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Nature ; 626(8000): 759-764, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38383622


The fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect (FQAHE), the analogue of the fractional quantum Hall effect1 at zero magnetic field, is predicted to exist in topological flat bands under spontaneous time-reversal-symmetry breaking2-6. The demonstration of FQAHE could lead to non-Abelian anyons that form the basis of topological quantum computation7-9. So far, FQAHE has been observed only in twisted MoTe2 at a moiré filling factor v > 1/2 (refs. 10-13). Graphene-based moiré superlattices are believed to host FQAHE with the potential advantage of superior material quality and higher electron mobility. Here we report the observation of integer and fractional QAH effects in a rhombohedral pentalayer graphene-hBN moiré superlattice. At zero magnetic field, we observed plateaus of quantized Hall resistance [Formula: see text] at v = 1, 2/3, 3/5, 4/7, 4/9, 3/7 and 2/5 of the moiré superlattice, respectively, accompanied by clear dips in the longitudinal resistance Rxx. Rxy equals [Formula: see text] at v = 1/2 and varies linearly with v, similar to the composite Fermi liquid in the half-filled lowest Landau level at high magnetic fields14-16. By tuning the gate-displacement field D and v, we observed phase transitions from composite Fermi liquid and FQAH states to other correlated electron states. Our system provides an ideal platform for exploring charge fractionalization and (non-Abelian) anyonic braiding at zero magnetic field7-9,17-19, especially considering a lateral junction between FQAHE and superconducting regions in the same device20-22.

Nature ; 623(7985): 41-47, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37853117


Ferroic orders describe spontaneous polarization of spin, charge and lattice degrees of freedom in materials. Materials exhibiting multiple ferroic orders, known as multiferroics, have important parts in multifunctional electrical and magnetic device applications1-4. Two-dimensional materials with honeycomb lattices offer opportunities to engineer unconventional multiferroicity, in which the ferroic orders are driven purely by the orbital degrees of freedom and not by electron spin. These include ferro-valleytricity corresponding to the electron valley5 and ferro-orbital-magnetism6 supported by quantum geometric effects. These orbital multiferroics could offer strong valley-magnetic couplings and large responses to external fields-enabling device applications such as multiple-state memory elements and electric control of the valley and magnetic states. Here we report orbital multiferroicity in pentalayer rhombohedral graphene using low-temperature magneto-transport measurements. We observed anomalous Hall signals Rxy with an exceptionally large Hall angle (tanΘH > 0.6) and orbital magnetic hysteresis at hole doping. There are four such states with different valley polarizations and orbital magnetizations, forming a valley-magnetic quartet. By sweeping the gate electric field E, we observed a butterfly-shaped hysteresis of Rxy connecting the quartet. This hysteresis indicates a ferro-valleytronic order that couples to the composite field E · B (where B is the magnetic field), but not to the individual fields. Tuning E would switch each ferroic order independently and achieve non-volatile switching of them together. Our observations demonstrate a previously unknown type of multiferroics and point to electrically tunable ultralow-power valleytronic and magnetic devices.

Nat Mater ; 20(7): 964-970, 2021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33903748


Antiferromagnets are promising components for spintronics due to their terahertz resonance, multilevel states and absence of stray fields. However, the zero net magnetic moment of antiferromagnets makes the detection of the antiferromagnetic order and the investigation of fundamental spin properties notoriously difficult. Here, we report an optical detection of Néel vector orientation through an ultra-sharp photoluminescence in the van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS3 from bulk to atomically thin flakes. The strong correlation between spin flipping and electric dipole oscillator results in a linear polarization of the sharp emission, which aligns perpendicular to the spin orientation in the crystal. By applying an in-plane magnetic field, we achieve manipulation of the photoluminescence polarization. This correlation between emitted photons and spins in layered magnets provides routes for investigating magneto-optics in two-dimensional materials, and hence opens a path for developing opto-spintronic devices and antiferromagnet-based quantum information technologies.

Inorg Chem ; 61(43): 17123-17136, 2022 Oct 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36264658


