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Proc Biol Sci ; 291(2021): 20240429, 2024 Apr 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38628128


The global expansion of Aedes albopictus has stimulated the development of environmentally friendly methods aiming to control disease transmission through the suppression of natural vector populations. Sterile male release programmes are currently being deployed worldwide, and are challenged by the availability of an efficient sex separation which can be achieved mechanically at the pupal stage and/or by artificial intelligence at the adult stage, or through genetic sexing, which allows separating males and females at an early development stage. In this study, we combined the genetic sexing strain previously established based on the linkage of dieldrin resistance to the male locus with a Wolbachia transinfected line. For this, we introduced either the wPip-I or the wPip-IV strain from Culex pipiens in an asymbiotic Wolbachia-free Ae. albopictus line. We then measured the penetrance of cytoplasmic incompatibility and life-history traits of both transinfected lines, selected the wPip-IV line and combined it with the genetic sexing strain. Population suppression experiments demonstrated a 90% reduction in population size and a 50% decrease in hatching rate. Presented results showed that such a combination has a high potential in terms of vector control but also highlighted associated fitness costs, which should be reduced before large-scale field assay.

Aedes , Culex , Wolbachia , Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Wolbachia/genética , Inteligencia Artificial , Aedes/genética
BMC Biol ; 21(1): 274, 2023 11 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38012718


BACKGROUND: Aedes aegypti (Ae. aegypti) is the major vector that transmits many diseases including dengue, Zika, and filariasis in tropical and subtropical regions. Due to the growing resistance to chemical-based insecticides, biological control methods have become an emerging direction to control mosquito populations. The sterile insect technique (SIT) deploys high doses of ionizing radiation to sterilize male mosquitoes before the release. The Wolbachia-based population suppression method of the incompatible insect technique (IIT) involves the release of Wolbachia-infected males to sterilize uninfected field females. Due to the lack of perfect sex separation tools, a low percentage of female contamination is detected in the male population. To prevent the unintentional release of these Wolbachia-infected females which might result in population replacement, a low dose of X-ray irradiation is deployed to sterilize any female escapees. However, it remains unclear whether these irradiation-induced male and female sterilizations share common mechanisms. RESULTS: In this work, we set out to define the minimum dose of X-ray radiation required for complete female sterilization in Ae. aegypti (NEA-EHI strain). Further results showed that this minimum dose of X-ray irradiation for female sterilization significantly reduced male fertility. Similar results have been reported previously in several operational trials. By addressing the underlying causes of the sterility, our results showed that male sterility is likely due to chromosomal damage in the germ cells induced by irradiation. In contrast, female sterility appears to differ and is likely initiated by the elimination of the somatic supporting cells, which results in the blockage of the ovariole maturation. Building upon these findings, we identified the minimum dose of X-ray irradiation on the Wolbachia-infected NEA-EHI (wAlbB-SG) strain, which is currently being used in the IIT-SIT field trial. Compared to the uninfected parental strain, a lower irradiation dose could fully sterilize wAlbB-SG females. This suggests that Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes are more sensitive to irradiation, consistent with a previous report showing that a lower irradiation dose fully sterilized Wolbachia-infected Ae. aegypti females (Brazil and Mexican strains) compared to those uninfected controls. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings thus reveal the distinct mechanisms of ionizing X-ray irradiation-induced male or female sterility in Ae. aegypti mosquitoes, which may help the design of X-ray irradiation-based vector control methods.

