The potential for Ni toxicity in seawater is of concern because of mining and processing activities in coastal regions. Determining Ni speciation is vital to understanding and predicting Ni toxicity and for bioavailability-based nickel risk assessment. The goal of this study was to characterize the complexation of Ni in relation to toxicity using embryological development of purple sea urchin (S. purpuratus). It was predicted that free ion [Ni2+] would be a better predictor of toxicity than total dissolved Ni concentrations (NiD). Synthetic ligands with known logKf values (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA), tryptophan (TRP), glutamic acid (GA), histidine (HD), and citric acid (CA)) were used to test the assumptions of the biotic ligand model (BLM) for Ni in seawater. [NiD] was measured by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS) and Ni2+ was first quantified using the ion-exchange technique (IET) and then concentrations were measured by GFAAS; [Ni2+] was also estimated using aquatic geochemistry modelling software (Visual Minteq). The mean EC50 values for [NiD] in unmodified artificial seawater control was 3.6 µM (95% CI 3.0-4.5) [211 µg/L 95% CI 176-264] and the addition of ligands provided protection, up to 6.5-fold higher [NiD] EC50 for EDTA. Compared to the control, measured EC50 values based on total dissolved nickel were higher in the presence of ligands. As predicted by BLM theory, [Ni2+] was a better predictor of Ni toxicity with 17% variability in EDTA and CA media while there was 72% variability in the prediction of Ni toxicity with total dissolved Ni. The results of this research provide support for the application of BLM- based prediction models for estimating Ni impacts in seawater.
Complementary measures of sediment toxicity, sediment chemistry and benthic community structure were evaluated at stations within and on the outside perimeter of an enclosed marina on the Bohemia River, a northeastern tributary to Chesapeake Bay. Sediment concentrations of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, copper and tributyltin (TBT) were elevated at stations inside the marina basin. A 28 day partial life-cycle test with the amphipod Hyalella azteca indicated no significant lethal effects associated with test sediments. However, amphipods exposed to sediments collected from three stations inside the marina basin were significantly larger than amphipods from control sediments, possibly as the result of hormesis. Sediment pore water from two out of the three stations eliciting enhanced amphipod growth caused a reduction in light emission by luminescent bacteria in the Microtox(®) assay. Furthermore, sediments from these two stations contained the greatest measured concentrations of copper and TBT. Benthic infaunal communities that typically reflect environmental degradation were found exclusively at stations within the marina basin. The area of environmental impact appears to be localized to the enclosed basin, as the marina design limits flushing and, hence, contaminant export.