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Persoonia ; 50: 158-310, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38567263


Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Aschersonia mackerrasiae on whitefly, Cladosporium corticola on bark of Melaleuca quinquenervia, Penicillium nudgee from soil under Melaleuca quinquenervia, Pseudocercospora blackwoodiae on leaf spot of Persoonia falcata, and Pseudocercospora dalyelliae on leaf spot of Senna alata. Bolivia, Aspicilia lutzoniana on fully submersed siliceous schist in high-mountain streams, and Niesslia parviseta on the lower part and apothecial discs of Erioderma barbellatum on a twig. Brazil, Cyathus bonsai on decaying wood, Geastrum albofibrosum from moist soil with leaf litter, Laetiporus pratigiensis on a trunk of a living unknown hardwood tree species, and Scytalidium synnematicum on dead twigs of unidentified plant. Bulgaria, Amanita abscondita on sandy soil in a plantation of Quercus suber. Canada, Penicillium acericola on dead bark of Acer saccharum, and Penicillium corticola on dead bark of Acer saccharum. China, Colletotrichum qingyuanense on fruit lesion of Capsicum annuum. Denmark, Helminthosphaeria leptospora on corticioid Neohypochnicium cremicolor. Ecuador (Galapagos), Phaeosphaeria scalesiae on Scalesia sp. Finland, Inocybe jacobssonii on calcareous soils in dry forests and park habitats. France, Cortinarius rufomyrrheus on sandy soil under Pinus pinaster, and Periconia neominutissima on leaves of Poaceae. India, Coprinopsis fragilis on decaying bark of logs, Filoboletus keralensis on unidentified woody substrate, Penicillium sankaranii from soil, Physisporinus tamilnaduensis on the trunk of Azadirachta indica, and Poronia nagaraholensis on elephant dung. Iran, Neosetophoma fici on infected leaves of Ficus elastica. Israel, Cnidariophoma eilatica (incl. Cnidariophoma gen. nov.) from Stylophora pistillata. Italy, Lyophyllum obscurum on acidic soil. Namibia, Aureobasidium faidherbiae on dead leaf of Faidherbia albida, and Aureobasidium welwitschiae on dead leaves of Welwitschia mirabilis. Netherlands, Gaeumannomycella caricigena on dead culms of Carex elongata, Houtenomyces caricicola (incl. Houtenomyces gen. nov.) on culms of Carex disticha, Neodacampia ulmea (incl. Neodacampia gen. nov.) on branch of Ulmus laevis, Niesslia phragmiticola on dead standing culms of Phragmites australis, Pseudopyricularia caricicola on culms of Carex disticha, and Rhodoveronaea nieuwwulvenica on dead bamboo sticks. Norway, Arrhenia similis half-buried and moss-covered pieces of rotting wood in grass-grown path. Pakistan, Mallocybe ahmadii on soil. Poland, Beskidomyces laricis (incl. Beskidomyces gen. nov.) from resin of Larix decidua ssp. polonica, Lapidomyces epipinicola from sooty mould community on Pinus nigra, and Leptographium granulatum from a gallery of Dendroctonus micans on Picea abies. Portugal, Geoglossum azoricum on mossy areas of laurel forest areas planted with Cryptomeria japonica, and Lunasporangiospora lusitanica from a biofilm covering a biodeteriorated limestone wall. Qatar, Alternaria halotolerans from hypersaline sea water, and Alternaria qatarensis from water sample collected from hypersaline lagoon. South Africa, Alfaria thamnochorti on culm of Thamnochortus fraternus, Knufia aloeicola on Aloe gariepensis, Muriseptatomyces restionacearum (incl. Muriseptatomyces gen. nov.) on culms of Restionaceae, Neocladosporium arctotis on nest of cases of bag worm moths (Lepidoptera, Psychidae) on Arctotis auriculata, Neodevriesia scadoxi on leaves of Scadoxus puniceus, Paraloratospora schoenoplecti on stems of Schoenoplectus lacustris, Tulasnella epidendrea from the roots of Epidendrum × obrienianum, and Xenoidriella cinnamomi (incl. Xenoidriella gen. nov.) on leaf of Cinnamomum camphora. South Korea, Lemonniera fraxinea on decaying leaves of Fraxinus sp. from pond. Spain, Atheniella lauri on the bark of fallen trees of Laurus nobilis, Halocryptovalsa endophytica from surface-sterilised, asymptomatic roots of Salicornia patula, Inocybe amygdaliolens on soil in mixed forest, Inocybe pityusarum on calcareous soil in mixed forest, Inocybe roseobulbipes on acidic soils, Neonectria borealis from roots of Vitis berlandieri × Vitis rupestris, Sympoventuria eucalyptorum on leaves of Eucalyptus sp., and Tuber conchae from soil. Sweden, Inocybe bidumensis on calcareous soil. Thailand, Cordyceps sandindaengensis on Lepidoptera pupa, buried in soil, Ophiocordyceps kuchinaraiensis on Coleoptera larva, buried in soil, and Samsoniella winandae on Lepidoptera pupa, buried in soil. Taiwan region (China), Neophaeosphaeria livistonae on dead leaf of Livistona rotundifolia. Türkiye, Melanogaster anatolicus on clay loamy soils. UK, Basingstokeomyces allii (incl. Basingstokeomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Allium schoenoprasum. Ukraine, Xenosphaeropsis corni on recently dead stem of Cornus alba. USA, Nothotrichosporon aquaticum (incl. Nothotrichosporon gen. nov.) from water, and Periconia philadelphiana from swab of coil surface. Morphological and culture characteristics for these new taxa are supported by DNA barcodes. Citation: Crous PW, Osieck ER, Shivas RG, et al. 2023. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1478-1549. Persoonia 50: 158- 310.

