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Phys Rev Lett ; 121(22): 225001, 2018 Nov 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30547647


Currents driven by radio frequency (rf) waves in the interior of magnetic islands can stabilize deleterious tearing modes in tokamaks. Present analyses of stabilization assume that the local electron acceleration is unaffected by the presence of the island. However, the power deposition and electron acceleration are sensitive to the perturbation of the temperature. The nonlinear feedback on the power deposition in the island increases the temperature perturbation, and can lead to a bifurcation of the solution to the steady-state heat diffusion equation. The combination of the nonlinearly enhanced temperature perturbation with the rf current drive sensitivity to the temperature leads to an rf current condensation effect, which can increase the efficiency of rf current drive stabilization and reduce its sensitivity to radial misalignment of the ray trajectories. The threshold for the effect is in a regime that has been encountered in experiments, and will likely be encountered in ITER.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 95(6)2024 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38874457


We develop a method to use the mixed third and second harmonic electron cyclotron emission (ECE) signal in the DIII-D tokamak to reconstruct the electron temperature profile of a rotating magnetic island. The third harmonic ECE is removed by extracting the rotating-island-associated fluctuations in the mixed signal, and the extracted fluctuation is combined with the equilibrium temperature obtained from other diagnostics after correcting for the third harmonic reabsorption. The accuracy of the reconstruction is studied by considering a DIII-D shot where an unmixed signal from an island is available on the low field side of the plasma and a mixed signal from the same island is available from the high field side. It is found that the reconstruction method successfully reproduces the island shape and temperature perturbation magnitude without the distortion caused by third harmonic ECE mixing. However, the radial location of the reconstructed island is somewhat displaced relative to the location of the q = 2 surface in the axisymmetric equilibrium reconstruction, resulting in a corresponding inaccuracy in the absolute temperature of the island. It is conjectured that this may arise from an inaccuracy of the reconstructed axisymmetric equilibrium in this region.

Phys Rev E ; 103(5-1): 053201, 2021 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34134323


Because of the large mass differences between electrons and ions, the heat diffusion in electron-ion plasmas exhibits more complex behavior than simple heat diffusion found in typical gas mixtures. In particular, heat is diffused in two distinct, but coupled, channels. Conventional single fluid models neglect the resulting complexity, and can often inaccurately interpret the results of heat pulse experiments. However, by recognizing the sensitivity of the electron temperature evolution to the ion diffusivity, not only can previous experiments be interpreted correctly, but informative simultaneous measurements can be made of both ion and electron heat channels.

Phys Rev Lett ; 89(27): 275003, 2002 Dec 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12513212


Magnetic islands in free-boundary stellarator equilibria are suppressed using a procedure that iterates the plasma equilibrium equations and, at each iteration, adjusts the coil geometry to cancel resonant fields produced by the plasma. The coils are constrained to satisfy certain measures of engineering acceptability and the plasma is constrained to ensure kink stability. As the iterations continue, the coil geometry and the plasma simultaneously converge to an equilibrium in which the island content is negligible. The method is applied with success to a candidate plasma and coil design for the National Compact Stellarator Experiment [Phys. Plasmas 8, 2083 (2001)]].