Aedes , Infertilidad Femenina , Wolbachia , Infección por el Virus Zika , Virus Zika , Humanos , Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Rayos X , Mosquitos Vectores , Control de Mosquitos/métodos , Insectos
Rev Sci Tech ; 41(1): 191-197, 2022 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35925622


A commitment to reducing pesticide use and the development of novel technologies are driving a renewed interest in insect-mediated pest and vector control programmes. Such programmes, along with conservation and pollination applications, lead to an increased transport volume of live insect stock. At release sites, concerns surrounding imported insects can be reduced by using local genotypes that have been mass-produced elsewhere. Remaining plausible concerns are likely to be centred on human factors (vector behaviour or capacity) and ecological factors (interacting species) and should be anticipated in the design of communication materials. Well-designed, locally relevant communication and engagement material is an important part of programme success. Stakeholder engagement is thus critical to reducing risks of perceived and plausible concerns affecting programme outcomes in an increasingly electronically connected world. Experience at release sites can help inform the design of accessible information useful at all stages of the transportation pathway. For transnationally transported insects, providing such information to specific stakeholders (e.g. courier companies and border authorities) will reduce the likelihood of delays, which can, in turn, affect the quality and mortality of the transported insects.

Les engagements pris en matière de réduction de l'utilisation de pesticides et les nouvelles technologies disponibles ont donné un nouvel essor aux programmes de contrôle des parasites et des vecteurs axés sur les insectes. Ces programmes, auxquels s'ajoutent d'autres applications destinées à favoriser la conservation et la pollinisation, se traduisent par un accroissement du volume de stocks d'insectes vivants transportés dans le monde. Dans les sites de destination des insectes transportés, les inquiétudes que peuvent susciter ces importations peuvent être tempérées en faisant appel à des génotypes locaux, produits en masse ailleurs puis réintroduits. D'autres préoccupations peuvent subsister, portant sur des facteurs humains (liées aux effets du comportement des vecteurs ou à leur capacité vectorielle) et écologiques (liées aux espèces en interaction) ; il convient d'anticiper ces inquiétudes lors de la conception des supports de communication. Des matériels de communication et de mobilisation bien conçus et prenant en compte le contexte local sont une composante importante de la réussite d'un programme. La participation des parties prenantes se révèle donc cruciale pour réduire le risque que des inquiétudes perçues et plausibles viennent affecter les résultats d'un programme dans un monde de plus en plus interconnecté par voie électronique. L'expérience acquise dans les sites de lâchers d'insectes peut contribuer à documenter la conception d'une information accessible, qui sera utile à chaque étape de la procédure de transport. Lorsqu'il s'agit d'insectes transportés au-delà des frontières nationales, la diffusion de ce type d'information à des intervenants spécifiques (par exemple, les sociétés de transport express et les autorités frontalières) permettra de limiter les circonstances entraînant des retards d'acheminement, car ceux-ci peuvent à leur tour affecter la qualité et la viabilité des insectes transportés.

El empeño de reducir el uso de plaguicidas y la aparición de tecnologías novedosas están alimentando un renovado interés por los programas de control de plagas y vectores mediante insectos. Este tipo de programas, junto con las aplicaciones de los insectos con fines de polinización o de protección ambiental, se traducen en el transporte de volúmenes crecientes de poblaciones de insectos vivos. Para apaciguar los recelos que despiertan los insectos importados en los sitios de suelta cabe recurrir al empleo de genotipos locales criados a gran escala en otro lugar. A la hora de concebir el material de comunicación es conveniente prever de antemano y tener en cuenta las suspicacias plausibles que aún puedan subsistir, que seguramente tendrán que ver con factores humanos (por ejemplo, preocupación por los posibles efectos del comportamiento o la capacidad vectorial del insecto introducido) o ecológicos (interacción con otras especies). El uso de material de comunicación y participación bien concebido y adaptado al contexto local es un ingrediente importante para el éxito de todo programa. La participación de las partes interesadas es pues fundamental para reducir los riesgos (ya sean imaginados o plausibles) que puedan afectar los resultados del programa, en un mundo que está cada vez más interconectado electrónicamente. La experiencia adquirida en los sitios de suelta puede ayudar a concebir material informativo accesible que sea de utilidad en todas las etapas del proceso de transporte. En el caso de los insectos transportados de un país a otro, el hecho de facilitar esta información a determinadas partes (como las empresas de transporte o las autoridades aduaneras) reducirá la probabilidad de demoras, cosa que a su vez incidirá en la calidad y la viabilidad de los insectos transportados.

