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Plant Dis ; 2024 May 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38720535


Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is a perennial crop of the family Euphorbiaceae, widely cultivated due to its phytopharmacological and economic values in China. In November 2022, a leaf spot disease on cassava was observed in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China (21.17° N, 110.18° E), with 100% disease incidence. About 80 % of leaves were covered with spots on the infected plants. Typical symptoms initially appeared as irregular water-soaked lesions that became brown and whitish with the progress of the disease, lesions gradually expanded and coalesced, causing leaf withering, drying and final fall. Tissues (4 to 5 mm) were excised from the margin of lesions, sterilized in 3% H2O2 solution for 3 min, rinsed three times with sterile water, placed on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium (containing 50mg/L penicillin), and incubated at 25-28 °C. Ten single hypha isolates with similar morphology were obtained and further purified as single conidium subcultures. The colony was grey whitish with sparse aerial mycelium and colony diameter reached 70.4 mm after four days incubation at 25-28℃ in the dark. Black pycnidia occurring as clusters were spherical or irregular, erumpent at maturity, often with a creamy whitish, conidial cirrus extruding from ostiole after 30-days incubation. Conidiophores were hyaline, smooth, unbranched. Alpha conidia were bi-guttulate, hyaline, ellipsoidal, aseptate, with dimensions of 5.1~7.5×1.9~3.4µm (mean 6.2×2.8 µm, n>50). Beta conidia were abundant, filiform, hyaline, smooth, curved in a hooked shape, with a truncate base and dimensions of 18.5-26.4 × 0.6-1.2µm (mean 23.4 × 1.0 µm, n= 40) . Gamma conidia were not observed. The morphological characteristics were similar to those of Diaporthe ueckeri (Udayanga et al. 2015). The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, large subunit (LSU) rRNA sequence, actin (ACT), calmodulin (CAL), histone H3 (HIS), translation elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF1-α), and ß-tubulin (TUB) genes of a representative isolate CCAS-MS-6 (ACCC 35497) were amplified and sequenced using primer pairs: ITS5/ITS4, LR0R/LR5, ACT-512F/ACT-783R, CAL228F/CAL737R, CYLH3F/ H3-1b, EF1-728F/ EF1-986R and Bt2a/Bt2b (Gao et al 2017;Udayanga et al 2014). All sequences were deposited in GenBank (OR361671, OR361672, and OR365605-9). BLAST search showed high similarities with sequences of Diaporthe ueckeri (Tab 1). Maximum likelihood analyses of the concatenated data of CAL, HIS, ITS, TEF and TUB using Mega 11 placed CCAS-MS-6 in the D. ueckeri clade. Thus, the fungus was identified as D. ueckeri. Three one-year old healthy plants were used for pathogenicity tests in pots. Two 15-day old leaves of each plant were cleaned with 75% alcohol, three sites on each leaf were wounded, and sites on one of the leaf were covered with fungal plugs from 15-day-old cultures on PDA, and sites on the other leaf with PDA plugs as a control. All plants were kept at ambient temperature (about 28℃) and covered with plastic bags containing sterile wet cotton to maintain the humidity. Seven days after inoculation, all inoculated sites showed symptoms of necrosis, while control sites showed no symptoms. The same fungus identified on the basis of morphological and molecular criteria was reisolated from symptomatic inoculated leaves. In China, D. ueckeri had been reported to cause diseases on Eucalyptus citriodora, Camellia sinensis, and Michelia shiluensis (Gao et al 2016; Liao et al 2023; Yi et al 2018), this is the first report on M. esculenta. The definition of the disease etiology is a prerequisite to develop effective management strategies.

