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Infant Ment Health J ; 2024 Aug 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39095946


Savoring impacts parents' emotions and parent-child relationship quality. Using data from a randomized controlled trial (N = 164 mothers of 18-27-month-olds, 37 interveners) conducted with a community sample in the United States, this study examined predictors of fidelity and treatment outcomes across two savoring preventative interventions (relational savoring and personal savoring). Treatment outcome indicators were selected from a battery administered immediately post-intervention (maternal closeness to child) and at a 3-month follow-up (maternal sensitivity, reflective functioning). We examined whether intervener education level (bachelor's degree/no bachelor's degree) predicted fidelity (Research Question 1), whether intervener education level predicted treatment outcomes (Research Question 2), and whether fidelity predicted treatment outcomes (Research Question 3). In many cases, intervener education background was not related to fidelity or treatment outcome; however, interveners without bachelor's degrees showed greater adherence to the protocols on some scales (higher positivity, higher secure base, higher calm matching) and sessions with these interveners were associated with greater increases in maternal sensitivity. Regardless of the intervener education level, redirecting attention to the positive and calmly matching participants' tone were associated with higher maternal reflective functioning, and higher secure base scores were associated with greater closeness. Findings have implications for the training and implementation of prevention programs for parents.

El sentido de disfrute tiene impacto en las emociones de los progenitores y en la calidad de la relación progenitor­niño. Este estudio examina los factores de predicción de los resultados de fidelidad y tratamiento a través de dos intervenciones preventivas del disfrute (disfrute en la relación y disfrute personal), y para ello se usaron datos de un ensayo controlado al azar (N = 164 madres de niños entre 18 y 27 meses de edad, 37 interventores) llevado a cabo con un grupo muestra comunitario en Estados Unidos. Se seleccionaron los indicadores de resultados del tratamiento a partir de una serie administrada inmediatamente después de la intervención (cercanía materna al niño) y a los 3 meses del seguimiento (sensibilidad materna, funcionamiento con reflexión). Examinamos si el nivel de educación del interventor (con licenciatura universitaria o sin ella) predijo la fidelidad (Pregunta 1 de Investigación), si el nivel de educación del interventor predijo los resultados de tratamiento (Pregunta 2 de Investigación), y si la fidelidad predijo los resultados de tratamiento (Pregunta 3 de Investigación). En muchos casos, el trasfondo educativo del interventor no se relacionó con la fidelidad o el resultado del tratamiento; sin embargo, los interventores sin licenciatura universitaria mostraron mayor adherencia a los protocolos en algunas escalas (nivel más alto de positividad, base de seguridad más alta, más alta calma en el aparejamiento) y las sesiones con estos interventores se asociaron con mayores aumentos en la sensibilidad materna. Sin tomar en cuenta el nivel de educación del interventor, el reenfocar la atención hacia lo positivo y el tono calmado de las participantes aparejadas se asociaron con un más alto nivel de funcionamiento con reflexión materno y los más altos puntajes de una base segura se asociaron con una mayor cercanía. Los resultados tienen implicaciones para el entrenamiento y la implementación de programas de prevención para progenitores.

Infant Ment Health J ; 44(2): 200-217, 2023 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36811971


Parenting interventions can improve parenting outcomes, with widespread implications for children's developmental trajectories. Relational savoring (RS) is a brief attachment-based intervention with high potential for dissemination. Here we examine data from a recent intervention trial in order to isolate the mechanisms by which savoring predicts reflective functioning (RF) at treatment follow-up through an examination of the content of savoring sessions (specificity, positivity, connectedness, safe haven/secure base, self-focus, child-focus). Mothers (N = 147, Mage  = 30.84 years, SDage  = 5.13; Race: 67.3% White/Caucasian, 12.9% other or declined to state; 10.9% biracial/multiracial, 5.4% Asian, 1.4% Native American/Alaska Native, 2.0% Black/African American; Ethnicity: 41.5% Latina) of toddlers (Mage  = 20.96 months, SDage  = 2.50; 53.5% female) were randomized to four sessions of RS or personal savoring (PS). Both RS and PS predicted higher RF, but through different means. RS was indirectly associated with higher RF through greater connectedness and specificity of savoring content, while PS was indirectly associated with higher RF through greater self-focus in savoring content. We discuss the implications of these findings for treatment development and for our understanding of the emotional experience of mothers of toddlers.

