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Arq Bras Cir Dig ; 26 Suppl 1: 74-8, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24463904


INTRODUCTION: The surgical technique of sleeve gastrectomy has not been fully standardized and, therefore, there are issues to be solved. There is a tendency to increase its application due to proved efficiency in weight loss, low morbidity and good postoperative results. However, gastroesophageal reflux disease, which can result from it, is still not well understood. AIM: To present variant technique for sleeve gastrectomy that leaves the stomach totally with the appearance of a homogeneous tube, without manipulation in pyloric and lower esophageal sphincters. TECNIQUE: Vertical gastrectomy starts with vessel ligation of the greater curvature at the pylorus till esophagogastric angle. Stapling also starts from the pylorus in the same direction. For modeling was used Fouchet 32 F and all the staple line was done just to it. At the end, oversuture of the staple line and "sump" drainage were done. RESULTS: The procedure was used in 55 patients with BMI between 35 and 41. Complications in this group were two fistulas at the esophagogastric angle, one twist of the gastric tube and one postoperative conversion to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass due to untreatable gastroesophageal reflux disease. Fistulas were treated by endoscopic procedure with dilation and septotomy. Mild dysphagia due to tube twisting responded satisfactorily to dilatation. The longest follow-up was two years. The loss of overweight was 67.7% at one year and 69.7% in two. Patients who were suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus showed disease control in 84.6 % in the first year and 91.6 % in the second. Comorbidities were controlled in all cases. CONCLUSION: The variant technique proposed here for sleeve gastrectomy leaves the stomach homogeneously in a shape of a tube and in small caliber, providing small free gastric cavity and keeping natural functional activity of the sphincters. However, it may lead to unwanted gastroesophageal reflux, which needs to be better measured in future research.

Gastrectomia/métodos , Obesidade/cirurgia , Humanos
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 26(supl.1): 74-78, 2013. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-698980


INTRODUÇÃO: A técnica operatória da gastrectomia vertical ainda não foi totalmente padronizada e, por isso, existem questões a serem resolvidas. Há tendência dela ter seu uso cada vez mais frequente, uma vez que já provou ser efetiva na perda de peso, com baixa morbimortalidade e bons resultados pós-operatórios. Contudo, a doença do refluxo gastroesofágico, que pode dela resultar, ainda não está bem elucidada. OBJETIVO: Apresentar variante técnica para a gastrectomia vertical que deixa o estômago totalmente tubulizado e sem manipulação nos esfíncteres pilórico e esofágico inferior. TÉCNICA: Inicia-se a gastrectomia vertical com a ligadura dos vasos da grande curvatura tendo como referência anatômica o piloro até o ângulo esofagogástrico. O grampeamento inicia-se também a partir do piloro na mesma direção. Para modelagem é utilizada sonda de Fouchet 32 F . O grampeamento é feito justo à sonda modeladora. Finaliza-se com sobressutura da linha de grampeamento e drenagem tipo "sump". RESULTADOS: O procedimento foi utilizado em 55 pacientes portadores de IMC entre 35 e 41. As complicações nesse grupo foram: duas fístulas ao nível do ângulo esofagogástrico, uma torção do tubo gástrico e uma conversão pós-operatória para derivação gástrica em Y-de-Roux por refluxo gastroesofágico intratável com medicamentos. As fístulas foram tratadas por procedimento endoscópico com dilatação e septotomia. Disfagia leve por torção respondeu satisfatoriamente com dilatação endoscópica. O maior período de seguimento foi de dois anos. A perda do excesso de peso foi de de 67,7% em um ano e de 69,7% em dois. Os pacientes que eram portadores de diabete melito tipo 2 apresentaram controle da doença em 84,6% no primeiro ano e 91,6% no segundo. Outras comorbidades tiveram controle em todos os casos. CONCLUSÃO: A variante técnica proposta para a gastrectomia vertical deixa o estômago totalmente tubulizado, em pequeno calibre, propiciando diminuição da cavidade gástrica livre e manutenção da atividade funcional dos esfíncteres naturais. Contudo, pode levar a refluxo gastroesofágico indesejado, que precisa ser melhor mensurado em pesquisas futuras.

INTRODUCTION: The surgical technique of sleeve gastrectomy has not been fully standardized and, therefore, there are issues to be solved. There is a tendency to increase its application due to proved efficiency in weight loss, low morbidity and good postoperative results. However, gastroesophageal reflux disease, which can result from it, is still not well understood. AIM: To present variant technique for sleeve gastrectomy that leaves the stomach totally with the appearance of a homogeneous tube, without manipulation in pyloric and lower esophageal sphincters. TECNIQUE: Vertical gastrectomy starts with vessel ligation of the greater curvature at the pylorus till esophagogastric angle. Stapling also starts from the pylorus in the same direction. For modeling was used Fouchet 32 F and all the staple line was done just to it. At the end, oversuture of the staple line and "sump" drainage were done. RESULTS: The procedure was used in 55 patients with BMI between 35 and 41. Complications in this group were two fistulas at the esophagogastric angle, one twist of the gastric tube and one postoperative conversion to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass due to untreatable gastroesophageal reflux disease. Fistulas were treated by endoscopic procedure with dilation and septotomy. Mild dysphagia due to tube twisting responded satisfactorily to dilatation. The longest follow-up was two years. The loss of overweight was 67.7% at one year and 69.7% in two. Patients who were suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus showed disease control in 84.6 % in the first year and 91.6 % in the second. Comorbidities were controlled in all cases. CONCLUSION: The variant technique proposed here for sleeve gastrectomy leaves the stomach homogeneously in a shape of a tube and in small caliber, providing small free gastric cavity and keeping natural functional activity of the sphincters. However, it may lead to unwanted gastroesophageal reflux, which needs to be better measured in future research.

Humanos , Gastrectomia/métodos , Obesidade/cirurgia