Plant Dis ; 2024 May 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38812367


Hylocereus megalanthus (syn. Selenecereus megalanthus), commonly known as Yanwo fruit (bird's nest fruit), is an important tropical fruit, which is popular and widely planted due to its high nutritional and economic value in southern China. In September 2022, a serious stem and fruit canker was observed on Ecuadorian variety of Yanwo fruit plant in a 0.2 ha orchard in Guangdong (N21°19'1.24" E110°7'28.49"). Almost all plants were infected and disease incidence of fruits and stems was about 80% and 90% respectively. Symptoms on the stem and fruits were small, circular or irregular, sunken, orangish brown spots that developed into cankers (Fig 1 A, B and C). Black pycnidia were embedded under the surface of the cankers at the initial stage, subsequently they became erumpent from the surface, and the infected parts rotted. Five symptomatic stems from five plants were collected, 0.2 cm2 tissues adjacent to cankers were surface sterilized and placed on potato dextrose agar (PDA) to incubate at 25 to 28 ℃. Fungal isolates each with similar morphology grew from 100% of the tissues. Colonies covered with aerial mycelium were grayish white, and then gradually turned to grayish black. Septate hyphae were hyaline to brown and constricted into arthroconidial chains. The arthroconidia were variously shaped and colored, orbicular to rectangular, hyaline to dark brown, thick-walled, and zero- to one- septate, averaging 7.7 × 3.6 µm (n>50) (Fig 1 D, E, F and G). To identify the fungus, the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1), beta-tubulin (tub2), histone H3 (his3) and chitin synthase (chs) gene of isolate ACCC 35488 and ACCC 35489 (Agricultural Culture Collection of China) were amplified and sequenced with primer pairs: ITS1/ITS4 (White et al. 1990), EF1-728F/EF2-rd (Carbone & Kohn 1999; O'Donnell et al.1998), TUB2Fd/ TUB4Rd(Aveskamp et al 2009), CYLH3F/H3-1b (Crous et al. 2004) and CHS-79F/CHS-345R (Carbone & Kohn 1999) (ITS: OQ381102 and PP488350; tef1: OQ408545 and PP510454; tub2: OQ408546 and PP510455; his3: OQ408544 and PP510453; chs: OQ408543 and PP510452). Sequence Blastn results showed above 99% identical with those of Neoscytalidium dimidiatum ex-type strain CPC38666. Phylogenetic tree inferred from Maximum Likelihood analysis of the combined ITS, tub2 and tef1 sequences revealed two isolates clustered with N. dimidiatum (Fig 2). Pathogenicity was tested on healthy one-year-old cuttings and fruits of Ecuadorian variety at room temperature. Six sites were pin-pricked on each stem and fruit. Both wounded stems and fruits were inoculated with spore suspensions (106 spore/ml) and 6-mm fungal plugs respectively. Sterile water and agar were used as control. The test was repeated twice. Stems and fruits were enclosed in plastic boxes with 80% relative humidity. Symptoms described above were observed on inoculated stems and fruits at five days post inoculation (Fig 1 H and I). No symptoms developed on the controls. Neoscytaliudium dimidiatum was reisolated from the cankers with a frequency of 100% via morphological and molecular analysis. This is first report of stem and fruit canker caused by N. dimidiatum on H. megalanthus in China and this disease represents a serious risk of Yanwo fruit yield losses. This fungus is widespread occurring throughout the world causing diseases on a wide variety of plants. The finding will be helpful for its prevention and control.

Plant Dis ; 2024 Aug 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39207340


Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae), is a valuable multi-purpose crop, previously used for disease treatment and environmental restoration, recently is attention to use jatropha oil for produce biodiese. In June 2023, the leaf disease of approximately 60% of J. curcas was observed in Mazhang, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province (E110°27'26.8'' N22°6'14.7''). Diseased leaves showed typical anthracnose symptoms of chlorotic regions with brownish sunken necrotic lesions (Figure 1). Sections from the junction of disease were surface disinfected in 75% ethanol and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for 1 minute each. Four small pieces of infected tissue were removed from the lesion and placed on potato dextrose agar (PDA), and incubated at 25 to 28℃ in the dark. Hyphal tips from the inoculated tissues were subcultured on PDA and two isolates were purified by single spore method. The colonies on PDA were 7.8 cm diam after 10 d at 25 to 28 ℃, covered with dense, cottony, grayish-white aerial mycelium and small dark-based acervuli with orange ooze and dark brown straight setae. Conidia were hyaline, smooth-walled, aseptate, the apex and base rounded, slightly constricted near centre, 12.9 - 13.8 × 3.9 - 4.6 um (av.13.6 × 4.3 µm, n = 50). Appressoria were variable in shape, mostly simple, subglobose or irregular lobes, 5.8-9.6 × 5.7-11.2 um (Figure 2). Perithecia were not observed. These characteristics were consistent with Colletotrichum sp. (Weir, B. S., et al. 2012). Sequences of isolates ACCC 35630 and ACCC 35631 stored in Agricultural Culture Collection of China including internal transcribed spacer (ITS), actin (ACT), beta-tubulin (tub2), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and chitin synthase (chs). were amplified (Weir et al, 2012), sequenced and submitted to GenBank (ITS: PP474979 and PP474984; ACT: PP505487 and PP505488; TUB: PP505493 and PP505494; GAPDH: PP505491 and PP505492; CHS: PP505489 and PP505490). The amplicon sizes of ITS, ACT, TUB, GAPDH, and CHS were 550, 652, 500, 264, and 301 bp, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses showed that Isolates 35630 & 35631 were clustered closely association with RHCOL1 and RHCOL3. Phylogenetic analysis with MEGA 7 using the combined ITS-ACT-CHS-GAPDH-TUB2 sequences showed that the two isolates clustered with C. queenslandicum (Figure 3). To test the pathogenicity, ten healthy leaves on plants in the field were wiped with 75% alcohol and sterile water, punctured with a sterile needle and inoculated by adding 10 uL of spore suspension (1 × 105 conidia/ml) to the wounded sites. And two other leaves were added sterile water as controls. Symptoms of anthracnose were observed on leaves similar to the disease described above after 7 days of inoculation, whereas the leaves from the controls remained asymptomatic. C. queenslandicum was reisolated from the inoculated leaves. C. queenslandicum has been reported as a pathogen causing leaf and fruit anthracnose on papaya, coffee, rambutan, avocado and Persian lime etc. in tropical and temperate regions (Kunta, M., et al. 2018), and this is the first report on J. curcas in China as well as worldwide. This disease may have a significant negative impact on J. curcas cultivation.

Plant Dis ; 2023 Jul 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37498634


Artocarpus heterophyllus, known as jackfruit, was a tropical fruit and cultivated extensively as nutritional and medicinal properties in southern China in recent year. During July 2022, fruit rot was observed on the fruits at the bottom of jackfruit trees in an orchard in Zhanjiang, Guangdong (N21°9' 27" E110°17' 54") 3-4 days after typhoon. The incidence rate of fruit was about 0.3%. The initial symptom was white mycelia appearing on the surface of fruits. Mycelia with rhizomorphs spread rapidly over the fruits, formed white, often fan-shaped mats with the rapeseed size sclerotia. The infected fruits were water-soaked, quickly became rotten, and fell off. Sclerotia from disease fruits were incubated on PDA with 50 mg/L ampicillin at 25-28℃ in the dark for 2 days. Hyphae tips were transferred to get the purified isolates. Colonies with a radial growth rate of 23.2 mm/day had abundant aerial mycelia and profuse sclerotia on PDA. Hyphae of the isolates were transparent, branched, with clamp connections at septa, usually 2.9-8.3 µm (Ave. 5.8 µm) (n>30) wide. Aerial mycelia were whitish-cottony, with many narrow rhizomorphs. Spherical sclerotia developed at about 10 days after incubation, and gradually changed from white to tan-to-dark brown, and mature sclerotia were about 1.7 mm in size. The morphological characteristics was similar to those of Sclerotium rolfsii (teleomorph: Athelia rolfsii). To accurately identify the fungus, the internal transcribed spacer gene (ITS) and large subunit rRNA gene (LSU) of isolate CASS-BLM-1 were PCR amplified with primer pairs ITS1/ITS4 (White et al 1990) and V9G/LR5 (Klaubauf et al 2014). The amplicons were sequenced and deposited in GenBank with accession number OP535473 (ITS) and OP535474 (LSU). BLASTn results showed that the nucleotide sequences of ITS and LSU had high identity with corresponding sequences of A. rolfsii isolates CBS 191.62 (ITS: MH858139, 472/474(99.58%); LSU: MH869724, 882/885(99.66%)) (Vu et al 2019). Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS sequence data was obtained according to maximum likelihood method using MEGA analysis software, CASS-BLM1 was grouped in A. rolfsii clade with 100% bootstrap support value. Based on morphology and DNA sequences, the fungus was identified as A. rolfsii (anamorph: S. rolfsii). To fulfil Koch's postulates, healthy fruits on the tree and detached fruits were inoculated with 7-day-old sclerotia of isolate CASS-BLM1. Five unwound sites and five wound sites with a sterile needle were tested on each fruit and a sclerotium was put at each site. Fruits not inoculated with sclerotia were used as control the test was repeated three times. All fruit were enclosed in transparent plastic bags with sterile absorbent cotton moistened with sterile distilled water. The indoor and outdoor temperatures ranged from 25 to 30 ℃. Three days later, white mycelia were observed on all inoculation sites, and 5 days later, the inoculated fruits began to rot, while control fruits remained healthy. The same fungus with identical morphology and DNA sequences was re-isolated from the inoculated sites. Previously, A. rolfsii was reported to cause fruit rot disease on jackfruit in Bangladesh (Elahi et al 2021), this is the first report of A. rolfsii causing fruit rot on jackfruit in China. A. rolfsii is suitable for high temperature and humidity environment (Punja 1985), this report will help farmers to diagnose this disease, especially to strengthen the disease prevention during the typhoon season.

