We report designs and experimental demonstrations of a widely tunable single-mode quantum cascade laser array based on slot waveguide structures in the mid-infrared region. The laser array device realized a continuous tuning range of 71 cm-1 from 9.66 µm to 10.37 µm at 300 K only using the current tuning without any external heatsink temperature adjustments, in good agreement with the design. Stable single-mode operations free of undesired mode-hops have been obtained over the whole tuning range. Another slot waveguide QCL array with a 41 cm-1 continuous tuning range around 7.3 µm has also been realized with the same design principle, demonstrating the universal applicability of the array design. The broadly continuous tuning with simple processing makes the array device a suitable candidate for mid-infrared sensing and spectroscopy application.
We report a cost-efficient method to demonstrate the beam combining of five laser elements in an array of tunable slot waveguide quantum cascade lasers in the mid-infrared region at around 10â µm. An aspherical lens with five fine-tuned mini mirrors was employed to collimate the individual beams from the laser array. To verify the feasibility of this beam combining approach, the combined beams were coupled into a hollow-core fiber gas cell with a low numerical aperture (N.A.) of 0.03 and a coupling efficiency >= 0.82, for gas sensing of binary compound gases of ammonia and ethylene simultaneously.