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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39302770


This paper defines, analyzes, and discusses the emerging genre of visualization atlases. We currently witness an increase in web-based, data-driven initiatives that call themselves "atlases" while explaining complex, contemporary issues through data and visualizations: climate change, sustainability, AI, or cultural discoveries. To understand this emerging genre and inform their design, study, and authoring support, we conducted a systematic analysis of 33 visualization atlases and semi-structured interviews with eight visualization atlas creators. Based on our results, we contribute (1) a definition of a visualization atlas as a compendium of (web) pages aimed at explaining and supporting exploration of data about a dedicated topic through data, visualizations and narration. (2) a set of design patterns of 8 design dimensions, (3) insights into the atlas creation from interviews and (4) the definition of 5 visualization atlas genres. We found that visualization atlases are unique in the way they combine i) exploratory visualization, ii) narrative elements from data-driven storytelling and iii) structured navigation mechanisms. They target a wide range of audiences with different levels of domain knowledge, acting as tools for study, communication, and discovery. We conclude with a discussion of current design practices and emerging questions around the ethics and potential real-world impact of visualization atlases, aimed to inform the design and study of visualization atlases.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39283797


This paper presents an interactive technique to explain visual patterns in network visualizations to analysts who do not understand these visualizations and who are learning to read them. Learning a visualization requires mastering its visual grammar and decoding information presented through visual marks, graphical encodings, and spatial configurations. To help people learn network visualization designs and extract meaningful information, we introduce the concept of interactive pattern explanation that allows viewers to select an arbitrary area in a visualization, then automatically mines the underlying data patterns, and explains both visual and data patterns present in the viewer's selection. In a qualitative and a quantitative user study with a total of 32 participants, we compare interactive pattern explanations to textual-only and visual-only (cheatsheets) explanations. Our results show that interactive explanations increase learning of i) unfamiliar visualizations, ii) patterns in network science, and iii) the respective network terminology.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38857128


Creating an animated data video with audio narration is a time-consuming and complex task that requires expertise. It involves designing complex animations, turning written scripts into audio narrations, and synchronizing visual changes with the narrations. This paper presents WonderFlow, an interactive authoring tool, that facilitates narration-centric design of animated data videos. WonderFlow allows authors to easily specify semantic links between text and the corresponding chart elements. Then it automatically generates audio narration by leveraging text-to-speech techniques and aligns the narration with an animation. WonderFlow provides a structure-aware animation library designed to ease chart animation creation, enabling authors to apply pre-designed animation effects to common visualization components. Additionally, authors can preview and refine their data videos within the same system, without having to switch between different creation tools. A series of evaluation results confirmed that WonderFlow is easy to use and simplifies the creation of data videos with narration-animation interplay.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39255142


Understanding the input and output of data wrangling scripts is crucial for various tasks like debugging code and onboarding new data. However, existing research on script understanding primarily focuses on revealing the process of data transformations, lacking the ability to analyze the potential scope, i.e., the space of script inputs and outputs. Meanwhile, constructing input/output space during script analysis is challenging, as the wrangling scripts could be semantically complex and diverse, and the association between different data objects is intricate. To facilitate data workers in understanding the input and output space of wrangling scripts, we summarize ten types of constraints to express table space and build a mapping between data transformations and these constraints to guide the construction of the input/output for individual transformations. Then, we propose a constraint generation model for integrating table constraints across multiple transformations. Based on the model, we develop Ferry, an interactive system that extracts and visualizes the data constraints describing the input and output space of data wrangling scripts, thereby enabling users to grasp the high-level semantics of complex scripts and locate the origins of faulty data transformations. Besides, Ferry provides example input and output data to assist users in interpreting the extracted constraints and checking and resolving the conflicts between these constraints and any uploaded dataset. Ferry's effectiveness and usability are evaluated through two usage scenarios and two case studies, including understanding, debugging, and checking both single and multiple scripts, with and without executable data. Furthermore, an illustrative application is presented to demonstrate Ferry's flexibility.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37318965


