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J Am Ceram Soc ; 105(12): 7238-7253, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36618556


The Hadamard-Rybczynski equation describes the steady-state buoyant rise velocity of an unconfined spherical bubble in a viscous liquid. This solution has been experimentally validated for the case where the liquid viscosity is held constant. Here, we extend this result for non-isothermal conditions, by developing a solution for bubble position in which we account for the time-dependent liquid viscosity, liquid and gas densities, and bubble radius. We validate this solution using experiments in which spherical bubbles are created in a molten silicate liquid by cutting gas cavities into glass sheets, which are stacked, then heated through the glass transition interval. The bubble-bearing liquid, which has a strongly temperature-dependent viscosity, is subjected to various heating and cooling programs such that the bubble rise velocity varies through the experiment. We find that our predictions match the final observed position of the bubble measured in blocks of cooled glass to within the experimental uncertainty, even after the application of a complex temperature-time pathway. We explore applications of this solution for industrial, artistic, and natural volcanological applied problems.

Nature ; 528(7583): 544-7, 2015 Dec 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26701056


Terrestrial volcanic eruptions are the consequence of magmas ascending to the surface of the Earth. This ascent is driven by buoyancy forces, which are enhanced by bubble nucleation and growth (vesiculation) that reduce the density of magma. The development of vesicularity also greatly reduces the 'strength' of magma, a material parameter controlling fragmentation and thus the explosive potential of the liquid rock. The development of vesicularity in magmas has until now been viewed (both thermodynamically and kinetically) in terms of the pressure dependence of the solubility of water in the magma, and its role in driving gas saturation, exsolution and expansion during decompression. In contrast, the possible effects of the well documented negative temperature dependence of solubility of water in magma has largely been ignored. Recently, petrological constraints have demonstrated that considerable heating of magma may indeed be a common result of the latent heat of crystallization as well as viscous and frictional heating in areas of strain localization. Here we present field and experimental observations of magma vesiculation and fragmentation resulting from heating (rather than decompression). Textural analysis of volcanic ash from Santiaguito volcano in Guatemala reveals the presence of chemically heterogeneous filaments hosting micrometre-scale vesicles. The textures mirror those developed by disequilibrium melting induced via rapid heating during fault friction experiments, demonstrating that friction can generate sufficient heat to induce melting and vesiculation of hydrated silicic magma. Consideration of the experimentally determined temperature and pressure dependence of water solubility in magma reveals that, for many ascent paths, exsolution may be more efficiently achieved by heating than by decompression. We conclude that the thermal path experienced by magma during ascent strongly controls degassing, vesiculation, magma strength and the effusive-explosive transition in volcanic eruptions.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 5347, 2024 Jun 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38914555


Silicic lavas can be produced by the sintering of pyroclasts in the volcanic sub-surface, and then advected out of the vent. Here, we provide evidence for this mechanism preserved in the exposed post-glacial remnants of a silicic volcanic conduit at Hrafntinnuhryggur, Krafla volcano, Iceland. We show that the conduit margins are a clast-supported pumice lapilli tuff deposit that grades continuously into dense obsidian and that the obsidian contains cuspate relict clast boundaries and country rock lithic fragments throughout. Transects of H2O concentrations across the conduit show that the magma was degassed to different degrees laterally with systematic spatial variation that is consistent with progressive conduit clogging and final gas pressurisation. Textures in the overlying effusive lavas record the variably sheared and brecciated remnant of the same in-conduit sintering. This record of a silicic conduit system connected to upper eruptive deposits provides support for the 'cryptic fragmentation model' for effusive silicic volcanism.

