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J Phys Chem A ; 128(19): 3900-3909, 2024 May 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38588488


Coulomb crystals have proven to be powerful and versatile tools for the study of ion-molecule reactions under cold and controlled conditions. Reactions in Coulomb crystals are typically monitored through a combination of in situ fluorescence imaging of the laser-cooled ions and destructive time-of-flight mass spectrometry measurements of the ejected ions. However, neither of these techniques is able to provide direct structural information on the positions of nonfluorescing "dark" ions within the crystal. In this work, structural information is obtained using a phosphor screen and a microchannel plate detector in conjunction with a Timepix3 camera. The Timepix3 camera simultaneously records the spatial and temporal distribution of all ions that strike the phosphor screen detector following crystal ejection at a selected reaction time. A direct comparison can be made between the observed Timepix3 ion distributions and the distributions established from SIMION simulations of the ion trajectories through the apparatus and onto the detector. Quantitative agreement is found between the measured Timepix3 signal and the properties of Coulomb crystals assigned using fluorescence imaging─independently confirming that the positions and numbers of nonfluorescing ions within Coulomb crystals can be accurately determined using molecular dynamics simulations. It is anticipated that the combination of high-resolution spatial and temporal data will facilitate new measurements of the ion properties within Coulomb crystals.

Annu Rev Phys Chem ; 72: 353-373, 2021 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33492979


Since external magnetic fields were first employed to deflect paramagnetic atoms in 1921, a range of magnetic field-based methods have been introduced to state-selectively manipulate paramagnetic species. These methods include magnetic guides, which selectively filter paramagnetic species from all other components of a beam, and magnetic traps, where paramagnetic species can be spatially confined for extended periods of time. However, many of these techniques were developed for atomic-rather than molecular-paramagnetic species. It has proven challenging to apply some of these experimental methods developed for atoms to paramagnetic molecules. Thanks to the emergence of new experimental approaches and new combinations of existing techniques, the past decade has seen significant progress toward the manipulation and control of paramagnetic molecules. This review identifies the key methods that have been implemented for the state-selective manipulation of paramagnetic molecules-discussing the motivation, state of the art, and future prospects of the field. Key applications include the ability to control chemical interactions, undertake precise spectroscopic measurements, and challenge our understanding of chemical reactivity at a fundamental level.

J Chem Phys ; 157(6): 060901, 2022 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35963719


Since Arrhenius first proposed an equation to account for the behavior of thermally activated reactions in 1889, significant progress has been made in our understanding of chemical reactivity. A number of capture theory models have been developed over the past several decades to predict the rate coefficients for reactions between ions and molecules-ranging from the Langevin equation (for reactions between ions and non-polar molecules) to more recent fully quantum theories (for reactions at ultracold temperatures). A number of different capture theory methods are discussed, with the key assumptions underpinning each approach clearly set out. The strengths and limitations of these capture theory methods are examined through detailed comparisons between low-temperature experimental measurements and capture theory predictions. Guidance is provided on the selection of an appropriate capture theory method for a given class of ion-molecule reaction and set of experimental conditions-identifying when a capture-based model is likely to provide an accurate prediction. Finally, the impact of capture theories on fields such as astrochemical modeling is noted, with some potential future directions of capture-based approaches outlined.

Teoria Quântica , Íons , Temperatura
Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(17): 9180-9194, 2020 May 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32342970


The prospect of studying state-to-state chemical reaction dynamics, with full control over all of the reaction parameters, is becoming a reality for a small number of systems. Thanks to the rapid development of new experimental techniques (alongside novel combinations of existing methods), an increasingly diverse range of reactants can be prepared under cold conditions and manipulated with external fields. These tools are enabling the study of reactions at previously inaccessible collision energies; the role of long-range forces and quantum effects are beginning to be experimentally probed-challenging the accuracy of theoretical predictions and fundamental models of reactivity. In this perspective article, we outline the key methodologies that are adopted for the study of cold and controlled reaction dynamics. We discuss the motivation for these studies, detail the progress made to date, and highlight the future prospects for the field.

