A survey of viral diseases was carried out during 2012 to 2013 in two major tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) producing regions in Uruguay (Salto and Canelones). Lower leaves of fruit-bearing plants were observed displaying yellowing and interveinal chlorosis under greenhouse conditions. The symptoms were similar to those associated with magnesium deficiency. However, the chlorosis displayed a tendency to move up affecting medial and apical leaves and prevailed even after supplementary magnesium applications to the soil, indicating potential infection by either Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) or Tomato infectious chlorosis virus (TICV) (3). Four leaf samples were collected from two sites in Canelones and 28 samples were collected from distinct commercial fields in Salto. Whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci biotype Q and Trialeurodes vaporariorum) were present in all sampling sites. Total RNA was extracted from symptomatic and healthy (control) plants and used for cDNA preparation with the HS-11/HS-12 primer pair followed by PCR amplification using the same primer pair. The 587-bp amplicon, corresponding to a highly conserved region of the heat shock protein (HSP-70) homolog gene reported in both TICV and ToCV genomes, was observed only in the symptomatic samples. These PCR products were then subjected to nested PCR using the ToCV specific primer pair (ToC-5/ToC-6) and TICV specific primer pair (TIC-3/TIC-4) (1). The expected 463-bp ToCV-specific amplicon was observed in all symptomatic plants but not in the healthy controls. The 223-bp amplicon corresponding to TICV was not observed in any sample, indicating the sole presence of ToCV. The amplicon of one Uruguayan ToCV isolate from Salto (named as CRS03) was purified and directly sequenced (GenBank KC626018). BLAST analysis revealed 99% identity of CRS03 with one Spanish isolate (AF233435.1) (2). Virus-free B. tabaci biotype Q adults were exposed to symptomatic plants infected with the CRS03 isolate for a 24-h period and then cage-confined with 10 healthy tomato plants (line 'LT17') for a 48-h period. Symptoms were reproduced in all tested plants after a 65-day period and ToCV infection was confirmed via PCR assays and by sequence analysis of the gel-purified amplicons. This is the first formal report of ToCV infecting tomatoes in Uruguay. Incidence of symptomatic plants in tomato crops varied from 30 to 100%, even under low whitefly pressure. Epidemiological information needs to be generated in order to evaluate the impact of ToCV in the fresh-market tomato yield and quality. References: (1) C. I. Dovas et al. Plant Dis. 86:1345, 2002. (2) G. Lozano et al. Arch. Virol. 151:581, 2006. (3) G. C. Wisler et al. Arch. Virol. 151:409, 2006.
Peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd) (2) is widely distributed and causes yellow, chlorotic mosaics and delayed foliation, flowering, and ripening. Infected fruits display a cracked suture and are often dented, misshapen, frequently flattened, and discolored. In the greenhouse, PLMVd natural isolates are divided into severe or latent strains depending on whether they induce leaf symptoms on seedlings of the peach indicator GF-305. PLMVd was detected in 2001 during a survey in three locations in the Canelones Department, the main peach producing area in Uruguay. Fifty samples were tested for the presence of five viruses: Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV), Prune dwarf virus (PDV), American plum line pattern virus (APLPV), Plum pox virus (PPV) and Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV); samples were also tested for the viroids affecting stone fruits, Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) and PLMVd. The analyses were completed with molecular hybridization using specific nonisotopic riboprobes for each virus (4). PLMVd, undescribed in Uruguay, was detected in 9 of 50 samples in three peach cultivars, Scarlet Pearl, EarliGrande, and Barcelo. The PLMVd-positive sample for 'Scarlet Pearl' showed mild mosaic symptoms on leaves whereas the two PLMVd-positives of 'EarliGrande' showed clear calico type symptoms. The remaining PLMVd-positive samples belonged to 'Barcelo' and showed no symptoms or mild chlorosis. The first two cultivars were imported from the United States, a source with a high percentage of PLMVd infections in peach germ plasm (1). In five of nine PLMVd-positive samples, the viroid occurred with PNRSV and in one with PDV and PNRSV. PLMVd has previously been reported in Brazil (3), but to our knowledge, this is the first report of PLMVd in Uruguay. These results reveal the importance of following strict sanitary practices with plant material used for propagation. Molecular tools are available to prescreen scion and rootstock sources for PLMVd. References: (1) M. L. Badenes and G. Llácer. Acta Hortic. 309:565, 1998. (2) R. Flores et al. Res. Virol. 141:109, 1990. (3) A. Hadidi et al. Plant Dis. 81:154, 1997. (4) V. Pallás et al. Detection of plant RNA viruses by non-isotopic dot-blot hybridization. Pages 461-468 in: Plant Virus Protocols: From Virus Isolation to Transgenic Resistance. G. Foster and S. Taylor, eds. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. 1998.