Control de Insectos , Insectos , Animales , Humanos
BMC Biol ; 18(1): 161, 2020 11 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33158442


BACKGROUND: The Wolbachia incompatible insect technique (IIT) shows promise as a method for eliminating populations of invasive mosquitoes such as Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Culicidae) and reducing the incidence of vector-borne diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and Zika. Successful implementation of this biological control strategy relies on high-fidelity separation of male from female insects in mass production systems for inundative release into landscapes. Processes for sex-separating mosquitoes are typically error-prone and laborious, and IIT programmes run the risk of releasing Wolbachia-infected females and replacing wild mosquito populations. RESULTS: We introduce a simple Markov population process model for studying mosquito populations subjected to a Wolbachia-IIT programme which exhibit an unstable equilibrium threshold. The model is used to study, in silico, scenarios that are likely to yield a successful elimination result. Our results suggest that elimination is best achieved by releasing males at rates that adapt to the ever-decreasing wild population, thus reducing the risk of releasing Wolbachia-infected females while reducing costs. CONCLUSIONS: While very high-fidelity sex separation is required to avoid establishment, release programmes tend to be robust to the release of a small number of Wolbachia-infected females. These findings will inform and enhance the next generation of Wolbachia-IIT population control strategies that are already showing great promise in field trials.

Aedes/microbiología , Control de Mosquitos/métodos , Mosquitos Vectores/microbiología , Wolbachia/fisiología , Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Cadenas de Markov , Modelos Biológicos , Dinámica Poblacional
Insect Mol Biol ; 29(1): 1-8, 2020 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31194893


Culex quinquefasciatus is an important mosquito vector of a number of viral and protozoan pathogens of humans and animals, and naturally carries the endosymbiont Wolbachia pipientis, strain wPip. Wolbachia are used in two distinct vector control strategies: firstly, population suppression caused by mating incompatibilities between mass-released transinfected males and wild females; and secondly, the spread of pathogen transmission-blocking strains through populations. Using embryonic microinjection, two novel Wolbachia transinfections were generated in C. quinquefasciatus using strains native to the mosquito Aedes albopictus: a wAlbB single infection, and a wPip plus wAlbA superinfection. The wAlbB infection showed full bidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) with wild-type C. quinquefasciatus in reciprocal crosses. The wPipwAlbA superinfection showed complete unidirectional CI, and therefore population invasion potential. Whereas the wAlbB strain showed comparatively low overall densities, similar to the native wPip, the wPipwAlbA superinfection reached over 400-fold higher densities in the salivary glands compared to the native wPip, suggesting it may be a candidate for pathogen transmission blocking.

Culex/microbiología , Wolbachia/fisiología , Aedes/microbiología , Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Control de Mosquitos/métodos , Mosquitos Vectores/microbiología , Control Biológico de Vectores/métodos , Glándulas Salivales/microbiología , Simbiosis , Wolbachia/clasificación
BMC Biotechnol ; 19(Suppl 2): 96, 2019 12 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31847836


BACKGROUND: Wolbachia pipientis is a widespread, obligatory intracellular and maternally inherited bacterium, that induces a wide range of reproductive alterations to its hosts. Cytoplasmic Incompatibility (CI) is causing embryonic lethality, the most common of them. Despite that Wolbachia-borne sterility has been proposed as an environmental friendly pest control method (Incompatible Insect Technique, IIT) since 1970s, the fact that Wolbachia modifies important fitness components of its hosts sets severe barriers to IIT implementation. Mass rearing of Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (medfly), is highly optimized given that this pest is a model species regarding the implementation of another sterility based pest control method, the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). We used the medfly-Wolbachia symbiotic association, as a model system, to study the effect of two different Wolbachia strains, on the life history traits of 2 C. capitata lines with different genomic background. RESULTS: Wolbachia effects are regulated by both C. capitata genetic background and the Wolbachia strain. Wolbachia infection reduces fertility rates in both C. capitata genetic backgrounds and shortens the pre-pupa developmental duration in the GSS strain. On the other hand, regardless of the strain of Wolbachia (wCer2, wCer4) infection does not affect either the sex ratio or the longevity of adults. wCer4 infection imposed a reduction in females' fecundity but wCer2 did not. Male mating competitiveness, adults flight ability and longevity under water and food deprivation were affected by both the genetic background of medfly and the strain of Wolbachia (genotype by genotype interaction). CONCLUSION: Wolbachia infection could alter important life history traits of mass-reared C. capitata lines and therefore the response of each genotype on the Wolbachia infection should be considered toward ensuring the productivity of the Wolbachia-infected insects under mass-rearing conditions.

