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Psychol Med ; 54(7): 1361-1372, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38179660


BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted many areas of life, including culturally accepted practices at end-of-life care, funeral rites, and access to social, community, and professional support. This survey investigated the mental health outcomes of Australians bereaved during this time to determine how these factors might have impacted bereavement outcomes. METHODS: An online survey indexing pandemic and bereavement experiences, levels of grief, depression, anxiety, and health, work, and social impairment. Latent class analysis (LCA) was used to identify groups of individuals who shared similar symptom patterns. Multinomial regressions identified pandemic-related, loss-related, and sociodemographic correlates of class membership. RESULTS: 1911 Australian adults completed the survey. The LCA identified four classes: low symptoms (46.8%), grief (17.3%), depression/anxiety (17.7%), and grief/depression/anxiety (18.2%). The latter group reported the highest levels of health, work, and social impairment. The death of a child or partner and an inability to care for the deceased due to COVID-19 public health measures were correlated with grief symptoms (with or without depression and anxiety). Preparedness for the person's death and levels of pandemic-related loneliness and social isolation differentiated all four classes. Unemployment was associated with depression/anxiety (with or without grief). CONCLUSIONS: COVID-19 had profound impacts for the way we lived and died, with effects that are likely to ricochet through society into the foreseeable future. These lessons learned must inform policymakers and healthcare professionals to improve bereavement care and ensure preparedness during and following future predicted pandemics to prevent negative impacts.

Pueblos de Australasia , Aflicción , COVID-19 , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Adulto , Humanos , Australia/epidemiología , COVID-19/psicología , Pesar , Análisis de Clases Latentes , Salud Mental , Pandemias , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/psicología
Liver Int ; 44(9): 2191-2196, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38813949


Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is the commonest of the porphyrias (Semin Liver Dis 1998;18:67). It often occurs secondary to an underlying internal disorder, has significant impacts on liver health and longevity, and is a treatable disease. Thus, for the clinician, recognising the disease to make the correct diagnosis, identifying causative underlying diseases, and treating the porphyria and its complications, are crucial. Although reviews on the management of PCT have been written, there have recently been significant advances in the understanding of the factors predisposing to the disease, and of its wider health impacts. This review aims to help the clinician to diagnose and manage patients with PCT, with an emphasis on the impact of recent advances on clinical management.

Porfiria Cutánea Tardía , Humanos , Porfiria Cutánea Tardía/diagnóstico , Porfiria Cutánea Tardía/terapia , Porfiria Cutánea Tardía/complicaciones , Factores de Riesgo
AIDS Behav ; 2024 Sep 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39307897


People with HIV (PWH) are at increased risk for metabolic disorders affecting body mass index (BMI), chronic symptoms, and impaired physical function and capacity. Although physical activity improves health and well-being, PWH often do not meet activity recommendations necessary to achieve these benefits. Despite the known impact of symptoms, physical activity, and physical function on health, little is known about the relationships and interactions between these variables and BMI and maximum oxygen consumption during exercise (VO2 max) in a multinational population of PWH. We examined the relationship of BMI with PROMIS-29 measures, physical activity, strength, flexibility, and VO2 max in a diverse sample of PWH. Additionally, we examined the relationship of VO2 max with PROMIS-29 measures. Data from 810 PWH who participated in a cross-sectional study conducted by the International Nursing Network for HIV Research (Study VII) were analyzed. Participants were recruited from 8 sites across the United States, Thailand, and South Africa. BMI was calculated from collected height and weight data. Physical function and symptoms were assessed using the PROMIS-29 measure. Physical activity was assessed using the 7-day Physical Activity Recall. VO2 max was calculated using sex at birth, age, BMI and the 6-minute Walk Test. Data were analyzed using descriptive, correlational, and regression statistical analyses. Participants had an average age of 49.1 (± 11.1) years, 44% were female, and the average BMI of the sample group was 27 kg/m2 (± 6.7). Increased BMI was associated with decreased 6-minute Walk Test (ß=-2.18, p < 0.001), flexibility (ß=-0.279, p < 0.001), and VO2 max (ß=-0.598, p < 0.001), even after controlling for covariates (age, sex at birth, country, years living with HIV, and antiretroviral therapy status). BMI was not associated with self-reported physical activity. Increased VO2 max was associated with increased physical function (ß = 0.069, p < 0.001), and decreased pain (ß=-0.047, p < 0.006), even after controlling for covariates (country, years living with HIV, and antiretroviral therapy status). Future research should explore development of effective and sustainable symptom self-management interventions in PWH accounting for the potential impact of BMI and VO2 max.