Geophys Res Lett ; 40(21): 5658-5664, 2013 Nov 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25821262


[1] Sintering and densification are ubiquitous processes influencing the emplacement of both effusive and explosive products of volcanic eruptions. Here we sinter ash-size fragments of a synthetic National Institute of Standards and Technology viscosity standard glass at temperatures at which the resultant melt has a viscosity of ∼108-109 Pa.s at 1bar to assess sintering dynamics under near-surface volcanic conditions. We track the strength recovery via uniaxial compressive tests. We observe that volcanic ash sintering is dominantly time dependent, temperature dependent, and grain size dependent and may thus be interpreted to be controlled by melt viscosity and surface tension. Sintering evolves from particle agglutination to viscous pore collapse and is accompanied by a reduction in connected porosity and an increase in isolated pores. Sintering and densification result in a nonlinear increase in strength. Micromechanical modeling shows that the pore-emanated crack model explains the strength of porous lava as a function of pore fraction and size.

R Soc Open Sci ; 10(6): 230376, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37325590


In Argentina, some people add peanuts to their beer. Once immersed, the peanuts initially sink part way down into the beer before bubbles nucleate and grow on the peanut surfaces and remain attached. The peanuts move up and down within the beer glass in many repeating cycles. In this work, we propose a physical description of this dancing peanuts spectacle. We break down the problem into component physical phenomena, providing empirical constraint of each: (i) heterogeneous bubble nucleation occurs on peanut surfaces and this is energetically preferential to nucleation on the beer glass surfaces; (ii) peanuts enshrouded in attached bubbles are positively buoyant in beer above a critical attached gas volume; (iii) at the beer top surface, bubbles detach and pop, facilitated by peanut rotations and rearrangements; (iv) peanuts containing fewer bubbles are then negatively buoyant in beer and sink; and (v) the process repeats so long as the beer remains sufficiently supersaturated in the gas phase for continued nucleation. We used laboratory experiments and calculations to support this description, including constraint of the densities and wetting properties of the beer-gas-peanut system. We draw analogies between this peanut dance cyclicity and industrial and natural processes of wide interest, ultimately concluding that this bar-side phenomenon can be a vehicle for understanding more complex, applied systems of general interest and utility.

Phys Rev E ; 105(4): L043301, 2022 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35590683


Constraining fluid permeability in porous media is central to a wide range of theoretical, industrial, and natural processes. In this Letter, we validate a scaling for fluid permeability in random and lattice packs of spheres and show that the permeability of packs of both hard and overlapping spheres of any sphere size or size distribution collapse to a universal curve across all porosity ϕ in the range of ϕ_{c}<ϕ<1, where ϕ_{c} is the percolation threshold. We use this universality to demonstrate that permeability can be predicted using percolation theory at ϕ_{c}<ϕ≲0.30, Kozeny-Carman models at 0.30≲ϕ≲0.40, and dilute expansions of Stokes theory for lattice models at ϕ≳0.40. This result leads us to conclude that the inverse specific surface area, rather than an effective sphere size or pore size is a universal controlling length scale for hydraulic properties of packs of spheres. Finally, we extend this result to predict the permeability for some packs of concave nonspherical particles.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 9226, 2022 Jun 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35654866


We study the rheology of silicate melts containing platinum-group element (PGE) particles. They exhibit a shear-thinning behaviour, an intense aggregation tendency, and an anomalously high apparent viscosity in the low shear rate limit, even at very low particle volume fraction. Using a compilation of published experimental data, we analyse these effects in three steps. Firstly, we observe that the viscosities of these suspensions are much higher than those of natural silicate crystal-bearing melts for low shear rate regimes. Secondly, we demonstrate that the viscosities at low shear rate limit cannot be estimated by classical rheological models but rather may be understood as the result of particle aggregation, trapping dead fluid, and thereby increasing the effective particle volume fraction. Finally, we scale the critical shear rates for shear-thinning using a Peclet number analysis-invoking a competition between random thermal particle motion and hydrodynamic shearing motion-and, using an empirical extension, we additionally account for the particle-particle interaction energetics. We propose a framework in which the rheology of this family of particle-bearing melts can be predicted, and demonstrate that at low Peclet numbers, PGE-bearing particle aggregation is driven by interparticle forces and Brownian motion.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 4713, 2022 Aug 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35953501