A combination of inelastic neutron scattering (INS), far-IR magneto-spectroscopy (FIRMS), and Raman magneto-spectroscopy (RaMS) has been used to comprehensively probe magnetic excitations in Co(AsPh3)2I2 (1), a reported single-molecule magnet (SMM). With applied field, the magnetic zero-field splitting (ZFS) peak (2D') shifts to higher energies in each spectroscopy. INS placed the ZFS peak at 54 cm-1, as revealed by both variable-temperature (VT) and variable-magnetic-field data, giving results that agree well with those from both far-IR and Raman studies. Both FIRMS and RaMS also reveal the presence of multiple spin-phonon couplings as avoided crossings with neighboring phonons. Here, phonons refer to both intramolecular and lattice vibrations. The results constitute a rare case in which the spin-phonon couplings are observed with both Raman-active (g modes) and far-IR-active phonons (u modes; space group P21/c, no. 14, Z = 4 for 1). These couplings are fit using a simple avoided crossing model with coupling constants of ca. 1-2 cm-1. The combined spectroscopies accurately determine the magnetic excited level and the interaction of the magnetic excitation with phonon modes. Density functional theory (DFT) phonon calculations compare well with INS, allowing for the assignment of the modes and their symmetries. Electronic calculations elucidate the nature of ZFS in the complex. Features of different techniques to determine ZFS and other spin-Hamiltonian parameters in transition-metal complexes are summarized.

Chemistry ; 27(43): 11110-11125, 2021 Aug 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33871890


Large separation of magnetic levels and slow relaxation in metal complexes are desirable properties of single-molecule magnets (SMMs). Spin-phonon coupling (interactions of magnetic levels with phonons) is ubiquitous, leading to magnetic relaxation and loss of memory in SMMs and quantum coherence in qubits. Direct observation of magnetic transitions and spin-phonon coupling in molecules is challenging. We have found that far-IR magnetic spectra (FIRMS) of Co(PPh3 )2 X2 (Co-X; X=Cl, Br, I) reveal rarely observed spin-phonon coupling as avoided crossings between magnetic and u-symmetry phonon transitions. Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) gives phonon spectra. Calculations using VASP and phonopy programs gave phonon symmetries and movies. Magnetic transitions among zero-field split (ZFS) levels of the S=3/2 electronic ground state were probed by INS, high-frequency and -field EPR (HFEPR), FIRMS, and frequency-domain FT terahertz EPR (FD-FT THz-EPR), giving magnetic excitation spectra and determining ZFS parameters (D, E) and g values. Ligand-field theory (LFT) was used to analyze earlier electronic absorption spectra and give calculated ZFS parameters matching those from the experiments. DFT calculations also gave spin densities in Co-X, showing that the larger Co(II) spin density in a molecule, the larger its ZFS magnitude. The current work reveals dynamics of magnetic and phonon excitations in SMMs. Studies of such couplings in the future would help to understand how spin-phonon coupling may lead to magnetic relaxation and develop guidance to control such coupling.

Nano Lett ; 20(1): 694-700, 2020 Jan 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31865705


Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) heterostructure with a type II alignment hosts unique interlayer excitons with the possibility of spin-triplet and spin-singlet states. However, the associated spectroscopy signatures remain elusive, strongly hindering the understanding of the Moiré potential modulation of the interlayer exciton. In this work, we unambiguously identify the spin-singlet and spin-triplet interlayer excitons in the WSe2/MoSe2 heterobilayer with a 60° twist angle through the gate- and magnetic field-dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy. Both the singlet and triplet interlayer excitons show giant valley-Zeeman splitting between the K and K' valleys, a result of the large Landé g-factor of the singlet interlayer exciton and triplet interlayer exciton, which are experimentally determined to be ∼10.7 and ∼15.2, respectively, which is in good agreement with theoretical expectation. The photoluminescence (PL) from the singlet and triplet interlayer excitons show opposite helicities, determined by the atomic registry. Helicity-resolved photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectroscopy study shows that both singlet and triplet interlayer excitons are highly valley-polarized at the resonant excitation with the valley polarization of the singlet interlayer exciton approaching unity at ∼20 K. The highly valley-polarized singlet and triplet interlayer excitons with giant valley-Zeeman splitting inspire future applications in spintronics and valleytronics.

Nano Lett ; 20(10): 7635-7641, 2020 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32902286


A strong Coulomb interaction could lead to a strongly bound exciton with high-order excited states, similar to the Rydberg atom. The interaction of giant Rydberg excitons can be engineered for a correlated ordered exciton array with a Rydberg blockade, which is promising for realizing quantum simulation. Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, with their greatly enhanced Coulomb interaction, are an ideal platform to host the Rydberg excitons in two dimensions. Here, we employ helicity-resolved magneto-photocurrent spectroscopy to identify Rydberg exciton states up to 11s in monolayer WSe2. Notably, the radius of the Rydberg exciton at 11s can be as large as 214 nm, orders of magnitude larger than the 1s exciton. The giant valley-polarized Rydberg exciton not only provides an exciting platform to study the strong exciton-exciton interaction and nonlinear exciton response but also allows the investigation of the different interplay between the Coulomb interaction and Landau quantization, tunable from a low- to high-magnetic-field limit.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(8): 087202, 2020 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32909791