Conserv Biol ; : e14295, 2024 May 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38766922


Purse-seine fishers using drifting fish aggregating devices (dFADs), mainly built with bamboo, plastic buoys, and plastic netting, to aggregate and catch tropical tuna, deploy 46,000-65,000 dFADs per year in the Pacific Ocean. Some of the major concerns associated with this widespread fishing device are potential entanglement of sea turtles and other marine fauna in dFAD netting; marine debris and pollution; and potential ecological damage via stranding on coral reefs, beaches, and other essential habitats for marine fauna. To assess and quantify the potential connectivity (number of dFADs deployed in an area and arriving in another area) between dFAD deployment areas and important oceanic or coastal habitat of critically endangered leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) sea turtles in the Pacific Ocean, we conducted passive-drift Lagrangian experiments with simulated dFAD drift profiles and compared them with known important sea turtle areas. Up to 60% of dFADs from equatorial areas were arriving in essential sea turtle habitats. Connectivity was less when only areas where dFADs are currently deployed were used. Our simulations identified potential regions of dFAD interactions with migration and feeding habitats of the east Pacific leatherback turtle in the tropical southeastern Pacific Ocean; coastal habitats of leatherback and hawksbill in the western Pacific (e.g., archipelagic zones of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands); and foraging habitat of leatherback in a large equatorial area south of Hawaii. Additional research is needed to estimate entanglements of sea turtles with dFADs at sea and to quantify the likely changes in connectivity and distribution of dFADs under new management measures, such as use of alternative nonentangling dFAD designs that biodegrade, or changes in deployment strategies, such as shifting locations.

Simulación de las trayectorias de dispositivos de concentración de peces a la deriva para identificar las interacciones potenciales con las tortugas marinas en peligro de extinción Resumen Los pescadores que usan redes de cerco con dispositivos de concentración de peces a la deriva (dFADs), hechos principalmente con bambú, boyas de plástico y redes de plástico, para concentrar y capturar atún, instalan entre 46,000 y 65,000 dFADs al año en el Océano Pacífico. Algunas de las problemáticas principales asociadas con este dispositivo de pesca de uso extenso son el enredamiento potencial de tortugas marinas y otras especies marinas en las redes de los dFADs; los desechos marinos y la contaminación; y el potencial daño ecológico por el varamiento en los arrecifes de coral, playas y otros hábitats esenciales para la fauna marina. Realizamos experimentos lagrangianos de deriva pasiva con la simulación de perfiles de deriva de los dFADs y los comparamos con áreas conocidas de importancia para las tortugas marinas. Esto fue con el objetivo de evaluar y cuantificar la conectividad potencial (número de dFADs instalados en un área que llegan a otra área) entre las áreas de instalación de dFADs y los hábitats oceánicos o costeros importantes para la tortuga laúd (Dermochelys coriacea) y la tortuga de carey (Eretmochelys imbricata), ambas en peligro crítico de extinción, en el Océano Pacífico. Hasta el 60% de los dFADs de las áreas ecuatoriales llegaron a los hábitats esenciales para las tortugas marinas. La conectividad fue menor sólo cuando se usaron áreas en donde actualmente hay dFADs instalados. Nuestras simulaciones identificaron regiones potenciales de interacción entre los dFADs y los hábitats de migración y alimentación de la tortuga laúd en el sureste tropical del Océano Pacífico; los hábitats costeros de ambas especies en el Pacífico occidental (p. ej.: zonas de archipiélagos en Indonesia, Papúa Nueva Guinea y en las Islas Salomón); y en el hábitat de forrajeo de la tortuga laúd en una gran área ecuatorial al sur de Hawái. Se requiere de mayor investigación para estimar el enredamiento de las tortugas marinas con los dFADs en el mar y para cuantificar los cambios probables en la conectividad y la distribución de los dFADs bajo nuevas medidas de manejo, como el uso alternativo de diseños que eviten el enredamiento y sean biodegradables, o cambios en las estrategias de instalación, como la reubicación.

