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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29633405


RATIONALE: Past climate has always influenced human adaptation to the environment. In order to reconstruct palaeoclimate fluctuations and their role in the evolution of Near Eastern societies during the mid-Holocene, high-resolution Δ13 C records from fossil wood remains at the archaeological site of Arslantepe (eastern Turkey) have been developed. METHODS: After chemical treatment, δ13 C values were measured by sample combustion flow using a FLASH EA-CHNS instrument interfaced with a Delta V isotope ratio mass spectrometer via a CONFLO III. Two replicates per sample were analysed. The measurement precision was evaluated by propagating variations of the δ13 C values of samples and V-PDB standards, whereas the accuracy was checked by a quality control sample. To account for changes in atmospheric CO2 , Δ13 C values were calculated. In addition, 14 C/12 C ratios were measured by means of ann AMS system (3 MV tandem accelerator). RESULTS: Mean Δ13 C curves of deciduous Quercus and Juniperus from archaeological levels between 4700 and 2000 BC (Arslantepe periods VIII-VI D) were produced, where the isotope values were ordered by the available RC ages. Interspecific variations of evergreen vs deciduous plants were postulated for the juniper Δ13 C values being higher than 3‰. The seasonal rainfall amount was recorded by the juniper remains, while the water table levels were obtained from the oak samples. CONCLUSIONS: The local climate experienced times of enhanced/reduced precipitation in concert with regional trends. Anomalies in the air mass circulation from the Mediterranean basin also produced oscillations of rainfall amount. In such a frame the Rapid Climate Change dry events had a consistent signature in the Arslantepe Δ13 C record, thus potentially contributing to social or organisational changes at the site.

J Mass Spectrom ; 40(8): 1104-8, 2005 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16041730


A systematic analysis of efficiency, reproducibility and accuracy of cryogenic purification of CO(2) from air samples for isotopic analyses is presented. The technical characteristics of the cryogenic line are given in detail. To study the cryogenic process, three different operating parameters are considered: flow rate of the gas entering the line, pressure of the gas in the line, and CO(2)-trap shape. Experimental results demonstrate that efficiency, reproducibility and accuracy strongly depend on the CO(2)trap shape. Moreover, a dependence of reproducibility and accuracy on the flow rate of the gas is found, but not on its pressure. High precision (< or =0.02 per thousand for delta(13)C and < or =0.05 per thousand for delta(18)O) and good accuracy (<0.09 per thousand for delta(13)C and <0.14 per thousand for delta(18)O) is achieved after applying the N(2)O correction.