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Phys Rev Lett ; 122(12): 128008, 2019 Mar 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30978054


Dispersions of rodlike colloidal particles exhibit a plethora of liquid crystalline states, including nematic, smectic A, smectic B, and columnar phases. This phase behavior can be explained by presuming the predominance of hard-core volume exclusion between the particles. We show here how the self-organization of rodlike colloids can be controlled by introducing a weak and highly localized directional attractive interaction between one of the ends of the particles. This has been performed by functionalizing the tips of filamentous viruses by means of regioselectively grafting fluorescent dyes onto them, resulting in a hydrophobic patch whose attraction can be tuned by varying the number of bound dye molecules. We show, in agreement with our computer simulations, that increasing the single tip attraction stabilizes the smectic phase at the expense of the nematic phase, leaving all other liquid crystalline phases invariant. For a sufficiently strong tip attraction, the nematic state may be suppressed completely to get a direct isotropic liquid-to-smectic phase transition. Our findings provide insights into the rational design of building blocks for functional structures formed at low densities.

J Chem Phys ; 147(24): 244901, 2017 Dec 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29289149


We report on a comprehensive computer simulation study of the liquid-crystal phase behaviour of purely repulsive, semi-flexible rod-like particles. For the four aspect ratios we consider, the particles form five distinct phases depending on their packing fraction and bending flexibility: the isotropic, nematic, smectic A, smectic B, and crystal phase. Upon increasing the particle bending flexibility, the various phase transitions shift to larger packing fractions. Increasing the aspect ratio achieves the opposite effect. We find two different ways in which the layer thickness of the particles in the smectic A phase may respond to an increase in concentration. The layer thickness may either decrease or increase depending on the aspect ratio and flexibility. For the smectic B and the crystalline phases, increasing the concentration always decreases the layer thickness. Finally, we find that the layer spacing jumps to a larger value on transitioning from the smectic A phase to the smectic B phase.

Phys Rev E ; 100(4-1): 042702, 2019 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31771013


Weakly attractive interactions between the tips of rodlike colloidal particles affect their liquid-crystal phase behavior due to a subtle interplay between enthalpy and entropy. Here we employ molecular dynamics simulations on semiflexible, repulsive bead-spring chains where one of the two end beads attract each other. We calculate the phase diagram as a function of both the volume fraction of the chains and the strength of the attractive potential. We identify a large number of phases that include isotropic, nematic, smectic-A, smectic-B, and crystalline states. For tip attraction energies lower than the thermal energy, our results are qualitatively consistent with experimental findings: We find that an increase of the attraction strength shifts the nematic to smectic-A phase transition to lower volume fractions, with only minor effect on the stability of the other phases. For sufficiently strong tip attraction, the nematic phase disappears completely, in addition leading to the destabilization of the isotropic phase. In order to better understand the underlying physics of these phenomena, we also investigate the clustering of the particles at their attractive tips and the effective molecular field experienced by the particles in the smectic-A phase. Based on these results, we argue that the clustering of the tips only affects the phase stability if lamellar structures ("micelles") are formed. We find that an increase of the attraction strength increases the degree of order in the layered phases. Interestingly, we also find evidence for the existence of an antiferroelectric smectic-A phase transition induced by the interaction between the tips. A simple Maier-Saupe-McMillan model confirms our findings.