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Nature ; 601(7893): 348-353, 2022 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35046601


Nuclear spins were among the first physical platforms to be considered for quantum information processing1,2, because of their exceptional quantum coherence3 and atomic-scale footprint. However, their full potential for quantum computing has not yet been realized, owing to the lack of methods with which to link nuclear qubits within a scalable device combined with multi-qubit operations with sufficient fidelity to sustain fault-tolerant quantum computation. Here we demonstrate universal quantum logic operations using a pair of ion-implanted 31P donor nuclei in a silicon nanoelectronic device. A nuclear two-qubit controlled-Z gate is obtained by imparting a geometric phase to a shared electron spin4, and used to prepare entangled Bell states with fidelities up to 94.2(2.7)%. The quantum operations are precisely characterized using gate set tomography (GST)5, yielding one-qubit average gate fidelities up to 99.95(2)%, two-qubit average gate fidelity of 99.37(11)% and two-qubit preparation/measurement fidelities of 98.95(4)%. These three metrics indicate that nuclear spins in silicon are approaching the performance demanded in fault-tolerant quantum processors6. We then demonstrate entanglement between the two nuclei and the shared electron by producing a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger three-qubit state with 92.5(1.0)% fidelity. Because electron spin qubits in semiconductors can be further coupled to other electrons7-9 or physically shuttled across different locations10,11, these results establish a viable route for scalable quantum information processing using donor nuclear and electron spins.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(10): 100402, 2021 Mar 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33784128


The exponential growth in Hilbert space with increasing size of a quantum system means that accurately characterizing the system becomes significantly harder with system dimension d. We show that self-guided tomography is a practical, efficient, and robust technique of measuring higher-dimensional quantum states. The achieved fidelities are over 99.9% for qutrits (d=3) and ququints (d=5), and 99.1% for quvigints (d=20)-the highest values ever realized for qudit pure states. We also show excellent performance for mixed states, achieving average fidelities of 96.5% for qutrits. We demonstrate robustness against experimental sources of noise, both statistical and environmental. The technique is applicable to any higher-dimensional system, from a collection of qubits through to individual qudits, and any physical realization, be it photonic, superconducting, ionic, or spin.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(9): 090407, 2016 Mar 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26991163


A minimax estimator has the minimum possible error ("risk") in the worst case. We construct the first minimax estimators for quantum state tomography with relative entropy risk. The minimax risk of nonadaptive tomography scales as O(1/sqrt[N])-in contrast to that of classical probability estimation, which is O(1/N)-where N is the number of copies of the quantum state used. We trace this deficiency to sampling mismatch: future observations that determine risk may come from a different sample space than the past data that determine the estimate. This makes minimax estimators very biased, and we propose a computationally tractable alternative with similar behavior in the worst case, but superior accuracy on most states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(4): 040402, 2016 Jul 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27494462


Traditional methods of quantum state characterization are impractical for systems of more than a few qubits due to exponentially expensive postprocessing and data storage and lack robustness against errors and noise. Here, we experimentally demonstrate self-guided quantum tomography performed on polarization photonic qubits. The quantum state is iteratively learned by optimizing a projection measurement without any data storage or postprocessing. We experimentally demonstrate robustness against statistical noise and measurement errors on single-qubit and entangled two-qubit states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(18): 180402, 2016 May 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27203310


We introduce a new kind of quantum measurement that is defined to be symmetric in the sense of uniform Fisher information across a set of parameters that uniquely represent pure quantum states in the neighborhood of a fiducial pure state. The measurement is locally informationally complete-i.e., it uniquely determines these parameters, as opposed to distinguishing two arbitrary quantum states-and it is maximal in the sense of a multiparameter quantum Cramér-Rao bound. For a d-dimensional quantum system, requiring only local informational completeness allows us to reduce the number of outcomes of the measurement from a minimum close to but below 4d-3, for the usual notion of global pure-state informational completeness, to 2d-1.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(19): 190404, 2014 Nov 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25415889


We introduce a self-learning tomographic technique in which the experiment guides itself to an estimate of its own state. Self-guided quantum tomography uses measurements to directly test hypotheses in an iterative algorithm which converges to the true state. We demonstrate through simulation on many qubits that Self-guided quantum tomography is a more efficient and robust alternative to the usual paradigm of taking a large amount of informationally complete data and solving the inverse problem of postprocessed state estimation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(4): 040406, 2014 Jan 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24580424


We show by using statistically rigorous arguments that the technique of weak value amplification does not perform better than standard statistical techniques for the tasks of single parameter estimation and signal detection. Specifically, we prove that postselection, a necessary ingredient for weak value amplification, decreases estimation accuracy and, moreover, arranging for anomalously large weak values is a suboptimal strategy. In doing so, we explicitly provide the optimal estimator, which in turn allows us to identify the optimal experimental arrangement to be the one in which all outcomes have equal weak values (all as small as possible) and the initial state of the meter is the maximal eigenvalue of the square of the system observable. Finally, we give precise quantitative conditions for when weak measurement (measurements without postselection or anomalously large weak values) can mitigate the effect of uncharacterized technical noise in estimation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(12): 120404, 2014 Sep 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25279610


We show that the phenomenon of anomalous weak values is not limited to quantum theory. In particular, we show that the same features occur in a simple model of a coin subject to a form of classical backaction with pre- and postselection. This provides evidence that weak values are not inherently quantum but rather a purely statistical feature of pre- and postselection with disturbance.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(13): 130402, 2014 Apr 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24745394


In this Letter, we strengthen and extend the connection between simulation and estimation to exploit simulation routines that do not exactly compute the probability of experimental data, known as the likelihood function. Rather, we provide an explicit algorithm for estimating parameters of physical models given access to a simulator which is only capable of producing sample outcomes. Since our algorithm does not require that a simulator be able to efficiently compute exact probabilities, it is able to exponentially outperform standard algorithms based on exact computation. In this way, our algorithm opens the door for the application of new insights and resources to the problem of characterizing large quantum systems, which is exponentially intractable using standard simulation resources.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(19): 190501, 2014 May 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24877920


In recent years quantum simulation has made great strides, culminating in experiments that existing supercomputers cannot easily simulate. Although this raises the possibility that special purpose analog quantum simulators may be able to perform computational tasks that existing computers cannot, it also introduces a major challenge: certifying that the quantum simulator is in fact simulating the correct quantum dynamics. We provide an algorithm that, under relatively weak assumptions, can be used to efficiently infer the Hamiltonian of a large but untrusted quantum simulator using a trusted quantum simulator. We illustrate the power of this approach by showing numerically that it can inexpensively learn the Hamiltonians for large frustrated Ising models, demonstrating that quantum resources can make certifying analog quantum simulators tractable.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(18): 183601, 2013 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24237518


We introduce a simple protocol for adaptive quantum state tomography, which reduces the worst-case infidelity [1-F(ρ,ρ)] between the estimate and the true state from O(1/sqrt[N]) to O(1/N). It uses a single adaptation step and just one extra measurement setting. In a linear optical qubit experiment, we demonstrate a full order of magnitude reduction in infidelity (from 0.1% to 0.01%) for a modest number of samples (N ≈ 3 × 10(4)).

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(11): 118902, 2015 Mar 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25839318