Persoonia ; 49: 261-350, 2022 Dec 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38234383


Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Argentina, Colletotrichum araujiae on leaves, stems and fruits of Araujia hortorum. Australia, Agaricus pateritonsus on soil, Curvularia fraserae on dying leaf of Bothriochloa insculpta, Curvularia millisiae from yellowing leaf tips of Cyperus aromaticus, Marasmius brunneolorobustus on well-rotted wood, Nigrospora cooperae from necrotic leaf of Heteropogon contortus, Penicillium tealii from the body of a dead spider, Pseudocercospora robertsiorum from leaf spots of Senna tora, Talaromyces atkinsoniae from gills of Marasmius crinis-equi and Zasmidium pearceae from leaf spots of Smilaxglyciphylla. Brazil, Preussia bezerrensis from air. Chile, Paraconiothyrium kelleni from the rhizosphere of Fragaria chiloensis subsp. chiloensis f. chiloensis. Finland, Inocybe udicola on soil in mixed forest with Betula pendula, Populus tremula, Picea abies and Alnus incana. France, Myrmecridium normannianum on dead culm of unidentified Poaceae. Germany, Vexillomyces fraxinicola from symptomless stem wood of Fraxinus excelsior. India, Diaporthe limoniae on infected fruit of Limonia acidissima, Didymella naikii on leaves of Cajanus cajan, and Fulvifomes mangroviensis on basal trunk of Aegiceras corniculatum. Indonesia, Penicillium ezekielii from Zea mays kernels. Namibia, Neocamarosporium calicoremae and Neocladosporium calicoremae on stems of Calicorema capitata, and Pleiochaeta adenolobi on symptomatic leaves of Adenolobus pechuelii. Netherlands, Chalara pteridii on stems of Pteridium aquilinum, Neomackenziella juncicola (incl. Neomackenziella gen. nov.) and Sporidesmiella junci from dead culms of Juncus effusus. Pakistan, Inocybe longistipitata on soil in a Quercus forest. Poland, Phytophthora viadrina from rhizosphere soil of Quercus robur, and Septoria krystynae on leaf spots of Viscum album. Portugal (Azores), Acrogenospora stellata on dead wood or bark. South Africa, Phyllactinia greyiae on leaves of Greyia sutherlandii and Punctelia anae on bark of Vachellia karroo. Spain, Anteaglonium lusitanicum on decaying wood of Prunus lusitanica subsp. lusitanica, Hawksworthiomyces riparius from fluvial sediments, Lophiostoma carabassense endophytic in roots of Limbarda crithmoides, and Tuber mohedanoi from calcareus soils. Spain (Canary Islands), Mycena laurisilvae on stumps and woody debris. Sweden, Elaphomyces geminus from soil under Quercus robur. Thailand, Lactifluus chiangraiensis on soil under Pinus merkusii, Lactifluus nakhonphanomensis and Xerocomus sisongkhramensis on soil under Dipterocarpus trees. Ukraine, Valsonectria robiniae on dead twigs of Robinia hispida. USA, Spiralomyces americanus (incl. Spiralomyces gen. nov.) from office air. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes. Citation: Tan YP, Bishop-Hurley SL, Shivas RG, et al. 2022. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1436-1477. Persoonia 49: 261-350.

Persoonia ; 46: 313-528, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35935893


Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Algeria, Phaeoacremonium adelophialidum from Vitis vinifera. Antarctica, Comoclathris antarctica from soil. Australia, Coniochaeta salicifolia as endophyte from healthy leaves of Geijera salicifolia, Eremothecium peggii in fruit of Citrus australis, Microdochium ratticaudae from stem of Sporobolus natalensis, Neocelosporium corymbiae on stems of Corymbia variegata, Phytophthora kelmanii from rhizosphere soil of Ptilotus pyramidatus, Pseudosydowia backhousiae on living leaves of Backhousia citriodora, Pseudosydowia indooroopillyensis, Pseudosydowia louisecottisiae and Pseudosydowia queenslandica on living leaves of Eucalyptus sp. Brazil, Absidia montepascoalis from soil. Chile, Ilyonectria zarorii from soil under Maytenus boaria. Costa Rica, Colletotrichum filicis from an unidentified fern. Croatia, Mollisia endogranulata on deteriorated hardwood. Czech Republic, Arcopilus navicularis from tea bag with fruit tea, Neosetophoma buxi as endophyte from Buxus sempervirens, Xerochrysium bohemicum on surface of biscuits with chocolate glaze and filled with jam. France, Entoloma cyaneobasale on basic to calcareous soil, Fusarium aconidiale from Triticum aestivum, Fusarium juglandicola from buds of Juglans regia. Germany, Tetraploa endophytica as endophyte from Microthlaspi perfoliatum roots. India, Castanediella ambae on leaves of Mangifera indica, Lactifluus kanadii on soil under Castanopsis sp., Penicillium uttarakhandense from soil. Italy, Penicillium ferraniaense from compost. Namibia, Bezerromyces gobabebensis on leaves of unidentified succulent, Cladosporium stipagrostidicola on leaves of Stipagrostis sp., Cymostachys euphorbiae on leaves of Euphorbia sp., Deniquelata hypolithi from hypolith under a rock, Hysterobrevium walvisbayicola on leaves of unidentified tree, Knufia hypolithi and Knufia walvisbayicola from hypolith under a rock, Lapidomyces stipagrostidicola on leaves of Stipagrostis sp., Nothophaeotheca mirabibensis (incl. Nothophaeotheca gen. nov.) on persistent inflorescence remains of Blepharis obmitrata, Paramyrothecium salvadorae on twigs of Salvadora persica, Preussia procaviicola on dung of Procavia sp., Sordaria equicola on zebra dung, Volutella salvadorae on stems of Salvadora persica. Netherlands, Entoloma ammophilum on sandy soil, Entoloma pseudocruentatum on nutrient poor (acid) soil, Entoloma pudens on plant debris, amongst grasses. New Zealand, Amorocoelophoma neoregeliae from leaf spots of Neoregelia sp., Aquilomyces metrosideri and Septoriella callistemonis from stem discolouration and leaf spots of Metrosideros sp., Cadophora neoregeliae from leaf spots of Neoregelia sp., Flexuomyces asteliae (incl. Flexuomyces gen. nov.) and Mollisia asteliae from leaf spots of Astelia chathamica, Ophioceras freycinetiae from leaf spots of Freycinetia banksii, Phaeosphaeria caricis-sectae from leaf spots of Carex secta. Norway, Cuphophyllus flavipesoides on soil in semi-natural grassland, Entoloma coracis on soil in calcareous Pinus and Tilia forests, Entoloma cyaneolilacinum on soil semi-natural grasslands, Inocybe norvegica on gravelly soil. Pakistan, Butyriboletus parachinarensis on soil in association with Quercus baloot. Poland, Hyalodendriella bialowiezensis on debris beneath fallen bark of Norway spruce Picea abies. Russia, Bolbitius sibiricus on à moss covered rotting trunk of Populus tremula, Crepidotus wasseri on debris of Populus tremula, Entoloma isborscanum on soil on calcareous grasslands, Entoloma subcoracis on soil in subalpine grasslands, Hydropus lecythiocystis on rotted wood of Betula pendula, Meruliopsis faginea on fallen dead branches of Fagus orientalis, Metschnikowia taurica from fruits of Ziziphus jujube, Suillus praetermissus on soil, Teunia lichenophila as endophyte from Cladonia rangiferina. Slovakia, Hygrocybe fulgens on mowed grassland, Pleuroflammula pannonica from corticated branches of Quercus sp. South Africa, Acrodontium burrowsianum on leaves of unidentified Poaceae, Castanediella senegaliae on dead pods of Senegalia ataxacantha, Cladophialophora behniae on leaves of Behnia sp., Colletotrichum cliviigenum on leaves of Clivia sp., Diatrype dalbergiae on bark of Dalbergia armata, Falcocladium heteropyxidicola on leaves of Heteropyxis canescens, Lapidomyces aloidendricola as epiphyte on brown stem of Aloidendron dichotomum, Lasionectria sansevieriae and Phaeosphaeriopsis sansevieriae on leaves of Sansevieria hyacinthoides, Lylea dalbergiae on Diatrype dalbergiae on bark of Dalbergia armata, Neochaetothyrina syzygii (incl. Neochaetothyrina gen. nov.) on leaves of Syzygium chordatum, Nothophaeomoniella ekebergiae (incl. Nothophaeomoniella gen. nov.) on leaves of Ekebergia pterophylla, Paracymostachys euphorbiae (incl. Paracymostachys gen. nov.) on leaf litter of Euphorbia ingens, Paramycosphaerella pterocarpi on leaves of Pterocarpus angolensis, Paramycosphaerella syzygii on leaf litter of Syzygium chordatum, Parateichospora phoenicicola (incl. Parateichospora gen. nov.) on leaves of Phoenix reclinata, Seiridium syzygii on twigs of Syzygium chordatum, Setophoma syzygii on leaves of Syzygium sp., Starmerella xylocopis from larval feed of an Afrotropical bee Xylocopa caffra, Teratosphaeria combreti on leaf litter of Combretum kraussii, Teratosphaericola leucadendri on leaves of Leucadendron sp., Toxicocladosporium pterocarpi on pods of Pterocarpus angolensis. Spain, Cortinarius bonachei with Quercus ilex in calcareus soils, Cortinarius brunneovolvatus under Quercus ilex subsp. ballota in calcareous soil, Extremopsis radicicola (incl. Extremopsis gen. nov.) from root-associated soil in a wet heathland, Russula quintanensis on acidic soils, Tubaria vulcanica on volcanic lapilii material, Tuber zambonelliae in calcareus soil. Sweden, Elaphomyces borealis on soil under Pinus sylvestris and Betula pubescens. Tanzania, Curvularia tanzanica on inflorescence of Cyperus aromaticus. Thailand, Simplicillium niveum on Ophiocordyceps camponoti-leonardi on underside of unidentified dicotyledonous leaf. USA, Calonectria californiensis on leaves of Umbellularia californica, Exophiala spartinae from surface sterilised roots of Spartina alterniflora, Neophaeococcomyces oklahomaensis from outside wall of alcohol distillery. Vietnam, Fistulinella aurantioflava on soil. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes. Citation: Crous PW, Cowan DA, Maggs-Kölling, et al. 2021. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1182-1283. Persoonia 46: 313-528.

