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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(8)2022 02 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35165184


Multicomponent self-assembly mixtures offer the possibility of encoding multiple target structures with the same set of interacting components. Selective retrieval of one of the stored structures has been attempted by preparing an initial state that favors the assembly of the required target, through seeding, concentration patterning, or specific choices of interaction strengths. This may not be possible in an experiment where on-the-fly reconfiguration of the building blocks to switch functionality may be required. In this paper, we explore principles of inverse design of a multicomponent, self-assembly mixture capable of encoding two competing structures that can be selected through simple temperature protocols. We design the target structures to realize the generic situation in which one of the targets has the lower nucleation barrier, while the other is globally more stable. We observe that, to avoid the formation of spurious or chimeric aggregates, the number of neighboring component pairs that occur in both structures should be minimal. Our design also requires the inclusion of components that are part of only one of the target structures. We observe, however, that to maximize the selectivity of retrieval, the component library itself should be maximally shared by the two targets, within such a constraint. We demonstrate that temperature protocols can be designed that lead to the formation of either one of the target structures with high selectivity. We discuss the important role played by secondary aggregation products in improving selectivity, which we term "vestigial aggregates."

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(16)2021 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33850022


Yielding behavior in amorphous solids has been investigated in computer simulations using uniform and cyclic shear deformation. Recent results characterize yielding as a discontinuous transition, with the degree of annealing of glasses being a significant parameter. Under uniform shear, discontinuous changes in stresses at yielding occur in the high annealing regime, separated from the poor annealing regime in which yielding is gradual. In cyclic shear simulations, relatively poorly annealed glasses become progressively better annealed as the yielding point is approached, with a relatively modest but clear discontinuous change at yielding. To understand better the role of annealing on yielding characteristics, we perform athermal quasistatic cyclic shear simulations of glasses prepared with a wide range of annealing in two qualitatively different systems-a model of silica (a network glass) and an atomic binary mixture glass. Two strikingly different regimes of behavior emerge. Energies of poorly annealed samples evolve toward a unique threshold energy as the strain amplitude increases, before yielding takes place. Well-annealed samples, in contrast, show no significant energy change with strain amplitude until they yield, accompanied by discontinuous energy changes that increase with the degree of annealing. Significantly, the threshold energy for both systems corresponds to dynamical cross-over temperatures associated with changes in the character of the energy landscape sampled by glass-forming liquids.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(16): 168202, 2023 Oct 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37925719


We investigate the dynamics of soft sphere liquids through computer simulations for spatial dimensions from d=3 to 8, over a wide range of temperatures and densities. Employing a scaling of density-temperature-dependent relaxation times, we precisely identify the density ϕ_{0}, which marks the ideal glass transition in the hard sphere limit, and a crossover from sub- to super-Arrhenius temperature dependence. The difference between ϕ_{0} and the athermal jamming density ϕ_{J}, small in 3 and 4 dimensions, increases with dimension, with ϕ_{0}>ϕ_{J} for d>4. We compare our results with recent theoretical calculations.

Soft Matter ; 19(48): 9399-9404, 2023 Dec 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37830248


We investigate the rigidity transition associated with shear jamming in frictionless, as well as frictional, disk packings in the quasi-static regime and at low shear rates. For frictionless disks, the transition under quasi-static shear is discontinuous, with an instantaneous emergence of a system spanning rigid clusters at the jamming transition. For frictional systems, the transition appears continuous for finite shear rates, but becomes sharper for lower shear rates. In the quasi-static limit, it is discontinuous as in the frictionless case. Thus, our results show that the rigidity transition associated with shear jamming is discontinuous, as demonstrated in the past for isotropic jamming of frictionless particles, and therefore a unifying feature of the jamming transition in general.