Ash emission in explosive silicic eruptions can have widespread impacts for human health, agriculture, infrastructure, and aviation. Estimates of the total grainsize distribution (TGSD) generated during explosive magma fragmentation underpins eruption models and ash dispersal forecasts. Conventionally, the TGSD constrained via erupted deposits is assumed to match the TGSD produced at explosive fragmentation. Here we present observations from within the vent of a recent rhyolitic eruption (Cordón Caulle, Chile, 2011-2012), demonstrating that fine (<63 µm diameter) and ultra-fine (<2.5 µm diameter) ash particles are captured and sintered to fracture surfaces, and thus sequestered in the shallow subsurface, rather than emitted. We establish a conceptual model-uniquely contextualised through a combination of syn-eruptive observations and detailed post-eruption field investigation-in which turbophoresis (particle migration towards zones of lower turbulence) and rapid sintering create an inverse relationship between particle size and the probability of its subsurface capture. Such size-dependent capture efficiency preferentially removes submicron-diameter ash from the erupted componentry, decoupling the erupted size distribution from magmatic source conditions and potentially playing an important role in modulating eruption dynamics.

J Geophys Res Solid Earth ; 127(6): e2022JB024600, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35864883


The permeability of volcanic rock controls the distribution of pore fluids and pore fluid pressure within a volcanic edifice, and is therefore considered to influence eruptive style and volcano deformation. We measured the porosity and permeability of a porous volcanic rock during deformation in the brittle and ductile regimes. In the brittle regime, permeability decreases by a factor of 2-6 up to the peak stress due the closure of narrow pore throats but, following shear fracture formation, remains approximately constant as strain is accommodated by sliding on the fracture. In the ductile regime, permeability continually decreases, by up to an order of magnitude, as a function of strain. Although compaction in the ductile regime is localized, permeability is not reduced substantially due to the tortuous and diffuse nature of the compaction bands, the geometry of which was also influenced by a pore shape preferred orientation. Although the evolution of the permeability of the studied porous volcanic rock in the brittle and ductile regimes is qualitatively similar to that for porous sedimentary rocks, the porosity sensitivity exponent of permeability in the elastic regime is higher than found previously for porous sedimentary rocks. This exponent decreases during shear-enhanced compaction toward a value theoretically derived for granular media, suggesting that the material is effectively granulating. Indeed, cataclastic pore collapse evolves the microstructure to one that is more granular. Understanding how permeability can evolve in a volcanic edifice will improve the accuracy of models designed to assist volcano monitoring and volcanic hazard mitigation.

Phys Rev E ; 103(6-1): 062613, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34271679


The permeability of packs of spheres is important in a wide range of physical scenarios. Here, we create numerically generated random periodic domains of spheres that are polydisperse in size and use lattice-Boltzmann simulations of fluid flow to determine the permeability of the pore phase interstitial to the spheres. We control the polydispersivity of the sphere size distribution and the porosity across the full range from high porosity to a close packing of spheres. We find that all results scale with a Stokes permeability adapted for polydisperse sphere sizes. We show that our determination of the permeability of random distributions of spheres is well approximated by models for cubic arrays of spheres at porosities greater than ∼0.38, without any fitting parameters. Below this value, the Kozeny-Carman relationship provides a good approximation for dense, closely packed sphere packs across all polydispersivity.

Sci Adv ; 6(39)2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32967820


Silicic volcanic activity has long been framed as either violently explosive or gently effusive. However, recent observations demonstrate that explosive and effusive behavior can occur simultaneously. Here, we propose that rhyolitic magma feeding subaerial eruptions generally fragments during ascent through the upper crust and that effusive eruptions result from conduit blockage and sintering of the pyroclastic products of deeper cryptic fragmentation. Our proposal is supported by (i) rhyolitic lavas are volatile depleted; (ii) textural evidence supports a pyroclastic origin for effusive products; (iii) numerical models show that small ash particles ≲10-5 m can diffusively degas, stick, and sinter to low porosity, in the time available between fragmentation and the surface; and (iv) inferred ascent rates from both explosive and apparently effusive eruptions can overlap. Our model reconciles previously paradoxical observations and offers a new framework in which to evaluate physical, numerical, and geochemical models of Earth's most violent volcanic eruptions.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 1432, 2018 04 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29650990