J Chem Phys ; 153(10): 104202, 2020 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32933278


Radicals are prevalent in gas-phase environments such as the atmosphere, combustion systems, and the interstellar medium. To understand the properties of the processes occurring in these environments, it is helpful to study radical reaction systems in isolation-thereby avoiding competing reactions from impurities. There are very few methods for generating a pure beam of gas-phase radicals, and those that do exist involve complex setups. Here, we provide a straightforward and versatile solution. A magnetic radical filter (MRF), composed of four Halbach arrays and two skimming blades, can generate a beam of velocity-selected low-field-seeking hydrogen atoms. As there is no line-of-sight through the device, all species that are unaffected by the magnetic fields are physically blocked; only the target radicals are successfully guided around the skimming blades. The positions of the arrays and blades can be adjusted, enabling the velocity distribution of the beam (and even the target radical species) to be modified. The MRF is employed as a stand-alone device-filtering radicals directly from the source. Our findings open up the prospect of studying a range of radical reaction systems with a high degree of control over the properties of the radical reactants.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(25): 5388-5394, 2019 Jun 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31002514


In Zeeman deceleration, only a small subset of low-field-seeking particles in the incoming beam possess initial velocities and positions that place them within the phase-space acceptance of the device. In order to maximize the number of particles that are successfully decelerated to a selected final velocity, we seek to optimize the phase-space acceptance of the decelerator. Three-dimensional particle trajectory simulations are employed to investigate the potential benefits of using a covariance matrix adaptation evolutionary strategy (CMA-ES) optimization method for decelerators longer than 12 stages and for decelerating species other than H atoms. In all scenarios considered, the evolutionary algorithm-optimized sequences yield vastly more particles within the target velocity range. This is particularly evident in scenarios where standard sequences are known to perform poorly; simulations show that CMA-ES optimization of a standard sequence decelerating H atoms from an initial velocity of 500 ms-1 down to a final velocity of 200 ms-1 in a 24-stage decelerator produces a considerable 5921% (or 60-fold) increase in the number of successfully decelerated particles. Particle losses that occur with standard pulse sequences-for example, arising from the coupling of longitudinal and transverse motion-are overcome in the CMA-ES optimization process as the passage of all particles through the decelerator is explicitly considered and focusing effects are accounted for in the optimization process.

J Chem Phys ; 149(17): 174201, 2018 Nov 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30408981


Generating a controllable and pure source of molecular free-radicals or open-shell atoms has been one of the primary barriers hindering the detailed study of radical processes in the laboratory. Here, we introduce a novel magnetic guide for the generation of a pure beam of velocity-selected radicals-a tuneable source that will enable the study of radical interactions with exceptional control over the properties of the radical species. Only radicals with a selected velocity are transmitted through the guide; all other components of the incoming beam (radical species traveling at other velocities, precursor molecules, and seed gas) are removed. The guide is composed of four Halbach arrays-hexapolar focusing elements-and two skimming blades. The relative positions of these components can be adjusted to tune the properties of the resulting beam and to optimise transmission for a given velocity. Experimental measurements of Zeeman-decelerated H atoms transmitted through the guide, combined with extensive simulations, show that the magnetic guide removes 99% of H-atoms traveling outside the narrow target velocity range.

J Chem Phys ; 146(4): 044302, 2017 01 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28147514


A direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is applied to model collisions between He buffer gas atoms and ammonia molecules within a buffer gas cell. State-to-state cross sections, calculated as a function of the collision energy, enable the inelastic collisions between He and NH3 to be considered explicitly. The inclusion of rotational-state-changing collisions affects the translational temperature of the beam, indicating that elastic and inelastic processes should not be considered in isolation. The properties of the cold molecular beam exiting the cell are examined as a function of the cell parameters and operating conditions; the rotational and translational energy distributions are in accord with experimental measurements. The DSMC calculations show that thermalisation occurs well within the typical 10-20 mm length of many buffer gas cells, suggesting that shorter cells could be employed in many instances-yielding a higher flux of cold molecules.

Annu Rev Phys Chem ; 66: 475-95, 2015 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25594853


Coulomb crystals-as a source of translationally cold, highly localized ions-are being increasingly utilized in the investigation of ion-molecule reaction dynamics in the cold regime. To develop a fundamental understanding of ion-molecule reactions, and to challenge existing models that describe the rates, product branching ratios, and temperature dependence of such processes, investigators need to exercise full control over the experimental reaction parameters. This requires not only state selection of the reactants, but also control over the collision process (e.g., the collisional energy and angular momentum) and state-selective product detection. The combination of Coulomb crystals in ion traps with cold neutral-molecule sources is enabling the measurement of state-selective reaction rates in a diverse range of systems. With the development of appropriate product detection techniques, we are moving toward the ultimate goal of examining low-energy, state-to-state ion-molecule reaction dynamics.

