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Nature ; 586(7827): 37-41, 2020 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32968283


Magnetic skyrmions are topological solitons with a nanoscale winding spin texture that hold promise for spintronics applications1-4. Skyrmions have so far been observed in a variety of magnets that exhibit nearly parallel alignment for neighbouring spins, but theoretically skyrmions with anti-parallel neighbouring spins are also possible. Such antiferromagnetic skyrmions may allow more flexible control than conventional ferromagnetic skyrmions5-10. Here, by combining neutron scattering measurements and Monte Carlo simulations, we show that a fractional antiferromagnetic skyrmion lattice is stabilized in MnSc2S4 through anisotropic couplings. The observed lattice is composed of three antiferromagnetically coupled sublattices, and each sublattice is a triangular skyrmion lattice that is fractionalized into two parts with an incipient meron (half-skyrmion) character11,12. Our work demonstrates that the theoretically proposed antiferromagnetic skyrmions can be stabilized in real materials and represents an important step towards their implementation in spintronic devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(26): 267003, 2018 Jun 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30004765


We report an inelastic neutron scattering study on the spin resonance in the bilayer iron-based superconductor CaKFe_{4}As_{4}. In contrast to its quasi-two-dimensional electron structure, three strongly L-dependent modes of spin resonance are found below T_{c}=35 K. The mode energies are below and linearly scale with the total superconducting gaps summed on the nesting hole and electron pockets, essentially in agreement with the results in cuprate and heavy fermion superconductors. This observation supports the sign-reversed Cooper pairing mechanism under multiple pairing channels and resolves the long-standing puzzles concerning the broadening and dispersive spin resonance peak in iron pnictides. More importantly, the triple resonant modes can be classified into odd and even symmetries with respect to the distance of Fe-Fe planes within the Fe-As bilayer unit. Thus, our results closely resemble those in the bilayer cuprates with nondegenerate spin excitations, suggesting that these two high-T_{c} superconducting families share a common nature.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(9): 097202, 2015 Aug 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26371677


We report the low-temperature magnetic properties of Ce2Sn2O7, a rare-earth pyrochlore. Our susceptibility and magnetization measurements show that due to the thermal isolation of a Kramers doublet ground state, Ce2Sn2O7 has Ising-like magnetic moments of ∼1.18 µ_{B}. The magnetic moments are confined to the local trigonal axes, as in a spin ice, but the exchange interactions are antiferromagnetic. Below 1 K, the system enters a regime with antiferromagnetic correlations. In contrast to predictions for classical ⟨111⟩-Ising spins on the pyrochlore lattice, there is no sign of long-range ordering down to 0.02 K. Our results suggest that Ce2Sn2O7 features an antiferromagnetic liquid ground state with strong quantum fluctuations.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 6093, 2023 Sep 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37773159


Magnon polarons are novel elementary excitations possessing hybrid magnonic and phononic signatures, and are responsible for many exotic spintronic and magnonic phenomena. Despite long-term sustained experimental efforts in chasing for magnon polarons, direct spectroscopic evidence of their existence is hardly observed. Here, we report the direct observation of magnon polarons using neutron spectroscopy on a multiferroic Fe2Mo3O8 possessing strong magnon-phonon coupling. Specifically, below the magnetic ordering temperature, a gap opens at the nominal intersection of the original magnon and phonon bands, leading to two separated magnon-polaron bands. Each of the bands undergoes mixing, interconverting and reversing between its magnonic and phononic components. We attribute the formation of magnon polarons to the strong magnon-phonon coupling induced by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Intriguingly, we find that the band-inverted magnon polarons are topologically nontrivial. These results uncover exotic elementary excitations arising from the magnon-phonon coupling, and offer a new route to topological states by considering hybridizations between different types of fundamental excitations.