Las intervenciones sobre la crianza pueden mejorar los resultados, con implicaciones ampliamente extendidas para las trayectorias de desarrollo de los niños. Disfrute de la Relación (RS) es una intervención breve con base en la afectividad que tiene un alto potencial para ser diseminada. Aquí examinamos los datos de un reciente ensayo de intervención con el fin de aislar los mecanismos por medio de los cuales el disfrutar predice el funcionamiento con reflexión (RF) al momento del seguimiento del tratamiento a través de una examinación del contexto de las sesiones de disfrutar (especificidad, positividad, sentido de conexión, refugio seguro/base segura, auto enfoque, enfoque en el niño). Las madres (N = 147, edad promedio = 30.84 años, desviación estándar por edad = 5.13; Raza: 67.3% blanca/cáucasa, 12.9% otra o se negó a indicarla; 10.9% birracial/multirracial, 5.4% asiática, 1.4% indígena americana/indígena de Alaska, 2.0% negra/afroamericana; Etnicidad: 41.5% latina) de niños pequeñitos (edad promedio = 20.96 meses, desviación estándar por edad = 2.50; 53.5% niñas) fueron asignadas al azar a 4 sesiones de RS o de disfrute personal (PS). Ambas, RS y PS predijeron una más alta RF, pero por diferentes medios. Se asoció RS indirectamente con una más alta RF a través de un mayor sentido de conexión y especificidad del contenido de disfrute, mientras que PS se asoció indirectamente con una mayor RF a través de un mayor auto enfoque en el contenido de disfrute. Discutimos las implicaciones de estas observaciones para el desarrollo del tratamiento y para nuestra comprensión de la experiencia emocional de madres y niños pequeñitos.

Les interventions de parentage peuvent améliorer les résultats de parentage, avec des implications généralisées pour les trajectoires de développement des enfants. La Saveur relationnelle (relational savoring en anglais, soit RS) est une intervention basée sur l'attachement brève, ayant un fort potentiel de dissémination. Nous examinons ici des données de l'essai d'intervention récent de façon à isoler les mécanismes par lesquels le fait de savourer prédit le fonctionnement de réflexion (RF) au suivi du traitement au travers d'un examen du contenu des session de saveur (spécificité, positivité, connexion, refuge/base sûre, concentration, concentration-enfant). Les mères (N = 147, Mâge = 30,84 ans, SDâge = 5,13; Race: 67,3% blanches, 12,9% autre race ou ont préféré ne pas répondre; 10,9% métis/multiraciales, 5,4% asiatiques, 1,4% autochtones/natives de l'Alaska, 2,0% noires/Africaines Américaines; Ethnicité: 41.5% latinas) de jeunes enfants (Mâge = 20,96 mois, SDâge = 2,50; 53,5% de sexe féminin) ont été randomisées en 4 séances de RS ou de Saveur Personnelle (SP). La RS et la SP ont prédit un RF plus élevé mais à travers différents moyens. La RS était indirectement liée à un RF plus élevé au travers d'une plus grande connexion et une spécificité du contenu de saveur, alors que la SP était indirectement liée à une RF plus élevé au travers d'une plus grande concentration en savourant le contenu. Nous discutons les implications de ces résultats pour le développement d'un traitement et pour notre compréhension de l'expérience émotionnelle des mères de jeunes enfants.

Emociones , Madres , Humanos , Femenino , Preescolar , Adulto , Lactante , Masculino , Madres/psicología , Responsabilidad Parental/psicología , Apego a Objetos , Proyectos de Investigación
Mikrochim Acta ; 189(6): 224, 2022 05 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35585361


An electrochemical sensor for the determination of artemisinin has been developed based on a glassy carbon electrode modified with hybrid nanocomposites of cobalt phthalocyanine, graphene nanoplatelets, multi-walled carbon nanotubes and ionic liquids (IL). To improve the sensitivity and selectivity of the sensor, cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc) was used as an effective redox mediator to promote and catalyze the artemisinin reduction. Furthermore, the graphene nanoplatelets and multi-walled carbon nanotubes were used as excellent conducting supporting materials to improve the sensitivity of the electrochemical sensor. Moreover, IL with a surface charge was also employed to prevent aggregation of the graphene nanoplatelets and multi-walled carbon nanotubes. The analytical signal was generated from the reduction of Co(III)Pc generated by artemisinin. The proposed electrochemical sensor was applied to the detection of artemisinin using differential pulse voltammetry and provided a signal with wide linearity ranging from 1.5-60 µM and 60-600 µM and a detection limit of 0.70 µM (3SD/m). Furthermore, the proposed sensor displayed good repeatability and reproducibility of 2.9-3.0 and 3.1-4.4% RSD, respectively. Applications of the sensor to drug and plant samples demonstrated accuracy in a range of 105-116% recoveries. In addition, the results were in good agreement with those obtained from the HPLC method as a reference technique. Thus, the proposed electrochemical sensor provides a new alternative platform for sensitive and selective determination of artemisinin in the analysis of pharmaceuticals with good precision and accuracy.