Rev Sci Tech ; 43: 96-107, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39222107


The estimation of the global burden of animal diseases requires the integration of multidisciplinary models: economic, statistical, mathematical and conceptual. The output of one model often serves as input for another; therefore, consistency of the model components is critical. The Global Burden of Animal Diseases (GBADs) Informatics team aims to strengthen the scientific foundations of modelling by creating tools that address challenges related to reproducibility, as well as model, data and metadata interoperability. Aligning with these aims, several tools are under development: a) GBADs'Trusted Animal Information Portal (TAIL) is a data acquisition platform that enhances the discoverability of data and literature and improves the user experience of acquiring data. TAIL leverages advanced semantic enrichment techniques (natural language processing and ontologies) and graph databases to provide users with a comprehensive repository of livestock data and literature resources. b) The interoperability of GBADs'models is being improved through the development of an R-based modelling package and standardisation of parameter formats. This initiative aims to foster reproducibility, facilitate data sharing and enable seamless collaboration among stakeholders. c) The GBADs Knowledge Engine is being built to foster an inclusive and dynamic user community by offering data in multiple formats and providing user-friendly mechanisms to garner feedback from the community. These initiatives are critical in addressing complex challenges in animal health and underscore the importance of combining scientific rigour with user-friendly interfaces to empower global efforts in safeguarding animal populations and public health.

L'estimation de l'impact mondial des maladies animales nécessite l'utilisation intégrée de modèles issus de diverses disciplines : économiques, statistiques, mathématiques et conceptuels. Les données de sortie d'un modèle constituent souvent celles d'entrée d'un autre modèle ; la cohérence des composantes des différents modèles est donc primordiale. L'équipe informatique du programme " Impact mondial des maladies animales " (GBADs) s'efforce de consolider les bases scientifiques de l'utilisation des modèles en mettant au point des outils permettant de résoudre les problèmes de reproductibilité et d'améliorer l'interopérabilité entre les différents modèles, données et métadonnées. En phase avec ces objectifs, plusieurs outils sont en cours de développement : a) le Portail du GBADs " Trusted Animal Information Portal " (TAIL) est une plateforme d'acquisition de données qui facilite l'accès aux données et à la littérature, tout en améliorant l'expérience utilisateur lors de l'acquisition des données. Le portail TAIL s'appuie sur des techniques avancées d'enrichissement sémantique (traitement du langage naturel et ontologies) et sur des bases de données graphiques pour apporter aux utilisateurs un référentiel complet des données et des ressources documentaires relatives aux animaux d'élevage ; b) l'interopérabilité des modèles du GBADs est en voie d'amélioration grâce à la mise au point d'un progiciel de modélisation fondé sur R et à la normalisation des formats de paramètres. Cette initiative vise à favoriser la reproductibilité, à faciliter le partage de données et à permettre une collaboration transparente entre les parties prenantes ; c) le moteur de connaissances du GBADs, en cours de construction, vise à encourager une communauté d'utilisateurs inclusive et dynamique en proposant des données dans une multiplicité de formats ainsi que des mécanismes conviviaux pour recueillir les commentaires de la communauté. Ces initiatives se révéleront indispensables pour relever les défis complexes de la santé animale et soulignent l'importance d'associer une grande rigueur scientifique à la convivialité des interfaces, afin de donner encore plus d'élan aux efforts déployés dans le monde pour protéger les populations animales et la santé publique.

La estimación del impacto global de las enfermedades animales requiere la integración de modelos multidisciplinarios: económicos, estadísticos, matemáticos y conceptuales. El resultado de un modelo a menudo sirve de entrada para otro; por lo tanto, la coherencia entre los distintos componentes es fundamental. El equipo de informática del programa sobre el Impacto Global de las Enfermedades Animales (GBADs) tiene como objetivo fortalecer los fundamentos científicos de la modelización mediante la creación de herramientas que aborden los retos relacionados con la reproducibilidad, así como con la interoperabilidad de los modelos, datos y metadatos. En consonancia con estos objetivos, se están desarrollando varias herramientas: a) El Portal del GBADs "Trusted Animal Information Portal" (TAIL) es una plataforma de adquisición de datos que mejora tanto la descubribilidad de datos y bibliografía como la experiencia del usuario a la hora de obtener datos. El portal TAIL utiliza técnicas avanzadas de enriquecimiento semántico (procesamiento del lenguaje natural y ontologías), así como bases de datos de grafos, para ofrecer a los usuarios un repositorio completo de datos sobre ganadería y recursos bibliográficos. b) Se está mejorando la interoperabilidad de los modelos del GBADs mediante el desarrollo de un paquete de modelización en R y la normalización de los formatos de los parámetros. Esta iniciativa pretende fomentar la reproducibilidad, facilitar el intercambio de datos y permitir una colaboración fluida entre las partes interesadas. c) El Motor de Conocimiento del GBADs se está construyendo con el objetivo de fomentar una comunidad de usuarios inclusiva y dinámica, ofreciendo datos en diferentes formatos y proporcionando mecanismos fáciles de usar para recopilar comentarios de la comunidad. Estas iniciativas son fundamentales para hacer frente a los complejos retos en el ámbito de la sanidad animal y subrayan la importancia de combinar el rigor científico con interfaces fáciles de usar para potenciar los esfuerzos mundiales encaminados a proteger a las poblaciones animales y la salud pública.