Plant Dis ; 2023 Oct 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37807092


Bottle palm (Hyophorbe lagenicaulis) is a picturesque evergreen plant in the family Aceraceae, ubiquitously cultivated as an ornamental tree throughout the tropics and subtropics due its attractive shape and small stature. During 2016-2022, brown spots were observed on the leaves of bottle palm on both sides of a campus road in Mazhang, Zhanjiang, Guangdong province (N21°8' 59.9" E110°17' 51.4"). Symptoms appeared as circular, light yellow to brownish red, slightly sunken spots, and brown to black in the center (Fig 1 A-C). The spots expanded to big irregular blotches, which finally led leaves to wither. 0ne hundred percent of 50 plants were infected and 90% of the leaves each plant were covered with brown patches of different sizes. Tissues (5 × 5 mm) from the diseased-healthy junction of the leaf spots were surface disinfected with 75% ethanol for 30 s and 3.5% hydrogen peroxide solution for 5 min, rinsed three times with sterile water and placed on potato dextrose agar (PDA) at 25-28℃ in the dark for 3 days. Fungi with the similar morphology grew from 100% of these inoculated tissues. Hyphal tips from the colony edges were transferred to PDA. Single isolates were obtained by plate dilution method after sporogenesis. Colonies with sparse aerial mycelium were flat, grey. Conidiomata were superficial, black, solitary, scattered. Conidiophores were cylindrical, densely aggregated. Alpha conidia with bi-multiguttulate were hyaline, smooth, ellipsoidal, aseptate, 4.7-7.9×1.6-3.4 µm (Av. 6.4×2.3µm, n>50). Beta conidia were filiform, slightly curved, 15.9-28.3× 0.7-1.1 µm (20.1 × 0.9 µm, n>50) (Fig 1 E-H). Gamma conidia were not observed. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions, large subunit (LSU) rRNA sequence, translation elongation factor (TEF), actin (ACT), calmodulin (CAL), histone H3 (HIS), and beta tubulin (TUB2) genes were amplified using the primers ITS4/ITS1 (White et al. 1990), LR0R/LR5, EF1-728F/EF-2, ACT-512F/ACT-783R, CAL228F/ CAL737R, CYLH3F/ H3-1b, and TUB2Fd /TUB4Rd (Aveskamp et al. 2009; Carbone and Kohn 1999; Crous et al. 2004; O'Donnell et al. 2000), respectively. All seven sequences of the isolate CCAS-JPYZ-4B (ACCC 35493) were submitted to NCBI (OR430112-3, OR451702-6). BLAST search result showed high sequence identity with several Diaporthe ueckeri isolates (Tab1). Phylogenetic analysis of the concatenated data of CAL, HIS, ITS, TEF and TUB genes using Maximum Likelihood method placed CCAS-JPYZ-4B in the D. ueckeri clade. Thus, the isolate was identified as D. ueckeri (Udayanga et al. 2015). Pathogenicity tests were performed on three 5-year-old plants, one healthy new leaf per plant and 10 sites on per leaf were slightly wounded and inoculated with 5-mm mycelial plugs from 10-day-old culture on PDA. The control sites were treated with PDA plugs. Each inoculated leaf was covered with a plastic bag to maintain high humidity and kept at natural temperatures (25-28 ℃). The experiment was repeated once. Symptoms appeared as those described as above 5 to 10 days after inoculation (Fig 1 D). Controls were asymptomatic. The fungus was reisolated from diseased leaves and identified as D. ueckeri. D. ueckeri may infect Arachis hypogaea, Cucumis melo, Camellia sinensis, Glycine max, Mangifera indica and Michelia shiluensis, and this is first report causing brown blotch on bottle palm in China. This disease occurred all year round, which seriously affected plants growth and ornamental value; it is necessary to develop an effective management strategy.