Artemisininas , Grafito , Nanotubos de Carbono , Indoles , Compuestos Organometálicos , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados
Infant Ment Health J ; 43(5): 769-782, 2022 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35913370


Parents' emotion regulation and emotional experiences have important consequences for family well-being and child outcomes. Little is known about whether traitlike emotion regulation abilities predict statelike experiences of real-time negative emotion. Using ecological momentary assessment (EMA), this study examines associations between mothers' self-reported emotion regulation abilities and their real-time experiences of negative emotion, as well as the moderating role of caregiving context among 145 mothers (41% Hispanic; 31% earned below $40,000) of young children (mean age = 20.9 months) across a 10-day period. Results indicated that on average, mothers who report high levels of traitlike rumination and difficulties in emotion regulation also report more statelike negative emotion. Further, the presence of children weakened the associations between mothers' traitlike reports of emotion dysregulation and statelike EMA negative emotion reports. The findings demonstrate the importance of parents' emotion regulation for supporting family well-being, especially when parents are separated from their children; the findings may have implications for developing family interventions.

La regulación de la emoción y las experiencias emocionales de los padres tienen consecuencias importantes para el bienestar de la familia y los resultados en el niño. Poco se sabe acerca de si las habilidades fijas de la regulación de la emoción predicen experiencias de estado momentáneas como parte de la emoción negativa en tiempo real. Por medio de usar la evaluación ecológica momentánea (EMA), este estudio examina las asociaciones entre las habilidades de regulación de la emoción auto reportadas por las madres y sus experiencias de emoción negativa en tiempo real, así como el papel moderador del contexto de la prestación de cuidado entre 145 madres (41% hispanas; 31% con una renta por debajo de los $40,000) de niños pequeños (edad media = 20.9 meses) a lo largo de un período de diez días. Los resultados indicaron que en promedio, las madres que reportaron altos niveles de reflexiones fijas y dificultades en la regulación de la emoción, también reportaron más emoción negativa de estado momentáneo. Es más, la presencia de niños debilitó las asociaciones entre los reportes fijos de las madres de la desregulación de la emoción y los reportes de estado momentáneos EMA de emoción negativa. Los resultados demuestran la importancia de la regulación de la emoción de los progenitores para apoyar el bienestar de la familia, especialmente cuando los padres están separados de sus niños; los resultados pudieran tener implicaciones para desarrollar las intervenciones familiares.

L'émotion des parents et les expériences émotionnelles des parents ont des conséquences importantes pour le bien-être de la famille et les résultats de l'enfant. On sait peu de choses pour ce qui concerne si les capacités par traits de régulation de l'émotion prédisent les expériences par état d'émotion négative en temps réel. Utilisant une évaluation écologique momentanée (EMA) cette étude a examiné les liens entre la capacité de régulation de l'émotion au-déclarée des mères et leurs expériences d'émotion négative en temps réel, ainsi que le rôle de modération du contexte de soin de l'enfant chez 145 mères (41% Hispaniques; 31% gagnant moins de 40,000 dollars) de jeunes enfants (âge moyen = 20,9 mois) au travers d'une période de 10 jours. Les résultats indiquent qu'en moyenne les mères qui font état de niveaux élevés d'un trait de rumination et de difficultés de la régulation de l'émotion font aussi état d'un état d'émotion négative. De plus, la présence des enfants a affaibli les liens entre les rapports de traits de la dysrégulation de l'émotion des mères de les rapports de l'état de l'émotion négative EMA. Les résultats démontrent l'importance de la régulation de l'émotion des parents pour le soutien du bien-être de la famille, surtout lorsque les parents sont séparés de leurs enfants. Les résultats peuvent avoir des implications pour le développement d'interventions sur les familles.

Regulación Emocional , Madres , Niño , Preescolar , Emociones/fisiología , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Relaciones Madre-Hijo/psicología , Madres/psicología , Responsabilidad Parental/psicología , Padres
Anal Bioanal Chem ; 413(23): 5859-5869, 2021 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34318335


A novel enzymatic electrochemical biosensor was fabricated for the indirect detection of glyphosate-based acid phosphatase inhibition. The biosensor was constructed on a screen-printed carbon electrode modified with silver nanoparticles, decorated with electrochemically reduced graphene oxide, and chemically immobilized with acid phosphatase via glutaraldehyde cross-linking. We measured the oxidation current by chronoamperometry. The current arose from the enzymatic reaction of acid phosphatase and the enzyme-substrate disodium phenyl phosphate. The biosensing response is a decrease in signal resulting from inhibition of acid phosphatase in the presence of glyphosate inhibitor. The inhibition of acid phosphatase by glyphosate was investigated as a reversible competitive-type reaction based on the Lineweaver-Burk equation. Computational docking confirmed that glyphosate was the inhibitor bound in the substrate-binding pocket of acid phosphatase and that it was able to inhibit the enzyme efficiently. Additionally, the established method was applied to the selective analysis of glyphosate in actual samples with satisfactory results following a standard method.