Infecciones por Anaplasmataceae/veterinaria , Ceratitis capitata/fisiología , Wolbachia/patogenicidad , Animales , Ceratitis capitata/clasificación , Ceratitis capitata/genética , Ceratitis capitata/microbiología , Femenino , Fertilidad , Genotipo , Masculino , Conducta Sexual Animal , Simbiosis , Wolbachia/clasificación , Wolbachia/genética
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol ; 100(4): 1567-1577, 2016 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26659224


Symbiotic interactions between insects and microorganisms are widespread in nature and are often the source of ecological innovations. In addition to supplementing their host with essential nutrients, microbial symbionts can produce enzymes that help degrade their food source as well as small molecules that defend against pathogens, parasites, and predators. As such, the study of insect ecology and symbiosis represents an important source of chemical compounds and enzymes with potential biotechnological value. In addition, the knowledge on insect symbiosis can provide novel avenues for the control of agricultural pest insects and vectors of human diseases, through targeted manipulation of the symbionts or the host-symbiont associations. Here, we discuss different insect-microbe interactions that can be exploited for insect pest and human disease control, as well as in human medicine and industrial processes. Our aim is to raise awareness that insect symbionts can be interesting sources of biotechnological applications and that knowledge on insect ecology can guide targeted efforts to discover microorganisms of applied value.

Biotecnología/métodos , Insectos/microbiología , Control Biológico de Vectores/métodos , Simbiosis , Animales , Humanos
Pest Manag Sci ; 2024 Jun 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39031863


BACKGROUND: Releasing large numbers of Aedes albopictus males, carrying the artificially introduced Wolbachia 'wPip' strain, results in a decrease in the reproductive capacity of wild females due to a phenomenon known as cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). This vector control strategy is referred to as the incompatible insect technique (IIT). However, its widespread implementation faces various challenges, including the complexity of removing fertile females from the males intended for release. Here, we present the results of semi-field experiments comparing the impact of minimal female co-release on two IIT modes: unidirectional CI-based (UnCI IIT) and bidirectional CI-based (BiCI IIT), specifically targeting Ae. albopictus. RESULTS: The contamination of 'wPip' infected females (2%) during male releases significantly weakened the overall effectiveness of IIT, emphasizing the need for thorough sex separation. Specifically, with UnCI IIT, despite the low rate of co-released females, there was a gradual rise in 'wPip' infection frequency, resulting in more compatible mating and subsequently higher rates of egg hatching. Conversely, this pattern was effectively mitigated in BiCI IIT owing to the reciprocal sterility between the wild-type and the 'wPip' infected populations. CONCLUSION: Through an experimental approach, conducted in a semi-field setting, we have contributed to advancing scientific understanding regarding the potential outcomes of implementing the IIT strategy in the absence of a complete sexing system. The results suggest that safety measures for mitigating the potential impacts of co-released females can be tailored according to the specific type of IIT being utilized. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.