Plant Dis ; 2023 Jun 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37386704


Eucalyptus urophylla × E. camaldulensis, named Chiwei eucalypt, is a hybrid species widely used in China. Many of its clones are cultivated for afforestation due to cold tolerance, high yield, high strength and disease resistance. Clone LH1 is planted extensively for its high stability and machinability in South China. In December 2021, severe powdery mildew signs were observed on clone LH1 in Zhanjiang, Guangdong (N28°8'29"; E110°17'5"). Whitish powder principally appeared on both abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces. All plants were infected within about a week and above 90% leaves were diseased, which resulted in abnormal growth and shrinkage of leaves. Hyphae with single, lobed appressoria were hyaline, septate, branched, 3.3-6.8 µm (ave. 4.9 µm, n>50) wide. Conidiophores with a straight to flexuous foot-cell (14.7-46.1×5.4-9.7 µm, ave. 25.8×7.9 µm, n>30) were erect, hyaline, 2-septate, unbranched, 35.4-81.8 × 5.7-10.7 (ave. 56.7×8.7 µm, n>50). Conidia were solitary, hyaline, cylindrical to elliptical, 27.7-46.6 ×11.2-19.0 (ave. 35.7×16.6 µm, n>50). Chamothecia were not found on infected trees. The further identification was confirmed by partial sequences of internal transcribed spacer (ITS), large submit rRNA gene (LSU), Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), glutamine synthetase (GS), and RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2) gene. A very small amount of mycelia and spores from voucher specimens CCAS-ASBF-1 and CCAS-ASBF-2 were deposited in the herbarium of Guangdong Ocean University. Specimens were PCR amplified and sequenced with primer pairs ITS1/ITS4 (White et al 1990), LROR/LR7 (Moncalvo et al 1995), PMGAPDH1/PMGAPDH3R, GSPM2/GSPM3R and PmRpb2_4/ PMRpb2_6R (Bradshaw, et al. 2022), respectively. BLASTn results showed that ITS (OP270019 and OQ380937), LSU (OP270018 and OQ380938), GAPDH, GS and RPB2 (OQ414445- OQ414450) were above 99% identical with those of E. elevata on Catalpa bignonioides (ITS: AY587013) (Cook et al 2004), Plumeria rubra (ITS: MH985631) (Yeh et al 2019), Cerbera manghas (ITS: MZ379159; LSU: MZ379160) (Mukhtar et al 2022), and Eucalyptus camaldulensis (LSU: LC177375-6) (Meebon et al. 2017), and above 99% identical with those of Erysiphe vaccinii FH00941201 on Vaccinium corymbosum (ITS: ON073869; RPB2: ON119159; GS: ON075687) and FH00112205 on V. vacillans (ITS: ON073870; GAPDH: ON075646) (Bradshaw et al 2022). This is the first sequence data for non rDNA of E. elevata. In an ITS tree phylogenetic analysis with Maximum likelihood (ML) method showed the fungus clustered in a highly supported clade with E. elevata and E. vaccinii. In a multi-locus tree, E. elevata grouped in a sister position to E. vaccinii FH00941201. Thus, the pathogen was identified as E. elevata based on morphology, DNA BLASTn and phylogenetic analysis (Braun and Cook 2012). Pathogenicity tests were conducted on healthy leaves of 1-year-old potted plants. Ten leaves were cleaned with sterile water, inoculated by gently dusting conidia from single lesion on the naturally infected leaves, and then covered with plastic bags containing wet absorbent cotton. Non-inoculated leaves served as controls. Symptoms developed on all inoculated leaves 3 to 5 days after inoculation, and the fungus was identical to the original fungus on the infected leaves, whereas control plants remained symptomless. This is the first report of powdery mildew caused by E. elevata on Eucalyptus sp. from China. This finding is helpful for land managers to diagnose and control the disease.