Fosfatasa Ácida/antagonistas & inhibidores , Técnicas Electroquímicas/instrumentación , Enzimas Inmovilizadas/antagonistas & inhibidores , Glicina/análogos & derivados , Herbicidas/análisis , Técnicas Biosensibles , Glicina/análisis , Glicina/farmacología , Herbicidas/farmacología , Cinética , Límite de Detección , Simulación del Acoplamiento Molecular , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Espectrometría Raman/métodos , Glifosato
J Pediatr Psychol ; 46(10): 1162-1171, 2021 10 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34405885


OBJECTIVE: The current study investigates associations between parents' perceived coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) psychological impacts and experiences of parental burnout, children's behaviors, and income. METHODS: Data were collected during an online survey of parents' (N = 1000) pandemic experiences in April 2020. Parents (M = 36.5 years old, SD = 6.0; 82.1% White) with at least one child 12 years or younger reported on measures of mental health, perceived COVID-19 impacts, parental burnout, and perceived increases in children's stress and positive behaviors. RESULTS: Path model analyses revealed that parents who perceived increased psychological impacts from COVID-19 reported higher levels of parental burnout, greater increases in children's stress behaviors, and less positive behavior in children. Additionally, there were significant indirect effects of parental burnout on the link between COVID-19 psychological impacts and children's behaviors. Finally, family income moderated associations between psychological impacts and children's stress behaviors, such that the association was stronger for families with lower income. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest parents' perceptions of how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their mental health has implications for parent and child well-being, with stronger associations for low-income families. Given the potential for spillover effects between parents and children, promoting family well-being through practice and policy initiatives is crucial, including providing financial and caregiving relief for parents, and mental and behavioral health support for families.

COVID-19 , Pandemias , Adulto , Agotamiento Psicológico/epidemiología , Niño , Conducta Infantil , Humanos , Padres , SARS-CoV-2 , Autoinforme
Age Ageing ; 50(4): 1129-1136, 2021 06 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33993209


BACKGROUND: Patients with lower limb fractures who are non-weight bearing are at risk of the complications of the associated immobility and disability, particularly people with frailty, but there is lack of clarity about what constitutes optimal care for such patients. A scoping literature review was conducted to explore what evidence is available for the management of this patient group. METHODS: MEDLINE (PubMed) CINAHL, EMBASE and the Cochrane databases of published literature and the HMIC and SIGLE sites for grey literature were searched for primary research studies and expert reports, using an iterative approach initially including the key term 'non-weight bearing'. All study types were included. Analysis was by narrative synthesis. RESULTS: No papers were identified from a search using the key phrase 'non-weight bearing'. With this term removed, 11 indirectly relevant articles on lower limb fractures were retrieved from the searches of the electronic databases comprising three observational studies, five non-systematic review articles, a systematic review, an opinion piece and a survey of expert opinion that had relevance to restricted weight bearing patients. The observational studies indicated depression, cognition and nutrition affect outcome and hence have indirect relevance to management. The non-systematic reviews articles emphasised the importance of maintaining strength and range of movement during immobilisation and advised an orthogeriatric model of care. Fourteen UK and 97 non-UK guidelines relevant to fragility fractures, falls and osteoporosis management were found in the grey literature, but none made specific recommendations regarding the management of any period of non-weight bearing. DISCUSSION: These findings provide a summary of the evidence base that can be used in the development of a clinical guideline for these patients but is not sufficient. We propose that, a guideline should be developed for these patients using an expert consensus process.

Fracturas Óseas , Fragilidad , Anciano , Consenso , Fracturas Óseas/diagnóstico , Fracturas Óseas/terapia , Fragilidad/diagnóstico , Fragilidad/terapia , Humanos , Extremidad Inferior , Estado Nutricional
Infant Ment Health J ; 42(4): 473-487, 2021 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33377209


Parental reflective functioning (RF), the ability to consider the child's behavior as a function of mental states (cognitions, emotions), is theorized to promote emotion regulation in children via its positive impact on parenting sensitivity. Using a sample of mothers and toddlers (N = 151 dyads; 41% Latinx; 54% girls; MAge  = 21 months; SDAge  =  2.5 months), we measured mothers' self-reported RF (high RF = low certainty/high interest-curiosity/low prementalizing), toddlers' distress during a standardized challenging behavioral task (toy removal), and three methods of children's coping with distress. Then, we tested whether RF moderated the association between children's observed distress and coping during the task (mother-directed adaptive coping, task-directed adaptive coping, maladaptive aggression) as an index of emotion regulation. Although RF was not associated with toddlers' distress, indices of RF moderated the associations between distress and coping. As maternal RF increased, the positive association between toddler distress and mother-oriented behavior increased, whereas the association between toddler distress and child aggression decreased. Findings were present only for certainty of mental states, whereas no effects were present for prementalizing or interest/curiosity. We discuss these findings in terms of their contributions to theory regarding parent-child relationships, maternal RF, and child emotion regulation.

