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Phys Rev Lett ; 89(20): 200403, 2002 Nov 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12443462


We study experimentally the line of a single quantized vortex in a rotating prolate Bose-Einstein condensate confined by a harmonic potential. In agreement with predictions, we find that the vortex line is in most cases curved at the ends. We monitor the vortex line leaving the condensate. Its length is measured as a function of time and temperature. For a low temperature, the survival time can be as large as 10 sec. The length of the line and its deviation from the center of the trap are related to the angular momentum per particle along the condensate axis.

Phys Rev Lett ; 86(20): 4443-6, 2001 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11384255


Using a focused laser beam we stir a 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a magnetic trap. We observe that the steady states of the condensate correspond to an elliptic cloud, stationary in the rotating frame. These steady states depend nonlinearly on the stirring parameters (amplitude and frequency), and various solutions can be reached experimentally depending on the path followed in this parameter space. These states can be dynamically unstable and we observe that such instabilities lead to vortex nucleation in the condensate.

Phys Rev Lett ; 90(10): 100403, 2003 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12688984


We study the two transverse quadrupole modes of a cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate with a single centered vortex. We show that the counterrotating mode is more strongly damped than in the absence of a vortex, whereas the corotating mode is not affected appreciably by the vortex. We interpret this result as a decay of the counterrotating quadrupole mode into two excitations of the vortex line, the so-called Kelvin modes. This is supported by direct observation of the vortex line.

Phys Rev Lett ; 88(25 Pt 1): 250402, 2002 Jun 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12097077


We study experimentally the transverse monopole mode of an elongated rubidium condensate. Because of the scaling invariance of the nonlinear Schrödinger (Gross-Pitaevskii) equation, the oscillation is monochromatic and sinusoidal at short times, even under strong excitation. For ultralow temperatures, the quality factor Q = omega(0)/gamma(0) can exceed 2000, where omega(0) and gamma(0) are the mode angular frequency and damping rate. This value is much larger than any previously reported for other eigenmodes of a condensate. We also present the temperature variation of omega(0) and gamma(0).

Phys Rev Lett ; 88(25 Pt 1): 250403, 2002 Jun 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12097078


We study experimentally and theoretically a cold trapped Bose gas under critical rotation, i.e., with a rotation frequency close to the frequency of the radial confinement. We identify two regimes: the regime of explosion where the cloud expands to infinity in one direction, and the regime where the condensate spirals out of the trap as a rigid body. The former is realized for a dilute cloud, and the latter for a condensate with the interparticle interaction exceeding a critical value. This constitutes a novel system in which repulsive interactions help in maintaining particles together.