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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(46): 28596-28602, 2020 Nov 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33122434


Interaction effects can change materials properties in intriguing ways, and they have, in general, a huge impact on electronic spectra. In particular, satellites in photoemission spectra are pure many-body effects, and their study is of increasing interest in both experiment and theory. However, the intrinsic spectral function is only a part of a measured spectrum, and it is notoriously difficult to extract this information, even for simple metals. Our joint experimental and theoretical study of the prototypical simple metal aluminum demonstrates how intrinsic satellite spectra can be extracted from measured data using angular resolution in photoemission. A nondispersing satellite is detected and explained by electron-electron interactions and the thermal motion of the atoms. Additional nondispersing intensity comes from the inelastic scattering of the outgoing photoelectron. The ideal intrinsic spectral function, instead, has satellites that disperse both in energy and in shape. Theory and the information extracted from experiment describe these features with very good agreement.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(21): 216401, 2022 May 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35687432


The treatment of electronic correlations in open-shell systems is among the most challenging problems of condensed matter theory. Current approximations are only partly successful. Ligand-field multiplet theory has been widely successful in describing intra-atomic correlation effects in x-ray spectra, but typically ignores itinerant states. The cumulant expansion for the one-electron Green's function has been successful in describing shake-up effects but ignores atomic multiplets. More complete methods, such as dynamic mean-field theory can be computationally demanding. Here, we show that separating the dynamic Coulomb interactions into local and longer-range parts with ab initio parameters yields a combined multiplet-plus-cumulant approach that accounts for both local atomic multiplets and satellite excitations. The approach is illustrated in transition metal oxides and explains the multiplet peaks, charge-transfer satellites, and distributed background features observed in XPS experiment.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 28(Pt 6): 1801-1810, 2021 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34738933


The real-space Green's function code FEFF has been extensively developed and used for calculations of X-ray and related spectra, including X-ray absorption (XAS), X-ray emission (XES), inelastic X-ray scattering, and electron energy-loss spectra. The code is particularly useful for the analysis and interpretation of the XAS fine-structure (EXAFS) and the near-edge structure (XANES) in materials throughout the periodic table. Nevertheless, many applications, such as non-equilibrium systems, and the analysis of ultra-fast pump-probe experiments, require extensions of the code including finite-temperature and auxiliary calculations of structure and vibrational properties. To enable these extensions, we have developed in tandem a new version FEFF10 and new FEFF-based workflows for the Corvus workflow manager, which allow users to easily augment the capabilities of FEFF10 via auxiliary codes. This coupling facilitates simplified input and automated calculations of spectra based on advanced theoretical techniques. The approach is illustrated with examples of high-temperature behavior, vibrational properties, many-body excitations in XAS, super-heavy materials, and fits of calculated spectra to experiment.

Corvos , Animais , Raios X
J Chem Phys ; 152(17): 174113, 2020 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32384843


We present a combined equation of motion coupled-cluster cumulant Green's function approach for calculating and understanding intrinsic inelastic losses in core level x-ray absorption spectra (XAS) and x-ray photoemission spectra. The method is based on a factorization of the transition amplitude in the time domain, which leads to a convolution of an effective one-body absorption spectrum and the core-hole spectral function. The spectral function characterizes intrinsic losses in terms of shake-up excitations and satellites using a cumulant representation of the core-hole Green's function that simplifies the interpretation. The one-body spectrum also includes orthogonality corrections that enhance the XAS at the edge.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 26(Pt 5): 1694-1704, 2019 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31490161


Corvus, a Python-based package designed for managing workflows of physical simulations that utilize multiple scientific software packages, is presented. Corvus can be run as an executable script with an input file and automatically generated or custom workflows, or interactively, in order to build custom workflows with a set of Corvus-specific tools. Several prototypical examples are presented that link density functional, vibrational and X-ray spectroscopy software packages and are of interest to the synchrotron community. These examples highlight the simplification of complex spectroscopy calculations that were previously limited to expert users, and demonstrate the flexibility of the Corvus infrastructure to tackle more general problems in other research areas.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 24(Pt 6): 1173-1179, 2017 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29091060


A theory program intended for use with extended X-ray-absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy and based on the popular FEFF8 is presented. It provides an application programming interface designed to make it easy to integrate high-quality theory into EXAFS analysis software. This new code is then used to examine the impact of self-consistent scattering potentials on EXAFS data analysis by methodical testing of theoretical fitting standards against a curated suite of measured EXAFS data. For each data set, the results of a fit are compared using a well characterized structural model and theoretical fitting standards computed both with and without self-consistent potentials. It is demonstrated that the use of self-consistent potentials has scant impact on the results of the EXAFS analysis.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(17): 176403, 2017 Oct 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29219457


We present a finite-temperature extension of the retarded cumulant Green's function for calculations of exited-state, correlation, and thermodynamic properties of electronic systems. The method incorporates a cumulant to leading order in the screened Coulomb interaction W, and improves on the GW approximation of many-body perturbation theory. Results for the homogeneous electron gas are presented for a wide range of densities and temperatures, from cool to warm dense matter regimes, which reveal several hitherto unexpected properties. For example, correlation effects remain strong at high T while the exchange-correlation energy becomes small; also the spectral function broadens and damping increases with temperature, blurring the usual quasiparticle picture. These effects are evident, e.g., in Compton scattering which exhibits many-body corrections that persist at normal densities and intermediate T. The approach also yields exchange-correlation energies and potentials in good agreement with existing methods.