J Chem Phys ; 158(14): 144502, 2023 Apr 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37061464


A vast array of phenomena, ranging from chemical reactions to phase transformations, are analyzed in terms of a free energy surface defined with respect to a single or multiple order parameters. Enhanced sampling methods are typically used, especially in the presence of large free energy barriers, to estimate free energies using biasing protocols and sampling of transition paths. Kinetic reconstructions of free energy barriers of intermediate height have been performed, with respect to a single order parameter, employing the steady state properties of unconstrained simulation trajectories when barrier crossing is achievable with reasonable computational effort. Considering such cases, we describe a method to estimate free energy surfaces with respect to multiple order parameters from a steady state ensemble of trajectories. The approach applies to cases where the transition rates between pairs of order parameter values considered is not affected by the presence of an absorbing boundary, whereas the macroscopic fluxes and sampling probabilities are. We demonstrate the applicability of our prescription on different test cases of random walkers executing Brownian motion in order parameter space with an underlying (free) energy landscape and discuss strategies to improve numerical estimates of the fluxes and sampling. We next use this approach to reconstruct the free energy surface for supercooled liquid silicon with respect to the degree of crystallinity and density, from unconstrained molecular dynamics simulations, and obtain results quantitatively consistent with earlier results from umbrella sampling.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(19): 10203-10209, 2020 May 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32341154


Self-organization, and transitions from reversible to irreversible behavior, of interacting particle assemblies driven by externally imposed stresses or deformation is of interest in comprehending diverse phenomena in soft matter. They have been investigated in a wide range of systems, such as colloidal suspensions, glasses, and granular matter. In different density and driving regimes, such behavior is related to yielding of amorphous solids, jamming, memory formation, etc. How these phenomena are related to each other has not, however, been much studied. In order to obtain a unified view of the different regimes of behavior, and transitions between them, we investigate computationally the response of soft-sphere assemblies to athermal cyclic-shear deformation over a wide range of densities and amplitudes of shear deformation. Cyclic-shear deformation induces transitions from reversible to irreversible behavior in both unjammed and jammed soft-sphere packings. Well above the minimum isotropic jamming density ([Formula: see text]), this transition corresponds to yielding. In the vicinity of the jamming point, up to a higher-density limit, we designate [Formula: see text], an unjammed phase emerges between a localized, absorbing phase and a diffusive, irreversible, phase. The emergence of the unjammed phase signals the shifting of the jamming point to higher densities as a result of annealing and opens a window where shear jamming becomes possible for frictionless packings. Below [Formula: see text], two distinct localized states, termed point- and loop-reversible, are observed. We characterize in detail the different regimes and transitions between them and obtain a unified density-shear amplitude phase diagram.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(19): 198001, 2022 May 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35622036


We study a mean field elastoplastic model, embedded within a disordered landscape of local yield barriers, to shed light on the behavior of athermal amorphous solids subject to oscillatory shear. We show that the model presents a genuine dynamical transition between an elastic and a yielded state, and qualitatively reproduces the dependence on the initial degree of annealing found in particle simulations. For initial conditions prepared below the analytically derived threshold energy, we observe a nontrivial, nonmonotonic approach to the yielded state. The timescale diverges as one approaches the yielding point from above, which we identify with the fatigue limit. We finally discuss the connections to brittle yielding under uniform shear.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(9): 098001, 2022 Mar 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35302798


We investigate avalanches and clusters associated with plastic rearrangements and the nature of structural change in the prototypical strong glass, silica, computationally. We perform a detailed analysis of avalanches, and of spatially disconnected clusters that constitute them, for a wide range of system sizes. Although qualitative aspects of yielding in silica are similar to other glasses, the statistics of clusters exhibits significant differences, which we associate with differences in local structure. Across the yielding transition, anomalous structural change and densification, associated with a suppression of tetrahedral order, is observed to accompany strain localization.