Columnar joints form by cracking during cooling-induced contraction of lava, allowing hydrothermal fluid circulation. A lack of direct observations of their formation has led to ambiguity about the temperature window of jointing and its impact on fluid flow. Here we develop a novel thermo-mechanical experiment to disclose the temperature of columnar jointing in lavas. Using basalts from Eyjafjallajökull volcano (Iceland) we show that contraction during cooling induces stress build-up below the solidus temperature (980 °C), resulting in localised macroscopic failure between 890 and 840 °C. This temperature window for incipient columnar jointing is supported by modelling informed by mechanical testing and thermal expansivity measurements. We demonstrate that columnar jointing takes place well within the solid state of volcanic rocks, and is followed by a nonlinear increase in system permeability of <9 orders of magnitude during cooling. Columnar jointing may promote advective cooling in magmatic-hydrothermal environments and fluid loss during geothermal drilling and thermal stimulation.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 4696, 2018 11 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30409969


Magma is a viscoelastic fluid that can support fracture propagation when local shear stresses are high, or relax and flow when shear stresses are low. Here we present experiments to confirm this using synthetic and natural magmatic liquids across eruptive conditions and use Maxwell's linear viscoelasticity to parameterize our results and predict the maximum stresses that can be supported during flow. This model proves universal across a large range of liquid compositions, temperatures, crystallinity and rates of strain relevant to shallow crustal magma ascent. Our results predict that the 2008 Volcán Chaitén eruption resided in the viscous field at the onset of magma ascent, but transitioned to a mixed viscous-brittle regime during degassing, coincident with the observed combined effusive-explosive behaviour during dome extrusion. Taking a realistic maximum effusive ascent rate, we propose that silicic eruptions on Earth may straddle the viscous-to-brittle transition by the time they reach the surface.

Phys Rev E ; 95(3-1): 033114, 2017 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28415277


Sintering-or coalescence-of compacts of viscous droplets is driven by the interfacial tension between the droplets and the interstitial gas phase. The process, which occurs in a range of industrial and natural settings, such as the manufacture of ceramics and the welding of volcanic ash, causes the compact to densify, to become stronger, and to become less permeable. We investigate the role of droplet polydispersivity in sintering dynamics by conducting experiments in which populations of glass spheres with different size distributions are heated to temperatures above the glass transition interval. We quantify the progress of sintering by tracking changes in porosity with time. The sintering dynamics is modeled by treating the system as a random distribution of interstitial gas bubbles shrinking under the action of interfacial tension only. We identify the scaling between the polydispersivity of the initial droplets and the dynamics of bulk densification. The framework that we develop allows the sintering dynamics of arbitrary polydisperse populations of droplets to be predicted if the initial droplet (or particle) size distribution is known.

J Geophys Res Solid Earth ; 122(3): 1977-1989, 2017 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28781929


Volcanic ash particles can be remelted by the high temperatures induced in volcanic lightning discharges. The molten particles can round under surface tension then quench to produce glass spheres. Melting and rounding timescales for volcanic materials are strongly dependent on heating duration and peak temperature and are shorter for small particles than for large particles. Therefore, the size distribution of glass spheres recovered from ash deposits potentially record the short duration, high-temperature conditions of volcanic lightning discharges, which are hard to measure directly. We use a 1-D numerical solution to the heat equation to determine the timescales of heating and cooling of volcanic particles during and after rapid heating and compare these with the capillary timescale for rounding an angular particle. We define dimensionless parameters-capillary, Fourier, Stark, Biot, and Peclet numbers-to characterize the competition between heat transfer within the particle, heat transfer at the particle rim, and capillary motion, for particles of different sizes. We apply this framework to the lightning case and constrain a maximum size for ash particles susceptible to surface tension-driven rounding, as a function of lightning temperature and duration, and ash properties. The size limit agrees well with maximum sizes of glass spheres found in volcanic ash that has been subjected to lightning or experimental discharges, demonstrating that the approach that we develop can be used to obtain a first-order estimate of lightning conditions in volcanic plumes.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 8(8): 1878-1884, 2017 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28383893