Enfermedades de los Animales , Exactitud de los Datos , Animales , Enfermedades de los Animales/prevención & control , Salud Global , Bases de Datos Factuales
Health Care Women Int ; 45(9): 1061-1080, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38180353


Infectious and Congenital Syphilis rates continue to rise globally. Current recommendations for syphilis screening and treatment may be insufficient, and there is a pressing need for improved programs and services to address the increase in cases. A scoping review was conducted to examine approaches to maternal syphilis screening and treatment. Theoretical underpinnings and the key characteristics of these interventions were studied to identify gaps in the existing literature to guide future research. Developing a modified version of the socio-ecological model to guide data analysis, we included 33 academic studies spanning 31 years, covering a range of interventions, programs, and policies globally. We highlight key facets of interventions aligning with the five levels of the modified model that include: individual, interpersonal, institutional, community and policy. In this review, we provide valuable insights into the characteristics and principles of maternal syphilis screening and treatment interventions.

Even with advances in care, there remain many similarities in interventions for the improved treatment and screening of maternal syphilis over the past 30 years.There is a need for meaningful research that engages community members in study and intervention development and considers the social determinants of health in the context of maternal syphilis care.Examining interventions in relation to the socio-ecological model may help guide policymakers, researchers, and clinicians in intervention development.

Tamizaje Masivo , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo , Sífilis Congénita , Sífilis , Humanos , Femenino , Sífilis/diagnóstico , Sífilis/terapia , Embarazo , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo/terapia , Atención Prenatal , Servicios de Salud Materna/organización & administración , Salud Global , Transmisión Vertical de Enfermedad Infecciosa/prevención & control
Gene Ther ; 30(12): 792-800, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37696981


Gene therapy approaches using adeno-associated viral vectors have been successfully tested in the equine post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) model. Owing to differences in the levels of transgene expression and adverse tissue reactions observed in published studies, we sought to identify a safe therapeutic dose of scAAVIL-1ra in an inflamed and injured joint that would result in improved functional outcomes without any adverse events. scAAVIL-1ra was delivered intra-articularly over a 100-fold range, and horses were evaluated throughout and at the end of the 10-week study. A dose-related increase in IL-1ra levels with a decrease in PGE2 levels was observed, with the peak IL-1ra concentration being observed 7 days post-treatment in all groups. Perivascular infiltration with mononuclear cells was observed within the synovial membrane of the joint treated with the highest viral dose of 5 × 1012 vg, but this was absent in the lower-dosed joints. The second-highest dose of scAAVeqIL-1ra 5 × 1011 vg demonstrated elevated IL-1ra levels without any cellular response in the synovium. Taken together, the data suggest that the 10-fold lower dose of 5 × 1011vg scAAVIL-1ra would be a safe therapeutic dose in an equine model of PTOA.

Proteína Antagonista del Receptor de Interleucina 1 , Osteoartritis , Animales , Caballos/genética , Proteína Antagonista del Receptor de Interleucina 1/genética , Proteína Antagonista del Receptor de Interleucina 1/metabolismo , Proyectos Piloto , Vectores Genéticos , Osteoartritis/terapia , Osteoartritis/metabolismo , Modelos Animales
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(14): 7799-7802, 2020 04 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32205434


Cytoskeletons are self-organized networks based on polymerized proteins: actin, tubulin, and driven by motor proteins, such as myosin, kinesin, and dynein. Their positive Darwinian evolution enables them to approach optimized functionality (self-organized criticality). Dynein has three distinct titled subunits, but how these units connect to function as a molecular motor is mysterious. Dynein binds to tubulin through two coiled coil stalks and a stalk head. The energy used to alter the head binding and propel cargo along tubulin is supplied by ATP at a ring 1,500 amino acids away. Here, we show how many details of this extremely distant interaction are explained by water waves quantified by thermodynamic scaling. Water waves have shaped all proteins throughout positive Darwinian evolution, and many aspects of long-range water-protein interactions are universal (described by self-organized criticality). Dynein water waves resembling tsunami produce nearly optimal energy transport over 1,500 amino acids along dynein's one-dimensional peptide backbone. More specifically, this paper identifies many similarities in the function and evolution of dynein compared to other cytoskeleton proteins such as actin, myosin, and tubulin.