We used a combination of polarized Raman spectroscopy and spin wave calculations to study magnetic excitations in the strong spin-orbit-coupled bilayer perovskite antiferromagnet Sr_{3}Ir_{2}O_{7}. We observed two broad Raman features at ∼800 and ∼1400 cm^{-1} arising from magnetic excitations. Unconventionally, the ∼800 cm^{-1} feature is fully symmetric (A_{1g}) with respect to the underlying tetragonal (D_{4h}) crystal lattice which, together with its broad line shape, definitively rules out the possibility of a single magnon excitation as its origin. In contrast, the ∼1400 cm^{-1} feature shows up in both the A_{1g} and B_{2g} channels. From spin wave and two-magnon scattering cross-section calculations of a tetragonal bilayer antiferromagnet, we identified the ∼800 cm^{-1} (1400 cm^{-1}) feature as two-magnon excitations with pairs of magnons from the zone-center Γ point (zone-boundary van Hove singularity X point). We further found that this zone-center two-magnon scattering is unique to bilayer perovskite magnets which host an optical branch in addition to the acoustic branch, as compared to their single layer counterparts. This zone-center two-magnon mode is distinct in symmetry from the time-reversal symmetry broken "spin wave gap" and "phase mode" proposed to explain the ∼92 meV (742 cm^{-1}) gap in resonant inelastic x-ray spectroscopy magnetic excitation spectra of Sr_{3}Ir_{2}O_{7}.

Nano Lett ; 19(10): 6886-6893, 2019 10 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31487988


Spin-forbidden intravalley dark excitons in tungsten-based transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), because of their unique spin texture and long lifetime, have attracted intense research interest. Here, we show that we can control the dark exciton electrostatically by dressing it with one free electron or free hole, forming the dark trions. The existence of the dark trions is suggested by the unique magneto-photoluminescence spectroscopy pattern of the boron nitride (BN)-encapsulated monolayer WSe2 device at low temperature. The unambiguous evidence of the dark trions is further obtained by directly resolving the radiation pattern of the dark trions through back focal plane imaging. The dark trions possess a binding energy of ∼15 meV, and they inherit the long lifetime and large g-factor from the dark exciton. Interestingly, under the out-of-plane magnetic field, dressing the dark exciton with one free electron or hole results in distinctively different valley polarization of the emitted photon, as a result of the different intervalley scattering mechanism for the electron and hole. Finally, the lifetime of the positive dark trion can be further tuned from ∼50 ps to ∼215 ps by controlling the gate voltage. The gate-tunable dark trions usher in new opportunities for excitonic optoelectronics and valleytronics.

Nano Lett ; 19(10): 7043-7049, 2019 10 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31468976


Circular-polarization-resolved magneto-infrared studies of multilayer epitaxial graphene (MEG) are performed using tunable quantum cascade lasers in high magnetic fields up to 17.5 T. Landau level (LL) transitions in the monolayer and bilayer graphene inclusions of MEG are resolved, and considerable electron-hole asymmetry is observed in the extracted electronic band structure. For monolayer graphene, a four-fold splitting of the n = 0 to n = 1 LL transition is evidenced and attributed to the lifting of the valley and spin degeneracy of the zeroth LL and the broken electron-hole symmetry. The magnetic field dependence of the splitting further reveals its possible mechanisms. The best fit to experimental data yields effective g-factors, gVS* = 6.7 and gZS* = 4.8, for the valley and Zeeman splittings, respectively.

Nano Lett ; 19(4): 2464-2471, 2019 04 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30860854


We report the experimental observation of radiative recombination from Rydberg excitons in a two-dimensional semiconductor, monolayer WSe2, encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride. Excitonic emission up to the 4 s excited state is directly observed in photoluminescence spectroscopy in an out-of-plane magnetic field up to 31 T. We confirm the progressively larger exciton size for higher energy excited states through diamagnetic shift measurements. This also enables us to estimate the 1 s exciton binding energy to be about 170 meV, which is significantly smaller than most previous reports. The Zeeman shift of the 1 s to 3 s states, from both luminescence and absorption measurements, exhibits a monotonic increase of the g-factor, reflecting nontrivial magnetic-dipole-moment differences between ground and excited exciton states. This systematic evolution of magnetic dipole moments is theoretically explained from the spreading of the Rydberg states in momentum space.