Extremophiles ; 24(1): 17-29, 2020 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31376000


The Namib Desert is one of the world's only truly coastal desert ecosystem. Until the end of the 1st decade of the twenty-first century, very little was known of the microbiology of this southwestern African desert, with the few reported studies being based solely on culture-dependent approaches. However, from 2010, an intense research program was undertaken by researchers from the University of the Western Cape Institute for Microbial Biotechnology and Metagenomics, and subsequently the University of Pretoria Centre for Microbial Ecology and Genomics, and their collaborators, led to a more detailed understanding of the ecology of the indigenous microbial communities in many Namib Desert biotopes. Namib Desert soils and the associated specialized niche communities are inhabited by a wide array of prokaryotic, lower eukaryotic and virus/phage taxa. These communities are highly heterogeneous on both small and large spatial scales, with community composition impacted by a range of macro- and micro-environmental factors, from water regime to soil particle size. Community functionality is also surprisingly non-homogeneous, with some taxa retaining functionality even under hyper-arid soil conditions, and with subtle changes in gene expression and phylotype abundances even on diel timescales. Despite the growing understanding of the structure and function of Namib Desert microbiomes, there remain enormous gaps in our knowledge. We have yet to quantify many of the processes in these soil communities, from regional nutrient cycling to community growth rates. Despite the progress that has been made, we still have little knowledge of either the role of phages in microbial community dynamics or inter-species interactions. Furthermore, the intense research efforts of the past decade have highlighted the immense scope for future microbiological research in this dynamic, enigmatic and charismatic region of Africa.

Ecossistema , Bactérias , Clima Desértico , Solo , Microbiologia do Solo
Trop Anim Health Prod ; 53(1): 44, 2020 Nov 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33231754


Infrared thermography of the lateral side portion of the udder was taken from 38 lactating cows in a 6-day experiment. Thermograms were analyzed using specific software with the use of eight different methods. The experiment was aimed at correlating the different methods with each other and with rectal temperature (RT), in order to suggest a method to assess udder side temperature, and also at creating regression equations to enable RT calculation through the use of thermographic data. All methods of analyzing thermograms were highly correlated; correlations between thermograms and RT were significant (P < 0.01) and above 0.840. The highest correlation was between RT and the maximum temperature obtained using a horizontal rectangle placed within the lateral (side) portion of the udder (maximum temperature in a horizontal rectangle (MHR), 0.897). With the exception of the average temperature of a horizontal rectangle, linear regression coefficients were significant (P < 0.05) and coefficients of determination were higher than 75.51%. We suggest the use of MHR to evaluate udder side temperature. The ease of accessing the side of the udder, the welfare advantages of non-invasive observations, and the high correlation with RT suggest the use of thermograms in the lateral portion of the udder to assess animals' temperature.

Glândulas Mamárias Animais/fisiologia , Temperatura Cutânea , Termografia/veterinária , Animais , Temperatura Corporal , Bovinos , Feminino , Termografia/métodos
Persoonia ; 45: 251-409, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34456379


Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Austroboletus asper on soil, Cylindromonium alloxyli on leaves of Alloxylon pinnatum, Davidhawksworthia quintiniae on leaves of Quintinia sieberi, Exophiala prostantherae on leaves of Prostanthera sp., Lactifluus lactiglaucus on soil, Linteromyces quintiniae (incl. Linteromyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Quintinia sieberi, Lophotrichus medusoides from stem tissue of Citrus garrawayi, Mycena pulchra on soil, Neocalonectria tristaniopsidis (incl. Neocalonectria gen. nov.) and Xyladictyochaeta tristaniopsidis on leaves of Tristaniopsis collina, Parasarocladium tasmanniae on leaves of Tasmannia insipida, Phytophthora aquae-cooljarloo from pond water, Serendipita whamiae as endophyte from roots of Eriochilus cucullatus, Veloboletus limbatus (incl. Veloboletus gen. nov.) on soil. Austria, Cortinarius glaucoelotus on soil. Bulgaria, Suhomyces rilaensis from the gut of Bolitophagus interruptus found on a Polyporus sp. Canada, Cantharellus betularum among leaf litter of Betula, Penicillium saanichii from house dust. Chile, Circinella lampensis on soil, Exophiala embothrii from rhizosphere of Embothrium coccineum. China, Colletotrichum cycadis on leaves of Cycas revoluta. Croatia, Phialocephala melitaea on fallen branch of Pinus halepensis. Czech Republic, Geoglossum jirinae on soil, Pyrenochaetopsis rajhradensis from dead wood of Buxus sempervirens. Dominican Republic, Amanita domingensis on litter of deciduous wood, Melanoleuca dominicana on forest litter. France, Crinipellis nigrolamellata (Martinique) on leaves of Pisonia fragrans, Talaromyces pulveris from bore dust of Xestobium rufovillosum infesting floorboards. French Guiana, Hypoxylon hepaticolor on dead corticated branch. Great Britain, Inocybe ionolepis on soil. India, Cortinarius indopurpurascens among leaf litter of Quercus leucotrichophora. Iran, Pseudopyricularia javanii on infected leaves of Cyperus sp., Xenomonodictys iranica (incl. Xenomonodictys gen. nov.) on wood of Fagus orientalis. Italy, Penicillium vallebormidaense from compost. Namibia, Alternaria mirabibensis on plant litter, Curvularia moringae and Moringomyces phantasmae (incl. Moringomyces gen. nov.) on leaves and flowers of Moringa ovalifolia, Gobabebomyces vachelliae (incl. Gobabebomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Vachellia erioloba, Preussia procaviae on dung of Procavia capensis. Pakistan, Russula shawarensis from soil on forest floor. Russia, Cyberlindnera dauci from Daucus carota. South Africa, Acremonium behniae on leaves of Behnia reticulata, Dothiora aloidendri and Hantamomyces aloidendri (incl. Hantamomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Aloidendron dichotomum, Endoconidioma euphorbiae on leaves of Euphorbia mauritanica, Eucasphaeria proteae on leaves of Protea neriifolia, Exophiala mali from inner fruit tissue of Malus sp., Graminopassalora geissorhizae on leaves of Geissorhiza splendidissima, Neocamarosporium leipoldtiae on leaves of Leipoldtia schultzii, Neocladosporium osteospermi on leaf spots of Osteospermum moniliferum, Neometulocladosporiella seifertii on leaves of Combretum caffrum, Paramyrothecium pituitipietianum on stems of Grielum humifusum, Phytopythium paucipapillatum from roots of Vitis sp., Stemphylium carpobroti and Verrucocladosporium carpobroti on leaves of Carpobrotus quadrifolius, Suttonomyces cephalophylli on leaves of Cephalophyllum pilansii. Sweden, Coprinopsis rubra on cow dung, Elaphomyces nemoreus from deciduous woodlands. Spain, Polyscytalum pini-canariensis on needles of Pinus canariensis, Pseudosubramaniomyces septatus from stream sediment, Tuber lusitanicum on soil under Quercus suber. Thailand, Tolypocladium flavonigrum on Elaphomyces sp. USA, Chaetothyrina spondiadis on fruits of Spondias mombin, Gymnascella minnisii from bat guano, Juncomyces patwiniorum on culms of Juncus effusus, Moelleriella puertoricoensis on scale insect, Neodothiora populina (incl. Neodothiora gen. nov.) on stem cankers of Populus tremuloides, Pseudogymnoascus palmeri from cave sediment. Vietnam, Cyphellophora vietnamensis on leaf litter, Tylopilus subotsuensis on soil in montane evergreen broadleaf forest. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes.

