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Conserv Biol ; : e14323, 2024 Jul 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39045776


Biotic interactions, such as plant-animal seed dispersal mutualisms, are essential for ecosystem function. Such interactions are threatened by the possible extinction of the animal partners. Using a data set that includes plant-lemur interactions across Madagascar, we studied the current state of knowledge of these interactions and their structure to determine which plant species are most at risk of losing dispersal services due to the loss of lemurs. We found substantial gaps in understanding of plant-lemur interactions; data were substantially skewed toward a few lemur species and locations. There was also a large gap in knowledge on the interactions of plants and small-bodied or nocturnal lemurs and lemurs outside a few highly studied locations. Of the recorded interactions, a significant portion occurred between lemurs and endemic plants, rather than native or introduced plants. We also found that lemur species tended to primarily consume closely related plant species. Such interaction patterns may indicate the threats to Malagasy endemic plants and highlight how lemur population loss or reductions could affect plant phylogenetic diversity. When examining the impacts of lemur extinction, losing critically endangered species left 164 plant species with no known lemur frugivore partners. Despite phylogenetic patterns in lemur diet, plants for which the only known lemur frugivore is critically endangered were not closely related. These results emphasize the need for further studies to complete our knowledge on these essential interactions and to inform conservation priorities.

Análisis de la estructura de las interacciones entre lémures y plantas de cara al conocimiento incompleto Resumen Las interacciones bióticas, como el mutualismo entre plantas y animales para la dispersión de semillas, son esenciales para que el ecosistema funcione. Dichas interacciones se encuentran amenazadas por la posible extinción del animal que participa en ellas. Usamos un conjunto de datos que incluye las interacciones entre lémures y plantas en Madagascar para estudiar el estado actual del conocimiento de estas interacciones y su estructura. Con lo anterior determinamos cuáles especies botánicas tienen mayor riesgo de perder la dispersión de semillas debido a la extinción de los lémures. Encontramos vacíos sustanciales en el entendimiento de las interacciones entre lémures y plantas; los datos estaban sesgados para unas cuantas especies de lémures y localidades. Hubo un gran vacío de conocimiento para las interacciones entre las plantas y los lémures pequeños o nocturnos y aquellos fuera de unas cuantas localidades estudiadas. De las interacciones registradas, una porción importante ocurrió entre los lémures y plantas endémicas, en lugar de plantas nativas o introducidas. También encontramos que las especies de lémures tienden a consumir especies botánicas con filogenia cercana. Dichos patrones de interacción podrían indicar las amenazas para las plantas endémicas de Madagascar y enfatizar cómo la pérdida o reducción de las poblaciones de lémures podrían afectar la diversidad filogenética de las plantas. Cuando examinamos el impacto de la extinción de los lémures, la pérdida de especies en peligro crítico dejó a 164 especies de plantas sin un lémur frugívoro mutualista. A pesar de los patrones filogenéticos en la dieta de los lémures, las plantas cuyo único lémur frugívoro se encuentra en peligro crítico no tienen una filogenia cercana. Estos resultados resaltan la necesidad de más estudios para completar nuestro conocimiento sobre estas interacciones esenciales y para guiar las prioridades de conservación.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 16310, 2024 07 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39009628


In many parts of the world, domestic and wild animal populations interact at the interface between natural and agricultural ecosystems. Introduced with the first inhabitants arriving from eastern Africa, the bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus) is the largest living terrestrial mammal in Madagascar. Bushpigs are regularly reported close to human settlements where they damage crops and gardens. As domestic pigs are often raised in free-ranging conditions around the villages, bushpigs and domestic pigs can interact leading to the transmission and circulation of shared swine pathogens that impact both animal and human health. In this study, we characterized the socio-ecological context of bushpig-domestic pig interactions in two different regions of western Madagascar. We conducted participatory mapping sessions and focus group interviews with 65 hunters, 80 pig farmers and 96 crop farmers in 20 fokontany, the smallest administrative unit in Madagascar. After discussing with participants, we gathered information about the spatialization of interactions and their potential geographical drivers. We explored data by performing multiple correspondence analysis and hierarchical clustering on principal components. Based on the reported occurrence or absence of bushpig-domestic pig interactions we were able to classify areas with high or intermediate levels of interactions or no interactions at all. Interactions between the two pig species were reported in only 25% of the fokontany assessed. Even though both suid species were attracted to fruit trees, crops, and water sources, only indirect interactions in those spots were reported. Direct interactions were reported in 10% of cases and referred to interspecific sexual and/or agonistic behavior. The participatory methods used to acquire local knowledge about natural events were confirmed as valuable, low-cost exploratory methods to characterize areas with wild-domestic animal interactions. The results of this study will help plan future studies to characterize the interface between the two species from an ecological or epidemiological perspective using more sensitive and sophisticated ecological approaches.

Población Rural , Animales , Madagascar , Porcinos , Humanos , Animales Salvajes , Ecosistema