Adenosina Trifosfato/genética , Citoesqueleto/genética , Dineínas/genética , Evolución Molecular , Actinas , Secuencia de Aminoácidos/genética , Animales , Fenómenos Biofísicos , Aptitud Genética/genética , Cinesinas/genética , Microtúbulos/genética , Miosinas/genética , Conformación Proteica , Tubulina (Proteína)/genética
Am Fam Physician ; 108(4): 370-377, 2023 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37843944


Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is an inflammatory disease of the nose and paranasal sinuses, with a prevalence of approximately 1% to 7%. It is defined by the presence of at least two cardinal symptoms (nasal blockage, obstruction, or congestion; anterior or posterior nasal drainage; facial pain or pressure; and hyposmia) for at least three consecutive months, with objective findings on imaging or nasal endoscopy. CRS can result in significant patient costs and lower quality of life due to severe fatigue, depression, and sometimes reduced cognitive function. The condition is categorized as primary or secondary and with or without nasal polyps. Treatment is directed at reducing symptoms, improving mucus clearance, reducing inflammation, enhancing ciliary function, and removing bacteria and biofilms from the nasal mucosa. First-line treatment comprises nasal saline irrigation and intranasal corticosteroids. Acute exacerbation of CRS is common and is defined as a transient worsening of symptoms. The role of oral antibiotics and oral corticosteroids for acute exacerbations is unclear. Optimal maintenance therapy can help alleviate exacerbations. Patients with refractory CRS that is not responsive to first-line treatment and patients with alarm symptoms should be referred to an otolaryngologist for further evaluation and consideration of surgical management. Identifying patients who have CRS with nasal polyps or comorbid conditions such as atopic dermatitis, asthma, or eosinophilic esophagitis is especially important to ensure they are referred to a specialist for consideration of biologic therapy.

Pólipos Nasales , Rinitis , Sinusitis , Humanos , Pólipos Nasales/diagnóstico , Pólipos Nasales/terapia , Pólipos Nasales/complicaciones , Calidad de Vida , Rinitis/diagnóstico , Rinitis/terapia , Sinusitis/diagnóstico , Sinusitis/terapia , Corticoesteroides/uso terapéutico , Enfermedad Crónica
Ergonomics ; 66(9): 1369-1381, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36368901


The label 'Stop' potentially generates conflict-signifying important corrective action, or a warning not to touch. To examine potential conflict between an incongruent label (i.e. STOP) and an imperative command (i.e. MOVE!), 18 participants used a computer mouse to move a crosshair cursor to targets with superimposed labels. Trials systematically varied Imperative (blank or MOVE!), Label (+GO + or STOP) and movement Distance. Kinematic analyses examined response latency, movement duration and accuracy. Incongruent labels had little impact upon response latencies, but they affected cursor deceleration and the variability of cursor placement. Although reading is assumed to be obligatory, the impact of written labels is not immediate, instead affecting cursor deceleration. Indeed, responses to controls labelled STOP were less accurate than those labelled + GO+. As labelled interfaces can create error versus command confusions, enhancing the discriminability of controls to afford more obvious visible cues as to method of use is recommended. Practitioner summary: Emergency stop and shutdown controls can cause response conflict as their labels signify both urgent corrective actions and 'don't touch'. Response conflict caused by confusing superimposed labels is resolved as cursors near the target control and may result in reduced movement accuracy. Prior warnings may influence resolution of response conflict. Abbreviations: Hz: Hertz; M: Mean; ms: millisecond; mm: millimetre; S: second; SD: Standard Deviation; SE: Standard Error; USB: Universal Serial Bus.

Can Oncol Nurs J ; 33(3): 300-309, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38919903


A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted to determine factors influencing Canadian oncology nurses discussing cannabis use with patients experiencing chemotherapy-induced nausea (CIN). A survey invitation and three reminders were sent to 678 members of the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO) between February 8 and April 10, 2022. An educator sent an extra invitation to 131 oncology nurses in Eastern Ontario. The survey was based on the Ottawa Model of Research Use. Twenty-seven opened the link to the survey and 25 responded. Of 25 nurses, 11 (47.8%) correctly answered the knowledge question about the effectiveness of cannabis for CIN. The top three barriers to discussing cannabis use were social stigma, nurses' lack of knowledge, and lack of guidance within the workplace. All participants identified needing continuing education and written guidance about use of cannabis for CIN. Although few oncology nurses responded to the survey, most indicated feeling inadequately prepared to discuss cannabis use with patients experiencing CIN.

