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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36065418


Technological development is key for national strategies to cope with the Paris Agreement's goals. Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs) aim to identify, prioritize, and diffuse climate change mitigation and/or adaptation technologies in developing countries. Their methodology includes a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) framework but, although many countries already conducted a TNA, literature lacks discussions on country-specific processes for a TNA, as it usually follows a one-size-fits-all approach. This paper provides empirical evidence on the importance of country-driven processes that help shaping international programmes into country-specific needs and capabilities. It presents lessons learned from a tailored process for identification, prioritization, and selection of mitigation technologies in the scope of a TNA project for Brazil, an exceptional case of a developing country with strong capacity in integrated assessment modelling (IAM) scenarios for guiding its climate strategies. A previous IAM scenario result allowed pre-selecting technologies in six key economic sectors, while other TNAs prioritized no more than three. This allowed the elaboration of an overall ranking from the MCDA, in contrast to sectoral rankings that are mostly employed in other countries' TNAs. The overall ranking serves not only as a basis for the selection of priority technologies but also provides information on the integrated innovations framework for climate technologies in the country. Further specific findings of the tailored Brazilian TNA approach are discussed in the paper in order to call for the importance that a technology transfer project should not only be country-driven but also conducted through a country-specific process. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11027-022-10025-6.

Sci Total Environ ; 744: 140647, 2020 Nov 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32717460


Effectively implementing landscape-scale forest restoration on the ground is particularly challenging. Available decision-support tools particularly lack the ability to comprehensively incorporate biophysical, social and institutional dimensions in a spatially explicit manner from the pixel to the whole landscape. In order to contribute to fulfilling this gap, this paper has two major objectives. The first is to present a spatially explicit decision-support tool for mapping Forest Restoration Vocation (FRV) that includes socio-economic and institutional aspects in forest landscape restoration. The second is to discuss the ways in which the FRV has been applied in the Brazilian decision-making context. The FRV was used to prioritize areas for three different restoration modalities: assisted natural regeneration (passive restoration), forest plantation with native trees to conserve biodiversity and forest plantation for agroforestry systems (active restoration). The FRV is already being adopted as a planning tool to invest R$ 1.2 billion (approx. US$ 300 million) to restore 40,000 ha in the Rio Doce, Brazil-an area corresponding to 0.05% of the area of watershed. Due to the high level of degradation of the basin, there is a need to restore 1.6 Mha via forest plantations in riparian Areas of Permanent Preservation (APPs) while 30% of APPs can be effectively restored using natural regeneration. The FRV can be effective for gauging progress and monitoring forest restoration implementation metrics across the landscape and through time. There are however still problems in effectively assessing if the investment in forest restoration will generate impact in the long term and deliver the ecosystem services society depends on.

Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 47(2): 101-122, 20230808.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451798


O rastreamento do câncer de colo do útero (CCU) é uma das estratégias para diminuição da incidência e morbimortalidade dessa neoplasia. Portanto, é necessário estudar os fatores que estão associados à sua realização. Este estudo visa analisar a adesão ao rastreamento do CCU na cidade de Barreiras (BA), com vistas às ações de educação em saúde e ao papel dos profissionais de saúde nessa prevenção. A abordagem da pesquisa foi descritiva qualitativa, com utilização de questionário. Os dados coletados foram organizados pelo software Excel 2016. Na análise inferencial, foi utilizado o software GraphPad Prism 5.0 e o teste de Spearman. A maioria da amostra (37%) tem entre 30 e 40 anos e possui ensino médio completo (65%). Ademais, 71% consideram realizar regularmente o preventivo. A maior parcela iniciou o Papanicolau antes dos 20 anos, principalmente devido ao aconselhamento do profissional de saúde (58%). Constatou-se correlação positiva entre frequência e presença de educação em saúde na Unidade Básica de Saúde (r = 0,2982; p = 0,0122); e entre realização do exame regular e incentivo pelo profissional de saúde (r = 0,4284; p = 0,0015). Conclui-se que a maioria das questionadas possuía conhecimento prévio a respeito do preventivo, sendo importante ressaltar a educação em saúde e o incentivo do profissional como fundamentais para essa adesão.

Since cervical cancer (CC) screening is a major strategy used to decrease the morbidity and mortality rate of this neoplasm, research on its associated factors is necessary. This study analyzes adherence to CC screening in the municipality of Barreiras, Bahia, focusing on health education actions and the role of health professionals in CC prevention. A qualitative and descriptive research was conducted by means of a questionnaire. Collected data were organized using the Excel 2016 software. Inferential analysis was performed using the GraphPad Prism 5.0 software and Spearman's test. Most research participants (37%) are between 30 and 40 years, have completed high school (65%), and considered doing pap smear regularly (71%). Most (58%) started pap smear before 20, mainly due to advice from health professionals. Results showed a positive correlation between frequency and health education actions offered at the Basic Health Unity (r = 0.2982; p = 0.0122), and between regular examination and incentive by a health professional (r = 0.4284; p = 0.0015). In conclusion, most of the respondents have previous knowledge about preventive screening, highlighting the prominent role played by health education and professional incentive for this adherence.

El cribado del cáncer de cuello uterino (CCU) es una de las estrategias para reducir la incidencia y la morbimortalidad por esta neoplasia. En este sentido, es necesario estudiar los factores que están asociados a su prevención. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo analizar la adherencia a la prevención de CCU en la ciudad de Barreiras (Bahía, Brasil), teniendo en cuenta las acciones de educación en salud y la función de los profesionales de la salud en esa prevención. La investigación fue descriptiva y cualitativa, utilizando un cuestionario. Los datos recolectados se organizaron mediante el software Excel 2016. En el análisis de inferencia, se utilizó el software GraphPad Prism 5.0 y la prueba de Spearman. La mayoría de la muestra (37%) tiene edad entre 30 y 40 años, y la secundaria completa (65%). Además, el 71% informaron realizar el Papanicolaou con regularidad. Gran parte de las participantes dijeron que empezaron a realizar el PAP antes de cumplir los 20 años, sobre todo, por recomendaciones de un profesional de la salud (58%). Se constató correlación positiva entre frecuencia y presencia de educación en salud en la Unidad Básica de Salud (UBS) (r = 0,2982; p = 0,0122); y entre la realización de estudios regulares y el estímulo a hacerlo por parte del profesional de la salud (r = 0,4284; p = 0,0015). Se concluye que la mayoría de las encuestadas tiene conocimientos previos acerca de cuidados preventivos, lo que demuestra que la educación en salud y el estímulo de los profesionales son importantes para la adherencia al cribado del CCU.

Humanos , Feminino , Saúde da Mulher