J Dairy Sci ; 101(5): 4221-4234, 2018 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29477520


Plant extracts have been proposed as substitutes for chemical feed additives due to their potential as rumen fermentation modifiers and because of their antimicrobial and antioxidant activities, possibly reducing methane emissions. This study aimed to evaluate the use of oregano (OR), green tea extracts (GT), and their association as feed additives on the performance and methane emissions from dairy between 28 and 87 d of lactation. Thirty-two lactating dairy cows, blocked into 2 genetic groups: 16 Holstein cows and 16 crossbred Holstein-Gir, with 522.6 ± 58.3 kg of body weight, 57.2 ± 20.9 d in lactation, producing 27.5 ± 5.0 kg/cow of milk and with 3.1 ± 1.8 lactations were evaluated (means ± standard error of the means). Cows were allocated into 4 treatments: control (CON), without plant extracts in the diet; oregano extract (OR), with the addition of 0.056% of oregano extract in the dry matter (DM) of the diet; green tea (GT), with the addition of 0.028% of green tea extract in the DM of the diet; and mixture, with the addition of 0.056% oregano extract and 0.028% green tea extract in the DM of the diet. The forage-to-concentrate ratio was 60:40. Forage was composed of corn silage (94%) and Tifton hay (6%); concentrate was based on ground corn and soybean meal. Plant extracts were supplied as powder, which was previously added and homogenized into 1 kg of concentrate in natural matter, top-dressed onto the total mixed diet. No treatment by day interaction was observed for any of the evaluated variables, but some block by treatment interactions were significant. In Holstein cows, the mixture treatment decreased gross energy and tended to decrease the total-tract apparent digestibility coefficient for crude protein and total digestible nutrients when compared with OR. During the gas measurement period, GT and OR increased the digestible fraction of the ingested DM and decreased CH4 expressed in grams per kilogram of digestible DMI compared with CON. The use of extracts did not change rumen pH, total volatile fatty acid concentration, milk yield, or most milk traits. Compared with CON, oregano addition decreased fat concentration in milk. The use of plant extracts altered some milk fatty acids but did not change milk fatty acids grouped according to chain length (short or long), saturation (unsaturated or saturated), total conjugated linoleic acids, and n-3 and n-6 contents. Green tea and oregano fed separately reduced gas emission in cows during the first third of lactation and have potential to be used as feed additives for dairy cows.

Camellia sinensis/química , Bovinos/metabolismo , Metano/análise , Origanum/metabolismo , Extratos Vegetais/metabolismo , Ração Animal/análise , Animais , Camellia sinensis/metabolismo , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dieta/veterinária , Digestão , Ácidos Graxos Voláteis/análise , Ácidos Graxos Voláteis/metabolismo , Feminino , Aditivos Alimentares/análise , Aditivos Alimentares/metabolismo , Lactação , Metano/metabolismo , Leite/química , Leite/metabolismo , Extratos Vegetais/análise , Rúmen/metabolismo , Silagem/análise , Zea mays/metabolismo
Infect Immun ; 84(12): 3542-3549, 2016 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27736783


Malnutrition and cryptosporidiosis form a vicious cycle and lead to acute and long-term growth impairment in children from developing countries. Insights into mechanisms underlying the vicious cycle will help to design rational therapies to mitigate this infection. We tested the effect of short-term protein malnutrition on Cryptosporidium parvum infection in a murine model by examining stool shedding, tissue burden, and histologic change and explored the mechanism underlying the interaction between malnutrition and cryptosporidiosis through immunostaining and immunoblotting. Protein malnutrition increased stool shedding and the number of intestine-associated C. parvum organisms, accompanied by significant suppression of C. parvum-induced caspase 3 activity and expression of PCNA and Ki67, but activation of the Akt survival pathway in intestinal epithelial cells. We find that even very brief periods of protein malnutrition may enhance (or intensify) cryptosporidiosis by suppressing C. parvum-induced cell turnover and caspase-dependent apoptosis of intestinal epithelial cells. This implicates a potential strategy to attenuate C. parvum's effects by modulating apoptosis and promoting regeneration in the intestinal epithelium.