J Chem Phys ; 157(4): 044501, 2022 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35922344


A major challenge in simulating glassy systems is the ability to generate configurations that may be found in equilibrium at sufficiently low temperatures, in order to probe static and dynamic behavior close to the glass transition. A variety of approaches have recently explored ways of surmounting this obstacle. Here, we explore the possibility of employing mechanical agitation, in the form of cyclic shear deformation, to generate low energy configurations in a model glass former. We perform shear deformation simulations over a range of temperatures, shear rates, and strain amplitudes. We find that shear deformation induces faster relaxation toward low energy configurations, or overaging, in simulations at sufficiently low temperatures, consistently with previous results for athermal shear. However, for temperatures at which simulations can be run until a steady state is reached with or without shear deformation, we find that the inclusion of shear deformation does not result in any speed up of the relaxation toward low energy configurations. Although we find the configurations from shear simulations to have properties indistinguishable from an equilibrium ensemble, the cyclic shear procedure does not guarantee that we generate an equilibrium ensemble at a desired temperature. In order to ensure equilibrium sampling, we develop a hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm that employs cyclic shear as a trial generation step and has acceptance probabilities that depend not only on the change in internal energy but also on the heat dissipated (equivalently, work done). We show that such an algorithm, indeed, generates an equilibrium ensemble.

J Chem Phys ; 156(6): 064502, 2022 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35168346


We study numerically the yielding transition of a two dimensional model glass subjected to athermal quasi-static cyclic shear deformation, with the aim of investigating the effect on the yielding behavior of the degree of annealing, which in turn depends on the preparation protocol. We find two distinct regimes of annealing separated by a threshold energy. Poorly annealed glasses progressively evolve toward the threshold energy as the strain amplitude is increased toward the yielding value. Well annealed glasses with initial energies below the threshold energy exhibit stable behavior, with a negligible change in energy with increasing strain amplitude, until they yield. Discontinuities in energy and stress at yielding increase with the degree of annealing, consistent with recent results found in three dimensions. We observe a significant structural change with strain amplitude that closely mirrors the changes in energy and stresses. We investigate groups of particles that are involved in plastic rearrangements. We analyze the distributions of avalanche sizes, of clusters of connected rearranging particles, and related quantities, employing finite size scaling analysis. We verify previously investigated relations between exponents characterizing these distributions.

J Chem Phys ; 156(7): 074503, 2022 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35183088


The correlation between the local structure and the propensity for structural rearrangements has been widely investigated in glass forming liquids and glasses. In this paper, we use the excess two-body entropy S2 and tetrahedrality ntet as the per-particle local structural order parameters to explore such correlations in a three-dimensional model glass subjected to cyclic shear deformation. We first show that for both liquid configurations and the corresponding inherent structures, local ordering increases upon lowering temperature, signaled by a decrease in the two-body entropy and an increase in tetrahedrality. When the inherent structures, or glasses, are periodically sheared athermally, they eventually reach absorbing states for small shear amplitudes, which do not change from one cycle to the next. Large strain amplitudes result in the formation of shear bands, within which particle motion is diffusive. We show that in the steady state, there is a clear difference in the local structural environment of particles that will be part of plastic rearrangements during the next shear cycle and that of particles that are immobile. In particular, particles with higher S2 and lower ntet are more likely to go through rearrangements irrespective of the average energies of the configurations and strain amplitude. For high shear, we find very distinctive local order outside the mobile shear band region, where almost 30% of the particles are involved in icosahedral clusters, contrasting strongly with the fraction of <5% found inside the shear band.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(25): 255501, 2021 Jun 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34241520


Investigations of plastic deformation and yielding of amorphous solids reveal a strong dependence of their yielding behavior on the degree of annealing. Above a threshold degree of annealing, the nature of yielding changes qualitatively, becoming progressively more discontinuous. Theoretical investigations of yielding in amorphous solids have almost exclusively focused on uniform deformation, but cyclic deformation reveals intriguing features that remain uninvestigated. Focusing on athermal cyclic deformation, I investigate a family of models, which reproduce key features observed in simulations, and provide an interpretation for the intriguing presence of a threshold energy.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(24): 248002, 2021 Dec 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34951789


