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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29024043


The ants use their venom for predation, defense, and communication. The venom of these insects is rich in peptides and proteins, and compared with other animal venoms, ant venoms remain poorly explored. The objective of this study was to evaluate the protein content of the venom in the Ponerinae ant Pachycondyla striata. Venom samples were collected by manual gland reservoir dissection, and samples were submitted to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and separation by ion-exchange and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography followed by mass spectrometry using tanden matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization with time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF/TOF) mass spectrometry and electrospray ionization-quadrupole with time-of-flight (ESI-Q/TOF) mass spectrometry for obtaining amino acid sequence. Spectra obtained were searched against the NCBInr and SwissProt database. Additional analysis was performed using PEAKS Studio 7.0 (Sequencing de novo). The venom of P. striata has a complex mixture of proteins from which 43 were identified. Within the identified proteins are classical venom proteins (phospholipase A, hyaluronidase, and aminopeptidase N), allergenic proteins (different venom allergens), and bioactive peptides (U10-ctenitoxin Pn1a). Venom allergens are among the most expressed proteins, suggesting that P. striata venom has high allergenic potential. This study discusses the possible functions of the proteins identified in the venom of P. striata.

Venenos de Formiga/química , Formigas/fisiologia , Proteínas de Insetos/química , Proteômica , Animais
Neotrop Entomol ; 52(6): 1129-1137, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37906377


Social insects are characterized by having a wide diversity of exocrine glands, with highlights for ants with about 85 glands spreading throughout the body. The mandibular and intramandibular glands are associated with the production of pheromones. The army ants (Dorylinae) play an important role in the structure of the invertebrate community because they are efficient predators and provide suitable conditions for various animals following their invasions in the food search. Labidus coecus (Latreille) is an underground-ameliorating ant and Labidus praedator (Smith) is a generalist surface predator which can deplete invertebrate biomass by up to 75%. This work investigated the morphology of the mandibular and intramandibular glands of L. praedator and L. coecus workers. The glands were analyzed by light microscopy, histochemistry, and scanning electron microscopy. The mandibular and intramandibular glands of the two species were classified as class III glands. The data on the morphology of the mandibular glands has revealed that they have characteristics in common with other subfamilies. The intramandibular glands of the two species of Labidus have similar morphology and chemical composition, which indicates that the components of these glands can have the same function despite their different habits.

Formigas , Animais , Formigas/anatomia & histologia , Invertebrados , Glândulas Exócrinas/anatomia & histologia , Glândulas Exócrinas/química , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Biomassa
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 13(3): 393-397, 2013. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-693991


Various animals live in termite nests as secondary occupants. Among them are terrestrial isopods. We found five species of terrestrial isopods (Oniscidea) in 17 of 34 termite nests of Nasutitermes in a cocoa plantation near Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil (in 2 aging and 15 abandoned nests). The 14 active, 1 aging and 2 abandoned nests bore no isopods. The oniscideans were Atlantoscia rubromarginata, an undescribed species of Atlantoscia (Philosciidae), Pudeoniscus birabeni, P. obscurus (Pudeoniscidae) and Neotroponiscus carolii (Bathytropidae). Of the 146 individuals collected, 122 were A. rubromarginata. Due to the absence of isopods in active nests, these terrestrial isopods are considered termitariophilous.

Diversos animais, incluindo isópodos terrestres, vivem em ninhos de térmites como ocupantes secundários. Neste trabalho, foram registradas cinco espécies de isópodos terrestres (Oniscidea) em 17 de 34 ninhos de Nasutitermes estudados em uma plantação de cacau situada próxima a Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil. Destes ninhos, dois eram decadentes e 15 abandonados. Catorze ninhos ativos, um decadente e dois abandonados não apresentaram isópodos. Foram registrados os oniscídeos Atlantoscia rubromarginata, uma espécie não identificada de Atlantoscia (Philosciidae), Pudeoniscus birabeni, P. obscurus (Pudeoniscidae) e Neotroponiscus carolii (Bathytropidae). Foram coletados 146 indivíduos, dos quais 122 pertenciam à espécie A. rubromarginata. Devido à ausência de isópodos em ninhos ativos, estes foram considerados termitariófilos.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 54(3): 450-454, 2010. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-562186


Ants are among the most common arthropods that colonize termite nests. The aim of this study was to identify the ant fauna associated to termite nests found in a cacao plantation in the county of Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil, with emphasis on the fauna that uses the nests as foraging and/or nesting environment. For this purpose, 34 active, decadent and abandoned nests of Nasutitermes corniger, N. ephratae and Nasutitermes sp., with different volumes and degrees of activity, were dissected. A total of 54 ant species, belonging to 23 genera and five subfamilies, was found in the constructions. The active, decadent and abandoned termite nests presented, respectively, six, eight and 48 ant species. Crematogaster acuta and Ectatomma tuberculatum were the most frequent species in the active and decadent nests, respectively, while the most frequent species in the abandoned nests were Solenopsis pollux, Thaumatomyrmex contumax and Thaumatomyrmex sp. Twenty-six ant species had true colonies within the termitaria. The Formicidae species richness in the nests was inversely related to the degree of termite activity in the nests. The occurrence of living, decadent or abandoned termitaria of Nasutitermes spp. in cacao plantations foments the heterogeneity of habitats available in the plantations and favors the maintenance of high diversity of organisms that use obligatory or opportunistically this substrate.

As formigas estão entre os mais comuns artrópodes colonizadores de ninhos de térmitas. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar a mirmecofauna associada a ninhos de térmitas encontrados em um cacaual no município de Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil, com ênfase na fauna que utiliza os ninhos como ambiente de forrageio e/ou nidificação. Para tanto, 34 ninhos ativos, decadentes e abandonados de Nasutitermes corniger, N. ephratae e Nasutitermes sp., com diferentes volumes e graus de atividade, foram analisados. Um total de 54 espécies de formigas, pertencentes a 23 gêneros e cinco subfamílias, foi encontrado nas construções. Os ninhos de térmitas em atividade, decadência e abandonados apresentaram, respectivamente, seis, oito e 48 espécies de formigas. Crematogaster acuta e Ectatomma tuberculatum foram as espécies mais freqüentes nos ninhos em atividade e em decadência, respectivamente. Nos ninhos abandonados, as espécies mais freqüentes foram Solenopsis pollux, Thaumatomyrmex contumax e Thaumatomyrmex sp. Vinte e seis espécies de formigas possuíam colônias verdadeiras dentro dos termiteiros. A riqueza de espécies de Formicidae nos ninhos mostrou-se inversamente proporcional ao grau de atividade dos térmitas nos ninhos. A ocorrência de termiteiros ativos, em decadência ou abandonados de Nasutitermes spp. em cacauais amplia a heterogeneidade dos habitats disponíveis nas plantações e favorece a manutenção de uma elevada diversidade de organismos que utilizam obrigatoriamente ou oportunamente esse substrato.