Criptosporidiose/patologia , Proteínas Alimentares/administração & dosagem , Células Epiteliais/fisiologia , Mucosa Intestinal/citologia , Deficiência de Proteína , Ração Animal/análise , Animais , Caspase 3 , Cryptosporidium parvum , Dieta/veterinária , Fezes/parasitologia , Camundongos
Fungal Biol ; 127(4): 997-1003, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37024159


The Namib Desert of south-western Africa is one of the oldest deserts in the world and possesses unique geographical, biological and climatic features. While research through the last decade has generated a comprehensive survey of the prokaryotic communities in Namib Desert soils, little is yet known about the diversity and function of edaphic fungal communities, and even less of their responses to aridity. In this study, we have characterized soil fungal community diversity across the longitudinal xeric gradient across the Namib desert (for convenience, divided into the western fog zone, the central low-rainfall zone and the eastern high-rainfall zone), using internal transcribed sequence (ITS) metabarcoding. Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and Chytridiomycota consistently dominated the Namib Desert edaphic fungal communities and a core mycobiome composed of only 15 taxa, dominated by members of the class Dothideomycetes (Ascomycota), was identified. However, fungal community structures were significantly different in the fog, low-rainfall and high-rainfall zones. Furthermore, Namib Desert gravel plain fungal community assembly was driven by both deterministic and stochastic processes; the latter dominating in the all three xeric zones. We also present data that suggest that the inland limit of fog penetration represents an ecological barrier to fungal dispersal across the Namib Desert.

Ascomicetos , Solo , Solo/química , Bactérias , Microbiologia do Solo , Clima Desértico
Microbiome ; 10(1): 131, 2022 08 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35996183


BACKGROUND: Top-soil microbiomes make a vital contribution to the Earth's ecology and harbor an extraordinarily high biodiversity. They are also key players in many ecosystem services, particularly in arid regions of the globe such as the African continent. While several recent studies have documented patterns in global soil microbial ecology, these are largely biased towards widely studied regions and rely on models to interpolate the microbial diversity of other regions where there is low data coverage. This is the case for sub-Saharan Africa, where the number of regional microbial studies is very low in comparison to other continents. RESULTS: The aim of this study was to conduct an extensive biogeographical survey of sub-Saharan Africa's top-soil microbiomes, with a specific focus on investigating the environmental drivers of microbial ecology across the region. In this study, we sampled 810 sample sites across 9 sub-Saharan African countries and used taxonomic barcoding to profile the microbial ecology of these regions. Our results showed that the sub-Saharan nations included in the study harbor qualitatively distinguishable soil microbiomes. In addition, using soil chemistry and climatic data extracted from the same sites, we demonstrated that the top-soil microbiome is shaped by a broad range of environmental factors, most notably pH, precipitation, and temperature. Through the use of structural equation modeling, we also developed a model to predict how soil microbial biodiversity in sub-Saharan Africa might be affected by future climate change scenarios. This model predicted that the soil microbial biodiversity of countries such as Kenya will be negatively affected by increased temperatures and decreased precipitation, while the fungal biodiversity of Benin will benefit from the increase in annual precipitation. CONCLUSION: This study represents the most extensive biogeographical survey of sub-Saharan top-soil microbiomes to date. Importantly, this study has allowed us to identify countries in sub-Saharan Africa that might be particularly vulnerable to losses in soil microbial ecology and productivity due to climate change. Considering the reliance of many economies in the region on rain-fed agriculture, this study provides crucial information to support conservation efforts in the countries that will be most heavily impacted by climate change. Video Abstract.

Microbiota , Solo , Biodiversidade , Clima Desértico , Ecossistema , Microbiota/genética , Solo/química , Microbiologia do Solo
HNO ; 59(7): 651-5, 2011 Jul.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21681531


Headaches are a common and widespread complaint. Differential diagnostics are crucial for successful therapy and often require an interdisciplinary approach. General practitioners tend to refer patients with extraordinary types of headaches to physicians specialized in neurology, ophthalmology and otolaryngology. This article offers an overview about the range of headache disorders particularly associated with the ophthalmologic anatomy and function.

Oftalmopatias/complicações , Oftalmopatias/diagnóstico , Cefaleia/diagnóstico , Cefaleia/etiologia , Oftalmopatias/terapia , Cefaleia/terapia , Humanos
J Infect Dis ; 202(11): 1708-12, 2010 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20977342


The increased incidence and severity of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in older adults (age, ≥65 years) corresponds with the emergence of the BI/NAP1 strain, making elucidation of the host immune response extremely important. We therefore infected germ-free C57BL/6 mice aged 7-14 months with a BI/NAP1 strain and monitored the mice for response. Infected mice were moribund 48-72 h after infection and developed gross and histological cecitis and colitis and elevated concentrations of keratinocyte chemoattractant, interleukin 1ß, monocyte chemotactic protein 1, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and decreased levels of interferon γ, interleukin 12 p40, interleukin 12 p70, and interleukin 10 compared with controls. We conclude that aged, germ-free C57BL/6 mice are susceptible to fulminant CDI from a BI/NAP1 strain and represent a novel model to further elucidate the host immune response to acute CDI.

Clostridioides difficile/imunologia , Clostridioides difficile/patogenicidade , Enterocolite Pseudomembranosa/microbiologia , Animais , Clostridioides difficile/classificação , Colo/microbiologia , Colo/patologia , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Enterocolite Pseudomembranosa/imunologia , Enterocolite Pseudomembranosa/patologia , Vida Livre de Germes , Fator Estimulador de Colônias de Granulócitos/análise , Interferon gama/análise , Interleucina-10/análise , Interleucina-12/análise , Subunidade beta 1 de Receptor de Interleucina-12/análise , Interleucina-1beta/análise , Camundongos , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL
Fungal Syst Evol ; 7: 255-343, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34124627


