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J Vasc Bras ; 23: e20230077, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38562125


Background: Arterialization of the dorsal venous arch of the foot is a technique indicated in cases of critical lower limb ischemia that do not have a distal bed that is adequate to enable conventional treatment such as revascularization, angioplasty, or clinical treatment. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to present the result of arterialization of the venous arch of the foot in 16 patients who underwent treatment with this technique. Methods: This is a cross-sectional retrospective descriptive analytical study based on a review of the medical records of 16 patients who underwent arterialization of the dorsal venous arch of the foot for limb salvage from January 2016 to January 2021. Results: Four (25%) of the 16 patients who underwent arterialization of the venous arch of the foot underwent a major amputation during the same hospital stay and one patient (6.25%) had a major amputation within 6 months. The other 11 patients (68.75%) had their limbs preserved, with 10 undergoing minor amputations (toes and forefoot) and one patient having no additional procedures. Conclusions: We conclude that the technique of arterialization of the dorsal venous arch of the foot should be considered in selected cases. It is a valid alternative for limb salvage when conventional treatment is impossible.

J. vasc. bras ; 23: e20230077, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550518


Resumo Contexto A arterialização do arco venoso dorsal do pé é uma técnica indicada em casos de isquemia crítica de membros inferiores sem leito distal adequado que possibilite tratamento convencional, como revascularização, angioplastia ou tratamento clínico. Objetivos O propósito do trabalho foi apresentar o resultado da arterialização do arco venoso do pé em 16 pacientes submetidos a essa técnica. Métodos Tratou-se de um estudo analítico descritivo retrospectivo transversal, baseado na revisão de prontuários de 16 pacientes submetidos à arterialização do arco venoso dorsal do pé para salvamento de membro, entre janeiro de 2016 a janeiro de 2021. Resultados Dos 16 pacientes submetidos à arterialização do arco venoso do pé, 25% (4) evoluíram para amputação maior durante a mesma internação, e 6,25% (1) pacientes evoluíram para amputação maior após 6 meses. Os demais pacientes (68,75%, 11) tiveram seus membros preservados, sendo que 10 foram submetidos a amputações menores (pododáctilos e antepé), e 1 paciente não necessitou de procedimento adicional. Conclusões A técnica de arterialização do arco venoso dorsal do pé deve ser considerada em casos selecionados. Trata-se de uma alternativa válida para a preservação do membro na impossibilidade de tratamento convencional.

Abstract Background Arterialization of the dorsal venous arch of the foot is a technique indicated in cases of critical lower limb ischemia that do not have a distal bed that is adequate to enable conventional treatment such as revascularization, angioplasty, or clinical treatment. Objectives The purpose of this study is to present the result of arterialization of the venous arch of the foot in 16 patients who underwent treatment with this technique. Methods This is a cross-sectional retrospective descriptive analytical study based on a review of the medical records of 16 patients who underwent arterialization of the dorsal venous arch of the foot for limb salvage from January 2016 to January 2021. Results Four (25%) of the 16 patients who underwent arterialization of the venous arch of the foot underwent a major amputation during the same hospital stay and one patient (6.25%) had a major amputation within 6 months. The other 11 patients (68.75%) had their limbs preserved, with 10 undergoing minor amputations (toes and forefoot) and one patient having no additional procedures. Conclusions We conclude that the technique of arterialization of the dorsal venous arch of the foot should be considered in selected cases. It is a valid alternative for limb salvage when conventional treatment is impossible.