Pest Manag Sci ; 79(9): 3167-3176, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37022600


BACKGROUND: Incompatible insect technique (IIT) is a population suppression approach based on the release of males with manipulated Wolbachia infection inducing egg inviability in wild females. We here present results of multiple field releases of incompatible ARwP males carried out in 2019 in a 2.7-ha green area within urban Rome (Italy) to assess the effect on Aedes albopictus egg viability. Data are compared with results obtained in 2018, when the approach was tested for the first time in Europe. RESULTS: An average of 4674 ARwP males were released weekly for 7 weeks, resulting in a mean ARwP:wild male ratio of 1.1:1 (versus 0.7:1 in 2018). Egg-viability dynamics in ovitraps significantly varied between treated and control sites, with an estimated overall reduction of 35% (versus 15% in 2018). The estimated proportion of females classified as mated with ARwP males was 41.8% and the viability rate of eggs laid by these females (9.5%) was on average significantly lower than that of females only mated with wild males (87.8%); however, high variability in fertility was observed. Values of ARwP male competitiveness were 0.36 and 0.73 based on the overall viability rate of eggs in ovitraps and on female fertility, respectively; thus, well above the conventional 0.2 threshold for an effective suppressive impact in the field. CONCLUSIONS: Results further support the potential of IIT as a tool to contribute to Ae. albopictus control in the urban context, stressing the need for larger field trials to evaluate the cost-efficacy of the approach in temperate regions. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.

Aedes , Wolbachia , Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Control de Mosquitos/métodos , Fertilidad , Italia
Insects ; 13(11)2022 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36421953


Arbovirus diseases, such as dengue, chikungunya, and Zika, are important public health problems. Controlling the major vector, Aedes aegypti, is the only approach to suppressing these diseases. The surveillance of this mosquito species needs effective collecting methods. In this study, a simple MosHouse sticky trap was evaluated in a semi-field condition. Our results demonstrated the efficiency of this trap in collecting Ae. aegypti males, and no significant difference (p > 0.05) in the numbers of males was detected when compared with the widely used BG- Sentinel trap. However, there were significantly lower numbers of females (p < 0.05) collected using the MosHouse trap when compared to the BG-Sentinel trap. We also found a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the collected numbers between irradiated and non-irradiated males. More irradiated males were collected in the MosHouse traps. The improvement of male collection was achieved with the addition of a sugar stick and sticky flags. Significantly higher numbers of males were collected in the MosHouse trap with sticky flags compared to the original one when they were released independently of females, but both were collected in higher numbers when they were released together (p < 0.05). In conclusion, our experiments demonstrated that the MosHouse trap could sample Ae. aegypti, especially males, as efficiently as the established BG-Sentinel trap, while the cost was more than 50 times lower, showing the potential of the MosHouse trap for improved Ae. aegypti male and female surveillance with very large numbers of traps at affordable costs. In addition, significantly (p < 0.001) increased male sampling was achieved by adding an external sticky flag on the MosHouse trap, providing an avenue for further development of the novel male-trapping strategy.

Insects ; 13(8)2022 Aug 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36005362


Sexual signaling is a fundamental component of sexual behavior of Ceratitis capitata that highly determines males' mating success. Nutritional status and age are dominant factors known to affect males' signaling performance and define the female decision to accept a male as a sexual partner. Wolbachia pipientis, a widespread endosymbiotic bacterium of insects and other arthropods, exerts several biological effects on its hosts. However, the effects of Wolbachia infection on the sexual behavior of medfly and the interaction between Wolbachia infection and adult food remain unexplored. This study was conducted to determine the effects of Wolbachia on sexual signaling of protein-fed and protein-deprived males. Our findings demonstrate that: (a) Wolbachia infection reduced male sexual signaling rates in both food regimes; (b) the negative effect of Wolbachia infection was more pronounced on protein-fed than protein-deprived males, and it was higher at younger ages, indicating that the bacterium regulates male sexual maturity; (c) Wolbachia infection alters the daily pattern of sexual signaling; and (d) protein deprivation bears significant descent on sexual signaling frequency of the uninfected males, whereas no difference was observed for the Wolbachia-infected males. The impact of our findings on the implementation of Incompatible Insect Technique (IIT) or the combined SIT/IIT towards controlling insect pests is discussed.

