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Front Microbiol ; 9: 1073, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29875764


The microbiota of teleost fish has gained a great deal of research attention within the past decade, with experiments suggesting that both host-genetics and environment are strong ecological forces shaping the bacterial assemblages of fish microbiomes. Despite representing great commercial and scientific importance, the catfish within the family Ictaluridae, specifically the blue and channel catfish, have received very little research attention directed toward their gut-associated microbiota using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Within this study we utilize multiple genetically distinct strains of blue and channel catfish, verified via microsatellite genotyping, to further quantify the role of host-genetics in shaping the bacterial communities in the fish gut, while maintaining environmental and husbandry parameters constant. Comparisons of the gut microbiota among the two catfish species showed no differences in bacterial species richness (observed and Chao1) or overall composition (weighted and unweighted UniFrac) and UniFrac distances showed no correlation with host genetic distances (Rst) according to Mantel tests. The microbiota of environmental samples (diet and water) were found to be significantly more diverse than that of the catfish gut associated samples, suggesting that factors within the host were further regulating the bacterial communities, despite the lack of a clear connection between microbiota composition and host genotype. The catfish gut communities were dominated by the phyla Fusobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Firmicutes; however, differential abundance analysis between the two catfish species using analysis of composition of microbiomes detected two differential genera, Cetobacterium and Clostridium XI. The metagenomic pathway features inferred from our dataset suggests the catfish gut bacterial communities possess pathways beneficial to their host such as those involved in nutrient metabolism and antimicrobial biosynthesis, while also containing pathways involved in virulence factors of pathogens. Testing of the inferred KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) pathways by DESeq2 revealed minor difference in microbiota function, with only two metagenomic pathways detected as differentially abundant between the two catfish species. As the first study to characterize the gut microbiota of blue catfish, our study results have direct implications on future ictalurid catfish research. Additionally, our insight into the intrinsic factors driving microbiota structure has basic implications for the future study of fish gut microbiota.

Front Microbiol ; 9: 3054, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30631310


Coastal aquaculture has experienced substantial growth in the last few decades and associated impacts on natural environments are of increasing importance. Understanding both the effects of aquaculture on marine ecosystems and the processes of recovery during fallowing periods is crucial for the development of a more environmentally sustainable industry. Because bacteria are sensitive to environmental change, surveying fluctuations in bacterial communities is a promising tool for monitoring the status of benthic environments. Here, we used 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing to characterize bacterial communities in flocculent matter samples collected over a period of 3 years and at various distances from cages (0-200 meters) at production and fallow (3-35 months) salmon aquaculture sites in southern Newfoundland to evaluate the environmental impact of aquaculture on predominantly hard-bottom substrates. Bacterial composition analysis revealed four clusters, three of which (defined as "recently disturbed," "intermediate impact," and "high impact") differed markedly from a fourth "low impact" cluster that contained far-field samples collected >500 m from cages. Samples within the high impact group were most often collected directly under cages, whereas those in the intermediate impact group were mainly sampled from 20 to 40 m from cages. Large scale phylum shifts (increases of Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Spirochaetes, and decreases in Proteobacteria and Epsilonbacteraeota) and a decline in bacterial diversity were observed in the high impact cluster, indicating significant ecological change. Samples from sites of different fallow duration were found in the high impact cluster, indicating a lack of recovery, even after 35 months of fallowing. Finally, we identified 28 genera as bacterial biomarkers, specific to one or more clusters, including genera associated with organically enriched environments and previously reported in the context of aquaculture impacts. Tracking the relative abundance of biomarkers in relation to different lengths of fallowing in the three more impacted clusters showed that these markers remained significantly above low impact cluster levels at all times, further pointing toward incomplete recovery. Our results suggest that coastal aquaculture on hard-bottom substrates is prone to long lasting impacts on bacterial communities, especially below cages, and that effects can be accurately tracked using bacterial community profiles or specific biomarkers.

Front Physiol ; 8: 362, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28620315


The common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) is an attractive species for aquaculture, however, several challenges inhibit sustainable commercial production. Little is known about the early paralarval stages in the wild, including diet and intestinal microbiota, which likely play a significant role in development and vitality of this important life stage. High throughput sequencing was used to characterize the gastrointestinal microbiome of wild O. vulgaris paralarvae collected from two different upwelling regions off the coast of North West Spain (n = 41) and Morocco (n = 35). These were compared to that of paralarvae reared with Artemia for up to 25 days in captivity (n = 29). In addition, the gastrointestinal microbiome of zooplankton prey (crabs, copepod and krill) was also analyzed to determine if the microbial communities present in wild paralarvae are derived from their diet. Paralarvae reared in captivity with Artemia showed a depletion of bacterial diversity, particularly after day 5, when almost half the bacterial species present on day 0 were lost and two bacterial families (Mycoplasmataceae and Vibrionaceae) dominated the microbial community. In contrast, bacterial diversity increased in wild paralarvae as they developed in the oceanic realm of both upwelling systems, likely due to the exposure of new bacterial communities via ingestion of a wide diversity of prey. Remarkably, the bacterial diversity of recently hatched paralarvae in captivity was similar to that of wild paralarvae and zooplankton, thus suggesting a marked effect of the diet in both the microbial community species diversity and evenness. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the bacterial communities inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract of O. vulgaris paralarvae, and reveals new research lines to challenge the current bottlenecks preventing sustainable octopus aquaculture.