We consider the yielding behavior of amorphous solids under cyclic shear deformation and show that it can be mapped into a random walk in a confining potential with an absorbing boundary. The resulting dynamics is governed by the first passage time into the absorbing state and suffices to capture the essential qualitative features recently observed in atomistic simulations of amorphous solids. Our results provide insight into the mechanism underlying yielding and its robustness. When the possibility of activated escape from absorbing states is added, it leads to a unique determination of a threshold energy and yield strain, suggesting thereby an appealing approach to understanding fatigue failure.

Soft Matter ; 17(11): 3121-3127, 2021 Mar 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33599660


Granular packings display the remarkable phenomenon of dilatancy, wherein their volume increases upon shear deformation. Conventional wisdom and previous results suggest that dilatancy, also being the related phenomenon of shear-induced jamming, requires frictional interactions. Here, we show that the occurrence of isotropic jamming densities φj above the minimal density (or the J-point density) φJ leads both to the emergence of shear-induced jamming and dilatancy in frictionless packings. Under constant pressure shear, the system evolves into a steady-state at sufficiently large strains, whose density only depends on the pressure and is insensitive to the initial jamming density φj. In the limit of vanishing pressure, the steady-state exhibits critical behavior at φJ. While packings with different φj values display equivalent scaling properties under compression, they exhibit striking differences in rheological behaviour under shear. The yield stress under constant volume shear increases discontinuously with density when φj > φJ, contrary to the continuous behaviour in generic packings that jam at φJ. Our results thus lead to a more coherent, generalised picture of jamming in frictionless packings, which also have important implications on how dilatancy is understood in the context of frictional granular matter.

J Chem Phys ; 155(19): 194502, 2021 Nov 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34800966


We study the kinetics of crystallization in deeply supercooled liquid silicon employing computer simulations and the Stillinger-Weber three-body potential. The free energy barriers to crystallization are computed using umbrella sampling Monte Carlo simulations and from unconstrained molecular dynamics simulations using a mean first passage time formulation. We focus on state points that have been described in earlier work [S. Sastry and C. A. Angell, Nat. Mater. 2, 739 (2003)] as straddling a liquid-liquid phase transition (LLPT) between two metastable liquid states. It was argued subsequently [Ricci et al., Mol. Phys. 117, 3254 (2019)] that the apparent transition is due to the loss of metastability of the liquid state with respect to the crystalline state. The presence of a barrier to crystallization for these state points is therefore of importance to ascertain, which we investigate, with due attention to ambiguities that may arise from the choice of order parameters. We find a well-defined free energy barrier to crystallization and demonstrate that both umbrella sampling and mean first passage time methods yield results that agree quantitatively. Our results thus provide strong evidence against the possibility that the liquids at state points close to the reported LLPT exhibit slow, spontaneous crystallization, but they do not address the existence of a LLPT (or lack thereof). We also compute the free energy barriers to crystallization at other state points over a broad range of temperatures and pressures and discuss the effect of changes in the microscopic structure of the metastable liquid on the free energy barrier heights.

J Chem Phys ; 154(16): 164510, 2021 Apr 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33940812