J Chem Phys ; 140(16): 164314, 2014 Apr 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24784277


The laser-induced blackbody-assisted rotational cooling of a linear polyatomic ion, C2H2(+), in its (2)Π ground electronic state in the presence of the blackbody radiation field at 300 K and 77 K is investigated theoretically using a rate-equations model. Although pure rotational transitions are forbidden in this non-polar species, the ν5 cis-bending mode is infrared active and the (1-0) band of this mode strongly overlaps the 300 K blackbody spectrum. Hence the lifetimes of state-selected rotational levels are found to be short compared to the typical timescale of ion trapping experiments. The ν5 (1-0) transition is split by the Renner-Teller coupling of vibrational and electronic angular momentum, and by the spin-orbit coupling, into six principal components and these effects are included in the calculations. In this paper, a rotational-cooling scheme is proposed that involves simultaneous pumping of a set of closely spaced Q-branch transitions on the (2)Δ5/2 - (2)Π3/2 band together with two Q-branch lines in the (2)Σ(+) - (2)Π1/2 band. It is shown that this should lead to >70% of total population in the lowest rotational level at 300 K and over 99% at 77 K. In principle, the multiple Q-branch lines could be pumped with just two broad-band (∼Δν = 0.4-3 cm(-1)) infrared lasers.

J Chem Phys ; 141(2): 024308, 2014 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25028020


The measurement of the rotational state distribution of a velocity-selected, buffer-gas-cooled beam of ND3 is described. In an apparatus recently constructed to study cold ion-molecule collisions, the ND3 beam is extracted from a cryogenically cooled buffer-gas cell using a 2.15 m long electrostatic quadrupole guide with three 90° bends. (2+1) resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization spectra of molecules exiting the guide show that beams of ND3 can be produced with rotational state populations corresponding to approximately T(rot) = 9-18 K, achieved through manipulation of the temperature of the buffer-gas cell (operated at 6 K or 17 K), the identity of the buffer gas (He or Ne), or the relative densities of the buffer gas and ND3. The translational temperature of the guided ND3 is found to be similar in a 6 K helium and 17 K neon buffer-gas cell (peak kinetic energies of 6.92(0.13) K and 5.90(0.01) K, respectively). The characterization of this cold-molecule source provides an opportunity for the first experimental investigations into the rotational dependence of reaction cross sections in low temperature collisions.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 15(34): 14270-81, 2013 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23872811


Ensembles of ultra-cold atoms, molecules and ions (both atomic and molecular) can be held in traps for increasingly long periods of time. While these trapped species remain translationally cold, for molecules the absorption of ambient black-body radiation can result in rapid thermalisation of the rotational (and vibrational) degrees of freedom. At 300 K, internal state purity is lost typically on the order of tens of seconds, inhibiting the study of quantum state selected reactions. In this paper a theoretical model is used to investigate laser-driven, blackbody-mediated, rotational cooling schemes for several (1)Σ and (2)Π diatomic species. The rotational cooling is particularly effective for DCl(+) and HCl(+), for which 92% and >99% (respectively) of the population can be driven into the rovibrational ground state. For the other systems a broadband optical pumping source (simultaneously exciting up to four transitions) is found to enhance the population that can be accumulated in the rovibrational ground state by up to 29% over that achieved when exciting a single transition. The influence of the rotational constant, dipole moments and electronic state of the diatomics on the rotational cooling achievable is also considered. An extension to polyatomic species is discussed and a combination of cold trap environments (at 77 K) and optical pumping schemes is proposed.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; 58(20): 3240-3254, 2022 Mar 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35188499


Radicals are abundant in a range of important gas-phase environments. They are prevalent in the atmosphere, in interstellar space, and in combustion processes. As such, understanding how radicals react is essential for the development of accurate models of the complex chemistry occurring in these gas-phase environments. By controlling the properties of the colliding reactants, we can also gain insights into how radical reactions occur on a fundamental level. Recent years have seen remarkable advances in the breadth of experimental methods successfully applied to the study of reaction dynamics involving paramagnetic species-from improvements to the well-known crossed molecular beams approach to newer techniques involving magnetically guided and decelerated beams. Coupled with ever-improving theoretical methods, quantum features are being observed and interesting insights into reaction dynamics are being uncovered in an increasingly diverse range of systems. In this highlight article, we explore some of the exciting recent developments in the study of chemical dynamics involving paramagnetic species. We focus on low-energy reactive collisions involving neutral radical species, where the reaction parameters are controlled. We conclude by identifying some of the limitations of current methods and exploring possible new directions for the field.