We propose emordle, a conceptual design that animates wordles (compact word clouds) to deliver their emotional context to audiences. To inform the design, we first reviewed online examples of animated texts and animated wordles, and summarized strategies for injecting emotion into the animations. We introduced a composite approach that extends an existing animation scheme for one word to multiple words in a wordle with two global factors: the randomness of text animation (entropy) and the animation speed (speed). To create an emordle, general users can choose one predefined animated scheme that matches the intended emotion class and fine-tune the emotion intensity with the two parameters. We designed proof-of-concept emordle examples for four basic emotion classes, namely happiness, sadness, anger, and fear. We conducted two controlled crowdsourcing studies to evaluate our approach. The first study confirmed that people generally agreed on the conveyed emotions from well-crafted animations, and the second one demonstrated that our identified factors helped fine-tune the extent of the emotion delivered. We also invited general users to create their own emordles based on our proposed framework. Through this user study, we confirmed the effectiveness of the approach. We concluded with implications for future research opportunities of supporting emotion expression in visualizations.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37910408


Tables are a ubiquitous data format for insight communication. However, transforming data into consumable tabular views remains a challenging and time-consuming task. To lower the barrier of such a task, research efforts have been devoted to developing interactive approaches for data transformation, but many approaches still presume that their users have considerable knowledge of various data transformation concepts and functions. In this study, we leverage natural language (NL) as the primary interaction modality to improve the accessibility of average users to performing complex data transformation and facilitate intuitive table generation and editing. Designing an NL-driven data transformation approach introduces two challenges: a) NL-driven synthesis of interpretable pipelines and b) incremental refinement of synthesized tables. To address these challenges, we present NL2Rigel, an interactive tool that assists users in synthesizing and improving tables from semi-structured text with NL instructions. Based on a large language model and prompting techniques, NL2Rigel can interpret the given NL instructions into a table synthesis pipeline corresponding to Rigel specifications, a declarative language for tabular data transformation. An intuitive interface is designed to visualize the synthesis pipeline and the generated tables, helping users understand the transformation process and refine the results efficiently with targeted NL instructions. The comprehensiveness of NL2Rigel is demonstrated with an example gallery, and we further confirmed NL2Rigel's usability with a comparative user study by showing that the task completion time with NL2Rigel is significantly shorter than that with the original version of Rigel with comparable completion rates.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 29(1): 128-138, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36191098


We present Rigel, an interactive system for rapid transformation of tabular data. Rigel implements a new declarative mapping approach that formulates the data transformation procedure as direct mappings from data to the row, column, and cell channels of the target table. To construct such mappings, Rigel allows users to directly drag data attributes from input data to these three channels and indirectly drag or type data values in a spreadsheet, and possible mappings that do not contradict these interactions are recommended to achieve efficient and straightforward data transformation. The recommended mappings are generated by enumerating and composing data variables based on the row, column, and cell channels, thereby revealing the possibility of alternative tabular forms and facilitating open-ended exploration in many data transformation scenarios, such as designing tables for presentation. In contrast to existing systems that transform data by composing operations (like transposing and pivoting), Rigel requires less prior knowledge on these operations, and constructing tables from the channels is more efficient and results in less ambiguity than generating operation sequences as done by the traditional by-example approaches. User study results demonstrated that Rigel is significantly less demanding in terms of time and interactions and suits more scenarios compared to the state-of-the-art by-example approach. A gallery of diverse transformation cases is also presented to show the potential of Rigel's expressiveness.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 29(7): 3298-3311, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35254982


Images in visualization publications contain rich information, e.g., novel visualization designs and implicit design patterns of visualizations. A systematic collection of these images can contribute to the community in many aspects, such as literature analysis and automated tasks for visualization. In this paper, we build and make public a dataset, VisImages, which collects 12,267 images with captions from 1,397 papers in IEEE InfoVis and VAST. Built upon a comprehensive visualization taxonomy, the dataset includes 35,096 visualizations and their bounding boxes in the images. We demonstrate the usefulness of VisImages through three use cases: 1) investigating the use of visualizations in the publications with VisImages Explorer, 2) training and benchmarking models for visualization classification, and 3) localizing visualizations in the visual analytics systems automatically.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 29(1): 331-341, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36179002