Commun Phys ; 6(1): 223, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38665398


The microscopic mechanism of heavy band formation, relevant for unconventional superconductivity in CeCoIn5 and other Ce-based heavy fermion materials, depends strongly on the efficiency with which f electrons are delocalized from the rare earth sites and participate in a Kondo lattice. Replacing Ce3+ (4f1, J = 5/2) with Sm3+ (4f5, J = 5/2), we show that a combination of the crystal electric field and on-site Coulomb repulsion causes SmCoIn5 to exhibit a Γ7 ground state similar to CeCoIn5 with multiple f electrons. We show that with this single-ion ground state, SmCoIn5 exhibits a temperature-induced valence crossover consistent with a Kondo scenario, leading to increased delocalization of f holes below a temperature scale set by the crystal field, Tv ≈ 60 K. Our result provides evidence that in the case of many f electrons, the crystal field remains the dominant tuning knob in controlling the efficiency of delocalization near a heavy fermion quantum critical point, and additionally clarifies that charge fluctuations play a general role in the ground state of "115" materials.

Nat Phys ; 16(5): 546-552, 2020 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32802143


Spin liquids are highly correlated yet disordered states formed by the entanglement of magnetic dipoles1. Theories define such states using gauge fields and deconfined quasiparticle excitations that emerge from a local constraint governing the ground state of a frustrated magnet. For example, the '2-in-2-out' ice rule for dipole moments on a tetrahedron can lead to a quantum spin ice2-4 in rare-earth pyrochlores. However, f-electron ions often carry multipole degrees of freedom of higher rank than dipoles, leading to intriguing behaviours and 'hidden' orders5-6. Here we show that the correlated ground state of a Ce3+-based pyrochlore, Ce2Sn2O7, is a quantum liquid of magnetic octupoles. Our neutron scattering results are consistent with a fluid-like state where degrees of freedom have a more complex magnetization density than that of magnetic dipoles. The nature and strength of the octupole-octupole couplings, together with the existence of a continuum of excitations attributed to spinons, provides further evidence for a quantum ice of octupoles governed by a '2-plus-2-minus' rule7-8. Our work identifies Ce2Sn2O7 as a unique example of frustrated multipoles forming a 'hidden' topological order, thus generalizing observations on quantum spin liquids to multipolar phases that can support novel types of emergent fields and excitations.

Nat Commun ; 8(1): 892, 2017 10 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29026077


The charge ordered structure of ions and vacancies characterizing rare-earth pyrochlore oxides serves as a model for the study of geometrically frustrated magnetism. The organization of magnetic ions into networks of corner-sharing tetrahedra gives rise to highly correlated magnetic phases with strong fluctuations, including spin liquids and spin ices. It is an open question how these ground states governed by local rules are affected by disorder. Here we demonstrate in the pyrochlore Tb2Hf2O7, that the vicinity of the disordering transition towards a defective fluorite structure translates into a tunable density of anion Frenkel disorder while cations remain ordered. Quenched random crystal fields and disordered exchange interactions can therefore be introduced into otherwise perfect pyrochlore lattices of magnetic ions. We show that disorder can play a crucial role in preventing long-range magnetic order at low temperatures, and instead induces a strongly fluctuating Coulomb spin liquid with defect-induced frozen magnetic degrees of freedom.Experimental studies of frustrated spin systems such as pyrochlore magnetic oxides test our understanding of quantum many-body physics. Here the authors show experimentally that Tb2Hf2O7 may be a model material for investigating how structural disorder can stabilize a quantum spin liquid phase.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(3): 037204, 2008 Jul 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18764286


Dy2Ti2O7 is a geometrically frustrated magnetic material with a strongly correlated spin ice regime that extends from 1 K down to as low as 60 mK. The diffuse elastic neutron scattering intensities in the spin ice regime can be remarkably well described by a phenomenological model of weakly interacting hexagonal spin clusters, as invoked in other geometrically frustrated magnets. We present a highly refined microscopic theory of Dy2Ti2O7 that includes long-range dipolar and exchange interactions to third nearest neighbors and which demonstrates that the clusters are purely fictitious in this material. The seeming emergence of composite spin clusters and their associated scattering pattern is instead an indicator of fine-tuning of ancillary correlations within a strongly correlated state.