Nat Mater ; 22(4): 408-409, 2023 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37002496
Phys Rev Lett ; 123(2): 027401, 2019 Jul 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31386514


Monolayer WSe_{2} is an intriguing material to explore dark exciton physics. We have measured the photoluminescence from dark excitons and trions in ultraclean monolayer WSe_{2} devices encapsulated by boron nitride. The dark trions can be tuned continuously between negative and positive trions with electrostatic gating. We reveal their spin-triplet configuration and distinct valley optical emission by their characteristic Zeeman splitting under a magnetic field. The dark trion binding energies are 14-16 meV, slightly lower than the bright trion binding energies (21-35 meV). The dark trion lifetime (∼1.3 ns) is two orders of magnitude longer than the bright trion lifetime (∼10 ps) and can be tuned between 0.4 and 1.3 ns by gating. Such robust, optically detectable, and gate tunable dark trions may help us realize trion transport in two-dimensional materials.

Chemistry ; 25(69): 15846-15857, 2019 Dec 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31529652


Large separations between ground and excited magnetic states in single-molecule magnets (SMMs) are desirable to reduce the likelihood of spin reversal in the molecules. Spin-phonon coupling is a process leading to magnetic relaxation. Both the reversal and coupling, making SMMs lose magnetic moments, are undesirable. However, direct determination of large magnetic states separations (>45 cm-1 ) is challenging, and few detailed investigations of the spin-phonon coupling have been conducted. The magnetic separation in [Co(12-crown-4)2 ](I3 )2 (12-crown-4) (1) is determined and its spin-phonon coupling is probed by inelastic neutron scattering (INS) and far-IR spectroscopy. INS, using oriented single crystals, shows a magnetic transition at 49.4(1.0) cm-1 . Far-IR reveals that the magnetic transition and nearby phonons are coupled, a rarely observed phenomenon, with spin-phonon coupling constants of 1.7-2.5 cm-1 . The current work spectroscopically determines the ground-excited magnetic states separation in an SMM and quantifies its spin-phonon coupling, shedding light on the process causing magnetic relaxation.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 111(2): 717-22, 2014 Jan 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24379358


Upon DNA damage, tumor suppressor p53 determines cell fate by repairing DNA lesions to survive or by inducing apoptosis to eliminate damaged cells. The decision is based on its posttranslational modifications. Especially, p53 phosphorylation at Ser46 exerts apoptotic cell death. However, little is known about the precise mechanism of p53 phosphorylation on the induction of apoptosis. Here, we show that amphiregulin (AREG) is identified for a direct target of Ser46 phosphorylation via the comprehensive expression analyses. Ser46-phosphorylated p53 selectively binds to the promoter region of AREG gene, indicating that the p53 modification changes target genes by altering its binding affinity to the promoter. Although AREG belongs to a family of the epidermal growth factor, it also emerges in the nucleus under DNA damage. To clarify nuclear function of AREG, we analyze AREG-binding proteins by mass spectrometry. AREG interacts with DEAD-box RNA helicase p68 (DDX5). Intriguingly, AREG regulates precursor microRNA processing (i.e., miR-15a) with DDX5 to reduce the expression of antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2. These findings collectively support a mechanism in which the induction of AREG by Ser46-phosphorylated p53 is required for the microRNA biogenesis in the apoptotic response to DNA damage.

Apoptose/fisiologia , Dano ao DNA/fisiologia , Regulação Neoplásica da Expressão Gênica/fisiologia , Glicoproteínas/metabolismo , Peptídeos e Proteínas de Sinalização Intercelular/metabolismo , MicroRNAs/biossíntese , Proteína Supressora de Tumor p53/metabolismo , Anfirregulina , Linhagem Celular Tumoral , Imunoprecipitação da Cromatina , RNA Helicases DEAD-box/metabolismo , Família de Proteínas EGF , Imunofluorescência , Regulação Neoplásica da Expressão Gênica/genética , Humanos , Immunoblotting , Imunoprecipitação , Marcação In Situ das Extremidades Cortadas , Espectrometria de Massas , Análise em Microsséries , Fosforilação , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real
Nano Lett ; 15(11): 7532-8, 2015 Nov 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26513598


Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are layered semiconductors with indirect band gaps comparable to Si. These compounds can be grown in large area, while their gap(s) can be tuned by changing their chemical composition or by applying a gate voltage. The experimental evidence collected so far points toward a strong interaction with light, which contrasts with the small photovoltaic efficiencies η ≤ 1% extracted from bulk crystals or exfoliated monolayers. Here, we evaluate the potential of these compounds by studying the photovoltaic response of electrostatically generated PN-junctions composed of approximately 10 atomic layers of MoSe2 stacked onto the dielectric h-BN. In addition to ideal diode-like response, we find that these junctions can yield, under AM-1.5 illumination, photovoltaic efficiencies η exceeding 14%, with fill factors of ~70%. Given the available strategies for increasing η such as gap tuning, improving the quality of the electrical contacts, or the fabrication of tandem cells, our study suggests a remarkable potential for photovoltaic applications based on TMDs.