Glyph-based visualization achieves an impressive graphic design when associated with comprehensive visual metaphors, which help audiences effectively grasp the conveyed information through revealing data semantics. However, creating such metaphoric glyph-based visualization (MGV) is not an easy task, as it requires not only a deep understanding of data but also professional design skills. This paper proposes MetaGlyph, an automatic system for generating MGVs from a spreadsheet. To develop MetaGlyph, we first conduct a qualitative analysis to understand the design of current MGVs from the perspectives of metaphor embodiment and glyph design. Based on the results, we introduce a novel framework for generating MGVs by metaphoric image selection and an MGV construction. Specifically, MetaGlyph automatically selects metaphors with corresponding images from online resources based on the input data semantics. We then integrate a Monte Carlo tree search algorithm that explores the design of an MGV by associating visual elements with data dimensions given the data importance, semantic relevance, and glyph non-overlap. The system also provides editing feedback that allows users to customize the MGVs according to their design preferences. We demonstrate the use of MetaGlyph through a set of examples, one usage scenario, and validate its effectiveness through a series of expert interviews.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 28(12): 4127-4140, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33909565


In multiple coordinated views (MCVs), visualizations across views update their content in response to users' interactions in other views. Interactive systems provide direct manipulation to create coordination between views, but are restricted to limited types of predefined templates. By contrast, textual specification languages enable flexible coordination but expose technical burden. To bridge the gap, we contribute Nebula, a grammar based on natural language for coordinating visualizations in MCVs. The grammar design is informed by a novel framework based on a systematic review of 176 coordinations from existing theories and applications, which describes coordination by demonstration, i.e., how coordination is performed by users. With the framework, Nebula specification formalizes coordination as a composition of user- and coordination-triggered interactions in origin and destination views, respectively, along with potential data transformation between the interactions. We evaluate Nebula by demonstrating its expressiveness with a gallery of diverse examples and analyzing its usability on cognitive dimensions.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 28(12): 5049-5070, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34310306


Visualizations themselves have become a data format. Akin to other data formats such as text and images, visualizations are increasingly created, stored, shared, and (re-)used with artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. In this survey, we probe the underlying vision of formalizing visualizations as an emerging data format and review the recent advance in applying AI techniques to visualization data (AI4VIS). We define visualization data as the digital representations of visualizations in computers and focus on data visualization (e.g., charts and infographics). We build our survey upon a corpus spanning ten different fields in computer science with an eye toward identifying important common interests. Our resulting taxonomy is organized around WHAT is visualization data and its representation, WHY and HOW to apply AI to visualization data. We highlight a set of common tasks that researchers apply to the visualization data and present a detailed discussion of AI approaches developed to accomplish those tasks. Drawing upon our literature review, we discuss several important research questions surrounding the management and exploitation of visualization data, as well as the role of AI in support of those processes. We make the list of surveyed papers and related material available online at.

Inteligência Artificial , Visualização de Dados , Gráficos por Computador , Inquéritos e Questionários
IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 28(10): 3441-3455, 2022 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33750691


The increased availability of quantitative historical datasets has provided new research opportunities for multiple disciplines in social science. In this article, we work closely with the constructors of a new dataset, CGED-Q (China Government Employee Database-Qing), that records the career trajectories of over 340,000 government officials in the Qing bureaucracy in China from 1760 to 1912. We use these data to study career mobility from a historical perspective and understand social mobility and inequality. However, existing statistical approaches are inadequate for analyzing career mobility in this historical dataset with its fine-grained attributes and long time span, since they are mostly hypothesis-driven and require substantial effort. We propose CareerLens, an interactive visual analytics system for assisting experts in exploring, understanding, and reasoning from historical career data. With CareerLens, experts examine mobility patterns in three levels-of-detail, namely, the macro-level providing a summary of overall mobility, the meso-level extracting latent group mobility patterns, and the micro-level revealing social relationships of individuals. We demonstrate the effectiveness and usability of CareerLens through two case studies and receive encouraging feedback from follow-up interviews with domain experts.

