Resumen Introducción: Ser cuidador de personas con dependencia funcional conlleva el riesgo de presentar deterioro de la calidad de vida, esto puede deberse a que la prolongación del cuidado altera la dinámica familiar y genera sobrecarga en el cuidador. Objetivo: 1) Identificar la relación entre funcionamiento familiar y calidad de vida del cuidador del adulto mayor y 2) Determinar la sobrecarga y calidad de vida del cuidador del adulto mayor. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo y correlacional, muestreo por bola de nieve, la muestra conformada por 86 cuidadores de un centro comunitario. Para las mediciones se utilizó el índice de Barthel, el Test de APGAR Familiar, la prueba de Zarit y la Escala de Calidad de Vida WHOQOL-BREF. Se aplicó la Prueba de Kolmogorov Smirnov y Prueba de Correlación de Spearman. Resultados: El 11.6% de los adultos mayores presentó dependencia total, la percepción de disfuncionalidad familiar grave representó el 3.5%. Los cuidadores con sobrecarga intensa fueron el 32.6%, el 8.1% percibió la calidad de vida deficiente. A mayor funcionamiento familiar mayor calidad de vida del cuidador (p<.05) y a mayor sobrecarga, menor calidad de vida del cuidador (p<.05) en todas las dimensiones. Conclusiones: Se observó que la sobrecarga y funcionalidad familiar están relacionadas con la calidad de vida del cuidador, por lo que se convierten en un escenario disciplinar que plantea la posibilidad de diseñar estrategias de intervención, centradas en la sobrecarga y el funcionamiento de la familia para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida del cuidador.
Abstract Introduction: The prolonged provision of healthcare to functionally dependent persons can result in the deterioration on the caregiver's quality in terms of family dynamics and overload. Objectives: 1) To identify the relationship between the family dynamics and the quality of life of the caregiver of older adults; and 2) to estimate the quality of life and the overload of the caregiver of older adults. Methodology: This is a descriptive and correlational study with a snowball-derived sample of 86 caregivers in a communitarian center. The corresponding measures were estimated using the Barthel Index, the Family APGAR Test, the Zarit Test, and the WHOQOL-BREF Quality of Life Scale. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Spearman Correlation tests were calculated. Results: 11.6% of the older adults being cared showed total dependency. 3.5% of the caregiver's sample perceived having a severe family dysfunction. 32.6% of the sample were found having heavy overloads. 8.1% of the sample perceived having poor quality of life. In all dimensions, the better the family dynamics were, the better the quality of life of the caregivers was (p<.05), and the heavier the overload was, the worse the quality of life of the provider was (p<.05). Conclusions: It was noted that both, overload and family dynamics, are related to the quality of life of the caregivers of older adults; therefore, the design of intervention strategies should be focused on the overload and family dynamics of these professionals in order to improve their quality of life.
Resumo Introdução: Ser cuidador de pessoas com dependência funcional implica o risco de apresentar deterioro da qualidade de vida, isto pode dever-se a que o prolongamento do cuidado altera a dinâmica familiar e gera sobrecarga no cuidador. Objetivo: 1) Identificar a relação entre funcionamento familiar e qualidade de vida do cuidador do idoso e 2) Determinar a sobrecarga e qualidade de vida no cuidador do idoso. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo e correlacional, amostragem por bola de neve, a amostragem conformada por 86 cuidadores de um centro comunitário. Para as medições utilizou-se o índice de Barthel, o Teste de APGAR Familiar, a prova de Zarit e a Escala de Qualidade de Vida WHOQOL-BREF. Aplicou-se a prova de Kolmogorov Smirnov e Prova de Correlação de Spearman. Resultados: O 11.6% dos idosos apresentou dependência total, a percepção de disfuncionalidade familiar grave representou o 3.5%. Os cuidadores com sobrecarga intensa foram o 32.6%, o 8.1% percebeu a qualidade de vida deficiente. Quanto maior funcionamento familiar, maior qualidade de vida do cuidador (p<.05) e quanto maior sobrecarga, menor qualidade de vida do cuidador (p<.05) em todas as dimensões. Conclusões: Observou-se que a sobrecarga e funcionalidade familiar estão relacionadas com a qualidade de vida do cuidador, pelo que se tornam em um cenário disciplinar que envolve a possibilidade de desenhar estratégias de intervenção, centradas na sobrecarga e o funcionamento da família para o melhoramento da qualidade de vida do cuidador.
The pathways of micro- and megagametophyte development in Agave fourcroydes (henequén) and A. angustifolia were studied. We used histology and light microscopy to observe anther ontogeny and ovary differentiation in relation to flower bud size. Both species have the same sexual reproductive strategies and gametophyte development that may be divided into three phases: (1) premeiotic, which includes the establishment of the megaspore mother cell and the pollen mother cell; (2) meiotic, the formation of mature microspores and functional megaspores; (3) postmeiotic, which encompasses the development of mature pollen grains and the formation of the embryo sac. A successive type microsporogenesis was found in both species with formation of T-shaped tetrads and binuclear pollen grains. In vitro germination tests revealed very low pollen fertility. The female gametophyte is formed from two micropylar megaspore cells after the first meiotic division (bisporic type). Male and female gametogenesis occur asynchronously with microsporogenesis finishing before macrosporogenesis. The results so far show that the formation of male and female gametophytes in henequén is affected at different stages and that these alterations might be responsible for the low fertility shown by this species.