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Phys Rev Lett ; 131(20): 203001, 2023 Nov 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38039460


The presence of doubly excited states (DESs) above the core-hole ionization threshold nontrivially modulates the x-ray absorption because the participator Auger decay couples DESs to the underlying low-energy core-hole continuum. We show that coupling also affects the high-energy continuum populated by the spectator Auger decay of DESs. For the K-L_{23}^{2} Auger decay of the 1s^{-1}3p^{-1}4s^{2}^{1}P state in argon, the competing nonresonant path is assigned to the recapture of the 1s photoelectron caused by emission of the fast electron from the shake-up K-L_{23}^{2} decay of the 1s^{-1} ion.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(22): 15555-15566, 2023 Jun 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37252735


We studied N 1s-1 inner-shell processes of the free base Phthalocyanine molecule, H2Pc, in the gas-phase. This complex organic molecule contains three different nitrogen sites defined by their covalent bonds. We identify the contribution of each site in ionized, core-shell excited or relaxed electronic states by the use of different theoretical methods. In particular, we present resonant Auger spectra along with a tentative new theoretical approach based on multiconfiguration self-consistent field calculations to simulate them. These calculations may pave the road towards resonant Auger spectroscopy in complex molecules.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(11): 6590-6604, 2022 Mar 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35234229


Auger decay after photoexcitation or photoemission of an electron from a deep inner shell in the hard X-ray regime can be rather complex, implying a multitude of phenomena such as multiple-step cascades, post-collision interaction (PCI), and electronic state-lifetime interference. Furthermore, in a molecule nuclear motion can also be triggered. Here we discuss a comprehensive theoretical method which allows us to analyze in great detail Auger spectra measured around an inner-shell ionization threshold. HCl photoexcited or photoionized around the deep Cl 1s threshold is chosen as a showcase. Our method allows calculating Auger cross sections considering the nature of the ground, intermediate and final states (bound or dissociative), and the evolution of the relaxation process, including both electron and nuclear dynamics. In particular, we show that we can understand and reproduce a so-called experimental 2D-map, consisting of a series of resonant Auger spectra measured at different photon energies, therefore obtaining a detailed picture of all above-mentioned dynamical phenomena at once.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(4): 2724-2730, 2018 Jan 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29322146


The formation of double core hole pre-edge states of the form 1s-12p-1(1,3P)σ*,nl for HCl, located on the binding energy scale as deep as 3 keV, has been investigated by means of a high resolution single channel electron spectroscopy technique recently developed for the hard X-ray region. A detailed spectroscopic assignment is performed based on ab initio quantum chemical calculations and by using a sophisticated fit model comprising regular Rydberg series. Quantum defects for the different Rydberg series are extracted and the energies for the associated double core hole ionization continua are extrapolated. Dynamical information such as the lifetime width of these double-core-hole pre-edge states and the slope of the related dissociative potential energy curves are also obtained. In addition, 1s-12p-1V-1nlλn'l'λ' double shake-up transitions and double core hole states of the form 1s-12s-1(1,3S)σ*,4s are observed.

J Chem Phys ; 149(13): 134313, 2018 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30292205


Spectra reflecting the formation of single-site double-core-hole pre-edge states involving the N 1s and C 1s core levels of acetonitrile have been recorded by means of high-resolution single-channel photoelectron spectroscopy using hard X-ray excitation. The data are interpreted with the aid of ab initio quantum chemical calculations, which take into account the direct or conjugate nature of this type of electronic states. Furthermore, the photoelectron spectra of N 1s and C 1s singly core-ionized states have been measured. From these spectra, the chemical shift between the two C 1s-1 states is estimated. Finally, by utilizing C 1s single and double core-ionization potentials, initial and final state effects for the two inequivalent carbon atoms have been investigated.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(21): 213001, 2017 May 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28598654


Tuning hard x-ray excitation energy along Cl 1s→σ^{*} resonance in gaseous HCl allows manipulating molecular fragmentation in the course of the induced multistep ultrafast dissociation. The observations are supported by theoretical modeling, which shows a strong interplay between the topology of the potential energy curves, involved in the Auger cascades, and the so-called core-hole clock, which determines the time spent by the system in the very first step. The asymmetric profile of the fragmentation ratios reflects different dynamics of nuclear wave packets dependent on the photon energy.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(13): 133001, 2017 Sep 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29341715


A combination of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering and resonant Auger spectroscopy provides complementary information on the dynamic response of resonantly excited molecules. This is exemplified for CH_{3}I, for which we reconstruct the potential energy surface of the dissociative I 3d^{-2} double-core-hole state and determine its lifetime. The proposed method holds a strong potential for monitoring the hard x-ray induced electron and nuclear dynamic response of core-excited molecules containing heavy elements, where ab initio calculations of potential energy surfaces and lifetimes remain challenging.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(13): 133001, 2016 Sep 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27715102


Using synchrotron radiation and high-resolution electron spectroscopy, we have directly observed and identified specific photoelectrons from K^{-2}V states in neon corresponding to simultaneous 1s ionization and 1s→valence excitation. The natural lifetime broadening of the K^{-2}V states and the relative intensities of different types of shakeup channels have been determined experimentally and compared to ab initio calculations. Moreover, the high-energy Auger spectrum resulting from the decay of Ne^{2+}K^{-2} and Ne^{+}K^{-2}V states as well as from participator Auger decay from Ne^{+}K^{-1}L^{-1}V states, has been measured and assigned in detail utilizing the characteristic differences in lifetime broadenings of these core hole states. Furthermore, post collision interaction broadening of Auger peaks is clearly observed only in the hypersatellite spectrum from K^{-2} states, due to the energy sharing between the two 1s photoelectrons which favors the emission of one slow and one fast electron.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 13317, 2017 10 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29042664


Recent advances in X-ray instrumentation have made it possible to measure the spectra of an essentially unexplored class of electronic states associated with double inner-shell vacancies. Using the technique of single electron spectroscopy, spectra of states in CS2 and SF6 with a double hole in the K-shell and one electron exited to a normally unoccupied orbital have been obtained. The spectra are interpreted with the aid of a high-level theoretical model giving excellent agreement with the experiment. The results shed new light on the important distinction between direct and conjugate shake-up in a molecular context. In particular, systematic similarities and differences between pre-edge states near single core holes investigated in X-ray absorption spectra and the corresponding states near double core holes studied here are brought out.