AIDS Care ; 34(7): 926-935, 2022 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34612090


Little is known about how demographic, employment and meteorological factors impact physical activity. We conducted an analysis to explore these associations from participants (N = 447) from six cities in the United States and matched their activity data with abstracted local meteorological data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather reports. Participants were purposively recruited in 3-month blocks, from December 2015 to October 2017, to reflect physical activity engagement across the seasons. We calculated total physical activity (minutes/week) based on 7-day physical activity recall. Mild correlations were observed between meteorological factors and correlated with lower physical activity. Participants were least active in autumn (Median = 220 min/week) and most active in spring (Median = 375 min/week). In addition to level of education and total hours of work, maximum temperature, relative humidity, heating degree day, precipitation and sunset time together explained 17.6% of variance in total physical activity. Programs assisting in employment for PLHIV and those that promote indoor physical activity during more strenuous seasons are needed. Additional research to better understand the selection, preferences, and impact of indoor environments on physical activity is warranted.

Infecciones por VIH , Ciudades , Ejercicio Físico , Infecciones por VIH/epidemiología , Humanos , Estaciones del Año , Tiempo (Meteorología)
Physica A ; 598: 127318, 2022 Jul 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35431416


The novel coronavirus SARS CoV-2 responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic and SARS CoV-1 responsible for the SARS epidemic of 2002-2003 share an ancestor yet evolved to have much different transmissibility and global impact 1. A previously developed thermodynamic model of protein conformations hypothesized that SARS CoV-2 is very close to a new thermodynamic critical point, which makes it highly infectious but also easily displaced by a spike-based vaccine because there is a tradeoff between transmissibility and robustness 2. The model identified a small cluster of four key mutations of SARS CoV-2 that predicts much stronger viral attachment and viral spreading compared to SARS CoV-1. Here we apply the model to the SARS-CoV-2 variants Alpha (B.1.1.7), Beta (B.1.351), Gamma (P.1) and Delta (B.1.617.2)3 and predict, using no free parameters, how the new mutations will not diminish the effectiveness of current spike based vaccines and may even further enhance infectiousness by augmenting the binding ability of the virus.

Nurs Outlook ; 70(1): 36-46, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34627615


The purpose of this consensus paper was to convene leaders and scholars from eight Expert Panels of the American Academy of Nursing and provide recommendations to advance nursing's roles and responsibility to ensure universal access to palliative care. On behalf of the Academy, these evidence-based recommendations will guide nurses, policy makers, government representatives, professional associations, and interdisciplinary and community partners to integrate palliative nursing services across health and social care settings. Through improved palliative nursing education, nurse-led research, nurse engagement in policy making, enhanced intersectoral partnerships with nursing, and an increased profile and visibility of palliative care nurses worldwide, nurses can assume leading roles in delivering high-quality palliative care globally, particularly for minoritized, marginalized, and other at-risk populations. Part II herein provides a summary of international responses and policy options that have sought to enhance universal palliative care and palliative nursing access to date. Additionally, we provide ten policy, education, research, and clinical practice recommendations based on the rationale and background information found in Part I. The consensus paper's 43 authors represent eight countries (Australia, Canada, England, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, South Africa, United States of America) and extensive international health experience, thus providing a global context for the subject matter.

Consenso , Testimonio de Experto , Salud Global , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud , Enfermería de Cuidados Paliativos al Final de la Vida , Cuidados Paliativos/normas , Enfermería Basada en la Evidencia/tendencias , Política de Salud , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud/normas , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud/tendencias , Humanos , Sociedades de Enfermería , Participación de los Interesados , Atención de Salud Universal
Anal Chem ; 93(26): 9041-9048, 2021 07 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34165299


Measurements of protein higher order structure (HOS) provide important information on stability, potency, efficacy, immunogenicity, and biosimilarity of biopharmaceuticals, with a significant number of techniques and methods available to perform these measurements. The comparison of the analytical performance of HOS methods and the standardization of the results is, however, not a trivial task, due to the lack of reference protocols and reference measurement procedures. Here, we developed a protocol to structurally alter and compare samples of somatropin, a recombinant biotherapeutic, and describe the results obtained by using a number of techniques, methods and in different laboratories. This, with the final aim to provide tools and generate a pool of data to compare and benchmark analytical platforms and define method sensitivity to structural changes. Changes in somatropin HOS, induced by the presence of zinc at increasing concentrations, were observed, both globally and at more localized resolution, across many of the methods utilized in this study and with different sensitivities, suggesting the suitability of the protocol to improve understanding of inter- and cross-platform measurement comparability and assess analytical performance as appropriate.