Plant Dis ; 2022 Mar 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35306845


Ficus religiosa L., known as bodhi tree, is an ornamental tree and widely planted as an avenue and roadside tree due to ovate-rounded leaves with narrow, elongated tips. During 2018-2021, circular to oval-shaped leaf spots with pale white centers and brown-black edges surrounded by a chlorotic halo were observed on the leaves of more than 200 bodhi trees all year round in a park in Zhanjiang, Guangdong (N 21°15'22.29''; E110°23'1.03''). The leaf disease incidences were usually 15-80%, in severe cases, up to 100% in autumn and winter every year, and some trees shed all leaves(Fig S1). Repeated annual defoliation may weaken the tree and decrease the aesthetic value in the landscape. Diseased tissues (5 × 5 mm) of five symptomatic infected leaves were surface sterilized in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for 3 min, rinsed thrice with sterile water, plated on potato dextrose agar (PDA) amended with ampicillin (50mg/L), and incubated at 25-28 ℃ in the dark for 3-7 days. Five strains with similar morphology were obtained by transferring hyphal tips of the colonies to fresh PDA and further isolating by single spore method. Fungal colonies were flat and spreading, with sparse, white aerial mycelium, and black pycnidial conidiomata semi-immersed in PDA after 30-days incubation at 25-28 ℃ in dark. Conidiophores were hyaline and α-conidia were single-celled, oval to fusiform, guttulate, 5.3 × 2.5 µm (n>50), similar to Diaporthe sp. (Crous et al. 2015), but no ß and γ -conidia were observed. The internal transcribed spacer(ITS), large subunit ribosomal RNA gene(LSU), calmodulin (CAL) and ß-tubulin(TUB) gene regions of a representative strain were amplified using specific primers reported by White et al. (1990), Gao et al (2017) and Gomes et al (2013), and submitted to GenBank (ITS: OM200852, LSU: OM228732, CAL: OM244761, TUB: OM244760). NCBI Blastn showed above 99% identity to D. tulliensis (anamorph: Phomopsis heveicola ) isolates of ITS (MT974186, MN393590 and KX457967), LSU (KR936131), CAL (MW759801), and TUB (KR936132 and MN399886), respectively (Crous et al. 2015; Huang et al. 2021; Gong et al. 2020; Bai et al. 2017). Based on the concatenated ITS, CAL, and TUB, a Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic analyses using MEGA 10.1.8 clustered the fungus with D. tulliensis in a clade with a 93% bootstrap support(Fig S2). Therefore, the fungus was identified as D. tulliensis based on morpho- molecular characteristics. Healthy detached leaves were sanitized thrice with 70% alcohol, and rinsed with sterile water. PDA plugs with actively growing 10-days-old mycelium were placed on predetermined sites, put into a sealed box with above 80% relative humidity and incubated at room temperature (25-28℃). Each isolate was inoculated at 25 needle-wounded and unwounded sites, PDA plugs without mycelium served as controls. Symptomatic spots appeared on all wounded leaves by 7 days post-inoculation (dpi) and on all unwounded leaves by 12 dpi. No symptoms appeared on controlled leaves. Pure cultures were recovered from inoculated leaves and showed identical morpho-molecular criteria to the original isolates. More than 70 pathogenic fungi are known to cause diseases on F. religiosa while there is no record of D. tulliensis infecting bodhi according to the U.S. National Fungus Collection (Farr and Rossman 2022). This report could provide basic understanding and alerting role for horticulturist in daily management.

