciting example is an anisotropic two-dimensional (2D) Wigner solid (WS), where electrons form an ordered array with an anisotropic lattice structure. Such a state has eluded experiments up to now as its realization is extremely demanding: First, a WS entails very low densities where the Coulomb interaction dominates over the kinetic (Fermi) energy. Attaining such low densities while keeping the disorder low is very challenging. Second, the low-density requirement has to be fulfilled in a material that hosts an anisotropic Fermi sea. Here, we report transport measurements in a clean (low-disorder) 2D electron system with anisotropic effective mass and Fermi sea. The data reveal that at extremely low electron densities, when the r_{s} parameter, the ratio of the Coulomb to the Fermi energy, exceeds ≃38, the current-voltage characteristics become strongly nonlinear at small dc biases. Several key features of the nonlinear characteristics, including their anisotropic voltage thresholds, are consistent with the formation of a disordered, anisotropic WS pinned by the ubiquitous disorder potential.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(2): 026802, 2022 Jan 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35089735


The ground state of two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs) at low Landau level filling factors (ν≲1/6) has long been a topic of interest and controversy in condensed matter. Following the recent breakthrough in the quality of ultrahigh-mobility GaAs 2DESs, we revisit this problem experimentally and investigate the impact of reduced disorder. In a GaAs 2DES sample with density n=6.1×10^{10}/cm^{2} and mobility µ=25×10^{6} cm^{2}/V s, we find a deep minimum in the longitudinal magnetoresistance (R_{xx}) at ν=1/7 when T≃104 mK. There is also a clear sign of a developing minimum in R_{xx} at ν=2/13. While insulating phases are still predominant when ν≲1/6, these minima strongly suggest the existence of fractional quantum Hall states at filling factors that comply with the Jain sequence ν=p/(2mp±1) even in the very low Landau level filling limit. The magnetic-field-dependent activation energies deduced from the relation R_{xx}∝e^{E_{A}/2kT} corroborate this view and imply the presence of pinned Wigner solid states when ν≠p/(2mp±1). Similar results are seen in another sample with a lower density, further generalizing our observations.

Nature ; 540(7631): 100-103, 2016 11 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27905444


Ghost imaging is a counter-intuitive phenomenon-first realized in quantum optics-that enables the image of a two-dimensional object (mask) to be reconstructed using the spatio-temporal properties of a beam of particles with which it never interacts. Typically, two beams of correlated photons are used: one passes through the mask to a single-pixel (bucket) detector while the spatial profile of the other is measured by a high-resolution (multi-pixel) detector. The second beam never interacts with the mask. Neither detector can reconstruct the mask independently, but temporal cross-correlation between the two beams can be used to recover a 'ghost' image. Here we report the realization of ghost imaging using massive particles instead of photons. In our experiment, the two beams are formed by correlated pairs of ultracold, metastable helium atoms, which originate from s-wave scattering of two colliding Bose-Einstein condensates. We use higher-order Kapitza-Dirac scattering to generate a large number of correlated atom pairs, enabling the creation of a clear ghost image with submillimetre resolution. Future extensions of our technique could lead to the realization of ghost interference, and enable tests of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement and Bell's inequalities with atoms.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(5): 056801, 2021 Jul 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34397247


The fractional quantum Hall effect stands as a quintessential manifestation of an interacting two-dimensional electron system. One of the fractional quantum Hall effect's most fundamental characteristics is the energy gap separating the incompressible ground state from its excitations. Yet, despite nearly four decades of investigations, a quantitative agreement between the theoretically calculated and experimentally measured energy gaps is lacking. Here we report a systematic experimental study that incorporates very high-quality two-dimensional electron systems confined to GaAs quantum wells with fixed density and varying well widths. The results demonstrate a clear decrease of the energy gap as the electron layer is made thicker and the short-range component of the Coulomb interaction is weakened. We also provide a quantitative comparison between the measured energy gaps and the available theoretical calculations that takes into account the role of finite layer thickness and Landau level mixing. All the measured energy gaps fall below the calculations, but as the electron layer thickness increases, the results of experiments and calculations come closer. Accounting for the role of disorder in a phenomenological manner, we find better overall agreement between the measured and calculated energy gaps, although some puzzling discrepancies remain.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(11): 116601, 2021 Sep 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34558923


Memory or transistor devices based on an electron's spin rather than its charge degree of freedom offer certain distinct advantages and comprise a cornerstone of spintronics. Recent years have witnessed the emergence of a new field, valleytronics, which seeks to exploit an electron's valley index rather than its spin. An important component in this quest would be the ability to control the valley index in a convenient fashion. Here we show that the valley polarization can be switched from zero to 1 by a small reduction in density, simply tuned by a gate bias, in a two-dimensional electron system. This phenomenon, which is akin to Bloch spin ferromagnetism, arises fundamentally as a result of electron-electron interaction in an itinerant, dilute electron system. Essentially, the kinetic energy favors an equal distribution of electrons over the available valleys, whereas the interaction between electrons prefers single-valley occupancy below a critical density. The gate-bias-tuned transition we observe is accompanied by a sudden, twofold change in sample resistance, making the phenomenon of interest for potential valleytronic transistor device applications. Our observation constitutes a quintessential demonstration of valleytronics in a very simple experiment.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(13): 137401, 2021 Apr 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33861133


Exciton-polaritons are hybrid light-matter excitations arising from the nonperturbative coupling of a photonic mode and an excitonic resonance. Behaving as interacting photons, they show optical third-order nonlinearities providing effects such as optical parametric oscillation or amplification. It has been suggested that polariton-polariton interactions can be greatly enhanced by inducing aligned electric dipoles in their excitonic part. However, direct evidence of a true particle-particle interaction, such as superfluidity or parametric scattering, is still missing. In this Letter, we demonstrate that dipolar interactions can be used to enhance parametric effects such as self-phase modulation in waveguide polaritons. By quantifying these optical nonlinearities, we provide a reliable experimental measurement of the direct dipolar enhancement of polariton-polariton interactions.