An order, family and genus are validated, seven new genera, 35 new species, two new combinations, two epitypes, two lectotypes, and 17 interesting new host and / or geographical records are introduced in this study. Validated order, family and genus: Superstratomycetales and Superstratomycetaceae (based on Superstratomyces ). New genera: Haudseptoria (based on Haudseptoria typhae); Hogelandia (based on Hogelandia lambearum); Neoscirrhia (based on Neoscirrhia osmundae); Nothoanungitopsis (based on Nothoanungitopsis urophyllae); Nothomicrosphaeropsis (based on Nothomicrosphaeropsis welwitschiae); Populomyces (based on Populomyces zwinianus); Pseudoacrospermum (based on Pseudoacrospermum goniomae). New species: Apiospora sasae on dead culms of Sasa veitchii (Netherlands); Apiospora stipae on dead culms of Stipa gigantea (Spain); Bagadiella eucalyptorum on leaves of Eucalyptus sp. (Australia); Calonectria singaporensis from submerged leaf litter (Singapore); Castanediella neomalaysiana on leaves of Eucalyptus sp. (Malaysia); Colletotrichum pleopeltidis on leaves of Pleopeltis sp. (South Africa); Coniochaeta deborreae from soil (Netherlands); Diaporthe durionigena on branches of Durio zibethinus (Vietnam); Floricola juncicola on dead culm of Juncus sp. (France); Haudseptoria typhae on leaf sheath of Typha sp. (Germany); Hogelandia lambearum from soil (Netherlands); Lomentospora valparaisensis from soil (Chile); Neofusicoccum mystacidii on dead stems of Mystacidium capense (South Africa); Neomycosphaerella guibourtiae on leaves of Guibourtia sp. (Angola); Niesslia neoexosporioides on dead leaves of Carex paniculata (Germany); Nothoanungitopsis urophyllae on seed capsules of Eucalyptus urophylla (South Africa); Nothomicrosphaeropsis welwitschiae on dead leaves of Welwitschia mirabilis (Namibia); Paracremonium bendijkiorum from soil (Netherlands); Paraphoma ledniceana on dead wood of Buxus sempervirens (Czech Republic); Paraphoma salicis on leaves of Salix cf. alba (Ukraine); Parasarocladium wereldwijsianum from soil (Netherlands); Peziza ligni on masonry and plastering (France); Phyllosticta phoenicis on leaves of Phoenix reclinata (South Africa); Plectosphaerella slobbergiarum from soil (Netherlands); Populomyces zwinianus from soil (Netherlands); Pseudoacrospermum goniomae on leaves of Gonioma kamassi (South Africa); Pseudopyricularia festucae on leaves of Festuca californica (USA); Sarocladium sasijaorum from soil (Netherlands); Sporothrix hypoxyli in sporocarp of Hypoxylon petriniae on Fraxinus wood (Netherlands); Superstratomyces albomucosus on Pycnanthus angolensis (Netherlands); Superstratomyces atroviridis on Pinus sylvestris (Netherlands); Superstratomyces flavomucosus on leaf of Hakea multilinearis (Australia); Superstratomyces tardicrescens from human eye specimen (USA); Taeniolella platani on twig of Platanus hispanica (Germany), and Tympanis pini on twigs of Pinus sylvestris (Spain). Citation: Crous PW, Hernández-Restrepo M, Schumacher RK, Cowan DA, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Wingfield MJ, Yilmaz N, Adan OCG, Akulov A, Álvarez Duarte E, Berraf-Tebbal A, Bulgakov TS, Carnegie AJ, de Beer ZW, Decock C, Dijksterhuis J, Duong TA, Eichmeier A, Hien LT, Houbraken JAMP, Khanh TN, Liem NV, Lombard L, Lutzoni FM, Miadlikowska JM, Nel WJ, Pascoe IG, Roets F, Roux J, Samson RA, Shen M, Spetik M, Thangavel R, Thanh HM, Thao LD, van Nieuwenhuijzen EJ, Zhang JQ, Zhang Y, Zhao LL, Groenewald JZ (2021). New and Interesting Fungi. 4. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 7: 255-343. doi: 10.3114/fuse.2021.07.13.

Klin Monbl Augenheilkd ; 227(10): 792-7, 2010 Oct.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20963682


HISTORY: In children, measuring refraction is of interest particularly with regard to the risk of amblyopia. Cycloplegic retinoscopy is the gold standard method for this age group. In a prospective study we compared readings from two hand-held photorefractors, the Pediatric Autorefractor and the Retinomax, to those from retinoscopy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 74 patients were recruited consecutively at the outpatient department of Heidelberg University Eye Hospital's Section for Strabismology and Neuroophthalmology. All patients underwent standardised cycloplegia measurements first by the Pediatric Autorefractor plusoptiX A 08 in 1 metre working distance, then adding an infrared filter to reduce interferences, followed by the Retinomax K-plus 3 in 5 cm working distance and retinoscopy as reference on the right eye. RESULTS: Spherical equivalents measured by the Pediatric Autorefractor plusoptiX A 08 coincided in 51.2% with retinoscopy (± 0.5 D). Adding an infrared filter increased this to 60.0%. However, the success rate of measurement decreased to 47% on adding an infrared filter as compared to 55.4% in cycloplegia alone. Children showed no cooperation in 11% and 16% with the infrared filter, respectively. The remaining children were not measurable by means of the device. With regard to spherical equivalents, the measurements done with Retinomax K-plus 3 coincide in 57% with those done in retinoscopy. The success rate of measurements with the Retinomax was 91%. The remaining children showed no cooperation. CONCLUSION: Retinoscopy in cycloplegia is still the method of choice when determining refraction in children. Autorefractors quickly provide results for comparison which coincide with retinoscopy in 50-60% in spherical equivalent and in 80-90% in cylindrical values. The Pediatric Autorefractor is not suited for everyday clinical routine due to a low success rate of 50% and tight measuring range of + 5.0 to -7.0 D in spherical equivalents.

