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J Chem Phys ; 147(12): 124202, 2017 Sep 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28964029


We use an optical centrifuge to excite coherent rotational wave packets in N2O, OCS, and CS2 molecules with rotational quantum numbers reaching up to J≈465, 690, and 1186, respectively. Time-resolved rotational spectroscopy at such ultra-high levels of rotational excitation can be used as a sensitive tool to probe the molecular potential energy surface at internuclear distances far from their equilibrium values. Significant bond stretching in the centrifuged molecules results in the growing period of the rotational revivals, which are experimentally detected using coherent Raman scattering. We measure the revival period as a function of the centrifuge-induced rotational frequency and compare it with the numerical calculations based on the known Morse-cosine potentials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(4): 043003, 2012 Jul 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23006083


We experimentally investigate the effect of quantum resonance in the rotational excitation of the simplest quantum rotor--a diatomic molecule. Using the techniques of high-resolution femtosecond pulse shaping and rotational state-resolved detection, we measure directly the amount of energy absorbed by molecules interacting with a periodic train of laser pulses, and study their dependence on the train period. We show that the energy transfer is significantly enhanced at quantum resonance, and use this effect to demonstrate selective rotational excitation of two nitrogen isotopologs, (14)N(2) and (15)N(2). Moreover, by tuning the period of the pulse train in the vicinity of a fractional quantum resonance, we achieve selective rotational excitation of para- and ortho-isomers of (15)N(2).

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(24): 243004, 2011 Dec 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22242996


Trains of ultrashort laser pulses separated by the time of rotational revival (typically, tens of picoseconds) have been exploited for creating ensembles of aligned molecules. In this work we introduce a chiral pulse train--a sequence of linearly polarized pulses with the polarization direction rotating from pulse to pulse by a controllable angle. The chirality of such a train, expressed through the period and direction of its polarization rotation, is used as a new control parameter for achieving selectivity and directionality of laser-induced rotational excitation. The method employs chiral trains with a large number of pulses separated on the time scale much shorter than the rotational revival (a few hundred femtosecond), enabling the use of conventional pulse shapers.

Opt Express ; 15(12): 7564-71, 2007 Jun 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19547082


We propose to employ the technique of femtosecond pulse shaping for improving the performance of the recently suggested method of complete characterization of molecular vibrations, in which both the amplitude and phase of the laser induced vibrational coherence are detected with high resolution. The amplitude-phase information is retrieved from the cross-correlation frequency resolved optical gating of Raman modes. By creating rich interference pattern in the measured two-dimensional spectrogram of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering we enhance the accuracy of the retrieved spectral and temporal response and increase the robustness of the method against noise.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(10): 103004, 2008 Mar 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18352183


We propose and experimentally demonstrate the method of population transfer by piecewise adiabatic passage between two quantum states. Coherent excitation of a two-level system with a train of ultrashort laser pulses is shown to reproduce the effect of an adiabatic passage, conventionally achieved with a single frequency-chirped pulse. By properly adjusting the amplitudes and phases of the pulses in the excitation pulse train, we achieve complete and robust population transfer to the target state. The piecewise nature of the process suggests a possibility for the selective population transfer in complex quantum systems.

J Chem Phys ; 124(7): 74311, 2006 Feb 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16497040


Threshold ion-pair production spectroscopy (TIPPS) has been applied to two isotopomers, HF and DF. From the high resolution (approximately 0.3 cm(-1)) TIPP spectra, the ion-pair thresholds of HFDF have been precisely measured. Combined with the ionization energy of H(D), the electron affinity of F, and the zero point energies of HFDF, the difference between their classical bond dissociation energies was obtained as D(e)(H-F)-D(e)(D-F) = 12.4 +/- 0.5 cm(-1). Our result provides an experimental estimate of the Born-Oppenheimer breakdown in the ground electronic state. The present work also measured the total ion-pair yield spectra of HF and DF in the threshold region, and the ion-pair formation mechanisms of these two molecules were discussed in light of the high resolution results.

J Chem Phys ; 124(7): 74310, 2006 Feb 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16497039


The spectroscopic technique of threshold ion-pair production spectroscopy (TIPPS) has been applied to the triatomic molecule HCN. We have recorded the total ion-pair yield and TIPP spectra for the HCN-->H(+) + CN(-) process using coherent vacuum ultraviolet excitation. From the simulation of our high-resolution TIPP spectrum we have precisely measured the HCN ion-pair threshold E(IP) (0) to be 122 244 +/- 4 cm(-1). This value could be used to determine the bond dissociation energy D(0)(H-CN) to unprecedented accuracy. Our fitting result also showed that rotationally excited instead of cold CN(-) fragment is favored as the ion-pair dissociation product in the threshold region.

J Chem Phys ; 124(12): 124704, 2006 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16599715


Hydrogen is efficiently released during water dissociation on zirconium (Zr), while even very rapid temperature programmed heating of a hydrogen covered Zr surface predominantly leads to dissolution (approximately 99% dissolution). To help resolve these apparently contradictory observations, we have studied the dynamics of water (D2O) dissociation on a crystalline Zr surface by probing the rotational and vibrational energy distributions of the D2 produced using resonant enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopy. The internal-state energy distribution of the D2 product was found to be rotationally cold and vibrationally hot with respect to the temperature of the surface. The rotational distribution shows slight deviations from Boltzmann's law, with a mean rotational temperature of 426 K while the surface is at 800 K. The population of the nu"=1 vibration is at least four times higher than a 800 K temperature would allow, this corresponding to a vibrational temperature of 1100 K. Information on the translational energy of the D2 product have also been obtained by time-of-flight spectroscopy and it is found to be nearly thermally equilibrated with the surface temperature. Similar results were obtained from studies of D2 scattered from a clean Zr surface, and of D2 released by a slow thermal desorption process which involves dissolved hydrogen as the source. The reconciliation of the present results with those for thermal desorption of preadsorbed hydrogen implies a role for both surface and subsurface adsorption sites on the Zr surface and clearly demonstrates that at high temperatures, the release of D2 arises from the recombinative desorption of adsorbed hydrogen formed by the complete dissociation of D2O.