Front Cell Infect Microbiol ; 12: 856633, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35782123


Backgrounds and Purpose: The theory of "entero-pulmonary axis" proves that pneumonia leads to gut microbiota disturbance and Treg/Th17 immune imbalance. This study is aimed to explore the potential mechanism of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) in the treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia, in order to provide new insights into the treatment of pneumonia. Methods: Pseudomonas aeruginosa and C57/BL6 mice were used to construct the acute pneumonia mouse model, and FMT was treated. Histopathological changes in lung and spleen were observed by HE staining. The expression of CD25, Foxp3 and IL-17 was observed by immunofluorescence. The proportion of Treg and Th17 cells was analyzed by flow cytometry. Serum IL-6, LPS, and IFN-γ levels were detected by ELISA. The expression of TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-2, Foxp3, IL-17, IL-10, and TGFß1 in lung tissue homogenate was detected by qRT-PCR. 16S rRNA sequencing and non-targeted metabolomics were used to analyze gut microbiota and metabolism. Results: Pseudomonas aeruginosa caused the decrease of body weight, food and water intake, lung tissue, and spleen injury in mice with pneumonia. Meanwhile, it caused lung tissue and serum inflammation, and Treg/Th17 cell imbalance in mice with pneumonia. Pseudomonas aeruginosa reduced the diversity and number of gut microbiota in pneumonia mice, resulting in metabolic disorders, superpathway of quinolone and alkylquinolone biosynthesis. It also led to the decrease of 2-heptyl-3-hydroxy-4(1H)-quinolone biosynthesis, and the enrichment of Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism. FMT with or without antibiotic intervention restored gut microbiota abundance and diversity, suppressed inflammation and tissue damage, and promoted an immunological balance of Treg/Th17 cells in mice with pneumonia. In addition, FMT inhibited the aerobactin biosynthesis, 4-hydroxyphenylacetate degradation, superpathway of lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis and L-arabinose degradation IV function of microbiota, and improved amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism. Conclusions: FMT restored the Treg/Th17 cells' balance and improved inflammation and lung injury in mice with Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia by regulating gut microbiota disturbance and metabolic disorder.

Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Neumonía , Quinolonas , Amino Azúcares/metabolismo , Animales , Factores de Transcripción Forkhead/metabolismo , Inflamación/metabolismo , Interleucina-17/metabolismo , Interleucina-6/metabolismo , Ratones , Nucleótidos/metabolismo , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Quinolonas/metabolismo , ARN Ribosómico 16S/genética , Linfocitos T Reguladores , Células Th17
World J Clin Cases ; 8(19): 4615-4623, 2020 Oct 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33083426


BACKGROUND: Primary hepatic myelolipoma is a rare hepatic mesenchymal tumor mixed by adipose tissue and bone marrow, and there is a lack of general guidelines related to its epidemiology and clinical management. CASE SUMMARY: A 26-year-old woman was admitted to our department complaining of a newly found tumor on her left lobe of the liver. The tumor was painless and not associated with any systemic or localized compressive symptoms. Serological tests disclosed a slight increase of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (70.0 U/L) and total bilirubin (19.2 µmol/L). Ultrasonography showed a mass about 5.0 cm × 5.0 cm in size that was located in the left lobe of the liver and displayed hyperechoic and well-encapsulated characteristics. Surgical resection was applied, and the following histopathological examination observed a variable proportion of myeloid tissues scattering throughout mature fibrotic adipose tissues, in which myeloid, erythroid, and megakaryocytic cells can be found in magnified view. The follow-up did not show any changes 6 mo after surgery. CONCLUSION: This case highlights an extremely rare hepatic mesenchymal tumor, the primary hepatic myelolipoma, and discloses the common characteristics behind this disease and gives clinical recommendations.

Chronic Dis Transl Med ; 6(1): 6-17, 2020 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32226930


The tumor microenvironment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is non-immunogenic, which consists of the stellate cells, fibroblasts, immune cells, extracellular matrix, and some other immune suppressive molecules. This low tumor perfusion microenvironment with physical dense fibrotic stroma shields PDAC from traditional antitumor therapies like chemotherapy and various strategies that have been proven successful in other types of cancer. Immunotherapy has the potential to treat minimal and residual diseases and prevent recurrence with minimal toxicity, and studies in patients with metastatic and nonresectable disease have shown some efficacy. In this review, we highlighted the main components of the pancreatic tumor microenvironment, and meanwhile, summarized the advances of some promising immunotherapies for PDAC, including checkpoint inhibitors, chimeric antigen receptors T cells, and cancer vaccines. Based on our previous researches, we specifically discussed how granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor based pancreatic cancer vaccine prime the pancreatic tumor microenvironment, and introduced some novel immunoadjuvants, like the stimulator of interferon genes.