A major hazard to jet engines posed by volcanic ash is linked to the wetting and spreading of molten ash droplets on engine component surfaces. Here, using the sessile drop method, we study the evolution of the wettability and spreading of volcanic ash. We employ rapid temperature changes up to 1040-1450 °C, to replicate the heating conditions experienced by volcanic ash entering an operating jet engine. In this scenario, samples densify as particles coalesce under surface tension until they form a large system-sized droplet (containing remnant gas bubbles and crystals), which subsequently spreads on the surface. The data exhibit a transition from a heterogeneous to a homogeneous wetting regime above 1315 °C as crystals in the drops are dissolved in the melt. We infer that both viscosity and microstructural evolution are key controls on the attainment of equilibrium in the wetting of molten volcanic ash droplets.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 7440, 2017 08 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28785004


Numerical modeling of ash plume dispersal is an important tool for forecasting and mitigating potential hazards from volcanic ash erupted during explosive volcanism. Recent tephra dispersal models have been expanded to account for dynamic ash aggregation processes. However, there are very few studies on rates of disaggregation during transport. It follows that current models regard ash aggregation as irrevocable and may therefore overestimate aggregation-enhanced sedimentation. In this experimental study, we use industrial granulation techniques to artificially produce aggregates. We subject these to impact tests and evaluate their resistance to break-up processes. We find a dependence of aggregate stability on primary particle size distribution and solid particle binder concentration. We posit that our findings could be combined with eruption source parameters and implemented in future tephra dispersal models.

Sci Rep ; 7: 40028, 2017 01 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28079121


During European prehistory, hilltop enclosures made from polydisperse particle-and-block stone walling were exposed to temperatures sufficient to partially melt the constituent stonework, leading to the preservation of glassy walls called 'vitrified forts'. During vitrification, the granular wall rocks partially melt, sinter viscously and densify, reducing inter-particle porosity. This process is strongly dependent on the solidus temperature, the particle sizes, the temperature-dependence of the viscosity of the evolving liquid phase, as well as the distribution and longevity of heat. Examination of the sintering behaviour of 45 European examples reveals that it is the raw building material that governs the vitrification efficiency. As Iron Age forts were commonly constructed from local stone, we conclude that local geology directly influenced the degree to which buildings were vitrified in the Iron Age. Additionally, we find that vitrification is accompanied by a bulk material strengthening of the aggregates of small sizes, and a partial weakening of larger blocks. We discuss these findings in the context of the debate surrounding the motive of the wall-builders. We conclude that if wall stability by bulk strengthening was the desired effect, then vitrification represents an Iron Age technology that failed to be effective in regions of refractory local geology.

Sci Rep ; 7: 45762, 2017 03 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28361966


Interactions with volcanic gases in eruption plumes produce soluble salt deposits on the surface of volcanic ash. While it has been postulated that saturation-driven precipitation of salts following the dissolution of ash surfaces by condensed acidic liquids is a primary mechanism of salt formation during an eruption, it is only recently that this mechanism has been subjected to detailed study. Here we spray water and HCl droplets into a suspension of salt-doped synthetic glass or volcanic ash particles, and produce aggregates. Deposition of acidic liquid droplets on ash particles promotes dissolution of existing salts and leaches cations from the underlying material surface. The flow of liquid, due to capillary forces, will be directed to particle-particle contact points where subsequent precipitation of salts will cement the aggregate. Our data suggest that volcanically-relevant loads of surface salts can be produced by acid condensation in eruptive settings. Several minor and trace elements mobilised by surface dissolution are biologically relevant; geographic areas with aggregation-mediated ash fallout could be "hotspots" for the post-deposition release of these elements. The role of liquids in re-distributing surface salts and cementing ash aggregates also offers further insight into the mechanisms which preserve well-structured aggregates in some ash deposits.