Mobilidade Ocupacional , Gráficos por Computador , Humanos
IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 27(2): 1492-1502, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33048713


GIFs are enjoying increasing popularity on social media as a format for data-driven storytelling with visualization; simple visual messages are embedded in short animations that usually last less than 15 seconds and are played in automatic repetition. In this paper, we ask the question, "What makes a data-GIF understandable?" While other storytelling formats such as data videos, infographics, or data comics are relatively well studied, we have little knowledge about the design factors and principles for "data-GIFs". To close this gap, we provide results from semi-structured interviews and an online study with a total of 118 participants investigating the impact of design decisions on the understandability of data-GIFs. The study and our consequent analysis are informed by a systematic review and structured design space of 108 data-GIFs that we found online. Our results show the impact of design dimensions from our design space such as animation encoding, context preservation, or repetition on viewers understanding of the GIF's core message. The paper concludes with a list of suggestions for creating more effective Data-GIFs.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 27(7): 3168-3181, 2021 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31902765


Analyzing students' emotions from classroom videos can help both teachers and parents quickly know the engagement of students in class. The availability of high-definition cameras creates opportunities to record class scenes. However, watching videos is time-consuming, and it is challenging to gain a quick overview of the emotion distribution and find abnormal emotions. In this article, we propose EmotionCues, a visual analytics system to easily analyze classroom videos from the perspective of emotion summary and detailed analysis, which integrates emotion recognition algorithms with visualizations. It consists of three coordinated views: a summary view depicting the overall emotions and their dynamic evolution, a character view presenting the detailed emotion status of an individual, and a video view enhancing the video analysis with further details. Considering the possible inaccuracy of emotion recognition, we also explore several factors affecting the emotion analysis, such as face size and occlusion. They provide hints for inferring the possible inaccuracy and the corresponding reasons. Two use cases and interviews with end users and domain experts are conducted to show that the proposed system could be useful and effective for analyzing emotions in the classroom videos.

Emoções/classificação , Expressão Facial , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodos , Instituições Acadêmicas , Gravação em Vídeo/métodos , Algoritmos , Criança , Humanos , Estudantes
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30130212


The emerging prosperity of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, has come into the spotlight during the past few years. Cryptocurrency exchanges, which act as the gateway to this world, now play a dominant role in the circulation of Bitcoin. Thus, delving into the analysis of the transaction patterns of exchanges can shed light on the evolution and trends in the Bitcoin market, and participants can gain hints for identifying credible exchanges as well. Not only Bitcoin practitioners but also researchers in the financial domains are interested in the business intelligence behind the curtain. However, the task of multiple exchanges exploration and comparisons has been limited owing to the lack of efficient tools. Previous methods of visualizing Bitcoin data have mainly concentrated on tracking suspicious transaction logs, but it is cumbersome to analyze exchanges and their relationships with existing tools and methods. In this paper, we present BitExTract, an interactive visual analytics system, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first attempt to explore the evolutionary transaction patterns of Bitcoin exchanges from two perspectives, namely, exchange versus exchange and exchange versus client. In particular, BitExTract summarizes the evolution of the Bitcoin market by observing the transactions between exchanges over time via a massive sequence view. A node-link diagram with ego-centered views depicts the trading network of exchanges and their temporal transaction distribution. Moreover, BitExTract embeds multiple parallel bars on a timeline to examine and compare the evolution patterns of transactions between different exchanges. Three case studies with novel insights demonstrate the effectiveness and usability of our system.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 24(1): 709-718, 2018 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28866531


The rapid development of information technology paved the way for the recording of fine-grained data, such as stroke techniques and stroke placements, during a table tennis match. This data recording creates opportunities to analyze and evaluate matches from new perspectives. Nevertheless, the increasingly complex data poses a significant challenge to make sense of and gain insights into. Analysts usually employ tedious and cumbersome methods which are limited to watching videos and reading statistical tables. However, existing sports visualization methods cannot be applied to visualizing table tennis competitions due to different competition rules and particular data attributes. In this work, we collaborate with data analysts to understand and characterize the sophisticated domain problem of analysis of table tennis data. We propose iTTVis, a novel interactive table tennis visualization system, which to our knowledge, is the first visual analysis system for analyzing and exploring table tennis data. iTTVis provides a holistic visualization of an entire match from three main perspectives, namely, time-oriented, statistical, and tactical analyses. The proposed system with several well-coordinated views not only supports correlation identification through statistics and pattern detection of tactics with a score timeline but also allows cross analysis to gain insights. Data analysts have obtained several new insights by using iTTVis. The effectiveness and usability of the proposed system are demonstrated with four case studies.