J Chem Phys ; 143(18): 184109, 2015 Nov 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26567648


One of the big challenges of theoretical condensed-matter physics is the description, understanding, and prediction of the effects of the Coulomb interaction on materials properties. In electronic spectra, the Coulomb interaction causes a renormalization of energies and change of spectral weight. Most importantly, it can lead to new structures, often called satellites. These can be linked to the coupling of excitations, also termed dynamical effects. State-of-the-art methods in the framework of many-body perturbation theory, in particular, the widely used GW approximation, often fail to describe satellite spectra. Instead, approaches based on a picture of electron-boson coupling such as the cumulant expansion are promising for the description of plasmon satellites. In this work, we give a unified derivation of the GW approximation and the cumulant expansion for the one-body Green's function. Using the example of bulk sodium, we compare the resulting spectral functions both in the valence and in the core region, and we discuss the dispersion of quasi-particles and satellites. We show that self-consistency is crucial to obtain meaningful results, in particular, at large binding energies. Very good agreement with experiment is obtained when the intrinsic spectral function is corrected for extrinsic and interference effects. Finally, we sketch how one can approach the problem in the case of the two-body Green's function, and we discuss the cancellation of various dynamical effects that occur in that case.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(19): 193005, 2012 May 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23003034


X-ray photoemission spectroscopy is used in a great variety of research fields; one observable is the sample's stoichiometry. The stoichiometry can be deduced based on the expectation that the ionization cross sections for innershell orbitals are independent of the molecular composition. Here we used chlorine-substituted ethanes in the gas phase to investigate the apparent carbon stoichiometry. We observe a nonstoichiometric ratio for a wide range of photon energies, the ratio exhibits x-ray-absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS)-like oscillations and hundreds of eV above the C1s ionization approaches a value far from 1. These effects can be accounted for by considering the scattering of the outgoing photoelectron, which we model by multiple-scattering EXAFS calculations, and by considering the effects of losses due to monopole shakeup and shakeoff and to intramolecular inelastic scattering processes.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 18(3): 1799-1807, 2022 Mar 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35157796


Many-body excitations in X-ray photoemission spectra have been difficult to simulate from first principles. We have recently developed a cumulant-based one-electron Green's function method using the real-time coupled-cluster-singles equation-of-motion approach (RT-EOM-CCS) that provides a general framework for treating these problems. Here we extend this approach to include double excitations in the ground-state energy and in the coupled cluster amplitudes, which have been implemented using subroutines generated by the Tensor Contraction Engine (TCE). As in the case of the singles approximation, RT-EOM-CCSD yields a nonperturbative cumulant form of the Green's function in terms of the time-dependent cluster amplitudes, adding nonlinear corrections to the traditional cumulant forms. The extended approach is applied to the core-hole spectral function for small molecular systems. We find that, when core-optimized basis sets are used, the doubles contributions reduce the mean absolute errors in the core binding energies of the 10e systems from 0.8 to 0.3 eV. They also significantly improve the quasiparticle-satellite gap by reducing its overestimation from about 3-5 to about 0-1 eV in CH4, NH3, and H2O, and also improving the overall shape of the satellite features. Finally, we demonstrate the application of the new implementation to the larger, classical XPS ESCA series of molecules and show that the singles approximation can be paired with a modest basis set to study carbon speciation.

Front Chem ; 9: 734945, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34631660


Green's function methods provide a robust, general framework within many-body theory for treating electron correlation in both excited states and x-ray spectra. Conventional methods using the Dyson equation or the cumulant expansion are typically based on the GW self-energy approximation. In order to extend this approximation in molecular systems, a non-perturbative real-time coupled-cluster cumulant Green's function approach has been introduced, where the cumulant is obtained as the solution to a system of coupled first order, non-linear differential equations. This approach naturally includes non-linear corrections to conventional cumulant Green's function techniques where the cumulant is linear in the GW self-energy. The method yields the spectral function for the core Green's function, which is directly related to the x-ray photoemission spectra (XPS) of molecular systems. The approach also yields very good results for binding energies and satellite excitations. The x-ray absorption spectrum (XAS) is then calculated using a convolution of the core spectral function and an effective, one-body XAS. Here this approach is extended to include the full coupled-cluster-singles (CCS) core Green's function by including the complete form of the non-linear contributions to the cumulant as well as all single, double, and triple cluster excitations in the CC amplitude equations. This approach naturally builds in orthogonality and shake-up effects analogous to those in the Mahan-Noizeres-de Dominicis edge singularity corrections that enhance the XAS near the edge. The method is illustrated for the XPS and XAS of NH3.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 16(11): 6983-6992, 2020 Nov 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33108872


