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Phys Rev Lett ; 114(19): 195302, 2015 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26024178


Feshbach resonances-namely, resonances between an unbound two-body (atomic) state and a bound (molecular) state, differing in magnetic moment-are a unique tool to tune the interaction properties of ultracold atoms. Here we show that the spin-changing interactions, coherently coupling the atomic and molecular states, can act as a novel mechanism to stabilize an insulating phase-the Feshbach insulator-for bosons in an optical lattice close to a narrow Feshbach resonance. Making use of quantum Monte Carlo simulations and mean-field theory, we show that the Feshbach insulator appears around the resonance, preventing the system from collapsing when the effective atomic scattering length becomes negative. On the atomic side of the resonance, the transition from condensate to Feshbach insulator has a characteristic first-order nature, due to the simultaneous loss of coherence in the atomic and molecular components. These features appear clearly in the ground-state phase diagram of, e.g., ^{87}Rb around its 414 G resonance, and they are therefore directly amenable to experimental observation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(26): 265303, 2013 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23848892


The Haldane insulator is a gapped phase characterized by an exotic nonlocal order parameter. The parameter regimes at which it might exist, and how it competes with alternate types of order, such as supersolid order, are still incompletely understood. Using the stochastic Green function quantum Monte Carlo algorithm and density matrix renormalization group, we study numerically the ground state phase diagram of the one-dimensional bosonic Hubbard model with contact and near neighbor repulsive interactions. We show that, depending on the ratio of the near neighbor to contact interactions, this model exhibits charge density waves, superfluid, supersolid, and the recently identified Haldane insulating phases. We show that the Haldane insulating phase exists only at the tip of the unit-filling charge density wave lobe and that there is a stable supersolid phase over a very wide range of parameters.

Phys Rev Lett ; 104(16): 167201, 2010 Apr 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20482076


We propose a novel scheme for confining atoms to optical lattices by engineering a spatially inhomogeneous hopping matrix element in the Hubbard-model (HM) description, a situation we term off-diagonal confinement (ODC). We show, via an exact numerical solution of the boson HM with ODC, that this scheme possesses distinct advantages over the conventional method of confining atoms using an additional trapping potential, including incompressible Mott phases at commensurate filling and a phase diagram that is similar to the uniform HM. The experimental implementation of ODC will thus allow a more faithful realization of correlated phases in cold-atom experiments.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 77(5 Pt 2): 056705, 2008 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18643193


We present a stochastic Green function algorithm designed for bosons on lattices. This quantum Monte Carlo algorithm is independent of the dimension of the system, works in continuous imaginary time, and is exact (no error beyond statistical errors). Hamiltonians with several species of bosons (and one-dimensional Bose-Fermi Hamiltonians) can be easily simulated. Some important features of the algorithm are that it works in the canonical ensemble and gives access to n -body Green functions.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 78(5 Pt 2): 056707, 2008 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19113237


In a recent paper we presented a stochastic Green function (SGF) algorithm, which has the properties of being general and easy to apply to any lattice Hamiltonian of the form H[over ]=V[over ]-T[over ] , where V[over ] is diagonal in the chosen occupation number basis and T[over ] has only positive matrix elements. We propose here a modified version of the update scheme that keeps the simplicity and generality of the original SGF algorithm, and significantly enhances its efficiency.

Phys Rev Lett ; 102(1): 015301, 2009 Jan 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19257204


We investigate the phase diagram of a two-species Bose-Hubbard model describing atoms and molecules on a lattice, interacting via a Feshbach resonance. We identify a region where the system exhibits an exotic super-Mott phase and regions with phases characterized by atomic and/or molecular condensates. Our approach is based on a recently developed exact quantum Monte Carlo algorithm: the stochastic Green function algorithm with tunable directionality. We confirm some of the results predicted by mean-field studies, but we also find disagreement with these studies. In particular, we find a phase with an atomic but no molecular condensate, which is missing in all mean-field phase diagrams.

Phys Rev Lett ; 102(14): 140402, 2009 Apr 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19392416


Recent progress in experiments on trapped ultracold atoms has made it possible to study the interplay between magnetism and superfluid-insulator transitions in the boson Hubbard model. We report on quantum Monte Carlo simulations of the spin-1 boson Hubbard model in the ground state. For antiferromagnetic interactions favoring singlets, we present exact numerical evidence that the superfluid-insulator transition is first (second) order for even (odd) Mott lobes. Inside even lobes, we search for nematic-to-singlet first order transitions. In the ferromagnetic case where transitions are all continuous, we map the phase diagram and show the superfluid to be ferromagnetic. We compare the quantum Monte Carlo phase diagram with a third order perturbation calculation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(11): 116405, 2008 Mar 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18517807


We present an exact quantum Monte Carlo study of the attractive one-dimensional Hubbard model with imbalanced fermion population. The pair-pair correlation function, which decays monotonically in the absence of polarization P, develops oscillations when P is nonzero, characteristic of Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase. The pair momentum distribution peaks at a momentum equal to the difference in the Fermi momenta. At strong coupling, the minority and majority momentum distributions are shown to be deformed, reflecting the presence of the other species and its Fermi surface. The FFLO oscillations survive the presence of a confining potential, and the local polarization at the trap center exhibits a marked dip, similar to that observed experimentally.