La función de reflexión de los padres (RF), la habilidad de considerar el comportamiento del niño como una función de los estados mentales, promueve, según la teoría, la regulación de la emoción en los niños por medio de su impacto en la sensibilidad de los progenitores. Con un grupo muestra de madres y niños pequeñitos (N = 151 díadas; 41% Latinx; 54% niñas; Edad M = 21 meses; Edad SD = 2.5 meses), medimos la auto-reportada RF de las madres (RF alta = baja certeza/alto interés-curiosidad/baja pre-mentalización), la angustia de los niños pequeñitos durante una tarea estándar de reto de comportamiento (apartar un juguete) y tres métodos de cómo los niños se las arreglan con la angustia. Entonces, pusimos a prueba si la RF moderaba la asociación entre la observada angustia de los niños pequeñitos y el arreglárselas con la tarea (el arreglárselas con adaptarse a la directriz de la madre, el arreglárselas con adaptarse a la directriz de la tarea, agresión mal adaptada) como índice de regulación de la emoción. A pesar de que no se asoció la RF con la angustia de los niños pequeñitos, los índices de RF moderaron las asociaciones entre la angustia y el proceso de arreglárselas. A medida que la RF aumentó, también aumentó la positiva asociación entre la angustia del niño pequeñito con ambas, orientado hacia la madre, mientras que la asociación entre la angustia del niño pequeñito y la agresividad del niño disminuyó. Los resultados estuvieron presentes sólo en cuanto a la certeza de los estados mentales, mientras que ningún efecto se presentó en el caso de la pre-mentalización o el interés/curiosidad. Discutimos estos resultados en términos de sus contribuciones a la teoría acerca de las relaciones progenitor-niño, RF materna y la regulación de la emoción del niño.

Parental reflective functioning (RF), the ability to consider the child's behavior as a function of mental states, is theorized to promote emotion regulation in children via its positive impact on parenting sensitivity. Using a sample of mothers and toddlers (N = 151 dyads; 41% Latinx; 54% girls; MAge = 21 months; SDAge = 2.5 months), we measured mothers' self-reported RF (high RF = low certainty/high interest-curiosity/low prementalizing), toddlers' distress during a standardized challenging behavioral task (toy removal), and three methods of children's coping with distress. Then, we tested whether RF moderated the association between children's observed distress and coping during the task (mother-directed adaptive coping, task-directed adaptive coping, maladaptive aggression) as an index of emotion regulation. Although RF was not associated with toddlers' distress, indices of RF moderated the associations between distress and coping. As RF increased, the positive association between toddler distress with both mother-oriented increased, whereas the association between toddler distress and child aggression decreased. Findings were present only for certainty of mental states, whereas no effects were present for prementalizing or interest/curiosity. We discuss these findings in terms of their contributions to theory regarding parent-child relationships, maternal RF, and child emotion regulation.

Regulación Emocional , Preescolar , Emociones , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Masculino , Conducta Materna , Relaciones Madre-Hijo , Madres , Responsabilidad Parental
Attach Hum Dev ; 21(5): 445-466, 2019 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30990121


This study utilized attachment theory as a framework for understanding how fathers' reflective functioning (RF) and social emotional (SE) and autonomy (AU) supportive behaviors relate to children's emotion regulation (ER) beyond effects of mothers' RF. Moreover, the study explored how fathers' RF may be a protective factor against risks associated with low income. Fathers (n = 77) and their toddlers participated. Fathers' RF was coded from narrative accounts of parenting and mothers' RF was assessed by questionnaire. Fathers' SE and AU supportive behaviors were coded from observations of father-child interactions; toddlers' ER was assessed as distress on a challenging task. Results show that, after accounting for mothers' RF, fathers' RF was directly associated with SE supportive behaviors; RF moderated the association between income and AU supportive behaviors. Fathers' SE and AU supportive behaviors were associated with children's distress. Fathers' RF plays a central role in parenting and in children's ER.

Regulación Emocional , Padre/psicología , Renta , Apego a Objetos , Responsabilidad Parental/psicología , Autonomía Personal , Adulto , Preescolar , Estudios Transversales , Emociones , Relaciones Padre-Hijo , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Masculino , Madres/psicología , Factores Socioeconómicos
J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol ; 46(5): 695-708, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26135745


The present study was designed to examine best friend influence over alcohol intoxication and truancy as a function of relative perceptions of friendship satisfaction. The participants were 700 adolescents (306 boys, 394 girls) who were involved in same-sex best friendships that were stable from one academic year to the next. Participants completed self-report measures of alcohol intoxication frequency and truancy at 1-year intervals. Each member of each friendship dyad also rated his or her satisfaction with the relationship. At the outset, participants were in secondary school (approximately 13-14 years old) or high school (approximately 16-17 years old). More satisfied friends had greater influence than less satisfied friends over changes in intoxication frequency and truancy. Problem behaviors of less satisfied friends increased over time if the more satisfied friend reported relatively higher, but not relatively lower, initial levels of drinking or truancy. The results support the hypothesis that adolescent friends are not similarly influential. The power to socialize, for better and for worse, rests with the partner who has a more positive perception of the relationship.

