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Bull Math Biol ; 84(7): 67, 2022 05 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35596850


We derive a discrete predator-prey model from first principles, assuming that the prey population grows to carrying capacity in the absence of predators and that the predator population requires prey in order to grow. The proposed derivation method exploits a technique known from economics that describes the relationship between continuous and discrete compounding of bonds. We extend standard phase plane analysis by introducing the next iterate root-curve associated with the nontrivial prey nullcline. Using this curve in combination with the nullclines and direction field, we show that the prey-only equilibrium is globally asymptotic stability if the prey consumption-energy rate of the predator is below a certain threshold that implies that the maximal rate of change of the predator is negative. We also use a Lyapunov function to provide an alternative proof. If the prey consumption-energy rate is above this threshold, and hence the maximal rate of change of the predator is positive, the discrete phase plane method introduced is used to show that the coexistence equilibrium exists and solutions oscillate around it. We provide the parameter values for which the coexistence equilibrium exists and determine when it is locally asymptotically stable and when it destabilizes by means of a supercritical Neimark-Sacker bifurcation. We bound the amplitude of the closed invariant curves born from the Neimark-Sacker bifurcation as a function of the model parameters.

Modelos Biológicos , Comportamento Predatório , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Cadeia Alimentar , Conceitos Matemáticos , Dinâmica Populacional
J Math Biol ; 83(3): 25, 2021 08 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34363540


We propose an alternative delayed population growth difference equation model based on a modification of the Beverton-Holt recurrence, assuming a delay only in the growth contribution that takes into account that those individuals that die during the delay, do not contribute to growth. The model introduced differs from a delayed logistic difference equation, known as the delayed Pielou or delayed Beverton-Holt model, that was formulated as a discretization of the Hutchinson model. The analysis of our delayed difference equation model identifies a critical delay threshold. If the time delay exceeds this threshold, the model predicts that the population will go extinct for all non-negative initial conditions. If the delay is below this threshold, the population survives and its size converges to a positive globally asymptotically stable equilibrium that is decreasing in size as the delay increases. We show global asymptotic stability of the positive equilibrium using two different techniques. For one set of parameter values, a contraction mapping result is applied, while the proof for the remaining set of parameter values, relies on showing that the map is eventually componentwise monotone.

Modelos Biológicos , Crescimento Demográfico , Humanos , Dinâmica Populacional
Math Biosci ; 376: 109279, 2024 Aug 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39147015


We introduce a class of discrete single species models with distributed delay in the reproductive process and a cohort dependent survival function that accounts for survival pressure during that delay period. These delay recurrences track the mature population for species in which individuals reach maturity after at least τ and at most τ+τM breeding cycles. Under realistic model assumptions, we prove the existence of a critical delay threshold, τ˜c. For given delay kernel length τM, if each individual takes at least τ˜c time units to reach maturity, then the population is predicted to go extinct. We show that the positive equilibrium is decreasing in both τ and τM. In the case of a constant reproductive rate, we provide an equation to determine τ˜c for fixed τM, and similarly, provide a lower bound on the kernel length, τ˜M for fixed τ such that the population goes extinct if τM≥τ˜M. We compare these critical thresholds for different maturation distributions and show that if all else is the same, to avoid extinction it is best if all individuals in the population have the shortest delay possible. We apply the model derivation to a Beverton-Holt model and discuss its global dynamics. For this model with kernels that share the same mean delay, we show that populations with the largest variance in the time required to reach maturity have higher population levels and lower chances of extinction.

Math Biosci ; 367: 109111, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37996065


In many countries, sustainability targets for managed fisheries are often expressed in terms of a fixed percentage of the carrying capacity. Despite the appeal of such a simple quantitative target, an unintended consequence may be a significant tilting of the proportions of biomass across different ages, from what they would have been under harvest-free conditions. Within the framework of a widely used age-structured model, we propose a novel quantitative definition of "age-balanced harvest" that considers the age-class composition relative to that of the unfished population. We show that achieving a perfectly age-balanced policy is impossible if we harvest any fish whatsoever. However, every non-trivial harvest policy has a special structure that favours the young. To quantify the degree of age-imbalance, we propose a cross-entropy function. We formulate an optimisation problem that aims to attain an "age-balanced steady state", subject to adequate yield. We demonstrate that near balanced harvest policies are achievable by sacrificing a small amount of yield. These findings have important implications for sustainable fisheries management by providing insights into trade-offs and harvest policy recommendations.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Pesqueiros , Animais , Dinâmica Populacional , Biomassa , Peixes
J Biol Dyn ; 17(1): 2244987, 2023 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37647506


We provide a procedure for deriving discrete population models for the size of the adult population at the beginning of each breeding cycle and assume only adult individuals reproduce. This derivation technique includes delay to account for the number of breeding cycles that a newborn individual remains immature and does not contribute to reproduction. These models include a survival probability (during the delay period) for the immature individuals, since these individuals have to survive to reach maturity and become members of, what we consider, the adult population. We discuss properties of this class of discrete delay population models and show that there is a critical delay threshold. The population goes extinct if the delay exceeds this threshold. We apply this derivation procedure to obtain two models, a Beverton-Holt adult model and a Ricker adult model and discuss the global dynamics of both models.

Modelos Biológicos , Reprodução , Humanos , Adulto , Recém-Nascido , Probabilidade