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J Phycol ; 56(4): 979-993, 2020 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32198895


The main aims of this work were to assess phylogenetic relationships of the trentepohlialean photobionts in tropical, mainly sterile, lichens collected in Bolivia, to examine their genetic diversity, host specificity, and the impact of habitat factors on the occurrence of Trentepohliales. Based on rbcL marker analysis, we constructed a phylogenetic tree with eight major clades of Trentepohliales, of which seven free-living species are intermingled with lichenized ones. Our analyses show that the studied photobionts are scattered across the phylogenetic tree and algae from temperate and tropical regions do not form monophyletic groups, except within one clade that seems to be restricted to the tropics. There is no significant occurrence pattern of lichenized Trentepohliaceae on a specific substratum, except Cephaleuros spp. and Phycopeltis spp., which are restricted to leaves, while some clades with lichenized algae may be specialized to tree bark and wood. Moreover, we found two patterns of associations: first, closely related algae can associate with distantly related mycobionts; second, some other trentepohlioid algae associate with selected lineages of fungi (e.g., Arthoniaceae or Graphidaceae). We also found that some lineages of photobionts are even more selective and associate exclusively with one species (e.g., Dichosporidium nigrocinctum, Diorygma antillarum) or closely related lichen-forming fungi (Herpothallon spp.). Concluding, we found that occurrence of some trentepohlialean photobionts may correlate with the particular type of the mycobiont.

Clorófitas , Líquens , Ascomicetos , Clorófitas/genética , Filogenia , Simbiose
Mycologia ; 116(1): 17-30, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37955982


Acrospermales represent one of the least studied lineages of Dothideomycetes and are characterized by diverse ecological strategies, including saprotrophic, epiphytic, fungicolous, lichenicolous, and bryophilous lifestyles. The order is composed of two teleomorphic genera, Acrospermum and Oomyces, and five anamorphic genera of unclear relationships. The objectives of the study were to establish the phylogenetic position of Acrospermum species collected from lichens in the tropical forest of Bolivia and to infer the evolution of the lichenicolous lifestyle in Acrospermales. Our results reveal that the examined specimens from Bolivia represent a new species, A. bolivianum, which is well characterized by its phylogenetic distinctness, morphological characteristics, and host selection. The new species is the first lichenicolous member of Acrospermum and forms a well-supported clade sister to the bryophilous Acrospermum adeanum. The evolution of lifestyles, concluded by phylogenetic analyses and ancestral state reconstructions, indicated that the saprotrophic lifestyle is ancestral to Acrospermales. This corresponds to their close relationship to other saprotrophic lineages of Dothideomycetes and indicates that the wide spectrum of nutritional strategies, currently observed in Acrospermales, may be a result of more recent shifts in their ecology. Our results also suggest that the lichenicolous lifestyle in Acrospermales appeared independently at least two times. Lichenicolous species are represented in our data set by Acrospermum bolivianum and Gonatophragmium physciae, which evolved from lichenicolous and plant-parasite ancestors, respectively. The genus Oomyces, represented by O. carneoalbus, was included for the first time in the phylogenetic analysis and showed a sister relationship to the remaining taxa of Acrospermales.

Líquens , Líquens/genética , Filogenia , DNA Ribossômico , Plantas , Bolívia
MycoKeys ; 105: 21-47, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38694266