Conducta del Adolescente/psicología , Amigos/psicología , Problema de Conducta/psicología , Conducta Social , Adolescente , Femenino , Humanos , Relaciones Interpersonales , Masculino , Grupo Paritario
J Adolesc ; 37(5): 681-9, 2014 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24680581


In this study, we examined subgroups of adolescents based on their levels of psychopathic traits and anxiety. Participants were 914 youths from a community sample, with a mean age of 14.28 (SD = .94) years. We used adolescents' self-reports of psychopathic traits and their parents' reports of the adolescent's anxiety to identify distinct subgroups of youths. Using latent class analysis, we identified five groups that varied in levels of psychopathic traits and anxiety. Two groups were characterized by high levels of psychopathic traits and high or low scores on anxiety. Validation of these subgroups revealed that they differed significantly from each other in theoretically meaningful ways-the low-anxious subgroup reported higher levels of psychopathic traits, lower levels of impulsivity and hyperactivity, and lower levels of aggression than the high-anxious group. These findings are in line with previous empirical research and provide support that anxiety discriminates between two subgroups of adolescents with psychopathic traits.

Trastorno de Personalidad Antisocial/psicología , Ansiedad/psicología , Adolescente , Agresión/psicología , Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad/psicología , Femenino , Humanos , Delincuencia Juvenil/psicología , Masculino , Escalas de Valoración Psiquiátrica
J Youth Adolesc ; 43(10): 1658-71, 2014 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25138528


Adolescence is an important period for the development of relationships between immigrants and non-immigrants, yet little is known about how problematic personality traits affect adolescents' relationships with and attitudes toward immigrants. This work identified the roles of intergroup relationships and one dimension of problematic personality traits, namely callous-unemotional traits, in the development of adolescents' tolerance and prejudice. Three annual measurements of a large community sample (N = 1,542) of non-immigrant adolescents (M age = 15.31 at first measurement; 50.2% girls) were used to show that tolerance and prejudice toward immigrants represent two dimensions with distinct developmental trajectories from early to late adolescence. Callous-unemotional traits predicted fewer decreases in prejudice toward immigrants, yet were not directly associated with tolerance. Intergroup friendships predicted stronger increases in tolerance, which, in turn, predicted decreases in prejudice toward immigrants. Thus, tolerance and prejudice toward immigrants seem to be differentially influenced by social experiences and problematic personality traits.

Actitud , Emigrantes e Inmigrantes/psicología , Relaciones Interpersonales , Personalidad , Prejuicio/psicología , Distancia Psicológica , Psicología del Adolescente , Adolescente , Conducta del Adolescente , Emociones , Femenino , Amigos , Humanos , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Modelos Psicológicos , Modelos Estadísticos , Suecia
Scand J Psychol ; 55(4): 350-6, 2014 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24716675


An atypical subgroup of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) with impulsive rather than inhibited traits has recently been reported. The current study examined whether such an atypical subgroup could be identified in a clinical population of 84 adults with SAD. The temperament dimensions harm avoidance and novelty seeking of the Temperament and Character Inventory, and the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale were used in cluster analyses. The identified clusters were compared on depressive symptoms, the character dimension self-directedness, and treatment outcome. Among the six identified clusters, 24% of the sample had atypical characteristics, demonstrating mainly generalized SAD in combination with coexisting traits of inhibition and impulsivity. As additional signs of severity, this group showed low self-directedness and high levels of depressive symptoms. We also identified a typically inhibited subgroup comprising generalized SAD with high levels of harm avoidance and low levels of novelty seeking, with a similar clinical severity as the atypical subgroup. Thus, higher levels of harm avoidance and social anxiety in combination with higher or lower levels of novelty seeking and low self-directedness seem to contribute to a more severe clinical picture. Post hoc examination of the treatment outcome in these subgroups showed that only 20 to 30% achieved clinically significant change.

