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Nature ; 549(7670): 66-69, 2017 09 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28880294


The most intense auroral emissions from Earth's polar regions, called discrete for their sharply defined spatial configurations, are generated by a process involving coherent acceleration of electrons by slowly evolving, powerful electric fields directed along the magnetic field lines that connect Earth's space environment to its polar regions. In contrast, Earth's less intense auroras are generally caused by wave scattering of magnetically trapped populations of hot electrons (in the case of diffuse aurora) or by the turbulent or stochastic downward acceleration of electrons along magnetic field lines by waves during transitory periods (in the case of broadband or Alfvénic aurora). Jupiter's relatively steady main aurora has a power density that is so much larger than Earth's that it has been taken for granted that it must be generated primarily by the discrete auroral process. However, preliminary in situ measurements of Jupiter's auroral regions yielded no evidence of such a process. Here we report observations of distinct, high-energy, downward, discrete electron acceleration in Jupiter's auroral polar regions. We also infer upward magnetic-field-aligned electric potentials of up to 400 kiloelectronvolts, an order of magnitude larger than the largest potentials observed at Earth. Despite the magnitude of these upward electric potentials and the expectations from observations at Earth, the downward energy flux from discrete acceleration is less at Jupiter than that caused by broadband or stochastic processes, with broadband and stochastic characteristics that are substantially different from those at Earth.

Geophys Res Lett ; 49(11): e2021GL097390, 2022 Jun 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35865009


We present 14 simultaneous Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO)-Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of Jupiter's Northern X-ray and ultraviolet (UV) aurorae from 2016 to 2019. Despite the variety of dynamic UV and X-ray auroral structures, one region is conspicuous by its persistent absence of emission: the dark polar region (DPR). Previous HST observations have shown that very little UV emission is produced by the DPR. We find that the DPR also produces very few X-ray photons. For all 14 observations, the low level of X-ray emission from the DPR is consistent (within 2-standard deviations) with scattered solar emission and/or photons spread by Chandra's Point Spread Function from known X-ray-bright regions. We therefore conclude that for these 14 observations the DPR produced no statistically significant detectable X-ray signature.

Geophys Res Lett ; 44(15): 7668-7675, 2017 08 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28989207


Juno ultraviolet spectrograph (UVS) observations of Jupiter's aurora obtained during approach are presented. Prior to the bow shock crossing on 24 June 2016, the Juno approach provided a rare opportunity to correlate local solar wind conditions with Jovian auroral emissions. Some of Jupiter's auroral emissions are expected to be controlled or modified by local solar wind conditions. Here we compare synoptic Juno-UVS observations of Jupiter's auroral emissions, acquired during 3-29 June 2016, with in situ solar wind observations, and related Jupiter observations from Earth. Four large auroral brightening events are evident in the synoptic data, in which the total emitted auroral power increases by a factor of 3-4 for a few hours. Only one of these brightening events correlates well with large transient increases in solar wind ram pressure. The brightening events which are not associated with the solar wind generally have a risetime of ~2 h and a decay time of ~5 h.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 127(10): e2022JA030586, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36591321


The dynamics of the Jovian magnetosphere is controlled by the interplay of the planet's fast rotation, its solar-wind interaction and its main plasma source at the Io torus, mediated by coupling processes involving its magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere. At the ionospheric level, these processes can be characterized by a set of parameters including conductances, field-aligned currents, horizontal currents, electric fields, transport of charged particles along field lines including the fluxes of electrons precipitating into the upper atmosphere which trigger auroral emissions, and the particle and Joule heating power dissipation rates into the upper atmosphere. Determination of these key parameters makes it possible to estimate the net transfer of momentum and energy between Jovian upper atmosphere and equatorial magnetosphere. A method based on a combined use of Juno multi-instrument data and three modeling tools was developed by Wang et al. (2021, and applied to an analysis of the first nine orbits to retrieve these parameters along Juno's magnetic footprint. We extend this method to the first 30 Juno science orbits and to both hemispheres. Our results reveal a large variability of these parameters from orbit to orbit and between the two hemispheres. They also show dominant trends. Southern current systems are consistent with the generation of a region of sub-corotating ionospheric plasma flows, while both super-corotating and sub-corotating plasma flows are found in the north. These results are discussed in light of the previous space and ground-based observations and currently available models of plasma convection and current systems, and their implications are assessed.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 127(8): e2022JA030334, 2022 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36247326


The Juno spacecraft's polar orbits have enabled direct sampling of Jupiter's low-altitude auroral field lines. While various data sets have identified unique features over Jupiter's main aurora, they are yet to be analyzed altogether to determine how they can be reconciled and fit into the bigger picture of Jupiter's auroral generation mechanisms. Jupiter's main aurora has been classified into distinct "zones", based on repeatable signatures found in energetic electron and proton spectra. We combine fields, particles, and plasma wave data sets to analyze Zone-I and Zone-II, which are suggested to carry upward and downward field-aligned currents, respectively. We find Zone-I to have well-defined boundaries across all data sets. H+ and/or H3 + cyclotron waves are commonly observed in Zone-I in the presence of energetic upward H+ beams and downward energetic electron beams. Zone-II, on the other hand, does not have a clear poleward boundary with the polar cap, and its signatures are more sporadic. Large-amplitude solitary waves, which are reminiscent of those ubiquitous in Earth's downward current region, are a key feature of Zone-II. Alfvénic fluctuations are most prominent in the diffuse aurora and are repeatedly found to diminish in Zone-I and Zone-II, likely due to dissipation, at higher altitudes, to energize auroral electrons. Finally, we identify significant electron density depletions, by up to 2 orders of magnitude, in Zone-I, and discuss their important implications for the development of parallel potentials, Alfvénic dissipation, and radio wave generation.

Science ; 361(6404): 774-777, 2018 08 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29976795


Jupiter's aurorae are produced in its upper atmosphere when incoming high-energy electrons precipitate along the planet's magnetic field lines. A northern and a southern main auroral oval are visible, surrounded by small emission features associated with the Galilean moons. We present infrared observations, obtained with the Juno spacecraft, showing that in the case of Io, this emission exhibits a swirling pattern that is similar in appearance to a von Kármán vortex street. Well downstream of the main auroral spots, the extended tail is split in two. Both of Ganymede's footprints also appear as a pair of emission features, which may provide a remote measure of Ganymede's magnetosphere. These features suggest that the magnetohydrodynamic interaction between Jupiter and its moon is more complex than previously anticipated.

Science ; 356(6340): 826-832, 2017 05 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28546207


The Juno spacecraft acquired direct observations of the jovian magnetosphere and auroral emissions from a vantage point above the poles. Juno's capture orbit spanned the jovian magnetosphere from bow shock to the planet, providing magnetic field, charged particle, and wave phenomena context for Juno's passage over the poles and traverse of Jupiter's hazardous inner radiation belts. Juno's energetic particle and plasma detectors measured electrons precipitating in the polar regions, exciting intense aurorae, observed simultaneously by the ultraviolet and infrared imaging spectrographs. Juno transited beneath the most intense parts of the radiation belts, passed about 4000 kilometers above the cloud tops at closest approach, well inside the jovian rings, and recorded the electrical signatures of high-velocity impacts with small particles as it traversed the equator.