Parasit Vectors ; 15(1): 453, 2022 Dec 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36471389


BACKGROUND: Hawai'i's native forest avifauna is experiencing drastic declines due to climate change-induced increases in temperature encroaching on their upper-elevation montane rainforest refugia. Higher temperatures support greater avian malaria infection rates due to greater densities of its primary vector, the southern house mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus, and enhance development of the avian malaria parasite Plasmodium relictum. Here we propose the use of the incompatible insect technique (IIT) or the combined IIT/sterile insect technique (SIT) for the landscape-scale (i.e., area-wide) control of Cx. quinquefasciatus, and have developed a calculator to estimate the costs of IIT and IIT/SIT applications at various sites in Hawai'i. METHODS: The overall cost of the infrastructure, personnel, and space necessary to produce incompatible adult males for release is calculated in a unit of ~ 1 million culicid larvae/week. We assessed the rearing costs and need for effective control at various elevations in Hawai'i using a 10:1 overflooding ratio at each elevation. The calculator uses a rate describing the number of culicids needed to control wild-type mosquitoes at each site/elevation, in relation to the number of larval rearing units. This rate is a constant from which other costs are quantified. With minor modifications, the calculator described here can be applied to other areas, mosquito species, and similar techniques. To test the robustness of our calculator, the Kaua'i-specific culicid IIT/SIT infrastructure costs were also compared to costs from Singapore, Mexico, and China using the yearly cost of control per hectare, and purchasing power parity between sites for the cost of 1000 IIT/SIT males. RESULTS: As a proof of concept, we have used the calculator to estimate rearing infrastructure costs for an application of IIT in the Alaka'i Wilderness Reserve on the island of Kaua'i. Our analysis estimated an initial investment of at least ~ $1.16M with subsequent yearly costs of approximately $376K. Projections of rearing costs for control at lower elevations are ~ 100 times greater than in upper elevation forest bird refugia. These results are relatively comparable to those real-world cost estimates developed for IIT/SIT culicid male production in other countries when inflation and purchasing power parity are considered. We also present supplemental examples of infrastructure costs needed to control Cx. quinquefasciatus in the home range of 'i'iwi Drepanis coccinea, and the yellow fever vector Aedes aegypti. CONCLUSIONS: Our cost calculator can be used to effectively estimate the mass rearing cost of an IIT/SIT program. Therefore, the linear relationship of rearing infrastructure to costs used in this calculator is useful for developing a conservative cost estimate for IIT/SIT culicid mass rearing infrastructure. These mass rearing cost estimates vary based on the density of the targeted organism at the application site.

Aedes , Culex , Malaria Aviar , Passeriformes , Animales , Masculino , Culex/parasitología , Malaria Aviar/parasitología , Hawaii , Mosquitos Vectores , Passeriformes/parasitología , Insectos
Front Insect Sci ; 2: 1063789, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38468757


Engineered Genetic Incompatibility (EGI) is an engineered extreme underdominance genetic system wherein hybrid animals are not viable, functioning as a synthetic speciation event. There are several strategies in which EGI could be leveraged for genetic biocontrol of pest populations. We used an agent-based model of Drosophila suzukii (Spotted Wing Drosophila) to determine how EGI would fare with high rates of endemic genetic resistance alleles. We discovered a surprising failure mode wherein field-generated females convert an incompatible male release program into a population replacement gene drive. Local suppression could still be attained in two seasons by tailoring the release strategy to take advantage of this effect, or alternatively in one season by altering the genetic design of release agents. We show in this work that data from modeling can be utilized to recognize unexpected emergent phenomena and a priori inform genetic biocontrol treatment design to increase efficacy.

Viruses ; 14(6)2022 05 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35746601


The Incompatible Insect Technique (IIT) strategy involves the release of male mosquitoes infected with the bacterium Wolbachia. Regular releases of male Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes can lead to the suppression of mosquito populations, thereby reducing the risk of transmission of vector-borne diseases such as dengue. However, due to imperfect sex-sorting under IIT, fertile Wolbachia-infected female mosquitoes may potentially be unintentionally released into the environment, which may result in replacement and failure to suppress the mosquito populations. As such, mitigating Wolbachia establishment requires a combination of IIT with other strategies. We introduced a simple compartmental model to simulate ex-ante mosquito population dynamics subjected to a Wolbachia-IIT programme. In silico, we explored the risk of replacement, and strategies that could mitigate the establishment of the released Wolbachia strain in the mosquito population. Our results suggest that mitigation may be achieved through the application of a sterile insect technique. Our simulations indicate that these interventions do not override the intended wild type suppression of the IIT approach. These findings will inform policy makers of possible ways to mitigate the potential establishment of Wolbachia using the IIT population control strategy.