ACS Phys Chem Au ; 2(3): 199-205, 2022 May 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35637784


Astrochemical models often adopt capture theories to predict the behavior of experimentally unmeasured ion-molecule reactions. Here, reaction rate coefficients are reported for the charge transfer reactions of H2O and D2O molecules with cold, trapped Kr+ ions. Classical capture theory predictions are found to be in excellent agreement with the experimental findings. A crossing point identified between the reactant and product potential energy surfaces, constructed from high-level ab initio calculations, further supports a capture-driven mechanism of charge transfer. However, ion-molecule reactions do not always agree with predictions from capture theory models. The appropriateness of using capture theory-based models in the absence of detailed experimental or theoretical studies is discussed, alongside an analysis of why capture theory is appropriate for describing the likelihood of charge transfer between Kr+ and the two water isotopologues.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(3): 033201, 2022 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35364974


Ultra-high vacuum conditions are ideal for the study of trapped ions. They offer an almost perturbation-free environment, where ions confined in traps can be studied for extended periods of time-facilitating precision measurements and allowing infrequent events to be observed. However, if one wishes to study processes involving molecular ions, it is important to consider the effect of blackbody radiation (BBR). The vast majority of molecular ions interact with BBR. At 300 K, state selection in trapped molecular ions can be rapidly lost (in a matter of seconds). To address this issue, and to maintain state selectivity in trapped molecular ions, a cryogenic ion trap chamber has been constructed and characterized. At the center of the apparatus is a linear Paul ion trap, where Coulomb crystals can be formed for ion-neutral reaction studies. Optical access is provided, for lasers and for imaging of the crystals, alongside ion optics and a flight tube for recording time-of-flight mass spectra. The ion trap region, encased within two nested temperature stages, reaches temperatures below 9 K. To avoid vibrations from the cryocooler impeding laser cooling or imaging of the ions, vibration-damping elements are explicitly included. These components successfully inhibit the coupling of vibrations from the cold head to the ion trap-confirmed by accelerometer measurements and by the resolution of images recorded at the trap center (at 9 and 295 K). These results confirm that the cryogenic ion trap apparatus meets all requirements for studying ion-neutral reactions under cold, controlled conditions.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 105(35): 12719-24, 2008 Sep 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18687891


Reaction pathways that bypass the conventional saddle-point transition state (TS) are of considerable interest and importance. An example of such a pathway, termed "roaming," has been described in the photodissociation of H(2)CO. In a combined experimental and theoretical study, we show that roaming pathways are important in the 308-nm photodissociation of CH(3)CHO to CH(4) + CO. The CH(4) product is found to have extreme vibrational excitation, with the vibrational distribution peaked at approximately 95% of the total available energy. Quasiclassical trajectory calculations on full-dimensional potential energy surfaces reproduce these results and are used to infer that the major route to CH(4) + CO products is via a roaming pathway where a CH(3) fragment abstracts an H from HCO. The conventional saddle-point TS pathway to CH(4) + CO formation plays only a minor role. H-atom roaming is also observed, but this is also a minor pathway. The dominance of the CH(3) roaming mechanism is attributed to the fact that the CH(3) + HCO radical asymptote and the TS saddle-point barrier to CH(4) + CO are nearly isoenergetic. Roaming dynamics are therefore not restricted to small molecules such as H(2)CO, nor are they limited to H atoms being the roaming fragment. The observed dominance of the roaming mechanism over the conventional TS mechanism presents a significant challenge to current reaction rate theory.

Nat Rev Chem ; 5(2): 125-140, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37117610


The prospect of cooling matter down to temperatures that are close to absolute zero raises intriguing questions about how chemical reactivity changes under these extreme conditions. Although some types of chemical reaction still occur at 1 µK, they can no longer adhere to the conventional picture of reactants passing over an activation energy barrier to become products. Indeed, at ultracold temperatures, the system enters a fully quantum regime, and quantum mechanics replaces the classical picture of colliding particles. In this Review, we discuss recent experimental and theoretical developments that allow us to explore chemical reactions at temperatures that range from 100 K to 500 nK. Although the field is still in its infancy, exceptional control has already been demonstrated over reactivity at low temperatures.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(9): 093201, 2021 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34598488


A pure, state-selected beam of gas-phase radicals is an important tool for the precise study of radical reactions that are astrochemically and atmospherically relevant. Generating such a beam has proven to be an ongoing challenge for the scientific community. Using evolutionary algorithms to optimize the variable experimental parameters, the passage of state- and velocity-selected hydrogen atoms can be optimized as they travel through a 12-stage Zeeman decelerator and a magnetic guide. Only H atoms traveling at the target velocity are present in the beam that reaches the detection region, from a source containing a mixture of different species. All other species-including seed gases, precursor molecules, other dissociation products, and H atoms traveling outside the target velocity-are removed from the beam. The fully optimized parameters yield a pure H-atom beam containing twice as many target particles and a narrower velocity distribution compared to beams produced when only the Zeeman decelerator is optimized. These significant improvements highlight the importance of considering the passage of all target particles in the beam as they pass through all elements of the experimental apparatus.