Four species of the genus Sticta are described as new from Bolivia, based on morphological examination and phylogenetic analysis of the fungal ITS barcoding marker. Additionally, two species are reported as new to Bolivia (their identification confirmed by molecular data) and one previously reported species is confirmed by molecular data for the first time. Detailed morphological and anatomical descriptions are provided for all new species. Two of the new species, S.isidiolobulata Ossowska, B. Moncada, Lücking & Kukwa and S.madidiensis Ossowska, B. Moncada, Lücking & Kukwa belong to clade I, as defined in previous studies. In contrast, S.montepunkuensis Ossowska, B. Moncada, Lücking & Kukwa and S.macrolobata Ossowska, B. Moncada, Lücking & Kukwa, also described here as new to science, belong to clade III. Stictaisidiolobulata has an irregular to suborbicular thallus of medium size, with isidia developing into spathulate lobules, cyanobacterial photobiont and apothecia with entire to weakly-crenate margins. The large irregular thallus of the cyanobacteria-associated S.macrolobata has broad lobes, apothecia with verrucous to tomentose margins and cyphellae with raised margins, whereas S.madidiensis has a medium-sized, palmate to irregular thallus with a stipe, but without vegetative propagules and apothecia. Stictamontepunkuensis has large and irregular thalli with green algae as photobiont, apothecia with crenate to verrucous margins and urceolate cyphellae with a wide pore and a scabrid basal membrane. Two species, S.beauvoisii Delise and S.riparia Merc.-Díaz are reported as new to Bolivia (the latter also as new to South America) and belong to clade III. Stictatomentosa (Sw.) Ach., species confirmed from Bolivia by molecular data, belongs to clade II. Stictabeauvoisii is characterised by a smooth yellowish-brown upper surface with darker apices and abundant, marginal isidia and a brown lower surface with golden-chocolate brown primary tomentum and sparse, golden-brown rhizines. Stictariparia has a strongly branched thallus, with undulate lobes and abundant, marginal, palmate, grey to dark brown phyllidia and greyish-brown lower surface with the primary tomentum absent towards the margins. Stictatomentosa has palmate, bluish thalli with white cilia and abundant, submarginal apothecia and creamy-white lower surface with a sparse, white primary tomentum.

MycoKeys ; 95: 83-100, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37251997


Two new species of Astrothelium are described from the Yungas forest in Bolivian Andes. Astrotheliumchulumanense is characterised by pseudostromata concolorous with the thallus, perithecia immersed for the most part, with the upper portion elevated above the thallus and covered, except the tops, with orange pigment, apical and fused ostioles, the absence of lichexanthone (but thallus UV+ orange-yellow), clear hamathecium, 8-spored asci and amyloid, large, muriform ascospores with median septa. Astrotheliumisidiatum is known only in a sterile state and produces isidia that develop in groups on areoles, but easily break off to reveal a medulla that resembles soralia. Both species, according to the two-locus phylogeny, belong to Astrothelium s.str. The production of isidia is reported from the genus Astrothelium and the family Trypetheliaceae for the first time.

MycoKeys ; 96: 97-112, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37252052


The new genus Pseudolepraria Kukwa, Jablonska, Kosecka & Guzow-Krzeminska is introduced to accommodate Leprariastephaniana Elix, Flakus & Kukwa. Phylogenetic analyses of nucITS, nucLSU, mtSSU and RPB2 markers recovered the new genus in the family Ramalinaceae with strong support. The genus is characterised by its thick, unstratified thallus composed entirely of soredia-like granules, the presence of 4-O-methylleprolomin, salazinic acid, zeorin and unknown terpenoid, and its phylogenetic position. The new combination, P.stephaniana (Elix, Flakus & Kukwa) Kukwa, Jablonska, Kosecka & Guzow-Krzeminska, is proposed.

MycoKeys ; 92: 131-160, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36761317


Six species of Sticta are described as new to science on the basis of material from Bolivia and supported by phylogenetic analysis of the fungal ITS barcoding marker. The species were resolved in all three of the clades (I, II, III) widespread and common in the Neotropics, as defined in an earlier study on the genus. Comparison with material from neighbouring countries (i.e. Colombia, Ecuador, Peru) suggests that these new species may be potentially endemic to the Bolivian Yungas ecoregion. For each species, a detailed morphological and anatomical description is given. Stictaamboroensis Ossowska, Kukwa, B. Moncada & Lücking is a medium-sized green-algal species with laminal to submarginal apothecia with hirsute margins and with light to dark brown lower tomentum. Stictaaymara Ossowska, Kukwa, B. Moncada, Flakus, Rodriguez-Flakus & Lücking is a comparatively small cyanobacterial taxon with Nostoc as photobiont, laminal, richly branched, aggregate isidia and a golden to chocolate-brown lower tomentum. The medium-sized, cyanobacterial S.bicellulata Ossowska, Kukwa, B. Moncada & Lücking has cyanobacterial photobiont, bicellular ascospores, apothecia with white to golden-brown hairs on the margins, K+ violet apothecial margin (ring around disc) and epihymenium and a white to dark brown lower tomentum. In contrast, the green-algal species, S.carrascoensis Ossowska, Kukwa, B. Moncada & Lücking is characterised by its large size, apothecia with dark brown hairs on the margins and a yellow medulla. The cyanobacterial S.catharinae Ossowska, B. Moncada, Kukwa, Flakus, Rodriguez-Flakus & Lücking forms stipitate thalli with Nostoc as photobiont, abundant, laminal to submarginal apothecia and a golden-brown lower tomentum. Finally, the cyanobacterial S.pseudoimpressula Ossowska, Kukwa, B. Moncada & Lücking produces laminal apothecia with an orange-yellow line of pruina along the margins which reacts K+ carmine-red. In addition to the six new Bolivian taxa, the cyanobacterial S.narinioana B. Moncada, Ossowska & Lücking is described as new from Colombia and it represents the closely-related sister species of the Bolivian S.aymara; it differs from the latter largely in the marginal instead of laminal isidia.