Laboratorios , Estándares de Referencia
Nature ; 518(7540): 525-8, 2015 Feb 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25686601


The Martian limb (that is, the observed 'edge' of the planet) represents a unique window into the complex atmospheric phenomena occurring there. Clouds of ice crystals (CO2 ice or H2O ice) have been observed numerous times by spacecraft and ground-based telescopes, showing that clouds are typically layered and always confined below an altitude of 100 kilometres; suspended dust has also been detected at altitudes up to 60 kilometres during major dust storms. Highly concentrated and localized patches of auroral emission controlled by magnetic field anomalies in the crust have been observed at an altitude of 130 kilometres. Here we report the occurrence in March and April 2012 of two bright, extremely high-altitude plumes at the Martian terminator (the day-night boundary) at 200 to 250 kilometres or more above the surface, and thus well into the ionosphere and the exosphere. They were spotted at a longitude of about 195° west, a latitude of about -45° (at Terra Cimmeria), extended about 500 to 1,000 kilometres in both the north-south and east-west directions, and lasted for about 10 days. The features exhibited day-to-day variability, and were seen at the morning terminator but not at the evening limb, which indicates rapid evolution in less than 10 hours and a cyclic behaviour. We used photometric measurements to explore two possible scenarios and investigate their nature. For particles reflecting solar radiation, clouds of CO2-ice or H2O-ice particles with an effective radius of 0.1 micrometres are favoured over dust. Alternatively, the plume could arise from auroral emission, of a brightness more than 1,000 times that of the Earth's aurora, over a region with a strong magnetic anomaly where aurorae have previously been detected. Importantly, both explanations defy our current understanding of Mars' upper atmosphere.

BMC Public Health ; 21(1): 663, 2021 04 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33827510


BACKGROUND: Infant feeding practices are imperative for babies' and mothers' health and emotional wellbeing. Although infant feeding may seem simple, the decisions surrounding it are complex and have far-reaching implications for women globally. This is an especially difficult concern among mothers living with HIV because breastfeeding can transmit HIV from mother to child. This is further complicated by cultural expectations in case of Black mothers living with HIV. This paper discusses determinants of infant feeding practices among Black mothers living with HIV who were on anti-retroviral therapy (ART) in two North American cites and one African city. METHODS: A cross-sectional, multi-country survey using venue-based convenience sampling of Black mothers living with HIV was employed. The effective response rates were 89% (n = 89) in Ottawa, Canada; 67% (n = 201) in Miami, Florida, US; and 100% (n = 400) in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, equaling a total sample size of 690. Data were collected in Qualtrics and managed in Excel and SPSS. Multinomial logistic regression analyses were used to determine the factors influencing the mothers' infant feeding practices (Exclusive Formula Feeding [EFF] = 1; Mixed Feeding [MF] = 2; and Exclusive Breastfeeding [EBF while on ART] =3). RESULTS: The results highlight socio-demographics, EFF determinants, and EBF determinants. The statistically significant determinants of infant feeding practices included national guideline on infant feeding, cultural beliefs and practices, healthcare systems, healthcare personnel, infant feeding attitudes, social support, and perceived stress. Mothers' mean ages were Ottawa (36.6 ± 6.4), Miami (32.4 ± 5.8), and Port Harcourt (34.7 ± 5.7). All sampled women gave birth to least one infant after their HIV diagnoses. Statistically significant (p < .05) determinants of EFF relative to MF were the national guideline of EFF (relative risk [RR] = 218.19), cultural beliefs (RR = .15), received healthcare (RR = 21.17), received healthcare through a nurse/midwife (RR = 3.1), and perceived stress (RR = .9). Statistically significant determinants of EBF relative to MF were received healthcare (RR = 20.26), received healthcare through a nurse/midwife (RR = 2.31), functional social support (RR = 1.07), and perceived stress (RR = .9). CONCLUSION: While cultural beliefs and perceived stress favoured MF over EFF, advice of healthcare workers, and the care received from a nurse/midwife improved EFF over MF. Also while the mothers' perceived stress favoured MF over EBF, advice of their nurses or midwife and the social support improved EBF over MF. The providers advice was congruent with WHO and national guidelines for infant feeding among mothers living with HIV. These results have implications for nursing, healthcare practice, and policies on infant feeding practices for mothers living with HIV.