Ansiedad/diagnóstico , Conducta Impulsiva/fisiología , Trastornos Fóbicos/diagnóstico , Temperamento , Adulto , Ansiedad/psicología , Ansiedad/terapia , Carácter , Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual , Depresión/diagnóstico , Depresión/psicología , Depresión/terapia , Conducta Exploratoria , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Inventario de Personalidad , Trastornos Fóbicos/psicología , Trastornos Fóbicos/terapia , Psicoterapia de Grupo , Resultado del Tratamiento
J Fam Psychol ; 2024 Jun 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38900544


The unrealistic expectations rooted in intensive mothering beliefs can negatively impact maternal well-being. The present study investigates associations between intensive mothering beliefs, parenting guilt, and parental burnout using a person-centered approach. We first examined whether different profiles of mothers exist based on their endorsement of the five subbeliefs of the Intensive Parenting Attitudes Questionnaire. We then tested associations between these profiles and parenting guilt and parental burnout and whether mothers' demographic characteristics predicted profile membership. Using data from 291 mothers (61% White, 15% Black/African American) with at least one child under 6 years old, we identified four profiles of mothers. Two distinct patterns of intensive mothering endorsement emerged: mothers who exhibited consistent levels of endorsement across the five subbeliefs (i.e., high endorsement, moderate endorsement, and low endorsement) and mothers who were characterized by higher endorsement on fulfillment, stimulation, and child-centered but lower endorsement on essentialism and challenging (i.e., selective endorsement). Profile membership contributed to differences in parenting guilt and parental burnout. Parenting guilt was the highest in the profile characterized by the high levels of endorsement across all five subbeliefs (high endorsement) and was significantly higher than low endorsement. Parental burnout was the lowest in the selective endorsement and was significantly lower than in the high endorsement and moderate endorsement. These results highlight the heterogeneity of subscribing to intensive mothering beliefs and suggest that magnitude and patterns of endorsement of intensive mothering beliefs differentially contribute to parenting-related well-being. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).

J Fam Psychol ; 2024 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39088008


Family life dramatically changed following the COVID-19 pandemic onset. Parents faced school and childcare closures, employment changes, and other disruptions to daily life. This study utilized online survey data collected in late April 2020 (N = 1,009) of parents' experiences parenting children from 0 to 12 years during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parents in the study were primarily White (82%), married (82%), and women (89%) with one or two children (75.1%). This qualitative study explored the challenges and rewards of parenting during a public health crisis. Parents responded to separate open-ended questions asking about the rewards and challenges of parenting during COVID-19. The responses to each question were coded independently and then combined to identify broader overarching themes. Using descriptive qualitative analysis, we identified six themes related to both parenting challenges and rewards: shifting roles and responsibilities, structure and routine changes, staying at home, relationship changes, parental adaptation and well-being, child well-being, and emotional experiences. A subset of parents reported the same experiences as being both rewarding and challenging, which reflects the duality and complexity of parenting during the pandemic. These findings are interpreted through a positive psychology lens and highlight the benefit finding that exists even when parents are in extremely stressful situations. We discuss the implications of this research for better supporting parents both during and outside of major crises. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).

Scand J Psychol ; 54(3): 267-73, 2013 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23452323


Previous research has identified a subgroup of socially anxious adults who are both anxious and impulsive. To date, however, this subgroup has not been identified in adolescence. Therefore, in this study we aimed to identify this subgroup in a sample of adolescents. In addition, we hypothesized that this subgroup would be higher on problem behaviors, and that these processes would be moderated by gender. We used longitudinal data from 714 adolescents who were in the 7th and 8th grades at Time 1. They were followed annually for three years. Cluster analyses identified an anxious-inhibited subgroup as well as an anxious-impulsive subgroup in early adolescence (Time 1). The socially anxious-impulsive adolescent boys were generally higher on both intoxication frequency and delinquency compared with all other adolescents in all clusters at each time point. Findings suggest that social anxiety subgroups may differ on problem behavior, and that early detection of an anxious-impulsive subgroup may be important to prevent maladjustment, especially for adolescent boys.

Conducta del Adolescente/clasificación , Ansiedad/clasificación , Conducta Impulsiva/clasificación , Características de la Residencia , Adolescente , Conducta del Adolescente/psicología , Ansiedad/fisiopatología , Femenino , Humanos , Conducta Impulsiva/fisiopatología , Inhibición Psicológica , Masculino , Trastornos Fóbicos/clasificación , Trastornos Fóbicos/fisiopatología , Estudios Prospectivos , Caracteres Sexuales , Factores Sexuales
Emotion ; 23(2): 303-320, 2023 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35549365


Parenting young children poses numerous emotion regulation challenges, and prevention programs that promote emotion regulation skills can help with this important task of parenthood. Relational savoring (RS), which entails savoring a positive experience of interpersonal connectedness, is a brief manualized intervention program, 4 weeks in length, grounded in positive psychology and attachment theory. In the current longitudinal, randomized, controlled trial, we examined the impacts of RS compared with an active control (personal savoring [PS], defined as savoring a positive individual experience) in a sample of N = 164 mothers of toddlers (Mage = 20.93 months) on outcomes that were assessed immediately postintervention (positive emotion, closeness to child) and at a 3-month follow-up visit (parenting sensitivity, reflective functioning [RF], savoring uptake, and parenting wellness). Compared with mothers assigned to the PS condition, mothers in the RS condition had greater immediate response to the intervention (greater increases in positive emotions [gratitude, pride], closeness to their child) as well as greater increase in sensitivity to toddlers' cues at the three-month follow-up. Neither RS nor PS increased overall parenting wellness at the three-month follow-up. Latina mothers (but not non-Latina mothers) in the RS condition had higher RF and greater savoring uptake than Latina mothers in the PS condition at follow-up. Findings provide preliminary evidence of the efficacy of RS in modifying therapeutic targets and suggest evidence of the cultural congruence of RS for Latina mothers. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).