Aedes , Wolbachia , Aedes/microbiología , Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Control de Mosquitos/métodos , Mosquitos Vectores/microbiología , Dinámica Poblacional
Insects ; 14(1)2022 Dec 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36661946


Population density can affect survival, growth, development time, and adult size and fecundity, which are collectively known as density-dependent effects. Container Aedes larvae often attain high densities in nature, and those densities may be reduced when larval control is applied. We tested the hypothesis that density-dependent effects on survival are common and strong in nature and could result in maximal adult production at intermediate densities for Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, and Aedes triseriatus. We surveyed naturally occurring densities in field containers, then introduced larvae at a similar range of densities, and censused the containers for survivors. We analyzed the survival-density relationships by nonlinear regressions, which showed that survival-density relationships vary among seasons, sites, and species. For each Aedes species, some sites and times yielded predictions that larval density reduction would yield the same (compensation), or more (overcompensation), adults than no larval density reduction. Thus, larval control targeting these Aedes species cannot always be assumed to yield a reduction in the number of adult mosquitoes. We suggest that mosquito control targeting larvae may be made more effective by: Imposing maximum mortality; targeting populations when larval abundances are low; and knowing the shape of the survival-density response of the target population.

J Med Entomol ; 58(4): 1817-1825, 2021 07 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33822117


We conducted a baseline characterization of the abundance and seasonality of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762)-a vector of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika-in two suburban localities of Yucatan, Mexico, as the first step in the implementation of an integrated vector management (IVM) plan combining 'traditional Aedes control' (source reduction/truck-mounted ultra-low volume [ULV] spraying) and incompatible insect technique/sterile insect technique for population suppression in Yucatan, Mexico. Weekly entomological collections with ovitraps and BG-sentinel traps were performed in 1-ha quadrants of both localities for 1 yr. Three distinct periods/phases were identified, closely associated with precipitation: 1) a phase of low population abundance during the dry season (weekly average of Aedes eggs per ovitrap and adults per BG trap = 15.51 ± 0.71 and 10.07 ± 0.88, respectively); 2) a phase of population growth and greatest abundance of Aedes (49.03 ± 1.48 eggs and 25.69 ± 1.31 adults) during the rainy season; and finally 3) a phase of decline among populations (20.91 ± 0.97 eggs and 3.24 ± 0.21 adults) after the peak of the rainy season. Seasonal abundance and dynamics of Ae. aegypti populations suggest that it is feasible to develop and implement time-specific actions as part of an IVM approach incorporating integrating novel technologies (such as rear-and-release of Wolbachia-infected males) with classic (insecticide-based) approaches implemented routinely for vector control. In agreement with the local vector control program, we propose a pilot IVM strategy structured in a preparation phase, an attack phase with traditional vector control, and a suppression phase with inundative releases, which are described in this paper.

Aedes , Infertilidad Masculina/microbiología , Control de Mosquitos/métodos , Wolbachia , Aedes/microbiología , Aedes/fisiología , Animales , Infecciones por Arbovirus/prevención & control , Infecciones por Arbovirus/transmisión , Masculino , México/epidemiología , Mosquitos Vectores/microbiología , Mosquitos Vectores/fisiología , Regulación de la Población/métodos , Estaciones del Año
J Med Entomol ; 58(5): 1980-1986, 2021 09 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33704487