Ambliopia/diagnóstico , Ciclopentolato , Midriáticos , Refração Ocular , Retinoscópios , Processamento de Sinais Assistido por Computador/instrumentação , Testes Visuais/instrumentação , Adolescente , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Desenho de Equipamento , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Soluções Oftálmicas , Sensibilidade e Especificidade
Ophthalmologe ; 105(1): 46-8, 50-9, 2008 Jan.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18214493


Contrast perception is an important visual function. Contrast sensitivity (CS) is affected by to optical reasons (aberrations, scatter, diffraction) or neural dysfunction (e.g., glaucoma, optic nerve diseases). In clinical practice the measurement of CS is relevant for disease monitoring, expert opinions, roadworthiness assessment, and recruitment screening. Furthermore, CS testing is often required in studies assessing optical quality, e.g., cataract or refractive surgery. Adding an appropriate glare source allows measurement of the glare-induced loss of CS (disability glare). Compared to high-contrast acuity, CS is more variable and strongly depends on the type of test, illumination, test strategy, and contrast definition; ceiling effects are quite common among many tests. Maximal standardization is important, especially for follow-up exams. In summary, CS testing cannot be regarded as a routine test. The present report by the DOG commission for quality management of psychophysical assessment covers the physiological background, testing principles, and strategies and presents a tabular overview of common tests.

Sensibilidades de Contraste/fisiologia , Transtornos da Visão/diagnóstico , Transtornos da Visão/fisiopatologia , Testes Visuais/métodos , Acuidade Visual/fisiologia , Humanos
Strabismus ; 15(1): 39-43, 2007.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17523045


AIM: To evaluate the usability and reliability of three different visual acuity (VA) testing procedures using Landolt C's in 8 positions with a semi-automated computer program in school children. METHODS: 100 school children (median 7 years, 59 boys and 41 girls) were included; only the better eye was tested. We used the semi-automated computer program CORVIS.VT in a forced choice method. Three different test strategies were employed, each two times: A) DIN, B) Standard-Staircase and C) Best-PEST procedure with sequences A, B, C or A, C, B. RESULTS: Average testing time was 100 s +/- 45 (DIN), 59 s +/- 36 (Staircase) and 77 s +/- 25 (Best-PEST). The mean VA estimated with DIN was equivalent to that with the Best-PEST procedure. However, the mean VA with Standard-Staircase was one line less. In DIN, 76% of the retest scores were within 0.1 logMAR unit of the initial test score (Staircase: 72%, Best-PEST 73%). The 95% confidence interval of test-retest reliability was calculated to be -0.05 +/- 0.24 logMAR in DIN, +0.02 +/- 0.32 logMAR in Staircase, and 0.00 +/- 0.29 logMAR in Best-PEST. CONCLUSION: A high percentage of children aged 6 to 9 years (98%) can be tested with Landolt C's (8 positions). We found a decreasing test-retest reliability starting from DIN via Best-PEST to Staircase in this configuration.

Testes Visuais/métodos , Acuidade Visual , Criança , Computadores , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Variações Dependentes do Observador , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Ann N Y Acad Sci ; 1039: 583-7, 2005 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15827028


Oblique muscle surgery with weakening of the inferior oblique muscle alone or in combination with a tuck of the superior oblique tendon reduces in a dose-dependent relationship the vertical deviation in patients with an acquired or congenital superior oblique palsy. Reduction of cyclotropia and the V-sign is less dose dependent.

Músculos Oculomotores/cirurgia , Doenças do Nervo Troclear/cirurgia , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Diplopia/etiologia , Lateralidade Funcional , Humanos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Oftalmológicos , Postura , Estudos Retrospectivos , Tendões/cirurgia , Resultado do Tratamento , Doenças do Nervo Troclear/congênito , Doenças do Nervo Troclear/diagnóstico , Vertigem/etiologia
Eur J Ophthalmol ; 15(6): 722-9, 2005.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16329057


PURPOSE: Continuous light increment perimetry (CLIP) is an improved testing strategy for automated static perimetry designed to save test time and enhance patient compliance. CLIP uses a modified ramp stimulus where stimulus intensity is continuously increased according to patient reaction time, starting from a subthreshold intensity until recognition. The test is constantly modified according to patient performance. As CLIP showed good results in normal subjects in previous studies, the authors now compared CLIP to the standard 4/2-full threshold (4/2) strategy in glaucoma patients. METHODS: Fifty-two patients with glaucomatous visual field defects (mean sensitivities 2.9 to 18.4 dB), all with perimetric experience, were tested with CLIP (three times) and 4/2 in a randomized fashion. Tests were performed at 55 test locations within the central 30 degree visual field (24-2 area) using the Twinfield perimeter. RESULTS: Average mean sensitivity was significantly higher for CLIP than for 4/2 (t test, p<0.0001). Absolute scotomas and extension of scotomas were comparable for both strategies, whereas CLIP found less deep relative scotomas in some cases. Mean test time was significantly shorter for CLIP (5.6 min) compared to 4/2 (8.9 min) (Wilcoxon signed rank test, p<0.0001). Patient acceptance was better for CLIP than for 4/2. CONCLUSIONS: CLIP showed comparable results to 4/2 with excellent patient acceptance. Mean sensitivities are 1.8 dB higher than for 4/2; similar results were found previously in normal subjects. CLIP was able to save a mean 38% of test time compared to full threshold strategy with good reproducibility.

Glaucoma/diagnóstico , Escotoma/diagnóstico , Testes de Campo Visual/métodos , Campos Visuais , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cooperação do Paciente , Estimulação Luminosa , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Limiar Sensorial , Fatores de Tempo