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Phys Rev Lett ; 127(5): 055102, 2021 Jul 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34397253


By examining the entropy production in fully kinetic simulations of collisional plasmas, it is shown that the transition from collisional Sweet-Parker reconnection to collisionless Hall reconnection may be viewed as a thermodynamic phase transition. The phase transition occurs when the reconnection electric field satisfies E=E_{D}sqrt[m_{e}/m_{i}], where m_{e}/m_{i} is the electron-to-ion mass ratio and E_{D} is the Dreicer electric field. This condition applies for all m_{i}/m_{e}, including m_{i}/m_{e}=1, where the Hall regime vanishes and a direct phase transition from the collisional to the kinetic regime occurs. In the limit m_{e}/m_{i}→0, this condition is equivalent to there being a critical electron temperature T_{e}≈m_{i}Ω_{i}^{2}δ^{2}, where Ω_{i} is the ion cyclotron frequency and δ is the current sheet half-thickness. The heat capacity of the current sheet changes discontinuously across the phase transition, and a critical power law is identified in an effective heat capacity. A model for the time-dependent evolution of an isolated current sheet in the collisional regime is derived.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(1): 015101, 2019 Jan 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31012658


Fast magnetic reconnection occurs in nearly all natural and laboratory plasmas and rapidly releases stored magnetic energy. Although commonly studied in fully ionized plasmas, if and when fast reconnection can occur in partially ionized plasmas, such as the interstellar medium or solar chromosphere, is not well understood. This Letter presents the first fully kinetic particle-in-cell simulations of partially ionized reconnection and demonstrates that fast reconnection can occur in partially ionized systems. In the simulations, the transition to fast reconnection occurs when the current sheet width thins below the ion-inertial length in contrast to previous analytic predictions. The peak reconnection rate is ≥0.08 when normalized to the bulk Alfvén speed (including both ion and neutral mass), consistent with previous experimental results. However, when the bulk Alfvén speed falls below the neutral sound speed, the rate becomes system size dependent. The normalized inflow velocity is ionization fraction dependent, which is shown to be a result of neutral momentum transport. A model for the inflow is developed which agrees well with the simulation results.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(12): 125002, 2017 Mar 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28388178


We report detailed laboratory observations of the structure of a reconnection current sheet in a two-fluid plasma regime with a guide magnetic field. We observe and quantitatively analyze the quadrupolar electron pressure variation in the ion-diffusion region, as originally predicted by extended magnetohydrodynamics simulations. The projection of the electron pressure gradient parallel to the magnetic field contributes significantly to balancing the parallel electric field, and the resulting cross-field electron jets in the reconnection layer are diamagnetic in origin. These results demonstrate how parallel and perpendicular force balance are coupled in guide field reconnection and confirm basic theoretical models of the importance of electron pressure gradients for obtaining fast magnetic reconnection.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(11): 115001, 2012 Mar 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22540478


A new concept for spinning unmagnetized plasma is demonstrated experimentally. Plasma is confined by an axisymmetric multicusp magnetic field and biased cathodes are used to drive currents and impart a torque in the magnetized edge. Measurements show that flow viscously couples momentum from the magnetized edge (where the plasma viscosity is small) into the unmagnetized core (where the viscosity is large) and that the core rotates as a solid body. To be effective, collisional viscosity must overcome the ion-neutral drag due to charge-exchange collisions.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(6): 063508, 2021 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34243529


A new ion Doppler diagnostic has been constructed to measure ion temperature profiles in the presence of multi-component flow during magnetic reconnection experiments. The inversion technique and diagnostic setup are applicable to axisymmetric plasmas with two-component flow across the measurement cross section, which occurs during magnetic reconnection. The particular design discussed here is optimized for operation on the Magnetic Reconnection eXperiment (MRX) at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. To prove the viability of this diagnostic for MRX and the future Facility for Laboratory Reconnection Experiments, measurements have been taken and ion temperature and perpendicular flow profiles have been obtained. The radial velocity on MRX does not contribute to the Doppler shift of the measured spectra but does contribute to the broadening of the spectra, while toroidal flow contributes to both. It is shown that neglecting the radial velocity for vR = 20 km/s leads to an error in the ion temperature inversion of 20%. Results from MRX discharges are shown, and the impact of radial velocity on ion temperature inversions is discussed.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 5223, 2018 12 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30523290


Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental process in magnetized plasma where magnetic energy is converted to plasma energy. Despite huge differences in the physical size of the reconnection layer, remarkably similar characteristics are observed in both laboratory and magnetosphere plasmas. Here we present the comparative study of the dynamics and physical mechanisms governing the energy conversion in the laboratory and space plasma in the context of two-fluid physics, aided by numerical simulations. In strongly asymmetric reconnection layers with negligible guide field, the energy deposition to electrons is found to primarily occur in the electron diffusion region where electrons are demagnetized and diffuse. A large potential well is observed within the reconnection plane and ions are accelerated by the electric field toward the exhaust region. The present comparative study identifies the robust two-fluid mechanism operating in systems over six orders of magnitude in spatial scales and over a wide range of collisionality.