Infecciones por VIH , Madres , Negro o Afroamericano , Lactancia Materna , Canadá , Niño , Ciudades , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Florida , Infecciones por VIH/tratamiento farmacológico , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Humanos , Lactante , Transmisión Vertical de Enfermedad Infecciosa , Modelos Logísticos , Nigeria , Embarazo
BMC Public Health ; 21(1): 1482, 2021 07 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34325681


BACKGROUND: Substance use significantly impacts health and healthcare of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV), especially their ability to remain in hospital following admission. Supervised injection services (SIS) reduce overdoses and drug-related harms, but are not often provided within hospitals/outpatient programs. Leading us to question, what are PLHIV's perceptions of hospital-based SIS? METHODS: This mixed-methods study explored feasibility and acceptability of implementing SIS at Casey House, a Toronto-based specialty HIV hospital, from the perspective of its in/outpatient clients. We conducted a survey, examining clients' (n = 92) demand for, and acceptability of, hospital-based SIS. Following this, we hosted two focus groups (n = 14) and one-on-one interviews (n = 8) with clients which explored benefits/drawbacks of in-hospital SIS, wherein participants experienced guided tours of a demonstration SIS space and/or presentations of evidence about impacts of SIS. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. RESULTS: Among survey participants, 76.1% (n = 70) identified as cis-male and over half (n = 49;54.4%) had been a hospital client for 2 years or less. Nearly half (48.8%) knew about clients injecting in/near Casey House, while 23.6% witnessed it. Survey participants were more supportive of SIS for inpatients (76.1%) than for outpatients (68.5%); most (74.7%) reported SIS implementation would not impact their level of service use at Casey House, while some predicted coming more often (16.1%) and others less often (9.2%). Most focus group/interview participants, believed SIS would enhance safety by reducing health harms (e.g. overdose), increasing transparency between clients and clinicians about substance use, and helping retain clients in care. Debate arose about who (e.g., in/outpatients vs. non-clients) should have access to hospital-based SIS and how implementation may shift organizational priorities/resources away from services not specific to drug use. CONCLUSIONS: Our data showed widespread support of, and need for, hospital-based SIS among client stakeholders; however, attempts to reduce negative impacts on non-drug using clients need to be considered in the balance of implementation plans. Given the increased risks of morbidity and mortality for PLHIV who inject drugs as well as the problems in retaining them in care in a hospital setting, SIS is a key component of improving care for this marginalized group.

Infecciones por VIH , Abuso de Sustancias por Vía Intravenosa , Canadá , Estudios de Factibilidad , Hospitales , Humanos , Masculino
Chaos Solitons Fractals ; 152: 111359, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34483500


We introduce a compartmental model SEIAHRV (Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, Asymptomatic, Hospitalized, Recovered, Vaccinated) with age structure for the spread of the SARAS-CoV virus. In order to model current different vaccines we use compartments for individuals vaccinated with one and two doses without vaccine failure and a compartment for vaccinated individual with vaccine failure. The model allows to consider any number of different vaccines with different efficacies and delays between doses. Contacts among age groups are modeled by a contact matrix and the contagion matrix is obtained from a probability of contagion p c per contact. The model uses known epidemiological parameters and the time dependent probability p c is obtained by fitting the model output to the series of deaths in each locality, and reflects non-pharmaceutical interventions. As a benchmark the output of the model is compared to two good quality serological surveys, and applied to study the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in the main Brazilian cities with a total population of more than one million. We also discuss with some detail the case of the city of Manaus which raised special attention due to a previous report of We also estimate the attack rate, the total proportion of cases (symptomatic and asymptomatic) with respect to the total population, for all Brazilian states since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. We argue that the model present here is relevant to assessing present policies not only in Brazil but also in any place where good serological surveys are not available.

Physica A ; 581: 126202, 2021 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34177077


CoV2019 has evolved to be much more dangerous than CoV2003. Experiments suggest that structural rearrangements dramatically enhance CoV2019 activity. We identify a new first stage of infection that precedes structural rearrangements by using biomolecular evolutionary theory to identify sequence differences enhancing viral attachment rates. We find a small cluster of mutations which show that CoV-2 has a new feature that promotes much stronger viral attachment and enhances contagiousness. The extremely dangerous dynamics of human coronavirus infection is a dramatic example of evolutionary approach of self-organized networks to criticality. It may favor a very successful vaccine. The identified mutations can be used to test the present theory experimentally.