Front Microbiol ; 13: 779784, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35418958


In the past few years, new phylogenetic lineages in Trebouxia were detected as a result of molecular approaches. These studies included symbiont selectivity in lichen communities, transects along altitudinal gradients at local and global scales and the photobiont diversity in local populations of lichen-forming fungal species. In most of these studies, phylogenetic and haplotype analyses based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) locus have continuously allowed the recognition of new monophyletic lineages, which suggests that still numerous undiscovered Trebouxia lineages can be hidden in lichens from unexplored areas, especially in the tropics. Here, we estimated the biodiversity of photobionts in Bolivian Andean vegetation and assessed their specificity. About 403 lichen samples representing 42 genera, e.g., Haematomma, Heterodermia, Hypotrachyna, Lecanora, Lepra, Leucodermia, Parmotrema, Pertusaria, Polyblastidium, and Usnea, containing Trebouxia photobionts, were analyzed. ITS ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and rbcL markers were used. We obtained Trebouxia sequences from Bolivian samples belonging to already described clades A, C, I, and S. Thirty-nine Trebouxia lineages were distinguished within these clades, while 16 were new. To reveal the structure of the community of Bolivian photobionts and their relationships with mycobionts, the comparative effects of climate, altitude, geographical distances, substrate, and habitat type, as well as functional traits of lichens such as growth forms, propagation mode and secondary metabolites, were analyzed. Furthermore, new Bolivian records were included in analysis on a global scale. In our study, the mycobiont genus or even species are the most important factors correlated with photobiont identity. Moreover, we revealed that the community of Bolivian photobionts is shaped by altitude.

Front Microbiol ; 12: 774839, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34987486


Shifts in climate along elevation gradients structure mycobiont-photobiont associations in lichens. We obtained mycobiont (lecanoroid Lecanoraceae) and photobiont (Trebouxia alga) DNA sequences from 89 lichen thalli collected in Bolivia from a ca. 4,700 m elevation gradient encompassing diverse natural communities and environmental conditions. The molecular dataset included six mycobiont loci (ITS, nrLSU, mtSSU, RPB1, RPB2, and MCM7) and two photobiont loci (ITS, rbcL); we designed new primers to amplify Lecanoraceae RPB1 and RPB2 with a nested PCR approach. Mycobionts belonged to Lecanora, Bryonora, Myriolecis, Protoparmeliopsis, the "Lecanora" polytropa group, and the "L." saligna group. All of these clades except for Lecanora occurred only at high elevation. No single species of Lecanoraceae was present along the entire elevation gradient, and individual clades were restricted to a subset of the gradient. Most Lecanoraceae samples represent species which have not previously been sequenced. Trebouxia clade C, which has not previously been recorded in association with species of Lecanoraceae, predominates at low- to mid-elevation sites. Photobionts from Trebouxia clade I occur at the upper extent of mid-elevation forest and at some open, high-elevation sites, while Trebouxia clades A and S dominate open habitats at high elevation. We did not find Trebouxia clade D. Several putative new species were found in Trebouxia clades A, C, and I. These included one putative species in clade A associated with Myriolecis species growing on limestone at high elevation and a novel lineage sister to the rest of clade C associated with Lecanora on bark in low-elevation grassland. Three different kinds of photobiont switching were observed, with certain mycobiont species associating with Trebouxia from different major clades, species within a major clade, or haplotypes within a species. Lecanoraceae mycobionts and Trebouxia photobionts exhibit species turnover along the elevation gradient, but with each partner having a different elevation threshold at which the community shifts completely. A phylogenetically defined sampling of a single diverse family of lichen-forming fungi may be sufficient to document regional patterns of Trebouxia diversity and distribution.

