This study was designed to determine criteria of normality of peri-ungual capillaroscopy of the toes. The equipment used was a Leitz microscope fitted with a 150 W cold light lighting system. The study involved a population of 84 healthy individuals. Intra-judge and inter-judge concordance tests were carried out, indicating results to be reliable. Capillaroscopy of the hand (reference norms) and capillaroscopy of the feet (with the subject sitting with the legs hanging) were carried out in each case. Examination of the feet was perfectly possible in only 87% of cases. Results showed that the majority of criteria of normality of peri-ungual capillaroscopy of the hand were also found in the foot, whilst others were different (number of capillary loops per millimetre which was on average less, the number of minor dystrophic forms which could be very great, the length of capillary loops which were slightly shorter and background colour which was paler). Finally, certain were not found (peri-capillary haziness more frequent because of physiological oedema and frequent irregularity in the distribution of capillary loops). No major dystrophy was seen and traumatic hemorrhages were no more frequent in the foot than in the hand.