The Kauzmann temperature (TK) of a supercooled liquid is defined as the temperature at which the liquid entropy becomes equal to that of the crystal. The excess entropy, the difference between liquid and crystal entropies, is routinely used as a measure of the configurational entropy, whose vanishing signals the thermodynamic glass transition. The existence of the thermodynamic glass transition is a widely studied subject, and of particular recent interest is the role of dimensionality in determining the presence of a glass transition at a finite temperature. The glass transition in water has been investigated intensely and is challenging as the experimental glass transition appears to occur at a temperature where the metastable liquid is strongly prone to crystallization and is not stable. To understand the dimensionality dependence of the Kauzmann temperature in water, we study computationally bulk water (three-dimensions), water confined in the slit pore of the graphene sheet (two-dimensions), and water confined in the pore of the carbon nanotube of chirality (11,11) having a diameter of 14.9 Å (one-dimension), which is the lowest diameter where amorphous water does not always crystallize into nanotube ice in the supercooled region. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we compute the entropy of water in bulk and under reduced dimensional nanoscale confinement to investigate the variation of the Kauzmann temperature with dimension. We obtain a value of TK (133 K) for bulk water in good agreement with experiments [136 K (C. A. Angell, Science 319, 582-587 (2008) and K. Amann-Winkel et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 110, 17720-17725 (2013)]. However, for confined water, in two-dimensions and one-dimension, we find that there is no finite temperature Kauzmann point (in other words, the Kauzmann temperature is 0 K). Analysis of the fluidicity factor, a measure of anharmonicity in the oscillation of normal modes, reveals that the Kauzmann temperature can also be computed from the difference in the fluidicity factor between amorphous and ice phases.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(17): 178002, 2019 Oct 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31702267


We consider the slow and athermal deformations of amorphous solids and show how the ensuing sequence of discrete plastic rearrangements can be mapped onto a directed network. The network topology reveals a set of highly connected regions joined by occasional one-way transitions. The highly connected regions include hierarchically organized hysteresis cycles and subcycles. At small to moderate strains this organization leads to near-perfect return point memory. The transitions in the network can be traced back to localized particle rearrangements (soft spots) that interact via Eshelby-type deformation fields. By linking topology to dynamics, the network representations provide new insight into the mechanisms that lead to reversible and irreversible behavior in amorphous solids.

J Chem Phys ; 151(8): 084109, 2019 Aug 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31470718


We study the inverse problem of tuning interaction parameters between charged colloidal particles interacting with a hard-core repulsive Yukawa potential, so that they assemble into specified crystal structures. Here, we target the body-centered-cubic (bcc) structure which is only stable in a small region in the phase diagram of charged colloids and is, therefore, challenging to find. In order to achieve this goal, we use the statistical fluctuations in the bond orientational order parameters to tune the interaction parameters for the bcc structure, while initializing the system in the fluid phase, using the Statistical Physics-inspired Inverse Design algorithm. We also find that this optimization algorithm correctly senses the fluid-solid phase boundaries for charged colloids. Finally, we repeat the procedure employing the covariance matrix adaptation-evolution strategy, a cutting edge optimization technique, and compare the relative efficacy of the two methods.

Physica A ; 516: 172-177, 2019 Feb 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31130769


We explain the structural origin of the jamming transition in jammed matter as the sudden appearance of k-cores at precise coordination numbers which are related not to the isostatic point, but to the emergence of the giant 3- and 4-cores as given by k-core percolation theory. At the transition, the k-core variables freeze and the k-core dominates the appearance of rigidity. Surprisingly, the 3-D simulation results can be explained with the result of mean-field k-core percolation in the Erdös-Rényi network. That is, the finite-dimensional transition seems to be explained by the infinite-dimensional k-core, implying that the structure of the jammed pack is compatible with a fully random network.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(8): 085703, 2018 Aug 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30192617


The origin of the rapid dynamical slowdown in glass forming liquids in the growth of static length scales, possibly associated with identifiable structural ordering, is a much debated issue. Growth of medium range crystalline order (MRCO) has been observed in various model systems to be associated with glassy behavior. Such observations raise the question of whether molecular mechanisms for the glass transition in liquids with and without MRCO are the same. In this study we perform extensive molecular dynamics simulations of a number of glass forming liquids and show that the static and dynamic properties of glasses with MRCO are different from those of other glass forming liquids with no predominant local order. We also resolve an important issue regarding the so-called point-to-set method for determining static length scales, and demonstrate it to be a robust method for determining static correlation lengths in glass formers.