MycoKeys ; 53: 1-22, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31160883


Leprariacryptovouauxii is described as a new semicryptic species similar to L.vouauxii, from which it differs geographically (South America) and phylogenetically; both species differ in nucleotide position characters in nucITS barcoding marker. Leprariaharrisiana is reported as new to South America and L.nothofagi as new to Antarctica, Bolivia, and Peru. Leprariaincana (South American records are referred to L.aff.hodkinsoniana) and L.vouauxii (most South American records are referred to L.cryptovouauxii) should be excluded at least temporarily from the lichen list of South America. All records previously referred to as L.alpina from Bolivia and Peru belong to L.nothofagi. Most of Bolivian records of L.pallida belong to L.harrisiana. Leprariaborealis and L.caesioalba should be included in L.neglecta. Leprariaachariana, L.impossibilis, and L.sipmaniana are sequenced for the first time.

Mycologia ; 111(4): 593-611, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31136256


Lichen-inhabiting fungi are highly specialized mycoparasites, commensals or rarely saprotrophs, that are common components of almost every ecosystem, where they develop obligate associations with lichens. Their relevance, however, contrasts with the relatively small number of these fungi described so far. Recent estimates and ongoing studies indicate that a significant fraction of their diversity remains undiscovered and may be expected in tropical regions, in particular in hyperdiverse fog-exposed montane forests. Here, we introduce the new genus Zhurbenkoa, from South America and Europe, for three lichenicolous fungi growing on thalli of the widespread lichen genus Cladonia (Lecanorales). Phylogenetic analyses based on combined sequence data of mt and nuc rDNA obtained from Andean populations (Bolivia) placed Zhurbenkoa as a member of Malmideaceae, a recently introduced family of lichen-forming fungi in the class Lecanoromycetes. Zhurbenkoa is closely related to the genera Savoronala and Sprucidea. The new genus is characterized by the development of grayish brown to almost black apothecia lacking an evident margin, an epihymenium interspersed with crystals (often seen as pruina), a strongly conglutinated hymenium made of noncapitate and sparsely branched paraphyses, a colorless exciple composed of radially arranged hyphae, a Lecanora/Micarea-like ascus type, and aseptate or 1-septate ellipsoidal colorless ascospores. Zhurbenkoa includes two Neotropical (Z. cladoniarum, Z. latispora) and one widespread (Z. epicladonia) species. The lichenicolous trophic mode is documented for the first time in the Malmideaceae, which until now included only lichen-forming associations between fungi and green algae.

Ascomicetos/classificação , Interações entre Hospedeiro e Microrganismos/fisiologia , Ascomicetos/citologia , Ascomicetos/genética , Classificação , DNA Ribossômico/genética , Europa (Continente) , Líquens/microbiologia , Filogenia , América do Sul , Simbiose
PLoS One ; 12(7): e0180284, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28700682


Pertusarialean lichens include more than 300 species belonging to several independent phylogenetic lineages. Only some of these phylogenetic clades have been comprehensively sampled for molecular data, and formally described as genera. Here we present a taxonomic treatment of a group of pertusarialean lichens formerly known as "Pertusaria amara-group", "Monomurata-group", or "Variolaria-group", which includes widespread and well-known taxa such as P. amara, P. albescens, or P. ophthalmiza. We generated a 6-locus data set with 79 OTUs representing 75 species. The distinction of the Variolaria clade is supported and consequently, the resurrection of the genus Lepra is followed. Thirty-five new combinations into Lepra are proposed and the new species Lepra austropacifica is described from mangroves in the South Pacific. Lepra is circumscribed to include species with disciform ascomata, a weakly to non-amyloid hymenial gel, strongly amyloid asci without clear apical amyloid structures, containing 1 or 2, single-layered, thin-walled ascospores. Chlorinated xanthones are not present, but thamnolic and picrolichenic acids occur frequently, as well as orcinol depsides. Seventy-one species are accepted in the genus. Although the distinction of the genus from Pertusaria is strongly supported, the relationships of Lepra remain unresolved and the genus is tentatively placed in Pertusariales incertae sedis.

Ascomicetos/genética , Ascomicetos/classificação , DNA Fúngico/genética , DNA Ribossômico/genética , Líquens/microbiologia , Filogenia , Análise de Sequência de DNA