Green's function methods within many-body perturbation theory provide a general framework for treating electronic correlations in excited states and spectra. Here, we develop the cumulant form of the one-electron Green's function using a real-time coupled-cluster equation-of-motion approach, in an extension of our previous study (Rehr J.; et al. J. Chem. Phys. 2020, 152, 174113). The approach yields a nonperturbative expression for the cumulant in terms of the solution to a set of coupled first-order, nonlinear differential equations. The method thereby adds nonlinear corrections to traditional cumulant methods, which are linear in the self-energy. The approach is applied to the core-hole Green's function and is illustrated for a number of small molecular systems. For these systems, we find that the nonlinear contributions yield significant improvements, both for quasiparticle properties such as core-level binding energies and for inelastic losses that correspond to satellites observed in photoemission spectra.

Phys Rev B ; 101(24)2020 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34409240


First-principles, real-time-cumulant, and Bethe-Salpeter-equation calculations fully capture the detailed satellite structure that occurs in response to the sudden creation of the core hole in both photoemission and x-ray absorption spectra of the transition-metal compounds SrTiO3 and rutile TiO2. Analysis of the excited-state, real-space charge-density fluctuations betrays the physical nature of these many electron excitations that are shown to reflect the materials' solid-state electronic structure and chemical bonding. This first-principles development of the cumulant-based core hole spectral function is generally applicable to other systems and should become a standard tool for all similar spectroscopic analysis going beyond the quasiparticle physics of the photoelectric effect.

Phys Rev B ; 101(24)2020 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34409241


Electron-core hole interactions are critical for proper interpretation of core-level spectroscopies commonly used as analytical tools in materials science. Here we utilize resonant Auger-electron spectroscopy to uniquely identify exciton, shake, and charge-transfer processes that result from the sudden creation of the core hole in both x-ray-absorption and photoemission spectra. These effects are captured for the transition-metal compounds SrTiO3 and MoS2 by fully ab initio, combined real-time cumulant, and Bethe-Salpeter equation approaches to account for core hole dynamics and screening. Atomic charges and excited-state electron-density fluctuations reflect materials' solid-state electronic structure, loss of translational symmetry around the core hole, and breakdown of the sudden approximation. They also demonstrate competition between long- and short-range screening in a solid.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31080488


Conventional Kohn-Sham band-structure methods for calculating deep-core x-ray spectra typically neglect photoelectron self-energy effects, which give rise to an energy-dependent shift and broadening of the spectra. Here an a posteriori procedure is introduced to correct for these effects. The method is based on ab initio calculations of the GW self-energy using a many-pole model and a calculation of the dielectric function in the long wavelength limit using either the FEFF8 real-space Green's function code, or the AI2NBSE interface between the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Bethe-Salpeter equation solver (NBSE) and the ABINIT pseudopotential code. As an example the method is applied to core level x-ray spectra of LiF and MgAl2O4 calculated using (respectively) OCEAN, an extension of the AI2NBSE code for core level excitations, and the PARATEC pseudopotential code with the core-hole treated using a super-cell. The method satisfactorily explains the discrepancy between experiment and calculations.

Phys Rev B ; 95(11)2017 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28819652


We present calculated valence and C 1s near-edge excitation spectra of solid C60 and experimental results measured with high-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy. The near-edge calculations are carried out using three different methods: solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) as implemented in the OCEAN suite (Obtaining Core Excitations with ab initio methods and the NIST BSE solver), the excited-electron core-hole approach (XCH), and the constrained-occupancy method using the Stockholm-Berlin core-excitation code, StoBe. The three methods give similar results and are in good agreement with experiment, though the BSE results are the most accurate. The BSE formalism is also used to carry out valence level calculations using the NIST Bethe-Salpeter Equation solver (NBSE). Theoretical results include self-energy corrections to the band gap and band widths, lifetime-damping effects, and Debye-Waller effects in the core-excitation case. A comparison of spectral features to those observed experimentally illustrates the sensitivity of certain features to computational details, such as self-energy corrections to the band structure and core-hole screening.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31080344


We present a hybrid approach for Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) calculations of core excitation spectra, including x-ray absorption (XAS), electron energy loss spectra (EELS), and nonresonant inelastic x-ray scattering (NRIXS). The method is based on ab initio wave functions from the plane-wave pseudopotential code ABINIT; atomic core-level states and projector augmented wave (PAW) transition matrix elements; the NIST core-level BSE solver; and a many-pole self-energy model to account for final-state broadening and self-energy shifts. Multiplet effects are also approximately accounted for. The approach is implemented using an interface dubbed OCEAN (Obtaining Core Excitations using ABINIT and NBSE). To demonstrate the utility of the code we present results for the K edges in LiF as probed by XAS and NRIXS, the K edges of KCl as probed by XAS, the Ti L2,3 edge in SrTiO3 as probed by XAS, and the Mg L2,3 edge in MgO as probed by XAS. These results are compared with experiment and with other theoretical approaches.