The current review of the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is motivated by new technologies and the recent renaissance of male release field trials, which is driving an evolution in mosquito control and regulation. Practitioners that are releasing male mosquitoes would do well to learn from past successes and failures, including political and public engagement complications. With examples that include nuanced integrations of the different technologies, e.g., combinations of Wolbachia and irradiation, it is critical that scientists understand and communicate accurately about the technologies, including their evolving management by different regulatory agencies in the USA. Some male release approaches are considered 'pesticides' and regulated by federal and state agencies, while other male release approaches are unregulated. It is important to consider how the new technologies fit with the more 'traditional' chemical applications of adulticides and larvicides. The economics of male release programs are substantially different from traditional control costs, which can be a challenge to their adoption by abatement districts. However, there is substantial need to overcome these complications and challenges, because the problem with invasive mosquitoes grows ever worse with factors that include insecticide resistance, globalization and climate change.

Culicidae , Control de Mosquitos/métodos , Mosquitos Vectores , Wolbachia/fisiología , Animales , Culicidae/microbiología , Culicidae/efectos de la radiación , Masculino , Mosquitos Vectores/microbiología , Mosquitos Vectores/efectos de la radiación
Front Microbiol ; 11: 1080, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32582067


Members of the true fruit flies (family Tephritidae) are among the most serious agricultural pests worldwide, whose control and management demands large and costly international efforts. The need for cost-effective and environmentally friendly integrated pest management (IPM) has led to the development and implementation of autocidal control strategies. These approaches include the widely used sterile insect technique and the incompatible insect technique (IIT). IIT relies on maternally transmitted bacteria (namely Wolbachia) to cause a conditional sterility in crosses between released mass-reared Wolbachia-infected males and wild females, which are either uninfected or infected with a different Wolbachia strain (i.e., cytoplasmic incompatibility; CI). Herein, we review the current state of knowledge on Wolbachia-tephritid interactions including infection prevalence in wild populations, phenotypic consequences, and their impact on life history traits. Numerous pest tephritid species are reported to harbor Wolbachia infections, with a subset exhibiting high prevalence. The phenotypic effects of Wolbachia have been assessed in very few tephritid species, due in part to the difficulty of manipulating Wolbachia infection (removal or transinfection). Based on recent methodological advances (high-throughput DNA sequencing) and breakthroughs concerning the mechanistic basis of CI, we suggest research avenues that could accelerate generation of necessary knowledge for the potential use of Wolbachia-based IIT in area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) strategies for the population control of tephritid pests.

Pest Manag Sci ; 76(4): 1324-1332, 2020 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31603613


BACKGROUND: Novel tools are needed to reduce the nuisance and risk of exotic arbovirus transmission associated with the colonization of temperate regions by Aedes albopictus. The incompatible insect technique (IIT) is a population suppression approach based on cytoplasmic incompatibility between males with manipulated endosymbionts and wild females. Here, we present the results of the first field experiment in Europe to assess the capacity of an Ae. albopictus line (ARwP) deprived of its natural endosymbiont Wolbachia and transinfected with a Wolbachia strain from the mosquito Culex pipiens, to sterilize wild females. RESULTS: We released ∼ 4500 ARwP males weekly for 6 weeks in a green area within urban Rome (Italy) and carried out egg (N = 13 442), female (N = 128) and male (N = 352) collections. Egg (N = 13 783) and female (N = 48) collections were also carried out at two untreated control sites. The percentage of viable eggs during release was, on average, significantly lower in treated sites than in control sites, with the greatest difference (16%) seen after the fourth release. The ARwP to wild male ratio in the release spots between day 3 after the first ARwP male release and day 7 after the last release was, on average, 7:10. Released males survived up to 2 weeks. Approximately 30% of females collected in the release spots showed 100% sterility and 20% showed strongly reduced fertility compared with control sites. CONCLUSIONS: Results support the potential of IIT as a tool contributing to Ae. albopictus control in the urban context, and stress the need for larger field trials to evaluate the cost-efficacy of the approach in suppressing wild populations. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry.

Aedes , Wolbachia , Animales , Femenino , Fertilidad , Italia , Masculino , Control de Mosquitos