Nano Lett ; 15(12): 8377-84, 2015 Dec 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26599563


In ReS2, a layer-independent direct band gap of 1.5 eV implies a potential for its use in optoelectronic applications. ReS2 crystallizes in the 1T'-structure, which leads to anisotropic physical properties and whose concomitant electronic structure might host a nontrivial topology. Here, we report an overall evaluation of the anisotropic Raman response and the transport properties of few-layered ReS2 field-effect transistors. We find that ReS2 exfoliated on SiO2 behaves as an n-type semiconductor with an intrinsic carrier mobility surpassing µ(i) ∼ 30 cm(2)/(V s) at T = 300 K, which increases up to ∼350 cm(2)/(V s) at 2 K. Semiconducting behavior is observed at low electron densities n, but at high values of n the resistivity decreases by a factor of >7 upon cooling to 2 K and displays a metallic T(2)-dependence. This suggests that the band structure of 1T'-ReS2 is quite susceptible to an electric field applied perpendicularly to the layers. The electric-field induced metallic state observed in transition metal dichalcogenides was recently claimed to result from a percolation type of transition. Instead, through a scaling analysis of the conductivity as a function of T and n, we find that the metallic state of ReS2 results from a second-order metal-to-insulator transition driven by electronic correlations. This gate-induced metallic state offers an alternative to phase engineering for producing ohmic contacts and metallic interconnects in devices based on transition metal dichalcogenides.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 19(2): 181-187, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37798567


Rhombohedral-stacked multilayer graphene hosts a pair of flat bands touching at zero energy, which should give rise to correlated electron phenomena that can be tuned further by an electric field. Moreover, when electron correlation breaks the isospin symmetry, the valley-dependent Berry phase at zero energy may give rise to topologically non-trivial states. Here we measure electron transport through hexagonal boron nitride-encapsulated pentalayer graphene down to 100 mK. We observed a correlated insulating state with resistance at the megaohm level or greater at charge density n = 0 and displacement field D = 0. Tight-binding calculations predict a metallic ground state under these conditions. By increasing D, we observed a Chern insulator state with C = -5 and two other states with C = -3 at a magnetic field of around 1 T. At high D and n, we observed isospin-polarized quarter- and half-metals. Hence, rhombohedral pentalayer graphene exhibits two different types of Fermi-surface instability, one driven by a pair of flat bands touching at zero energy, and one induced by the Stoner mechanism in a single flat band. Our results establish rhombohedral multilayer graphene as a suitable system for exploring intertwined electron correlation and topology phenomena in natural graphitic materials without the need for moiré superlattice engineering.

Science ; 384(6696): 647-651, 2024 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38723084


The quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) is a robust topological phenomenon that features quantized Hall resistance at zero magnetic field. We report the QAHE in a rhombohedral pentalayer graphene-monolayer tungsten disulfide (WS2) heterostructure. Distinct from other experimentally confirmed QAHE systems, this system has neither magnetic element nor moiré superlattice effect. The QAH states emerge at charge neutrality and feature Chern numbers C = ±5 at temperatures of up to about 1.5 kelvin. This large QAHE arises from the synergy of the electron correlation in intrinsic flat bands of pentalayer graphene, the gate-tuning effect, and the proximity-induced Ising spin-orbit coupling. Our experiment demonstrates the potential of crystalline two-dimensional materials for intertwined electron correlation and band topology physics and may enable a route for engineering chiral Majorana edge states.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 8011, 2024 Sep 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39271660


Among the fascinating phenomena observed in two-dimensional (2D) magnets, the magneto-exciton effect stands out as a pivotal link between optics and magnetism. Although the excitonic effect has been revealed and exhibits a considerable correlation with the spin structures in certain 2D magnets, the underlying mechanism of the magneto-exciton effect remains underexplored, especially under high magnetic fields. Here we perform a systematic investigation of the spin-exciton coupling in 2D antiferromagnetic NiPS3 under high magnetic fields. When an in-plane magnetic field is applied, the exceptional sharp excitonic emission at ~1.4756 eV exhibits a Zeeman-like splitting with g ≈ 2.0, experimentally identifying the exciton as an excitation of dominant triplet-singlet character. By examining the polarization of excitonic emission and simulating the spin evolution, we further verify the correlation between excitonic emission and Néel vector in NiPS3. Our work elucidates the mechanism behind the spin-exciton coupling in NiPS3 and establishes a strategy for optically probing the spin evolutions in 2D magnets.