Regulación Emocional , Madres , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Regulación Emocional/fisiología , Emociones/fisiología , Hispánicos o Latinos , Madres/psicología , Responsabilidad Parental/psicología
J Child Psychol Psychiatry ; 53(8): 826-35, 2012 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22117936


BACKGROUND: Peer influence on adolescent delinquency is well established, but little is known about moderators of peer influence. In this study, we examined adolescents' (targets) and their peers' psychopathic personality traits as moderators of peer influence on delinquency in peer networks. We used three separate dimensions of the psychopathic personality: grandiose-manipulative traits, callous-unemotional traits, and impulsive-irresponsible traits. METHODS: We used a peer network approach with five waves of longitudinal data from 847 adolescents in one community. Peer nominations were not limited to the school context, thus allowing us to capture all potentially important peers. In addition, peers reported on their own delinquency, thus allowing us to avoid problems of false consensus or projection that arise when individuals report on their peers' delinquency. We used simulation investigation for empirical network analyses (SIENA), which is the only program currently available that can be used to study peer influence effects in peer networks of multiple relationships while controlling for selection effects. RESULTS: Targets' and peers' callous-unemotional and grandiose-manipulative traits uniquely moderated peer influence on delinquency. Relative to those with low levels, targets who were high on these traits were less influenced by peers' delinquency, and peers who were high on these traits were more influential on targets' delinquency. Selection effects were found for impulsive-irresponsible traits, but these traits did not moderate peer influence on delinquency. CONCLUSIONS: As the first study to look at moderating effects of psychopathic traits on peer influence, this study advances knowledge about peer influence on delinquency and about psychopathic traits in adolescents. In addition, the study contributes to the literature by looking at unique effects of the three dimensions of psychopathy and taking a peer network approach, in which network effects, self-selection, and other selection effects are controlled when examining influence and moderators of influence.

Trastorno de Personalidad Antisocial/psicología , Delincuencia Juvenil/psicología , Grupo Paritario , Adolescente , Femenino , Humanos , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Inventario de Personalidad , Escalas de Valoración Psiquiátrica , Factores Sexuales
Soc Networks ; 34(1): 18-31, 2012 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25530664


Geographic proximity is a determinant factor of friendship. Friendship datasets that include detailed geographic information are scarce, and when this information is available, the dependence of friendship on distance is often modelled by pre-specified parametric functions or derived from theory without further empirical assessment. This paper aims to give a detailed representation of the association between distance and the likelihood of friendship existence and friendship dynamics, and how this is modified by a few basic social and individual factors. The data employed is a three-wave network of 336 adolescents living in a small Swedish town, for whom information has been collected on their household locations. The analysis is a three-step process that combines 1) nonparametric logistic regressions to unravel the overall functional form of the dependence of friendship on distance, without assuming it has a particular strength or shape; 2) parametric logistic regressions to construct suitable transformations of distance that can be employed in 3) stochastic models for longitudinal network data, to assess how distance, individual covariates, and network structure shape adolescent friendship dynamics. It was found that the log-odds of friendship existence and friendship dynamics decrease smoothly with the logarithm of distance. For adolescents in different schools the dependence is linear, and stronger than for adolescents in the same school. Living nearby accounts, in this dataset, for an aspect of friendship dynamics that is not explicitly modelled by network structure or by individual covariates. In particular, the estimated distance effect is not correlated with reciprocity or transitivity effects.

J Pers ; 79(3): 499-525, 2011 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21534962


Socially anxious children and adolescents have previously been found to have friends with similarly socially anxious, withdrawn behavioral characteristics. How peers might socialize social anxiety over time has, however, not been thoroughly investigated. We examined this in a sample of 834 youths (339 girls and 495 boys; M=14.29), followed for 3 years. We used the social network analysis software SIENA to analyze the data. The results showed that youths who were socially anxious were less popular and chose fewer friends in the network. They also tended to choose friends who were socially anxious, and over time they influenced each other into becoming more socially anxious--over and above other effects. Finally, girls' social anxiety was more influenced than boys' by their friends' social anxiety levels. The results showed the significance of looking at socially anxious youths' friendships over time and embedded in social networks.

Amigos/psicología , Relaciones Interpersonales , Trastornos Fóbicos/psicología , Apoyo Social , Socialización , Adolescente , Conducta del Adolescente/psicología , Niño , Depresión/psicología , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Grupo Paritario , Escalas de Valoración Psiquiátrica