Na(18)F, an early bone scintigraphy agent, is poised to reenter mainstream clinical imaging with the present generations of stand-alone PET and PET/CT hybrid scanners. (18)F PET scans promise improved imaging quality for both benign and malignant bone disease, with significantly improved sensitivity and specificity over conventional planar and SPECT bone scans. In this article, basic acquisition information will be presented along with examples of studies related to oncology, sports medicine, and general orthopedics. The use of image fusion of PET bone scans with CT and MRI will be demonstrated. The objectives of this article are to provide the reader with an understanding of the history of early bone scintigraphy in relation to Na(18)F scanning, a familiarity with basic imaging techniques for PET bone scanning, an appreciation of the extent of disease processes that can be imaged with PET bone scanning, an appreciation for the added value of multimodality image fusion with bone disease, and a recognition of the potential role PET bone scanning may play in clinical imaging.