We study binary mixtures of small active and big passive athermal particles interacting via soft repulsive forces on a frictional substrate. Athermal self propelled particles are known to phase separate into a dense aggregate and a dilute gas-like phase at fairly low packing fractions. Known as motility induced phase separation, this phenomenon governs the behaviour of binary mixtures for small to intermediate size ratios of the particle species. An effective attraction between passive particles, due to the surrounding active medium, leads to true phase separation for large size ratios and volume fractions of active particles. The effective interaction between active and passive particles can be attractive or repulsive at short range depending on the size ratio and volume fractions of the particles. This affects the clustering of passive particles. We find three distinct phases based on the spatial distribution of passive particles. The cluster size distribution of passive particles decays exponentially in the homogeneous phase. It decays as a power law with an exponential cutoff in the clustered phase and tends to a power law as the system approaches the transition to the phase separated state. We present a phase diagram in the plane defined by the size ratio and volume fraction of passive particles.
We elucidate the universal spatiotemporal scaling properties of the time-dependent correlation functions in a class of two-component one-dimensional (1D) driven diffusive system that consists of two coupled asymmetric exclusion processes. By using a perturbative renormalization group framework, we show that the relevant scaling exponents have values same as those for the 1D Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. We connect these universal scaling exponents with the symmetries of the model equations. We thus establish that these models belong to the 1D KPZ universality class.
At equilibrium, a fluid element, within a larger heat bath, receives random impulses from the bath. Those impulses, which induce stochastic transitions in the system (the fluid element), respect the principle of detailed balance, because the bath is also at equilibrium. Under continuous shear, the fluid element adopts a nonequilibrium steady state. Because the surrounding bath of fluid under shear is also in a nonequilibrium steady state, the system receives stochastic impulses with a nonequilibrium distribution. Those impulses no longer respect detailed balance, but are nevertheless constrained by rules. The rules in question, which are applicable to a wide subclass of driven steady states, were recently derived [R. M. L. Evans, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 150601 (2004); J. Phys A 38, 293 (2005)] using information-theoretic arguments. In the present paper, we provide a more fundamental derivation, based on the uncontroversial, non-Bayesian interpretation of probabilities as simple ratios of countable quantities. We apply the results to some simple models of interacting particles, to investigate the nature of forces that are mediated by a nonequilibrium noise source such as a fluid under shear.
We study the dynamical response to small distortions of a lattice about its uniform state, drifting through a dissipative medium due to an external force, and show, analytically and numerically, that the fluctuations, both transverse and longitudinal to the direction of the drift, exhibit spatiotemporal scaling belonging to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class. Further, we predict that a colloidal crystal drifting in a constant electric field is linearly stable against distortions and the distortions propagate as underdamped waves.